Get birthday greater than current date - sql

my user table is as follows:
birhtMonth: int
dayOfBirthday: int
HireDate: Date
REQUIREMENT: i want to get all upcoming birthdays and hire dates (day/month year is excluded here) in next 6 months, putting in consideration that for current month the day should be greater than today, so here's what i did:
#Query("from User u where ( (u.birthMonth in (8,9,10,11,12,1)) or (month(u.hireDate) in (8,9,10,11,12,1)) ) and = :company")
this gets all upcoming birthdays & hire dates in next six months but it gets birthdays & hire dates in this month for days before & after current day, and it should only get results > current day and ignore results < current day in this month.
today's date is 8/3/2013, if there's birthday with birthMonth=8 and dayOfBirth=3 or 2 or 1 it should be ignored only dayOfBirth > 3 in current month is considered, also if there's hirDate like:
they should be ignored too, please advise how to solve this in sql or hql.

Your hireDate is of type Date, so use a date comparison and use between such as:
(hireDate between :toDayParam and :sixMonthLaterParam)
for birthDate, you can compare with lpad(birthMonth, 2, 0) + lpad(birthDate, 2, 0) but you shall care about whether six month later is in next year or current year.

I think your looking for the DATE functions. They can greatly help you out here. Specifically the DATEADD function. Take a look at the code I made here.
SELECT * FROM dbo.product
WHERE dbo.product.stockDate > GETDATE()
AND dbo.product.stockDate < GETDATE() + DATEADD(month, 6, dbo.product.stockDate)
AND dbo.product.expirationDate > GETDATE()
AND dbo.product.expirationDate < GETDATE() + DATEADD(month, 6, dbo.product.expirationDate)
This will guarantee that the stockDate and the expirationDate are greater than the current date and less than the current date + 6 mo. DATEADD works as follows DATEADD(-what you want to increment by-, -how much you want to increment-, -date to add to-).


Find number of days in a given week according to the month for a given date. in SQL

Consider the date "2022-07-02"
For the month July first week only have 3 days in it.
I need to find the number of days in the week for the given date.
In above date the week has 3 days where "2022-07-02" day reside.
Example 2 :
For month June in 2022 first week has 5 days in the week
Therefore if i declare a date as "2022-06-03" it should pass the number of days in the week as 5
I need a query to find the number of days for the specific week.
set datefirst 1 -- assumes Monday is set as start of week
declare #myDate date = getdate();
-- calculate the next last day of week
declare #nextSunday date = dateadd(day, 7 - datepart(weekday, #myDate), #myDate);
select case
-- advancing into the next month implies a partial week
-- datediff(month, #myDate, nextSunday) = 1 would be equivalent
when day(#nextSunday) < day(#myDate) then 7 - day(#nextSunday)
-- else see if still within first week
when day(#nextSunday) < 7 then day(#nextSunday)
else 7 end;
Within a query you might use it this way:
select case
when day(nextSunday) < day(dateColumn) then 7 - day(nextSunday)
when day(nextSunday) < 7 then day(nextSunday)
else 7 end
myData cross apply (
values (dateadd(day, 7 - datepart(weekday, dateColumn), dateColumn))
) v(nextSunday);
If you don't want the shorthand form then just replace every instance of nextSunday in the final step with its full expression.
There's nothing in the logic that prevents this from working with another first day of week. I just chose a variable name that helped ellucidate this particular problem.

Based on a Variable Start Date + Days Interval, I need to find the next date after the current day

I have an Anchor Date, eg. 01-01-2020, which is a variable. I also have a days interval, eg. 7 days, which is also a variable. I need to get the next date on or after the current date which is a whole number of intervals after the anchor date.
It's 01-16-2020 right now. The date I would expect is 01-22-2020.
The result date will be within a SELECT Statement as a column. The select statement provides the variables.
7 - datediff(day, '2020-01-01', cast(getdate() as date)) % 7,
cast(getdate() as date)
Where the anchor date is '2020-01-01' and 7 is the interval.
This works by taking the days difference between the current date and the anchor: for today 2020-01-16, result is 15. Then we get the modulo 7 of this value (which is 1), and substract it from 7 (gives 6), which gives us the number of days that we need to add to the current date to get the expected value (2020-01-22).
Demo on DB Fiddle

How to decipher complex DATEADD function from MS Access

I have inherited a query from an old MS Access DB and cannot for the life of me figure out what was trying to be done in this date parameter function. I normally only use SQL and this seems a bit different. Can any one assist in describing what this logic is doing?
use pdx_sap_user
select po_number,
from vw_po_header
where po_issue_date > getDate() And PO_issue_date < DateAdd("d",-1,DateAdd("m",8,DateAdd("d",-(Day(getDate())-1),getDate())))
You can de-obfuscate it a lot by using DateSerial:
po_issue_date > getDate() And
po_issue_date < DateSerial(Year(getDate()), Month(getDate()) + 8, 0)
First: there is no getDate() function in Access. Probably it should be Date() which returns the current date.
Now starting from the inner expression:
Day(Date()) returns the current day as an integer 1-31.
So in DateAdd("d", -(Day(Date())-1), Date()) from the current date are subtracted as many days as needed to return the 1st of the current month.
DateAdd("m", 8, DateAdd("d", -(Day(Date())-1), Date()))
adds 8 months to the the 1st of the current month returning the 1st of the month of the date after 8 months.
DateAdd("d", -1,...)
subtracts 1 day from the date returned by the previous expression, returning the last day of the previous month of that date.
So if you run today 13-Sep-2019 this code, the result will be:
because this is the last day of the previous month after 8 months.
I think the following:
Take the current date
Substract the current day of month -1 to get the first day of current month
Add 8 month to this
Substract 1 day to get the last day of the previous month
So it calculates some deadline in approx 8 months.
But I wonder how a PO issue date can be in the future...

Select records when month and day are less than current date

I am using SQL Server Mgmt Studio. I need to create a formula that will only select records when the month and day of a date/time field, LAW_TAEEMASTER.MASTR_ENTRY, is less than or equal to the current month and day. For example, If LAW_TAEEMASTER.MASTR_ENTRY = 8/20/2015 and current date = 7/6/2017, exclude. If LAW_TAEEMASTER.MASTR_ENTRY = 12/21/2014 and current date = 1/15/2017, include. Date formatting is my weakness. Here is what I have tried:
but these just evaluate the month and day separately and as a number, greater than or less than, so it's excluding records. How can I get SQL to recognize these as part of a date and just ignore the year?
I would do this using month() and day():
where month(LAW_TAEEMASTER.MASTR_ENTRY) * 100 + day(LAW_TAEEMASTER.MASTR_ENTRY) < month(getdate()) * 100 + day(getdate())
If performance is an issue, I would recommend a computed column with an index.
Explain the logic and code:
Use CONVERT(varchar(5),<your_date> ,110)). The 110 arguement means USA standard time and have an ouput like mm-dd-yyyy. Then we only take the first five character which is the month and day of the date.
110 = mm-dd-yyyy
read more about cast and convert here
my sample table:
Then I executed this query
result:where month and day equal or earlier current month and day
I hope this helps and welcome to StackOverflow. If you find this answer or any other answer solves your problem please mark it as the solution. This will help the community and fellow programmers who run into the same problem in the future. Thanks.

SQL Server Date Logic - Finding the next reminder date

Given the following database table:
StartDate DATETIME -- day that the reminder period starts
LastReminderDate DATETIME -- the last time the reminder triggered
DayOfMonth INT -- the day of the month to remind the user
Interval INT -- how often in months to remind the user
How can I figure out the next reminder date based on these values? For example:
StartDate = '6/1/2011'
LastReminderDate = '6/5/2011'
DayOfMonth = 5 -- remind on the 5th of the month
Interval = 2 -- remind every other month
For this particular example, the next reminder date should be 8/5/2011 because it reminds on the 5th of the month every two months. How would I write a function to figure this out?
If LastReminderDate is NULL, then LastReminderDate should be equal to StartDate
StartDate = '6/1/2011'
LastReminderDate = NULL
DayOfMonth = 5
Interval = 2
In this case, there was no last reminder date. The first time the reminder would occur would be 6/5/2011. The solutions below seem to be returning 8/5 in this case.
Here are some specific rules:
The Reminder should always occur on whatever DayOfMonth is. If DayOfMonth would be illegal for the given month then it should be the last day of that month. For example....if DayOfMonth is 31 and the next reminder date would fall on June 31, then it should be June 30th instead.
The next reminder date should always be based off of the Last Reminder Date plus the Interval. If Last Reminder Date does not match the Day of Month, then it could potentially be more than what the interval was. For example...if Last Reminder was 6/1/2011 and the interval is 2 months, but the reminder is for the 20th of the month, then the next reminder will be 8/20/2011.
If there is no last reminder date, then use the Start Date instead of last reminder date...but this will use the earliest date in the future. If start date was 6/1/2011 and day of month is 5, then this will be 7/5/2011 since today is 6/22/2011. If Day of Month was 25 then it would be 6/25/2011
#StartDate AS datetime, -- day that the reminder period starts
#LastReminderDate AS datetime, -- the last time the reminder triggered
#DayOfMonth AS integer, -- the day of the month to remind the user
#Interval AS integer -- how often in months to remind the user
SET #StartDate = '6/1/2011'
SET #LastReminderDate = '6/5/2011'
SET #DayOfMonth = 5 -- remind on the 5th of the month
SET #Interval = 2 -- remind every other month
WHEN #LastReminderDate IS NULL
CASE WHEN Day(#StartDate) <= #DayOfMonth
THEN DateAdd( month, ((Year( #StartDate ) - 1900) * 12) + Month( #StartDate ) - 1, #DayOfMonth - 1 )
ELSE DateAdd( month, ((Year( #StartDate ) - 1900) * 12) + Month( #StartDate ) - 0, #DayOfMonth - 1 )
ELSE DateAdd( month, #Interval, #LastReminderDate )
The meat of this is the last four lines, the SELECT CASE ... END statement. I provided a whole script that lets you plug in different values, and see how the SELECT CASE ... END behaves for those test values.
But to just use this on your table, use only the last four lines (and remove the # from the front of the names so they match the table's column names).
You could also generalize this so that Interval doesn't have to be months. If your table had an IntervalType column, you could supply that as the first argument to DateAdd(). See the docs but some common intervals are days, months, years, and so on.
EDIT2: Respect DayOfMonth.
Since you want to use the StartDate if there is no LastReminderDate, then you'll want to use COALESCE for that bit of logic: COALESCE(LastReminderDate, StartDate)
Now, get to the last of the previous month: DATEADD(DAY, -DAY(COALESCE(LastReminderDate, StartDate)), COALESCE(LastReminderDate, StartDate))
Finally, add the months and then get to the date that we need:
DATEADD(MONTH, Interval, DATEADD(DAY, -DAY(COALESCE(LastReminderDate, StartDate)) + DayOfMonth, COALESCE(LastReminderDate, StartDate)))
This will potentially go forward less than two months if the date of the last reminder was on a day of the month after the "DayOfMonth" that's configured for the reminder. You should be able to tweak that depending on what your business logic is in that situation.