detecting jumps on pandas index dates - indexing

I managed to load historical data on data series on a large set of financial instruments, indexed by date.
I am plotting volume , price information without any issue.
What I want to achieve now is to determine if there is any big jump in dates, to see if I am missing large chunks of data.
The idea I had in mind was somehow to plot the difference in between two consecutive dates in the index and if the number is superior to 3 or 4 ( which is bigger than a week end and a bank holiday on a friday or monday ) then there is an issue.
Problem is I can figure out how do compute simply df[next day]-df[day], where df is indexed by day

You can use the shift Series method (note the DatetimeIndex method shifts by freq):
In [11]: rng = pd.DatetimeIndex(['20120101', '20120102', '20120106']) # DatetimeIndex like df.index
In [12]: s = pd.Series(rng) # df.index instead of rng
In [13]: s - s.shift()
0 NaT
1 1 days, 00:00:00
2 4 days, 00:00:00
dtype: timedelta64[ns]
In [14]: s - s.shift() > pd.offsets.Day(3).nanos
0 False
1 False
2 True
dtype: bool
Depending on what you want, perhaps you could either do any, or find the problematic values...
In [15]: (s - s.shift() > pd.offsets.Day(3).nanos).any()
Out[15]: True
In [16]: s[s - s.shift() > pd.offsets.Day(3).nanos]
2 2012-01-06 00:00:00
dtype: datetime64[ns]
Or perhaps find the maximum jump (and where it is):
In [17]: (s - s.shift()).max() # it's weird this returns a Series...
0 4 days, 00:00:00
dtype: timedelta64[ns]
In [18]: (s - s.shift()).idxmax()
Out[18]: 2
If you really wanted to plot this, simply plotting the difference would work:
(s - s.shift()).plot()


Some trouble as a beginner [duplicate]

This seems like a ridiculously easy question... but I'm not seeing the easy answer I was expecting.
So, how do I get the value at an nth row of a given column in Pandas? (I am particularly interested in the first row, but would be interested in a more general practice as well).
For example, let's say I want to pull the 1.2 value in Btime as a variable.
Whats the right way to do this?
>>> df_test
ATime X Y Z Btime C D E
0 1.2 2 15 2 1.2 12 25 12
1 1.4 3 12 1 1.3 13 22 11
2 1.5 1 10 6 1.4 11 20 16
3 1.6 2 9 10 1.7 12 29 12
4 1.9 1 1 9 1.9 11 21 19
5 2.0 0 0 0 2.0 8 10 11
6 2.4 0 0 0 2.4 10 12 15
To select the ith row, use iloc:
In [31]: df_test.iloc[0]
ATime 1.2
X 2.0
Y 15.0
Z 2.0
Btime 1.2
C 12.0
D 25.0
E 12.0
Name: 0, dtype: float64
To select the ith value in the Btime column you could use:
In [30]: df_test['Btime'].iloc[0]
Out[30]: 1.2
There is a difference between df_test['Btime'].iloc[0] (recommended) and df_test.iloc[0]['Btime']:
DataFrames store data in column-based blocks (where each block has a single
dtype). If you select by column first, a view can be returned (which is
quicker than returning a copy) and the original dtype is preserved. In contrast,
if you select by row first, and if the DataFrame has columns of different
dtypes, then Pandas copies the data into a new Series of object dtype. So
selecting columns is a bit faster than selecting rows. Thus, although
df_test.iloc[0]['Btime'] works, df_test['Btime'].iloc[0] is a little bit
more efficient.
There is a big difference between the two when it comes to assignment.
df_test['Btime'].iloc[0] = x affects df_test, but df_test.iloc[0]['Btime']
may not. See below for an explanation of why. Because a subtle difference in
the order of indexing makes a big difference in behavior, it is better to use single indexing assignment:
df.iloc[0, df.columns.get_loc('Btime')] = x
df.iloc[0, df.columns.get_loc('Btime')] = x (recommended):
The recommended way to assign new values to a
DataFrame is to avoid chained indexing, and instead use the method shown by
df.loc[df.index[n], 'Btime'] = x
df.iloc[n, df.columns.get_loc('Btime')] = x
The latter method is a bit faster, because df.loc has to convert the row and column labels to
positional indices, so there is a little less conversion necessary if you use
df.iloc instead.
df['Btime'].iloc[0] = x works, but is not recommended:
Although this works, it is taking advantage of the way DataFrames are currently implemented. There is no guarantee that Pandas has to work this way in the future. In particular, it is taking advantage of the fact that (currently) df['Btime'] always returns a
view (not a copy) so df['Btime'].iloc[n] = x can be used to assign a new value
at the nth location of the Btime column of df.
Since Pandas makes no explicit guarantees about when indexers return a view versus a copy, assignments that use chained indexing generally always raise a SettingWithCopyWarning even though in this case the assignment succeeds in modifying df:
In [22]: df = pd.DataFrame({'foo':list('ABC')}, index=[0,2,1])
In [24]: df['bar'] = 100
In [25]: df['bar'].iloc[0] = 99
/home/unutbu/data/binky/bin/ipython:1: SettingWithCopyWarning:
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame
See the caveats in the documentation:
self._setitem_with_indexer(indexer, value)
In [26]: df
foo bar
0 A 99 <-- assignment succeeded
2 B 100
1 C 100
df.iloc[0]['Btime'] = x does not work:
In contrast, assignment with df.iloc[0]['bar'] = 123 does not work because df.iloc[0] is returning a copy:
In [66]: df.iloc[0]['bar'] = 123
/home/unutbu/data/binky/bin/ipython:1: SettingWithCopyWarning:
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame
See the caveats in the documentation:
In [67]: df
foo bar
0 A 99 <-- assignment failed
2 B 100
1 C 100
Warning: I had previously suggested df_test.ix[i, 'Btime']. But this is not guaranteed to give you the ith value since ix tries to index by label before trying to index by position. So if the DataFrame has an integer index which is not in sorted order starting at 0, then using ix[i] will return the row labeled i rather than the ith row. For example,
In [1]: df = pd.DataFrame({'foo':list('ABC')}, index=[0,2,1])
In [2]: df
0 A
2 B
1 C
In [4]: df.ix[1, 'foo']
Out[4]: 'C'
Note that the answer from #unutbu will be correct until you want to set the value to something new, then it will not work if your dataframe is a view.
In [4]: df = pd.DataFrame({'foo':list('ABC')}, index=[0,2,1])
In [5]: df['bar'] = 100
In [6]: df['bar'].iloc[0] = 99
/opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pandas-0.16.0_19_g8d2818e-py2.7-macosx-10.9-x86_64.egg/pandas/core/ SettingWithCopyWarning:
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame
See the the caveats in the documentation:
self._setitem_with_indexer(indexer, value)
Another approach that will consistently work with both setting and getting is:
In [7]: df.loc[df.index[0], 'foo']
Out[7]: 'A'
In [8]: df.loc[df.index[0], 'bar'] = 99
In [9]: df
foo bar
0 A 99
2 B 100
1 C 100
Another way to do this:
first_value = df['Btime'].values[0]
This way seems to be faster than using .iloc:
In [1]: %timeit -n 1000 df['Btime'].values[20]
5.82 µs ± 142 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000 loops each)
In [2]: %timeit -n 1000 df['Btime'].iloc[20]
29.2 µs ± 1.28 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000 loops each)
df.iloc[0].head(1) - First data set only from entire first row.
df.iloc[0] - Entire First row in column.
In a general way, if you want to pick up the first N rows from the J column from pandas dataframe the best way to do this is:
data = dataframe[0:N][:,J]
To access a single value you can use the method iat that is much faster than iloc:
You can also use the method take:
.iat and .at are the methods for getting and setting single values and are much faster than .iloc and .loc. Mykola Zotko pointed this out in their answer, but they did not use .iat to its full extent.
When we can use .iat or .at, we should only have to index into the dataframe once.
This is not great:
It is not ideal because the 'Btime' column was first selected as a series, then .iat was used to index into that series.
These two options are the best:
Using zero-indexed positions:
df.iat[0, 4] # get the value in the zeroth row, and 4th column
Using Labels:[0, 'Btime'] # get the value where the index label is 0 and the column name is "Btime".
Both methods return the value of 1.2.
To get e.g the value from column 'test' and row 1 it works like
as only df[['test']].values[0] gives back a array
Another way of getting the first row and preserving the index:
x = df.first('d') # Returns the first day. '3d' gives first three days.
According to pandas docs, at is the fastest way to access a scalar value such as the use case in the OP (already suggested by Alex on this page).
Building upon Alex's answer, because dataframes don't necessarily have a range index it might be more complete to index df.index (since dataframe indexes are built on numpy arrays, you can index them like an array) or call get_loc() on columns to get the integer location of a column.[df.index[0], 'Btime']
df.iat[0, df.columns.get_loc('Btime')]
One common problem is that if you used a boolean mask to get a single value, but ended up with a value with an index (actually a Series); e.g.:
0 1.2
Name: Btime, dtype: float64
you can use squeeze() to get the scalar value, i.e.
df.loc[df['Btime']<1.3, 'Btime'].squeeze()

Groupby two columns one of them is datetime

I have data frame that I want to groupby by two columns one of them is datetime type. How can I do this?
import pandas as pd
import datetime as dt
df = pd.DataFrame({
'b':np.random.choice( [5,7,np.nan], 6),
'c':np.random.choice( ['panda','python','shark'], 6),
# some ways to create systematic groups for indexing or groupby
# this is similar to r's expand.grid(), see note 2 below
'd':np.repeat( range(3), 2 ),
'e':np.tile( range(2), 3 ),
# a date range and set of random dates
'f':pd.date_range('1/1/2011', periods=6, freq='D'),
'g':np.random.choice( pd.date_range('1/1/2011', periods=365,
freq='D'), 6, replace=False)
You can use pd.Grouper to specify groupby instructions. It can be used with pd.DatetimeIndex index to group data with specified frequency using the freq parameter.
Assumming that you have this dataframe:
df = pd.DataFrame(dict(
a=dict(date=pd.Timestamp('2020-05-01'), category='a', value=1),
b=dict(date=pd.Timestamp('2020-06-01'), category='a', value=2),
c=dict(date=pd.Timestamp('2020-06-01'), category='b', value=6),
d=dict(date=pd.Timestamp('2020-07-01'), category='a', value=1),
e=dict(date=pd.Timestamp('2020-07-27'), category='a', value=3),
You can set index to date column and it would be converted to pd.DatetimeIndex. Then you can use pd.Grouper among with another columns. For the following example I use category column.
freq='M' parameter used to group index using month frequency. There are number of string data series aliases that can be used in pd.Grouper
df.set_index('date').groupby([pd.Grouper(freq='M'), 'category'])['value'].sum()
date category
2020-05-31 a 1
2020-06-30 a 2
b 6
2020-07-31 a 4
Name: value, dtype: int64
Another example with your mcve:
df.set_index('g').groupby([pd.Grouper(freq='M'), 'c']).d.sum()
g c
2011-01-31 panda 0
2011-04-30 shark 2
2011-06-30 panda 2
2011-07-31 panda 0
2011-09-30 panda 1
2011-12-31 python 1
Name: d, dtype: int32

Pandas Series: Decrement DateTime by 100 Years

I have a pandas series as follows...
0 2039-03-16
1 2056-01-21
2 2051-11-18
3 2064-03-05
4 2048-06-05
Name: BIRTH, dtype: datetime64
It was created from string data as follows
s = data['BIRTH']
s = pd.to_datetime(s)
I want to convert all dates after year 2040 to 1940
I can do this for a single record as follows
but I really want to just run it over the whole series. I can't work it out. Help!??
PS - I know there's ways outside of pandas using Python's DT module but I'd like to learn how to do this within Pandas please
Using DateOffset is the obvious choice here:
df['date'] - pd.offsets.DateOffset(years=100)
0 1939-03-16
1 1956-01-21
2 1951-11-18
3 1964-03-05
4 1948-06-05
Name: date, dtype: datetime64[ns]
Assign it back:
df['date'] -= pd.offsets.DateOffset(years=100)
0 1939-03-16
1 1956-01-21
2 1951-11-18
3 1964-03-05
4 1948-06-05
We have the offsets module to deal with non-fixed frequencies, it comes in handy in situations like these.
To fix your code, you'd have wanted to apply datetime.replace rowwise using apply (not recommended):
df['date'].apply(lambda x: x.replace(year=x.year-100))
0 1939-03-16
1 1956-01-21
2 1951-11-18
3 1964-03-05
4 1948-06-05
Name: date, dtype: datetime64[ns]
Or using a list comprehension,
df.assign(date=[x.replace(year=x.year-100) for x in df['date']])
0 1939-03-16
1 1956-01-21
2 1951-11-18
3 1964-03-05
4 1948-06-05
Neither of these handle NaT entries very well.

Problems getting two columns into datetime.datetime format

I have code at the moment written to change two columns of my dataframe from strings into datetime.datetime objects similar to the following:
def converter(date):
date = dt.strptime(date, '%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S')
return date
df = pd.DataFrame({'A':['12/31/9999 0:00:00','1/1/2018 0:00:00'],
'B':['4/1/2015 0:00:00','11/1/2014 0:00:00']})
df['A'] = df['A'].apply(converter)
df['B'] = df['B'].apply(converter)
When I run this code and print the dataframe, it comes out like this
0 9999-12-31 00:00:00 2015-04-01
1 2018-01-01 00:00:00 2014-11-01
When I checked the data types of each column, they read
A object
B datetime64[ns]
But when I check the format of the actual cells of the first row, they read
<class 'datetime.datetime'>
<class 'pandas._libs.tslib.Timestamp'>
After experimenting around, I think I've run into an out of bounds error because of the date '12/31/9999 0:00:00' in column 'A' and this is causing this column to be cast as a datetime.datetime object. My question is how I can also convert column 'B' of my dataframe to a datetime.datetime object so that I can run a query on the columns similar to
df.query('A > B')
without getting an error or the wrong output.
Thanks in advance
Since '9999' is just some dummy year, you can simplify your life by choosing a dummy year which is in bounds (or one that makes more sense given your actual data):
import pandas as pd
df.replace('9999', '2060', regex=True).apply(pd.to_datetime)
0 2060-12-31 2015-04-01
1 2018-01-01 2014-11-01
A datetime64[ns]
B datetime64[ns]
dtype: object
As #coldspeed points out, it's perhaps better to remove those bad dates:
df.apply(pd.to_datetime, errors='coerce')
# A B
#0 NaT 2015-04-01
#1 2018-01-01 2014-11-01

pandas : reduction of timedelta64 using sum() results in int64?

According to the pandas 0.13.1 manual, you can reduce a numpy timedelta64 series:
This seems to work fine with, for example, mean():
0 00:00:00.000047
dtype: timedelta64[ns]
However, using sum(), this always results in an integer:
In [108]:
Is this a bug, or is there e.g. overflow that is causing this? Is it safe to cast the result into timedelta64? How would I work around this?
I am using numpy 1.8.0.
Looks like a bug, just filed this:
The results are in nanoseconds; as a work-around you can do this:
In [1]: s = pd.to_timedelta(range(4),unit='d')
In [2]: s
0 0 days
1 1 days
2 2 days
3 3 days
dtype: timedelta64[ns]
In [3]: s.mean()
0 1 days, 12:00:00
dtype: timedelta64[ns]
In [4]: s.sum()
Out[4]: 518400000000000
In [8]: pd.to_timedelta([s.sum()])
0 6 days
dtype: timedelta64[ns]