Tumblr like button not working after infinite scroll ajax recall - api

There are a few similar posts but they are quite out of date and Tumblr has updated the like part of the API not too long ago as far as I'm aware.
Creating a like button is as simple as
and this works great, but after the ajax recalls to get more posts from what would be the next page, the like button no longer works.
I have had a look at the documentation and it states that I need to implement one of the following, I was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction? I've been trying to get this to work for hours.
I made up an example blog if this helps contribute to answering, the javascript can do the mass amount of the implementing of new images.
If you need anymore info, i'll happily edit this and add what's required, thank you!

Adapted from my previous answer here: Using Tumblr Like Button with Infinite Scroll
Tumblr states we need to call one of two functions to get the Like Status. I would suggest the following:
Function: Tumblr.LikeButton.get_status_by_post_ids([n,n,n])
Description: Request Like status for individual posts. Takes an array of post IDs
Once the ajax request is successful , we should have a data object (containing new posts, etc).
We need to create an array of postIDs, which is an array containing an ID / number for each post in the data object. Easiest way to add the the post id is to use the theme variable {PostID}.
<article class="post" id="{PostID}">...</article>
jQuery Post IDs Array
var $newPosts = $(data).find('.post');
var $newPostIDs = $newPosts.map(function () {
return $(this).attr('id');
Create the array and call Tumblr.LikeButton once the ajax request is successful and in a place where you run other functions for the new Posts. This can also be done with pure javascript as using: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/map


How to detect when there's a new data from API using flat list in React Native?

I am building a react native apps using crna where there's flat list that showing data from API. It's quite like twitter or facebook's status feeds. And I would like to show some badge like this
When there's a new post and to make user aware of new post so they will refresh it.
Could anyone tell me what should I do to make this happen?
Thank you so much.
Not sure if you're using some kind of state management tool like redux, but it would just be a matter of calling the API every so-often and updating the state from there. I'm going to use redux as an example since it's quite popular
You'd prob want state that has the following info:
currentPosts: [] //array of posts that the user already sees
newPosts: [] // array of new posts user can't see until they hit "new posts" button
With redux, you can have a function that gets called every 5 or 10 seconds that checks the API to show where you get new post data from. If there is a new post, add it to the newPosts array. This would update state, and if your component is connected to state, it would update props.
With this logic, you'd be able to determine whether or not you should show the "new posts" button with a simple boolean. If the array is empty, hide it, if it isn't, show the button.
Once the button is clicked, you could update the state so that the newPosts data goes into the currentPosts array and those items will get rendered from there.
Hope this makes sense! There may be quite a lot I'm missing but that's the idea of how it could work. Lemme know if you have any questions

Get blog post custom field in template head - Sitefinity

I need to set several meta tag values in my page head to values set in blog post custom fields.
How do I access the blog item viewmodel from the head?
I've created a separate MVC view snippet for my custom head and referenced it in my template's layout, that much works.
I grab some of the same custom field values inside my blog template via references like Model.Item.Fields.MyFieldName.Fields.Title.
Adding this same line to the head template throws a
System.Web.HttpCompileException with little useful information attached. I somewhat expected this, as I suspect that viewmodel for the blog post only exists in the context of the blog widget.
Ends up that I need to rebuild after every change to the head cshtml file or I get this error. Seeing as this is about a four-minute process with Sitefinity (15 seconds to build, 3:45 to do whatever Sitefinity does for about four minutes), this is a gruelingly horrid thing to have to do.
However the Model is null at this level.
Also tried
Per the ever-helpful and highly knowledgeable #Veselin Vasilev, I looked into passing the data up via MetaDataFields. I didn't see these options in my admin section for the widget. To clarify, I'm using the built-in "Blog posts" widget with a customized view file.
But if it's possible to do this, it gives me hope that there's a way to pass more data up, even if it's going to take some work.
EDIT: Sitefinity v.10.2 and above:
There is an easier way to achieve what you are trying - in Page edit mode, in the Blog Posts widget click Edit and then Advanced. Then you should see a MetaDataFields button. Click it and you should see several meta data related fields.
In the MetaTitle field put the name of your custom field and save.
Also, from the docs:
If you leave MetaTitle field empty, Sitefinity CMS adds takes its value from the Title field of the static content item or from the identifier field of a dynamic content item. Otherwise, the tag is populated with the contents of the field that you have entered in MetaTitle field.
More details here:
Sitefinity 10.1 and below:
Check this article
Basically, in your view you get a reference to the Page object and then update its Header with the meta data you need.

Get ancestor object of un-saved object in Hobo

I'm working on a Hobo app trying to tie together a few models properly.
Activity objects have many Page children. They also have many DataSet children.
Page objects have several different kinds of children. We'll talk about Widget children, but there are several types with the same issue. An instance of a Widget belongs to a Page but also has a belongs_to relationship with a DataSet. Here's the important point: the DataSet must belong to the containing Activity. So for any given #widget:
#widget.page.activity === #widget.data_set.activity
It's easy enough to enforce this constraint in the model with a validation on save. The trick is presenting, within the Widget's form, a select menu of available DataSets which only contains DataSets for the current Activity
I was able to get this working for existing objects using a tag like this:
<data_set-tag: options="&DataSet.activity_is(&this.page.activity)" />
However, for a new Widget, this fails messily, because either &this or &this.page is not yet set. Even for a route which contains the page ID, like /pages/:page_id/widgets/new, I'm not really able to get an Activity to scope the list of DataSets with.
If this was proper Rails, I'd get in to the relevant controller method and make the Activity available to the view as #activity or something of the sort, but in Hobo the controllers seems to be 95% Magicâ„¢ and I don't know where to start. The knowledge of which Activity is current must be in there somewhere; how do I get it out?
This is Hobo 1.3.x on Rails 3.0.x.
ETA: The code producing the errors is in the form tag for Widget, like so:
<extend tag="form" for="Widget">
<old-form merge>
<field-list: fields="&this.field_order">
<data_set-tag: options="&DataSet.activity_is(&this.page.activity)" />
As I said above, this works for editing existing Widgets, but not new Widgets; the error is undefined method 'page' for nil:NilClass. Bryan Larsen's answer seems to suggest that &this.page should not be null.
it looks like you tried to post this question to the Hobo Users mailing list -- I got a moderation message, but it doesn't appear that your post got posted, nor can I find it to let it through. Please try reposting it, there are several helpful people on the list that don't monitor the Hobo tag here.
In Hobo 1.3, the new action doesn't support part AJAX, so there really isn't much magic. You can just replace the action with your own:
def new_for_page
#activity = Activity.find(...)
#page = Page.find(params[:page_id])
#widget = #page.widgets.new
There is a little bit of magic referenced above: if you're in WidgetsController, assigning to #widget will also assign to this.
But as you said, the knowledge is obviously in there somewhere, and your custom controller action shouldn't be necessary.
This statement seems wrong: However, for a new Widget, this fails messily, because either &this or &this.page is not yet set.
It looks like you're properly using owner actions. /pages/:page_id/widgets/new is the route. In widgets_controller it's the new_for_page action. In a new or new_for action, this is set to an unsaved version of the object. In your action, it should have been created with the equivalent of Page.find(params[:page]).widgets.new. In other words, both this and this.page should be populated.
I'm sure you didn't make your statement up out of thin air, so there's probably something else going on.
In the end, it turned out to be syntax. Instead of
<data_set-tag: options="&DataSet.activity_is(&this.page.activity)" />
I needed
<data_set-tag: options="&DataSet.activity_is(#this.page.activity)" />
(note the #).
We actually made this into a helper method, so the final code is
<data_set-tag: options="&DataSet.activity_is(activity_for(#this))" />

POST a HTML Form programmatically?

I need to POST a HTML form to a 3rd party website (a Mass-SMS texting system).
In the past I've done this by forwarding to a page containing a form I've pre-populated and hidden (using display:none), then I've ran a javascript function at the end of the page to automatically submit this form.
However I'm hoping theres someway I can do all this programmatically (as I don't care about the response, and the user doesn't need to see the page the form is being posted to).
How can I do this? Cheers
You could use a WebClient.UploadValues method to send an HTTP POST request to a remote server from your code behind. Just fill up the name/value collection with the values coming from the hidden fields.
If you're willing to get into PHP, you can very easily use cURL for this.
Otherwise it's going to be quite difficult using just Javascript.
See here for a detailed tutorial.

The ted.com twitter widget?

On all the videos on ted, there is a widget thing with an inputfield that says tweet this (we'll add the url later) you put stuff in a box, it get's a tiny-url and get's pushed to facebook.
I'm trying to figure out what it's called. Does anyone have a clue?
Looks like they are using the service provided by AddThis. Looking at their site, they offer some stock sharing links, but also have an API for creating more advanced ones.