How can I count the number of instances of this character at the end of a string in SQL or PL/SQL? - sql

I've got a string that ends with a certain number of '=' characters at the end. It's basically a base 64 string.
How can I get this count of '=' characters at the end? A built-in SQL function or regex would be preferred.
I know about the instr function, but it doesn't seem like it could be applied here. I'm not sure if a regex would apply here either.

Use length and replace
select length(some_column) - length(replace(some_column, '=', ''))
from your_table

SELECT REGEXP_COUNT('hello world==', '=') cnt FROM dual
SELECT count(distinct(Instr('hello world==','=', LEVEL))) cnt
FROM dual
CONNECT BY LEVEL <= Length('hello world==')


How do I dynamically extract substring from string?

I’m trying to dynamically extract a substring from a very long URL. For example, I may have the following URLs: Version=“” GHIJK Version=“” IJKLM Version=“” 12345
I am trying to extract the version code only (
This is what I have so far:
SELECT SUBSTR(col, INSTR(col, ‘Version=“‘)+9)
FROM table
This query returns the following result:” GHIJK … (url continues on)
So, I attempt to find “Version” in the link, so I can start from the same position in each row. This works fine, however I’m having a hard time dynamically locating the ending quote (“). I tried using INSTR in the third parameter of my SUBSTR function, like so:
SELECT SUBSTR(col, INSTR(col, ‘Version=“‘)+9, INSTR(col, ‘“‘))
FROM table
I figured that this would find the position of the ending quote, and then use that number for the length, but it returns a strange output. I’ve also used POSITION, CHARINDEX, LENGTH, and LOCATE. None of these functions work in Oracle.
I think maybe when I put +9 after the first INSTR function, it’s setting the query to a fixed position instead of a dynamic one, but I’m not sure how else to remove ‘Version=“‘.
Here's one option (which, actually, selects what's between double quotes - that's version in your example; if there were some other similar substring, you'd get a wrong result).
with test (col) as
(select ' Version="" GHIJK' from dual union all
select ' Version="" IJKLM' from dual union all
select ' Version="" 12345' from dual
select col,
replace(regexp_substr(col, '".+"'), '"') version
from test;
which results in Version="" GHIJK Version="" IJKLM Version="" 12345
You can still use use INSTR to locate the second " in the string, then subtract the location of the first " to get the length that you need to get. Below is an example query:
SUBSTR (col, INSTR (col, '"') + 1, INSTR (col, '"', 1, 2) - INSTR (col, '"') - 1) version
FROM test;
You can use REGEXP_SUBSTR() with Version=(\d.*\d?) pattern in order to extract the piece between Version=" and "(your quotes are presumed to be regular double quotes " ")
SELECT REGEXP_SUBSTR(url,'Version="(\d.*\d)"',1,1,null,1) AS version
the third argument(1) is position,
the fourth argument(1) is occurence, and especially important to use the last one as being capture group (1)
indeed using '"(\d.*\d)"' pattern is enough for the
current data set
REGEXP_REPLACE() with capture group \2 as
SELECT REGEXP_REPLACE(url,'^(.*Version=")([^"]*).*','\2') AS version

Get the data from a string between double quotes in Oracle

I have a string with double quotes inside.
<cosmtio :ff "intermit"ksks>
I need the data between the ""
I have tried the regexp_substr but still couldn't get the value between double-quotes.
We could try using REGEXP_REPLACE here:
REGEXP_REPLACE(string, '.*"([^"]+)".*', '\1') AS quoted_term
FROM yourTable;
WITH yourTable AS (
SELECT '<cosmtio :ff "intermit"ksks>' AS string FROM dual
Another option, using REGEXP_SUBSTR:
TRIM(BOTH '"' FROM REGEXP_SUBSTR(string, '".*"'))
FROM yourTable;
But this approach requires nesting two function calls, which means it might not outperform the REGEXP_REPLACE version.
You need to use REGEXP_SUBSTR:
SELECT REGEXP_SUBSTR('<cosmtio :ff "intermit"ksks>', '"([^"]+)"', 1, 1, NULL, 1) AS Result FROM DUAL
See the online demo.
The regex is simple: "([^"]+)" matches ", then captures any 1+ chars other than " into Group 1 and then matches ". The last argument is 1 telling Oracle REGEXP_SUBSTR to return the Group 1 values. The first (position) and the second (occurrence) arguments are default, 1. NULL means no specific options need to be passed to the regex engine.
You can try the following:
SELECT REGEXP_REPLACE('<cosmtio :ff "intermit"ksks>', '^[^"]*("([^"]*)")?.*', '\2') FROM dual
It is possible with regexp_substr as following:
regexp_substr('<cosmtio :ff "intermit"ksks>', '[^"]+', 1, 2)
from dual;

ORACLE regexp_substr extract everything after specific char

How to get rest of string after specific char?
I have a string 'a|b|c|2|:x80|3|rr|' and I would like to get result after 3rd occurance of |. So the result should be like 2|:x80|3|rr|
The query
select REGEXP_SUBSTR('a|b|c|2|:x80|3|rr|','[^|]+$',1,4)
from dual
Returned me NULL
Use SUBSTR / INSTR combination
WITH t ( s ) AS (
SELECT 'a|b|c|2|:x80|3|rr|'
FROM dual
) SELECT substr(s,instr(s,'|',1,3) + 1)
REGEXP_REPLACE() will do the trick. Skip 3 groups of anything followed by a pipe, then replace with the 2nd group, which is the rest of the line (anchored to the end).
SQL> select regexp_replace('a|b|c|2|:x80|3|rr|', '(.*?\|){3}(.*)$', '\2') trimmed
2 from dual;
I suggest a nice by long way by using regexp_substr, regexp_count and listagg together as :
select listagg(str) within group (order by lvl)
as "Result String"
with t(str) as
select 'a|b|c|2|:x80|3|rr|' from dual
select level-1 as lvl,
regexp_substr(str,'(.*?)(\||$)',1,level) as str
from dual
cross join t
connect by level <= regexp_count('a|b|c|2|:x80|3|rr|','\|')
where lvl >= 3;
Rextester Demo
If you use oracle 11g and above you can specify a subexpression to return like this:
select REGEXP_SUBSTR('a|b|c|2|:x80|3|rr|','([^|]+\|){3}(.+)$',1,1,null,2) from dual
You need to use the combination of SUBSTR and REGEXP_INSTR OR INSTR.
Your query will look like this. (Without Regex)
SELECT SUBSTR('a|b|c|2|:x80|3|rr|',INSTR('a|b|c|2|:x80|3|rr|','|',1,3)+1) from dual;
Your query will look like this. (With Regex as you want to use)
SELECT SUBSTR('a|b|c|2|:x80|3|rr|',REGEXP_INSTR('a|b|c|2|:x80|3|rr|','\|',1,3)+1) from dual;
First, you will need to find the place of the string you want as you mentioned. So in your case | comes at place 6. So that +1 would be your position to start to substring.
Second, from the original string, substring from that position+1 to unlimited.(Where your string ends)

remove & symbolic from Query

we have Oracle query running in Informatica SQ transformation, I have given my query below
(SELECT regexp_replace('assaley&','(!##$%^\&*()_+=)*','') as RECIPIENTS FROM DUAL) T1,
TABLE( xmlsequence( XMLTYPE( '<x><x>' || REPLACE(t1.RECIPIENTS, ',', '</x><x>') || '</x></x>' ).EXTRACT('//x/*'))) t
where length(T1.RECIPIENTS) =28 -- and length(T1.RECIPIENTS) > 25
if i run this above query prompting some user input due '&' this symbolic reference, i should turnoff this prompt step.
could any one help me with this one?
Note: 'assaley&' this value is hard-coded value.
One method is to use UNISTR function and hardcode& as unicode literal: \0026:
SELECT unistr( 'assaley\' ) x
from dual;
Regardless of the issue you are currently experiencing, the code should be corrected.
Within the regular expression you should use square brackets instead or round brackets.
Round brackets are intend for expression capturing.
Square brackets are intend for characters set.
SELECT regexp_replace('assaley&','[!##$%^\&*()_+=]+','') as RECIPIENTS
Or -
remove anything except for letters and digits:
SELECT regexp_replace('assaley&','[^[:alpha:][:digit:]]','') as RECIPIENTS

sql Search a string between certain words

If the key word is "Find", is it possible to extract a string that is between the "Find"?
stackoverflow is awesome. FindHello, World!Find It has everything!
The result should be 'Hello, World!' because the string is between "Find"
My initial idea was to use Instr to locate two "Find", then locate what's between "Find".
Is there any better way to do this?
You can use either regular expressions or instr() to achieve what you're after.
I actually prefer regular expressions, if you're using version 10g or later, because I find doing multiple contortions with instr() fairly unwieldy, but it's up to you.
with phrases as (
select 'stackoverflow is awesome. FindHello, World!Find It has everything!' as phrase
from dual
select substr( phrase
, instr(phrase,'Find',1,1) + 4
, instr(phrase,'Find',1,2)
- instr(phrase,'Find',1,1)
- 4
from phrases
This gets the first and second occurrences of the string Find, starting from the first character, then uses these to work out the positions that you should be doing the sub-string on.
Alternatively, using regular expressions:
with phrases as (
select 'stackoverflow is awesome. FindHello, World!Find It has everything!' as phrase
from dual
select regexp_replace(phrase
, '([[:print:]]+Find)([[:print:]]+)(Find[[:print:]]+)', '\2')
from phrases
This takes any printable character multiple times, followed by the string Find etc. But, the main bit is the grouping (), which separates each part of the phrase. The \2 means that of the original matched string only the second group, i.e. that between the Find's is returned.
Here's a little SQL Fiddle to demonstrate.
This query suppose to handle more than two 'Find's
with SourceString as(
select 'Find123Find45345Find76876234Find87687Find' s_string
, 'Find' delimiter
from dual
select substr(s_string, f_f - s_f + length(delimiter), s_f-Length(delimiter ) )
from (select f_f
, s_f
from(select f_f
, f_f - lag(f_f, 1, f_f) over(order by 1) s_f
from (select Instr(s_string, delimiter , 1, level) f_f
from SourceString
connect by level <= Length(s_string))
where s_f > 0)
, SourceString