sql Search a string between certain words - sql

If the key word is "Find", is it possible to extract a string that is between the "Find"?
stackoverflow is awesome. FindHello, World!Find It has everything!
The result should be 'Hello, World!' because the string is between "Find"
My initial idea was to use Instr to locate two "Find", then locate what's between "Find".
Is there any better way to do this?

You can use either regular expressions or instr() to achieve what you're after.
I actually prefer regular expressions, if you're using version 10g or later, because I find doing multiple contortions with instr() fairly unwieldy, but it's up to you.
with phrases as (
select 'stackoverflow is awesome. FindHello, World!Find It has everything!' as phrase
from dual
select substr( phrase
, instr(phrase,'Find',1,1) + 4
, instr(phrase,'Find',1,2)
- instr(phrase,'Find',1,1)
- 4
from phrases
This gets the first and second occurrences of the string Find, starting from the first character, then uses these to work out the positions that you should be doing the sub-string on.
Alternatively, using regular expressions:
with phrases as (
select 'stackoverflow is awesome. FindHello, World!Find It has everything!' as phrase
from dual
select regexp_replace(phrase
, '([[:print:]]+Find)([[:print:]]+)(Find[[:print:]]+)', '\2')
from phrases
This takes any printable character multiple times, followed by the string Find etc. But, the main bit is the grouping (), which separates each part of the phrase. The \2 means that of the original matched string only the second group, i.e. that between the Find's is returned.
Here's a little SQL Fiddle to demonstrate.

This query suppose to handle more than two 'Find's
with SourceString as(
select 'Find123Find45345Find76876234Find87687Find' s_string
, 'Find' delimiter
from dual
select substr(s_string, f_f - s_f + length(delimiter), s_f-Length(delimiter ) )
from (select f_f
, s_f
from(select f_f
, f_f - lag(f_f, 1, f_f) over(order by 1) s_f
from (select Instr(s_string, delimiter , 1, level) f_f
from SourceString
connect by level <= Length(s_string))
where s_f > 0)
, SourceString


ORACLE regexp_substr extract everything after specific char

How to get rest of string after specific char?
I have a string 'a|b|c|2|:x80|3|rr|' and I would like to get result after 3rd occurance of |. So the result should be like 2|:x80|3|rr|
The query
select REGEXP_SUBSTR('a|b|c|2|:x80|3|rr|','[^|]+$',1,4)
from dual
Returned me NULL
Use SUBSTR / INSTR combination
WITH t ( s ) AS (
SELECT 'a|b|c|2|:x80|3|rr|'
FROM dual
) SELECT substr(s,instr(s,'|',1,3) + 1)
REGEXP_REPLACE() will do the trick. Skip 3 groups of anything followed by a pipe, then replace with the 2nd group, which is the rest of the line (anchored to the end).
SQL> select regexp_replace('a|b|c|2|:x80|3|rr|', '(.*?\|){3}(.*)$', '\2') trimmed
2 from dual;
I suggest a nice by long way by using regexp_substr, regexp_count and listagg together as :
select listagg(str) within group (order by lvl)
as "Result String"
with t(str) as
select 'a|b|c|2|:x80|3|rr|' from dual
select level-1 as lvl,
regexp_substr(str,'(.*?)(\||$)',1,level) as str
from dual
cross join t
connect by level <= regexp_count('a|b|c|2|:x80|3|rr|','\|')
where lvl >= 3;
Rextester Demo
If you use oracle 11g and above you can specify a subexpression to return like this:
select REGEXP_SUBSTR('a|b|c|2|:x80|3|rr|','([^|]+\|){3}(.+)$',1,1,null,2) from dual
You need to use the combination of SUBSTR and REGEXP_INSTR OR INSTR.
Your query will look like this. (Without Regex)
SELECT SUBSTR('a|b|c|2|:x80|3|rr|',INSTR('a|b|c|2|:x80|3|rr|','|',1,3)+1) from dual;
Your query will look like this. (With Regex as you want to use)
SELECT SUBSTR('a|b|c|2|:x80|3|rr|',REGEXP_INSTR('a|b|c|2|:x80|3|rr|','\|',1,3)+1) from dual;
First, you will need to find the place of the string you want as you mentioned. So in your case | comes at place 6. So that +1 would be your position to start to substring.
Second, from the original string, substring from that position+1 to unlimited.(Where your string ends)

Using REGEXP_SUBSTR with Strings Qualifier

Getting Examples from similar Stack Overflow threads,
Remove all characters after a specific character in PL/SQL
How to Select a substring in Oracle SQL up to a specific character?
I would want to retrieve only the first characters before the occurrence of a string.
The Resulting Data set should only show only STRING_EXAM and TREE_OF_AP because PLE is my delimiter
Whenever i use the below REGEXP_SUBSTR, It gets only STRING_ because REGEXP_SUBSTR treats PLE as separate expressions (P, L and E), not as a single expression (PLE).
How can i do this without using numerous INSTRs and SUBSTRs?
Thank you.
The problem with your query is that if you use [^PLE] it would match any characters other than P or L or E. You are looking for an occurence of PLE consecutively. So, use
select REGEXP_SUBSTR(colname,'(.+)PLE',1,1,null,1)
from tablename
This returns the substring up to the last occurrence of PLE in the string.
If the string contains multiple instances of PLE and only the substring up to the first occurrence needs to be extracted, use
select REGEXP_SUBSTR(colname,'(.+?)PLE',1,1,null,1)
from tablename
Why use regular expressions for this?
select substr(colname, 1, instr(colname, 'PLE')-1) from...
would be more efficient.
inputs( colname ) as (
select 'FIRST_EXAMPLE' from dual union all
select 'IMPLEMENTATION' from dual union all
select 'PARIS' from dual union all
select 'PLEONASM' from dual
select colname, substr(colname, 1, instr(colname, 'PLE')-1) as result
from inputs
-------------- ----------

How to replace more than one character in oracle?

How to replace multiple whole characters, except those in combinations...?
The below code replaces multiple characters, but it also disturbing those in combinations.
SELECT regexp_replace('a,ca,va,ea,r,y,q,b,g','(a|y|q|g)','X') RESULT FROM dual;
Current output:
Expected output:
I just want to replace only separate whole characters('a','y','q','g'), but not the 1 in combinations('ca','va','ea')...
Because you are delimiting with a comma ',' you can combine that like ',a,'
and this will replace only single a's.
you can try follows:
with t as
select 'a,ca,va,ea,r,y,q,b,g' str
from dual
select substr(sys_connect_by_path(regexp_replace(regexp_substr(str, '[^,]+', 1, level), '^(a|y|q|g)$', 'X'), ','), 2) as str
from t
where connect_by_isleaf = 1
connect by level <= length(regexp_replace(str, '[^,]*')) + 1;
Sadly oracle doesn´t support lookahead and lookbehind. But this is a solution i came up with.
SELECT regexp_replace
I had to use the regexp twice sadly, since it doesn´t find two similar values following after each other and replacing it. ..,a,y,.. is getting replaced as ..,X,y,... So the second call replaces the missing [ayqg] with the exact values. In the first inner regexp call replaces the first and last values.
Maybe this could be simplified into one expression, but i am not that conform with the regex from oracle.
As a explanation i am grouping the commata and basicly replace every ,[ayqg], with ,X, by backreferencing the commata
You would look for word boundaries, which is \b, and which is unfortunately not supported by Oracle's regexp_replace.
So let's look for a non-word character \W or the beginning ^ or ending $ of the text.
regexp_replace('a,ca,va,ea,r,y,q,b,g','(^|$|\W)(a|y|q|g)(^|$|\W)','\1X\3') as result
from dual;
In order to not remove the non-word characters, we must have them in the replace string: \1 for the expression in the first parenteses, \3 for the ones in the third. Thus we only change the expression in the second parentheses, which is a, y, q or g, with X.
Unfortunately above gives
The q was not replaced, because we recognize ',y,' thus being positioned a 'g,' whereas we'd need to be positioned at ',g,' to recognize g as a word, too.
So we need to replace in iterations (i.e. recursively):
with results(txt, num) as
select 'a,ca,va,ea,r,y,q,b,g' as txt, 0 as num from dual
union all
select regexp_replace(txt, '(^|$|\W)(a|y|q|g)(^|$|\W)','\1X\3'), num + 1 as num
from results
where txt <> regexp_replace(txt, '(^|$|\W)(a|y|q|g)(^|$|\W)','\1X\3')
select max(txt) keep (dense_rank last order by num) as result
from results;
EDIT: Kevin Esche is right; of course one has to do it only twice. Hence you can also do:
regexp_replace(txt, search_str, replace_str) as result
regexp_replace(txt, search_str, replace_str) as txt, search_str, replace_str
'a,ca,va,ea,r,y,q,y,q,b,g' as txt,
'(^|$|\W)(a|y|q|g)(^|$|\W)' as search_str,
'\1X\3' as replace_str
from dual
with replaced_values as (
SELECT case when length(val)=1 then regexp_replace(val,'(a|y|q|g)','X') else val end new_val, lvl
from (
SELECT regexp_substr('a,ca,va,ea,r,y,q,b,g','[^,]+', 1, LEVEL) val, level lvl FROM dual
connect by regexp_substr('a,ca,va,ea,r,y,q,b,g','[^,]+',1, LEVEL) is not null
) all_values
select lISTAGG(new_val, ',') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY lvl) RESULT
from replaced_values
This statement pivots data into rows and replaces only lines wich contains one character.
Data are then unpivoted in one rows
This sql works also with empty entries like 'a,,,b,c' and more complex regular expressions:
with t as
(select ',a,,ca,va,ea,bbb,ba,r,y,q,b,g,,,' as str,
',' as delimiter,
'(a|y|q|g|ea|[b]*)' as regexp_expr,
'X' as replace_expr
from dual)
(select substr (sys_connect_by_path(regexp_replace(substr(str,
decode(level - 1, 0, 0, instr(str, ',', 1, level - 1)) + 1,
decode(instr(str, ',', 1, level),
instr(str, ',', 1, level) - 1) -
decode(level - 1, 0, 0, instr(str, ',', 1, level - 1))),
'^' || regexp_expr || '$',
replace_expr), ','), 2)
from t
where connect_by_isleaf = 1
connect by level <= length(regexp_replace(str, '[^'|| delimiter||']')) + 1)
Don't Know much Oracle, but I would have thought something like this could work. Assuming the delimiter is always a comma.
regexp_replace(regexp_replace(regexp_replace(regexp_replace(regexp_replace('a,ca,va,ea,r,y,q,b,g','(,a,|,y,|,q,|,g,)',',X,') ,'(,a,|,y,|,q,|,g,)',',X,'), '(^a,|^y,|^q,|^g,)','X,'), '(,a$|,y$|,q$|,g$)',',X'), '(^a$|^y$|^q$|^g$)','X')
The first two parts replaces a single character in commas in the middle, the third part gets those at the start of the string, the fourth is for the end of the string and the fifth is for when then string has just one character.
This answer might will be simplifiable by advanced Regexp use.
How i can replace words?
RS & OS ===> D, LS & IS ==== >
SECTION_ID Output required
1-LS-1991 1-P-1991
1-IS-1991 1-P-1991
1-RS-1991 1- D- 1991
1-OS-1991 1-D-1991

Counting word lengths in a string

I am using an Oracle regular expression to extract the first letter of each word in a string. The results are returned in a single cell, with spaces representing hard breaks. Here is an example...
'I hope that some kind person
browsing stack overflow
can help me'
ihtskp bso chm
What I am trying to do next is count the length of each "word" in my output, like this:
6 3 3
Alternatively, a count of the words in each line of the original string would be acceptable, as it would yield the same result.
Count the number of spaces and add one:
select (length(your_col) - length(replace(your_col, ' '))+1) from your_table;
It will give you the number of words per line. From there you can get all counts on one line by using listagg function:
select LISTAGG(cnt,' ') within group (order by null) from (
select (length(a)-length(replace(a,' '))+1) cnt from (
select 'apa bpa bv' a from dual
union all
select 'n bb gg' a from dual
union all
select 'ff ff rr gg' a from dual))
group by null;
Perhaps you also need to split the strings if they contain newlines or are they split already?
I tried to edit my original post but it hasn't appeared, but I figured out a way to solve my issue. I just decided to break the words into rows, since I know how to character count rows, and then reassembled the character counts into a single cell using listagg:
with my_string as (
select regexp_substr (words,'[0-9]+|[a-z]+|[A-Z]+',1,lvl) parsed
from (
select words, level lvl
from letters connect by level <= length(words) - length(replace(words,' ')) + 1)
select listagg(length(parsed),' ') within group (order by parsed) word_count
from my_string

How can I count the number of instances of this character at the end of a string in SQL or PL/SQL?

I've got a string that ends with a certain number of '=' characters at the end. It's basically a base 64 string.
How can I get this count of '=' characters at the end? A built-in SQL function or regex would be preferred.
I know about the instr function, but it doesn't seem like it could be applied here. I'm not sure if a regex would apply here either.
Use length and replace
select length(some_column) - length(replace(some_column, '=', ''))
from your_table
SELECT REGEXP_COUNT('hello world==', '=') cnt FROM dual
SELECT count(distinct(Instr('hello world==','=', LEVEL))) cnt
FROM dual
CONNECT BY LEVEL <= Length('hello world==')