RabbitMQ installation with non root user? - rabbitmq

I am newbie with RabbitMQ planning to use this in one of our product lines. I read in RabbitMQ documents that only ROOT user can install and setup RabbitMQ. Is this a mandate??

In conventional configurations unix systems only the root user can perform system installations
On the other hand the user's default rabbitmq
user: guest
pass: guest


Is it possible to reconfigure Rabbit MQ once you have changed machine to point at the new machine without uninstalling or demising it

I've come into an issue post install of Rabbit MQ where it was all set up and configured with the web apps on the machine and communicating to local applications however the machine had to be moved to a different tranch of machines and renamed as a result. Now Rabbit MQ can no longer serve or handle comms as intended as it's config points to rabbit#PREVIOUS_MACHINE instead of rabbit#CURRENT_MACHINE.
In the rabbit MQ config however, to complicate this, there was some configuration that was done from the users on the system that were fed into the local apps that are then encrypted into that local app's database and used for communicating with all the local apps. the issue here is if I drop and recreate Rabbit MQ a make a new user this won't align to what the other internal apps are using and I believe they are not configurable post install so a reinstall of everything is the potential impact.
the question is, is it possible to re-config or update the current RabbitMQ installation files to now point at the local machine name instead of the previous machine name AND I guess by proxy is this something that would even work. The docs over at rabbitmq don't quite deal with this specific scenario, unfortunately from what I've read through.
so i want to confirm that RMQ is the absolute dogs tits of a black magic box.
following these steps from here minus the first two
How to change RabbitMQ node name without changing my hostname
this is the inverse of my problem pretty much. But for those in the future who have this issue;
I had Rabbit MQ on another machine installed and running, the machines name was changed and the solution was to uninstall the service, delete the db and reinstall the service. SOMEHOW rmq manages to keep the config knowledge of all the queues that were in the db in the system and when you reinstall the service it brings all the queues back as well. the only issue I had after that was to remember my username and password that were not default user set ups and I did so that solved my issue. still have no idea how RMQ manages to remember the previous configs despite deleting the local db, crazy cool. very grateful to whoever built that into the tool

How can I install the p-rabbitmq service on my local pcfdev?

I am running the pcfdev v11.2.0 locally on my laptop.
When I try to list the marketplace it is empty.
$ cf marketplace
Getting services from marketplace in org cfdev-org / space cfdev-space as admin...
No service offerings found
I understand that I need a service-broker for this but am not sure where I can get one from. Also, once I install/deploy the service broker how can I create a service from it for rabbitmq ?
I did explore the bosh route too and all I could find was the multitenant broker for rabbitmq.
I was able to create a CUPS for my local rabbitmq running on my laptop, but would like to get the standard (ie non-CUPS) service for rabbitmq working.
Since this is just for local development, a single node rabbitmq would be fine.
Please advise/suggest some options if you have worked this out already.
I am a maintainer of CF Dev. Installing additional services is a topic covered in the FAQ.
The only service available is mysql. How do I get access to pivotal apps manager, rabbitmq, redis, spring-cloud-services?
A separate asset is needed. You can download the correct asset for your platform at https://network.pivotal.io/products/pcfdev. Then you perform a start with the downloaded asset specified via the -f flag, like so: cf dev start -f ./pcfdev-v*.tgz.

How can I use RabbitMQ user access management in iAPC?

I'm setting up a new RabbitMQ service in iAPC (Swisscom app cloud) and I need to control the user access of the different producer/consumer application.
My access control requirement:
Application A can only write to queue X.
Application B can only read from queue X.
RabbitMQ provides usually user management functionalities. However, the whole user management in the admin section, RabbitMQ management GUI, is not available.
What solution does exist in iAPC to manage read/write permissions for different applications which have an app binding?
Is it even possible to setup different users?
I believe there is no way to add additional users in these managed RabbitMQ service deployments provided by Swisscom. This is quite similar across all of the available shared services (e.g. ElasticSearch or MariaDB) which come with a preset of defined users. I assume that this is true because those are actually shared services (as opposed to dedicated ones), where there may be authentication / security concerns if you are allowed to administer existing users.
For anyone who is interested the way to access your RabbitMQ CloudFoundry service admin interface via the provided environment parameters to see what is possible:
bind your RabbitMQ service to a running app instance (e.g. MY-APP)
look at the environment of that app with cf env MY-APP
tunnel the RabbitMQ management port to your localhost:
cf ssh -N -T -L 15000:rabbitmq.service.consul:15672 MY-APP
open a webbrowser and look at http://localhost:15000
Use the Username and Password you found in step (2) under rabbitmqent > credentials > management to log in

Fetching or viewing a rabbitmq results

When I was trying to display rabbitmq queue details as follows, It display result as follows:
sudo rabbitmqctl list_queues | grep notifications.info
notifications.info 37
Now my question is that how to fetch or view those messages or information contained in notifications.info.
In case you have the admin plugin installed, you can peek inside those messages using the admin UI. Usually available on port 15672 of your rabbitmq host.
You can see if this plugin is installed by running:
rabbitmq-plugins list
Another way to receive messages from the queue is by using one of the many rabbitmq clients. E.g. the RabbitMq java client: https://www.rabbitmq.com/java-client.html. What's your favorite programming language? Chances are that there is a client for you. Here is an overview of available clients: https://www.rabbitmq.com/devtools.html

Celery, rabbitmq: How to install remote worker?

Can I have multiple machines to execute the tasks and return messages that are distributed by django? I looked into celery/rabbitmq, I'm not sure if I can setup celery workers on remote computers. Can anyone guide me through here?
If this is not possible or very hard, any alternative solution for the problem?
You can do this by installing your Django project on to the remote computer, and then ensuring that it is configured to use the correct broker, database server, and media directory (assuming your tasks need access to that).