Routes tutorial : Sencha Touch 2.2.1 - sencha-touch-2

I wanted to learn the concept of Routes in Sencha touch 2.2.1 . Can you help me by providing me any easy and live tutorial or demo. Your help will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Did you try Google? The very first result is this exact same question from this very site: Using routes in Sencha touch 2
The Sencha Touch docs also provide a pretty good guide:!/guide/history_support


Solutions for internationalization of a web application based on Vue.js

I am looking for a solution how to get the web appliaction based on vue.js multilingual.
In my research I found i18next. Is this the best solution or can someone recommend me something else.
Thanks in advance!
I'd recommend Vue I18n.
And here is the Github repo.
Vue-I18n is the best solution for adding internationalization to a Vue application. If you are looking at how to use it or how to get started with it here is a great article that shows you how to add Internationalization to a Vue application.

Not able to install bootstrap in react app

I am new to React JS, i have started an online course for react. I followed the steps from the tutorials and encountered this error. Also i checked some solutions on this platform of question posted by others. Please can someone tell me the solution? thanks in advance ;)
install the following package:
I recommend you install Material-UI it's faster and easier web development.
All you need is to visit their web site:

Sencha-touch with custum design

I am working on sencha touch mobile app. I am weak in css and html5. I am founding if a designer make same design using css and html5. How can i use it on sencha touch?Is that possible in sencha touch to work with UI/UX developer.
Please suggest me.
Theming is done in Sencha Touch with SASS.
Start by reading!/guide/theming
Good luck!

Image upload to server from sencha touch

I'm a beginner in sencha touch. I need to know how many ways its possible to send image from android-app to a server using sencha touch. Is any tutorial or example for that?
Look here:
Or here:
Thought I would share a non-phonegap solution that is still in its infancy... I tested it on my Nexus 7 using the latest version of Chrome (at the time of this writing) and it worked for me.
I have done a similar file upload from an iOS app using Phonegap FileTransfer. This will also work with Android.

using Ext JS with ruby on rails

i want to design login page in Ext JS designer and use ruby on rails as back-end..
i have gone through basic example following link :
Is there any "basic" tutorial available that can help me out?
Here is a simple CRUD tutorial using ExtJS and Rails 3.0. I hope this help you get started.