convert 0000:00:00.00 datetime sql - sql

I have varchar column where the datetime is saved and i have some date times with the normal form 00:00:00.00 which i can convert to date time and some others with the following format 0000:00:00.00 which i can't convert them. how can i solve this problem? I tried to convert it but i get an error for those values.
select (DATEPART(HOUR, (SELECT CONVERT(datetime,time,121) FROM table
) ) * 3600) + (DATEPART(MINUTE, (SELECT CONVERT(datetime,time,121)
CONVERT(datetime,time,121) FROM table ) ) ))

Based on the information provided and the assumption that 0000:00:00.00 = HHHH:MM:SS:NN
DECLARE #t table (
blah varchar(20)
INSERT INTO #t (blah)
VALUES ('0:00:00.00')
, ('0000:00:00.00')
, ('0000:01:37.61');
, hours
, minutes
, seconds
, milliseconds
, DateAdd(ms, milliseconds, DateAdd(ss, seconds, DateAdd(mi, minutes, DateAdd(hh, hours, 0))))
, Cast(left_part As int) As hours
, Cast(SubString(right_part, 1, 2) As int) As minutes
, Cast(SubString(right_part, 4, 2) As int) As seconds
, Cast(Left(SubString(right_part, 7, 3) + '000', 3) As int) As milliseconds -- padded to 3 characters (trailing zeroes)
, SubString(blah, 0, CharIndex(':', blah)) As left_part
, SubString(blah, CharIndex(':', blah) + 1, 20) As right_part -- FYI 20 = length of varchar field
, CharIndex(':', blah) + 1 As colon
) As find_the_first_colon
) As split_the_string_by_first_colon
) As work_out_component_parts;


distribute accumulated working hours through days

I have Date time when engine has started working and how long was it working. but sometimes it can work more than 24 Hours.
if it worked for 28 Hours on the starting date i will have record
Name started_working Finished working hours_worked
obj-00123 07/02/2018 13:30 08/02/2018 17:30 28
I need to to have record that will show that engine has worked for 10:30 in 07 and 17:30 in 08.
Name started_working Finished working hours_worked
obj-00123 07/02/2018 13:30 07/02/2018 00:00 10:30
obj-00123 07/02/2018 13:30 08/02/2018 17:30 17:30
or something like that. I don't have any idea how can i get this done. can you give me some clues. i dont ask for writing code if its not too easy.
thank you
This might do the trick for you
--Using CTE to show sample data
;WITH cteX( Name,started_working,Finished_working)
'obj-00123','07/02/2018 13:30','08/02/2018 17:30' UNION ALL
SELECT 'obj-00155','07/02/2018 15:00','07/02/2018 22:30'
, X.started_working
, X.Finished_working
, HoursWorked = CONVERT(VARCHAR(12), DATEADD(minute, DATEDIFF(minute, X.started_working, X.Finished_working), 0), 114)
,Finished_working = DATEADD(SECOND,0,DATEADD(DAY, DATEDIFF(DAY,-1,T1.started_working),0)) -- Dummy finish time # Midnight
cteX T1
DATEDIFF(DAY,T1.started_working,T1.Finished_working) <> 0 --Create a dummy finish time #Midnight when start and end not on same day
,started_working = CASE WHEN DATEDIFF(DAY,T2.started_working,T2.Finished_working) <> 0
THEN DATEADD(DAY, DATEDIFF(DAY, 0, T2.Finished_working), 0) --Start # Midnight
ELSE T2.started_working
cteX T2
) X
X.Name, X.started_working
Name started_working Finished_working HoursWorked
obj-00123 2018-07-02 13:30:00.000 2018-07-03 00:00:00.000 10:30:00:000
obj-00123 2018-08-02 00:00:00.000 2018-08-02 17:30:00.000 17:30:00:000
obj-00155 2018-07-02 15:00:00.000 2018-07-02 22:30:00.000 07:30:00:000
According to your sample data working hours may be more than several days. In this case you need to use tally table or recursive CTE. I have used recursive CTE since it's easier to handle result fields. Also there are two columns in result named started_working and started_working2. started_working is from your expected output, but I believe you need started_working2 column
declare #T as table (
Name varchar(100)
, started_working datetime
, finished_working datetime
--, hours_worked int
insert into #T
('obj-00123', '20180207 13:30', '20180208 17:30')
, ('obj-00123', '20180208 19:00', '20180209 05:00')
, ('obj-00123', '20180209 19:00', '20180209 22:00')
, ('obj-00123', '20180210 19:00', '20180213 22:00')
;with rcte as (
*, started_working2 = started_working
, next_date = cast(dateadd(dd, 1, started_working) as date), 1 step
union all
Name, started_working, finished_working
, cast(next_date as datetime)
, dateadd(dd, 1, next_date), step + 1
next_date < finished_working
Name, started_working, started_working2, finished_working
, right(replace(str(diff / 60), ' ', 0), 2) + ':' + right(replace(str(diff % 60), ' ', 0), 2) hours_worked
from (
Name, started_working
, case
when step = 1 then started_working
else started_working2
end started_working2
, case
when step = max(step) over (partition by Name, started_working)
then finished_working else next_date
end finished_working
) t
cross apply (select datediff(mi, started_working2, finished_working) diff) ca
I'd approach the solution something like this:
WITH dynamic_twelths_of_hr_table(datetime2_value) AS
SELECT '2017-01-01'
SELECT DATEADD(MINUTE, 5, datetime2_value)
FROM dynamic_twelths_of_hr_table
WHERE DATEADD(MINUTE, 5, datetime2_value) <= '2019-01-01'
,twelths_hr_table AS
DATEADD(DAY, DATEDIFF(DAY, 0, datetime2_value), 0) AS date_value
FROM dynamic_twelths_of_hr_table
,modified_source_table AS
,ISNULL(engine_stop, GETDATE()) AS engine_stop
,IIF(engine_start IS NULL OR engine_stop IS NULL, 1, 0) AS is_still_running
,(COUNT(datetime2_value)/12.0) AS hours_run_on_this_day
twelths_hr_table AS tht
ON (tht.datetime2_value BETWEEN engine_start AND engine_stop)
name, objectid, is_still_running, date_value
name, objectid, is_still_running, date_value
Note I haven't tested this code so please excuse any small syntax errors.
I've also baked in an assumption about the range of dates to be considered (these can be widened, or made dynamic based on when the query runs), and it has a 5 minute resolution (based on the fact that, at a glance, I could only see one value in the engine_stop column that didn't fall on a 5-minute threshold - so I assume sub-5-minute precision is not required).
Basically what it does is expand each engine row out into 5-minute windows (twelths of an hour), and then simply groups these by day and counts the number of windows per day during which the engine was running.
For currently-running engines, it will calculate how long it has run so far. I trust you can tweak the code to your exact requirements.
thank you to all. this worked perfectly. it needed slight polishing and recursion needed to be set to 0.
But creating view is a trouble with CTE.
create view mroobjectenginerowkinghoursdeclare as
declare #T as table (
Name nvarchar(100)
, OBJECTID varchar(50)
, started_working datetime
,STOPFROM datetime
,STARTDATE datetime
,STOPDATE datetime
,STOPDESCRIPTION nvarchar(300)
,wattage nvarchar (50)
,purpose nvarchar(300)
,location nvarchar(300)
,finished_working datetime
,oldDiff int
insert into #T
FROM [MicrosoftDynamicsAX].[dbo].[mroobjectengineworkinghours]
;with rcte as (
*, started_working2 = started_working
, next_date = cast(dateadd(dd, 1, started_working) as date), 1 step
union all
,location, finished_working,oldDiff
, cast(next_date as datetime)
, dateadd(dd, 1, next_date), step + 1
next_date < finished_working
,location,oldDiff, started_working2, finished_working
, right(replace(str(diff / 60), ' ', 0), 2) + ':' + right(replace(str(diff % 60), ' ', 0), 2) hours_worked
from (
, case
when step = 1 then started_working
else started_working2
end started_working2
, case
when step = max(step) over (partition by Name, started_working)
then finished_working else next_date
end finished_working
) t
cross apply (select datediff(mi, started_working2, finished_working) diff) ca

Cast varchar to time and SUM in SQL generates Error

I try to cast time in HH:MM Format it works fine but when i insert time above 23 hours i.e 24:0 it generates error
"The conversion of a varchar data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range value. "
Below is code
timeduration varchar(25)
INSERT INTO mytable VALUES ('05:30')
INSERT INTO mytable values ('24:0')
INSERT INTO mytable values ('04:33')
select CAST
(SUM (datepart(hh, convert (varchar, timeduration, 108))) +
(sum(datepart(mi, convert (varchar, timeduration, 108)))/60) ) AS VARCHAR(2)
+ ':' +
sum(datepart(mi, convert (varchar, timeduration, 108))) - 60 * (sum(datepart(mi, convert (varchar, timeduration, 108)))/60)
as VARCHAR(2))
from mytable
Your problem is '24:00', Here should be '00:00' if you want it to work.
But then you have to add case expressions to you query. I suggest you to rewrite as:
timeduration VARCHAR(25)
INSERT INTO #mytable
VALUES ( '05:30' )
INSERT INTO #mytable
VALUES ( '24:0' )
INSERT INTO #mytable
VALUES ( '04:33' );
WITH cte
AS ( SELECT SUM(CAST(SUBSTRING(timeduration, 1, CHARINDEX(':', timeduration) - 1) AS INT)) AS Hours ,
SUM(CAST(SUBSTRING(timeduration, CHARINDEX(':', timeduration) + 1, 5) AS INT)) AS Minutes
FROM #mytable
SELECT CAST(Hours + Minutes / 60 AS NVARCHAR(20)) + ':' + CAST(Minutes % 60 AS NVARCHAR(20)) AS Duration
FROM cte

How to sum set of period times in specific format

If I have result set like that :
where Work_hour is of type varchar
How to sum those hours and minutes with the same format ?
SELECT SUM (CAST(LEFT(time_column, 2) AS INT) * 60 + CAST(RIGHT(time_column, 2) AS INT)) as MINS FROM table1
Where time_column is the column in the table and table1 is the name of the table. Example:
create table table1 (
time_column varchar(10)
insert into table1 (time_column) values ('12:20'), ('10:40'), ('15:50');
Results in: 38:50
Try this one -
work_hour CHAR(5)
INSERT INTO #temp (work_hour)
;WITH cte AS
SELECT mn = SUM(DATEDIFF(MINUTE, '19000101', CAST('19000101 ' + work_hour AS DATETIME)))
FROM #temp
SELECT CAST(FLOOR(mn / 60) AS VARCHAR(5)) + ':' + CAST(mn % 60 AS VARCHAR(2))
FROM cte
Update 2:
transtime_out DATETIME
, transtime_in DATETIME
INSERT INTO #temp (transtime_out, transtime_in)
('2013-05-19 16:40:53.000', '2013-05-19 08:58:07.000'),
('2013-05-19 16:40:53.000', '2013-05-19 08:58:07.000')
SELECT diff = LEFT(CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), CAST(SUM(CAST(a.transtime_out - a.transtime_in AS FLOAT)) AS DATETIME), 108), 5)
FROM #temp a

I still get a "Arithmetic overflow" when I filter on a cast datetime even if I use IsDate()

I have a data set that I need to filter a date that is stored as a string (changing the source column to a DateTime is NOT a option, this data is coming from a 3rd party source that I can not control).
One of the dates is malformed so if I do the following query I get one result
select ClientID, StartDate from boarding_appts where isdate(StartDate) = 0
ClientID StartDate
---------- --------------------
5160 5/6/210 12:00:00
If I do a cast(StartDate as datetime) I get "Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type datetime.", which I expected. and if I filter by IsDate alone everything works fine
select ClientID, cast(StartDate as dateTime) as StartDateCast, datediff(year, cast(StartDate as dateTime), getdate()) as age from boarding_appts where isdate(StartDate) = 1
ClientID StartDate age
---------- ----------------------- ----------
10207 2012-06-09 12:00:00.000 1
2843 2012-06-23 12:00:00.000 1
2843 2012-06-23 12:00:00.000 1
8292 2012-05-11 12:00:00.000 1
7935 2012-04-24 12:00:00.000 1
... (1000's of more rows) ...
Here is my problem:
I want to filter out records so only records a year old or newer show up, however no-matter how I attempt to perform the filter every one of these queries give me an arithmetic overflow error.
select ClientID, cast(StartDate as dateTime) as StartDateCast, datediff(year, cast(StartDate as dateTime), getdate()) as age
from boarding_appts
where isdate(StartDate) = 1
and datediff(year, cast(StartDate as dateTime), getdate()) < 1 --If you comment out this line it works fine
select *
from (select ClientID, cast(StartDate as dateTime) as StartDateCast, datediff(year, cast(StartDate as dateTime), getdate()) as age from boarding_appts where isdate(StartDate) = 1) as Filtered
where age < 1 --If you comment out this line it works fine
select *
from (select ClientID, cast(StartDate as dateTime) as StartDateCast from boarding_appts where isdate(StartDate) = 1) as Filtered
where datediff(year, StartDateCast, getdate()) < 1 --If you comment out this line it works fine
;with Filtered as
(select ClientID, cast(StartDate as dateTime) as StartDateCast from boarding_appts where isdate(StartDate) = 1)
select * from Filtered
where datediff(year, StartDateCast, getdate()) < 1 --If you comment out this line it works fine
;with Filtered as
(select ClientID, cast(StartDate as dateTime) as StartDateCast, datediff(year, cast(StartDate as dateTime), getdate()) as age from boarding_appts where isdate(StartDate) = 1)
select * from Filtered
where age < 1 --If you comment out this line it works fine
Here is a test set of data on SQL Fiddle for you to try out any solutions on. I am out of ideas on how to fix this. The ONLY solution I could think of that worked was selecting in to a temporary table first then selecting it out
select ClientID, StartDate, cast(StartDate as dateTime) as StartDateCast, datediff(year, cast(StartDate as dateTime), getdate()) as age
into #t
from boarding_appts
where isdate(StartDate) = 1
select * from #t where age < 1 --Works.
SQL is a declarative language. The SQL optimizer is free to rearrange parts of the where clause as long as it retains its original meaning. So it can run datediff before isdate even if you specify isdate first. A subquery or CTE provides no sure relief, since that too can be rewritten.
The second suggestion from Aaron Bertrand in the comments:
WHEN 1 THEN StartDate
ELSE '19000101'
Makes it unlikely that SQL Server will cast StartDate to a datetime when ISDATE = 0. That seems like the best solution.
I've marked this answer community wiki, if Aaran Bertrand posts an answer, accept that :)
SQL Server's DateTime has the domain 1753-01-01 00:00:00.000 ≤ x ≤ 9999-12-31 23:59:59.997. The year 210 CE is outside that domain. Hence the problem.
If you were using SQL Server 2008 or later, you could cast it to a DateTime2 datatype and you'd be golden (its domain is 0001-01-01 00:00:00.0000000 &le x ≤ 9999-12-31 23:59:59.9999999. But with SQL Server 2005, you're pretty much SOL.
This is really a problem of data cleaning. My inclination in cases like this is to load the 3rd party data into a staging table with each field as character strings. Then cleanse the data in place, replacing, for instance, invalid dates with NULL. Once cleansed, then do the necessary conversion work to move it to its final destination.
Another approach is to use pattern matching and do the date filtering without converting anything to datetime. ISO 8601 date/time values are character strings that have the laudable property of being (A) human-readable and (B) collating and comparing properly.
What I've done in the past is some analytical work to identify all the patterns in the datetime field by replacing decimal digits with a 'd' and then running group by to compute the counts of each different pattern found. Once you have that you can create some pattern tables to guide you. Something like these:
create table #datePattern
pattern varchar(64) not null primary key clustered ,
monPos int not null ,
monLen int not null ,
dayPos int not null ,
dayLen int not null ,
yearPos int not null ,
yearLen int not null ,
insert #datePattern values ( '[0-9]/[0-9]/[0-9] %' ,1,1,3,1,5,1)
insert #datePattern values ( '[0-9]/[0-9]/[0-9][0-9] %' ,1,1,3,1,5,2)
insert #datePattern values ( '[0-9]/[0-9]/[0-9][0-9][0-9] %' ,1,1,3,1,5,3)
insert #datePattern values ( '[0-9]/[0-9]/[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9] %' ,1,1,3,1,5,4)
insert #datePattern values ( '[0-9]/[0-9][0-9]/[0-9] %' ,1,1,3,2,6,1)
insert #datePattern values ( '[0-9]/[0-9][0-9]/[0-9][0-9] %' ,1,1,3,2,6,2)
insert #datePattern values ( '[0-9]/[0-9][0-9]/[0-9][0-9][0-9] %' ,1,1,3,2,6,3)
insert #datePattern values ( '[0-9]/[0-9][0-9]/[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9] %' ,1,1,3,2,6,4)
insert #datePattern values ( '[0-9][0-9]/[0-9]/[0-9] %' ,1,2,4,1,6,1)
insert #datePattern values ( '[0-9][0-9]/[0-9]/[0-9][0-9] %' ,1,2,4,1,6,2)
insert #datePattern values ( '[0-9][0-9]/[0-9]/[0-9][0-9][0-9] %' ,1,2,4,1,6,3)
insert #datePattern values ( '[0-9][0-9]/[0-9]/[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9] %' ,1,2,4,1,6,4)
insert #datePattern values ( '[0-9][0-9]/[0-9][0-9]/[0-9] %' ,1,2,4,2,7,1)
insert #datePattern values ( '[0-9][0-9]/[0-9][0-9]/[0-9][0-9] %' ,1,2,4,2,7,2)
insert #datePattern values ( '[0-9][0-9]/[0-9][0-9]/[0-9][0-9][0-9] %' ,1,2,4,2,7,3)
insert #datePattern values ( '[0-9][0-9]/[0-9][0-9]/[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9] %' ,1,2,4,2,7,4)
create table #timePattern
pattern varchar(64) not null primary key clustered ,
hhPos int not null ,
hhLen int not null ,
mmPos int not null ,
mmLen int not null ,
ssPos int not null ,
ssLen int not null ,
insert #timePattern values ( '[0-9]:[0-9]:[0-9]' ,1,1,3,1,5,1 )
insert #timePattern values ( '[0-9]:[0-9]:[0-9][0-9]' ,1,1,3,1,5,2 )
insert #timePattern values ( '[0-9]:[0-9][0-9]:[0-9]' ,1,1,3,2,6,1 )
insert #timePattern values ( '[0-9]:[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]' ,1,1,3,2,6,2 )
insert #timePattern values ( '[0-9][0-9]:[0-9]:[0-9]' ,1,2,4,1,6,1 )
insert #timePattern values ( '[0-9][0-9]:[0-9]:[0-9][0-9]' ,1,2,4,1,6,2 )
insert #timePattern values ( '[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]:[0-9]' ,1,2,4,2,7,1 )
insert #timePattern values ( '[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]' ,1,2,4,2,7,2 )
You could combine these two tables into 1 but the number of combinations tends to explode things, though it greatly simplifies the query then.
Once you have that, the query is [fairly] easy, given that SQL is not exactly the world's best language choice for string processing:
-- first, get your lower bound in ISO 8601 format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
-- This will compare/collate properly
declare #dtLowerBound varchar(255)
set #dtLowerBound = convert(varchar,dateadd(year,-1,current_timestamp),121)
-- select rows with a start date more recent than the lower bound
select isoDate = + right( '0000' + substring( t.startDate , coalesce(dt.yearPos,1) , coalesce(dt.YearLen,0) ) , 4 )
+ '-' + right( '00' + substring( t.startDate , coalesce(dt.monPos,1) , coalesce(dt.MonLen,0) ) , 2 )
+ '-' + right( '00' + substring( t.startDate , coalesce(dt.dayPos,1) , coalesce(dt.dayLen,0) ) , 2 )
+ case
when tm.pattern is not null then
' ' + right( '00' + substring(ltrim(rtrim( substring(t.startDate,dt.YearPos+dt.YearLen,1+len(t.startDate)-(dt.YearPos+dt.YearLen) ) ) ), tm.hhPos , tm.hhLen ) , 2 )
+ ':' + right( '00' + substring(ltrim(rtrim( substring(t.startDate,dt.YearPos+dt.YearLen,1+len(t.startDate)-(dt.YearPos+dt.YearLen) ) ) ), tm.mmPos , tm.mmLen ) , 2 )
+ ':' + right( '00' + substring(ltrim(rtrim( substring(t.startDate,dt.YearPos+dt.YearLen,1+len(t.startDate)-(dt.YearPos+dt.YearLen) ) ) ), tm.ssPos , tm.ssLen ) , 2 )
else ''
from someTableWithBadData t
left join #datePattern dt on t.startDate like dt.pattern
left join #timePattern tm on ltrim(rtrim( substring(t.startDate,dt.YearPos+dt.YearLen,1+len(t.startDate)-(dt.YearPos+dt.YearLen) ) ) )
like tm.pattern
where #lowBound <= + right( '0000' + substring( t.startDate , coalesce(dt.yearPos,1) , coalesce(dt.YearLen,0) ) , 4 )
+ '-' + right( '00' + substring( t.startDate , coalesce(dt.monPos,1) , coalesce(dt.MonLen,0) ) , 2 )
+ '-' + right( '00' + substring( t.startDate , coalesce(dt.dayPos,1) , coalesce(dt.dayLen,0) ) , 2 )
+ case
when tm.pattern is not null then
' ' + right( '00' + substring(ltrim(rtrim( substring(t.startDate,dt.YearPos+dt.YearLen,1+len(t.startDate)-(dt.YearPos+dt.YearLen) ) ) ), tm.hhPos , tm.hhLen ) , 2 )
+ ':' + right( '00' + substring(ltrim(rtrim( substring(t.startDate,dt.YearPos+dt.YearLen,1+len(t.startDate)-(dt.YearPos+dt.YearLen) ) ) ), tm.mmPos , tm.mmLen ) , 2 )
+ ':' + right( '00' + substring(ltrim(rtrim( substring(t.startDate,dt.YearPos+dt.YearLen,1+len(t.startDate)-(dt.YearPos+dt.YearLen) ) ) ), tm.ssPos , tm.ssLen ) , 2 )
else ''
Like I said, SQL not the best choice for munging strings.
This should get you ... 90% there. Experience tells me that you'll still find more bad dates: months less than 1 or greater than 12 , days less than 1 or greater than 31, or days out of range for that month (nothing like February 31st to make the computer whine), etc. Old cobol programs in particular, loved to use a field of all 9s to indicate missing data, for instance (though that is an easy case to deal with).
My preferred technique is to write a perl script to scrub the data and bulk load it into SQL Server, using perl's BCP facilities. That's exactly the sort of problem space perl is designed for.

Convert four Digit number into hour format SQL

I have looked into Cast and Convert, but I cannot find a way to do this. I need to convert four digits into an hour format. For instance, 0800 would become 8:00 or 1530 would become 15:30. I cannot use functions, I'm using a InterSystem's CacheSQL. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance!
If it is any more convenient, I can just divide the four digits by one hundred to get values like 15 from original 1500, or 8.30 from 0830. Does this make converting to hour:minute format easier?
For CacheSQL, you can do this:
SELECT {fn TRIM(LEADING '0' FROM LEFT(col_name, 2) || ':' || RIGHT(col_name, 2)) }
FROM table_name
In SQL Server 2008, given data that looks like
create table #data
HHMM int not null ,
insert #data values ( 0800 )
insert #data values ( 0815 )
insert #data values ( 1037 )
insert #data values ( 2359 )
You can say:
select * ,
strTime = right( '0' + convert(varchar, HHMM / 100 ) , 2 )
+ ':'
+ right( '0' + convert(varchar, HHMM % 100 ) , 2 ) ,
myTime = convert(time ,
right( '0' + convert(varchar, HHMM / 100 ) , 2 )
+ ':'
+ right( '0' + convert(varchar, HHMM % 100 ) , 2 ) ,
from #data
Other SQL implementations likely have similar functionality.
In earlier versions of SQL Server that lack the time datatype, just use datetime, thus:
select * ,
strTime = right( '0' + convert(varchar, HHMM / 100 ) , 2 )
+ ':'
+ right( '0' + convert(varchar, HHMM % 100 ) , 2 ) ,
myTime = convert(datetime,
right( '0' + convert(varchar, HHMM / 100 ) , 2 )
+ ':'
+ right( '0' + convert(varchar, HHMM % 100 ) , 2 ) ,
from #data
You'll get a datetime value that is 1 Jan 1900 with the desired time-of-day.
Well, if it is something like Oracle you might have a try with the to_date() function.
Read more here.
SELECT to_date(yourColumn, 'HH24MI') FROM ...
EDIT (why? see comments): If necessary (I'm actually not familiar with Oracle) you can wrap another function like TIME() around it.
SELECT TIME(to_date(yourColumn, 'HH24MI')) FROM ...
Read more about TIME() here.
In MySQL the equivalent would be the STR_TO_DATE() function:
SELECT STR_TO_DATE(yourColumn, '%H%i') FROM ...
Read about STR_TO_DATE() and its parameters under the DATE_FORMAT() function.
left( case when (EndTime / 100) < 10 then ('0'+ convert(varchar, EndTime / 100 )) else convert(varchar, EndTime / 100 ) end, 2 )
+ ':'
+ right( '0' + convert(varchar, EndTime % 100 ) , 2 )