Re Init() Zend Form after removing some Zend Form Elements - zend-form

How can I Reinitialize already created Zend Form element object that had some of it's elements remove?
$form = new My_Header() //My_Header class extends Zend_Form
and after some lines i need the $form to have these fields added back.

At a very simple level, you could try storing the elements and adding them back later. This will obviously lose placement of the form elements, but you can replace them properly if you'd like too.
Example code time:
$form = new My_Header();
$storedElements = array();
$storedElements[] = $form->getElement('id');
$storedElements[] = $form->getElement('first_name');
// do some other stuff here...
// add it back now
foreach ($storedElements as $element) {
Hope that helps.


How to refresh multipage editor's page?

I have created a plugin,Where I have a multi page editor with two pages.
Page1- Source Code Editor.
Page2- For Manipulation.
My problem is if there is any compilation error in the code the second page must display another content like "Error".
Otherwise it will show my manipulation form.
For that I need to fill the composite with diffrent content each time the pageChanges. But it doesnt work.
How can achieve the scenario. While clicking the second page the content must be recreated or refreshed for the new content
public void createPage1(){
int index = addPage(this.page1Compostie);
setPageText(index, "Service Behaviors ");
public void updatePage1Content(Composite composite){
boolean error=getPageStatus();
*Content of Normal Page
* setting the page to error
*Content of Error Page
protected void pageChange(int newPageIndex) {
if (newPageIndex == 1) {
Any advice ?
To replace all the children of a composite you first call dispose() on each existing child control. Next add the new controls. Finally call
composite.layout(true, true);
on the parent composite to force it to update the layout.
If you just want to switch between two sets of controls you can use the GridData.exclude flag and Control.setVisible to include/exclude controls. Again call layout at the end.

How to give an dynamicly loaded TreeViewItem an EventHandler?

at the moment i programm a database based Chat System.
The friendlist of every User gets loadet in a TreeView after the login.
After the login I request the names of the useres friends by the following Funktion,
String namesSt[] = get.getUserFriendNameByUserID(currentUserID);
To use the given Names to load them as TreeItem into my Friendlist / TreeRootItem "rootItem"
for (int counter = 0; counter < namesSt.length; counter++) {
TreeItem<String> item = new TreeItem<String> (namesSt[counter]);
When I now add my rootItem, I see the Names in the TreeView.
But if I click on a name, the given MouseEventHandler doesn´t get called.
Further I just want to request the text of the Element which trigger the MouseEvent, so that i can submit these name to a spezial funktion.
How can i realice such an MouseEvent?
How is it possible to call it from the dynamicly created TreeItem?
Thank you for any help :)
TreeItems represent the data, not the UI component. So they don't generate mouse events. You need to register the mouse listener on the TreeCell. To do this, set a cell factory on the TreeView. The cell factory is a function that creates TreeCells as they are needed. Thus this will work for dynamically added tree items too.
You will need something like this:
TreeView<String> treeView ;
// ...
treeView.setCellFactory( tv -> {
TreeCell<String> cell = new TreeCell<>();
cell.addEventHandler(MouseEvent.MOUSE_CLICKED, event -> {
if (! cell.isEmpty()) {
String value = cell.getItem();
TreeItem<String> treeItem = cell.getTreeItem(); // if needed
// process ...
return cell ;

Qcube/Qcodo dynamic input fields

Does anybody have an example how can I add dynamically input fields in my qcubed project?
You can utilize the QPanel control to add controls on the fly. Just set its AutoRenderChildren attribute to true and set the dynamic controls parent to the QPanel.
// Instantiate our QPanel - this will render a div to contain our dynamic controls
// Note that the parent is $this. You will need to call render in your template
$this->pnl = new QPanel($this);
// Setting AutoRenderChildren so that the Panel will handle Rendering our dynamic
// controls.
$this->pnl->AutoRenderChildren = true;
// Creating a button with an Ajax action to create our dynamic controls
$this->btn = new QButton($this);
$this->btn->Text = "Add Control";
$this->btn->AddAction(new QClickEvent(), new QAjaxAction('btn_Click'));
protected function btn_Click($strFormId, $strControlId, $strParameter) {
// create the control and set its parent to the QPanel
$ctl = new QTextBox($this->pnl);
You can get more information on using QPanels on the QCubed examples website.
QCubed QPanel Example

JSFL: selecting items returned by fl.findObjectInDocByType()

I can't seem to use the info returned by fl.findObjectInDocByType() with fl.getDocumentDOM().selection.
I want to use document.setTextRectangle to re-size some text fields from an array generated using fl.findObjectInDocByType().
I can easily access all the textObject properties but since document.setTextRectangle requires a current selection, I am at a loss.
The example in the documentaion for setting selection is:
fl.getDocumentDOM().selection = fl.getDocumentDOM().getTimeline().layers[0].frames[0].elements[0];
fl.findObjectInDocByType() returns an array of objects with the attributes: (object.timeline, object.layer, object.frame, object.parent)
But these are objects, and don't have a property for array index numbers required by fl.getDocumentDOM().selection=...
var doc = fl.getDocumentDOM();
var textFieldArray = fl.findObjectInDocByType("text", doc);
for (var i=0; i < textFieldArray.length; i ++){
function fnResizeTheTextField(theTextField){
//force current selection to be theTextField
//doc.selection MUST be an array, so assign theTextField to an array...
var selectArray = new Array();
selectArray[0] = theTextField.obj;
var theTimeline =theTextField.timeline;
var theLayer =theTextField.layer;
var theFrame =theTextField.frame;
doc.currentTimeline =theTextField.timeline;
doc.selection = doc.getTimeline().theLayer.theFrame.selectArray;//error
//resize the text rectangle
doc.setTextRectangle({left:0, top:0, right:1000, bottom:1000});
Result: Error:doc.getTimeline().theLayer has no properties
It turns out, the ObjectFindAndSelect.jsfl script already contains a function specifically for this: fl.selectElement(). Much more elegant:
var doc = fl.getDocumentDOM();
// generate an array of elements of type "text"
var textFieldArray = fl.findObjectInDocByType("text", doc);
for (var i=0; i < textFieldArray.length; i ++){
function fnResizeTheTextField(theTextField){
//force current selection to be theTextField
fl.selectElement(theTextField,false);//enter 'edit mode' =false...
//resize the text rectangle
doc.setTextRectangle({left:0, top:0, right:1000, bottom:1000});
I found the answer. In order to select anything for a document level operation, you have to also make flash focus on the keyframe of that object.
so, if I loop through an array of objects created by fl.findObjectInDocByType(), I use this code to make flash focus on the object correctly:
function fnMakeFlashLookAt(theObject){
doc.currentTimeline =theObject.timeline;
doc.getTimeline().currentLayer =theObject.layer;
doc.getTimeline().currentFrame =theObject.frame;
this may not work on objects nested inside a symbol however.
I had a similar issue recently, and apparently all google results about setTextRectangle() direct us here. It's unbelievable how poorly documented jsfl is :)
If you need to use setTextRectangle() inside an library item that is not on stage, you need to open for edit the item first.
Here's the code that solved my problem:
doc.selection = [tf];//where tf is the reference to textfield we need to edit
doc.setTextRectangle({left:l, top:t, right:r, bottom:b});
If you have a better working solution, please post. I hope it saves somebody's time. Good luck!

drupal multiple node forms on one page

I have a view that displays several nodes. I want to place node form below each displayed node. Both node_add and drupal_get_form directly in template.php works fine, but I get forms with same form ID of NODETYPE_node_form and validation and submitting does not work as expected.
If you had to put several node forms on one page, what would be your general approach?
Progress so far...
in template.php while preprocessing node
$author_profile and $content is set before.
$unique = $vars['node']->nid;
$node = new StdClass();
$node->uid = $vars['user']->uid;
$node->name = $vars['user']->name;
$node->type = 'review';
$node->language = '';
$node->title = t('Review of ') . $vars['node']->realname . t(' by ') . $vars['user']->realname . t(' on ') . $content->title;
$node->field_review_to_A[0]['nid'] = $nodeA->nid;
$node->field_review_to_B[0]['nid'] = $vars['node']->nid;
$node->field_review_to_profile[0]['nid'] = $author_profile->nid;
if(!function_exists("node_object_prepare")) {
include_once(drupal_get_path('module', 'node') . '/');
//$vars['A_review_form'] = drupal_get_form('review_node_form', $node);
$vars['A_review_form'] = mymodule_view($node, $unique);
in mymodule module
function mymodule_view($node, $unique) {
if(!function_exists("node_object_prepare")) {
include_once(drupal_get_path('module', 'node') . '/');
$output = drupal_get_form('review_node_form_' . $unique, $node);
return $output;
function mymodule_forms($form_id, $args) {
$forms = array();
if (strpos($form_id, "review_node_form_") === 0) {
$forms[$form_id] = array('callback' => 'node_form');
return $forms;
function mymodule_form_alter(&$form, $form_state, $form_id) {
if (isset($form['type']) && isset($form['#node']) && $form_id != $form['type']['#value'] .'_node_form' && $form['type']['#value'] == 'review') {
$type = content_types($form['#node']->type);
if (!empty($type['fields'])) {
module_load_include('inc', 'content', 'includes/content.node_form');
$form = array_merge($form, content_form($form, $form_state));
$form['#pre_render'][] = 'content_alter_extra_weights';
$form['#content_extra_fields'] = $type['extra'];
//$form['#id'] = $form_id;
//$form['#validate'][0] = $form_id . '_validate';
$form['title']['#type'] = 'value';
$form['field_review_to_A']['#type'] = 'value';
$form['field_review_to_B']['#type'] = 'value';
$form['field_review_to_profile']['#type'] = 'value';
My take on summarizing unclear questions...
Is this good general approach for displaying multiple node forms on same page?
Is it OK to copy/paste code from content modules content_form_alter function in function mymodule_form_alter? Will it not brake things if content module is updated?
Should i set $form['#id']? Without it all forms has same HTML form ID of node_form, with it ID is unique, like review_node_form_254. Thing is that there is no difference of how form is submitted. Setting $form['#validate'][0] does not seem to influence things too. Maybe I should set $form[button]['#submit'][0] to something else? Now its node_form_submit.
Why validation does not work even with unique form id and form validate function? If i submit last form without required field all previous forms gets particular fields red. should I make my own validation function? what level - form or field? Any tips on where to start?
You need to implement hook_forms() to map different ids to the same builder function.
The NODETYPE_node_form ids you mention are already an example of this mechanism, as they are all mapped to the same builder function (node_form()) within the node modules node_forms() implementation.
You can find links to more examples in the 'Parameters' explanation off the drupal_get_form() function.
This was exceptionally useful to me.
Documentation on all the drupal APIs is so lacking - I was tearing my hair out. The crucial bit for me, that I don't think is covered anywhere else on the net:
CCK adds its fields to your form through hook_form_alter() . But it does this based on the form_id. So if the form ID is different (cause you want multiple ones on the same page), you need to replicate a bit of the CCK code to add the fields to your form regardless.
That is what this does brilliantly.
I really did not dig to the bottom of it, but it seems to me that you pretty much did all the relevant digging by yourself.
From what I understand by inspecting the code only, you are right in thinking that content_form_alter() is the show-stopper.
Maybe this is a naïve suggestion, but what about writing your own implementation of hook_form_alter() starting from the content_form_alter() code but changing the conditions that make the alteration to occur? I am thinking to something along these lines:
function modulename_form_alter(&$form, $form_state, $form_id) {
if (isset($form['type']) && isset($form['#node']) &&
stripos($form_id, $form['type']['#value'] .'_node_form')) {
I did not actually test the code above, but I hope it is self-explenatory: you actually trigger the changes for a give customised type of content if MYCCKTYPE_node_form is a substring of the actual form_id (es: MYCCKTYPE_node_form_234).
Hope this helps at least a bit... Good luck! :)
It just occurred to me that since your custom implementation of hook_form_alter() will live aside the CCK one, you would like to add a check to avoid the form to be modified twice something like:
&& $form_id != $form['type']['#value'] .'_node_form'
The other way you might try to implement this by not using CCK but implementing you custom type programmatically (this might even be an advantage if you plan to use your module on various different sites).