ARM NEON assembly and floating point rounding - optimization

I'm working on code optimization for ARM processors using NEON. However I have a problem: my algorithm contains the following floating point computation:
round(x*b - y*a)
Where results can be both positive and negative.
Actually I'm using 2 VMUL and 1 VSUB to make parallel computation (4 values per operation using Q registers and 32bit floats).
There is a way I can handle this problem? If the results were all the same sign I know I can simply add or subtract 0.5

First, NEON suffers from long latency especially after float multiplications.
You won't gain very much with two vmuls and one vsub due to this compared to vfp programming.
Therefore, your code should look like :
vmul.f32 result, x, b
vmls.f32 result, y, a
Those multiply-accumulate/substract instructions are issued back-to-back with the previous multiply instruction without any latency. (9 cycles saved in this case)
Unfortunately however, I don't understand your actual question. Why would someone want to round float values? Apparently you intend to extract the integer part rounded, and there are several ways to do this, and I cannot tell you anything more cause your question is as always too vague.
I've been following your questions in this forum for quite some time, and I simply cannot get rid of the feeling that you're lacking something very fundamental.
I suggest you to read the assembly reference guide pdf from ARM first.

I have no knowledge in assembly, but using the NEON intrinsics in C (I mention their assembly equivalents to help you browse the documentation, even though I would not be able to use them myself), the algorithm for a round function could be:
// Prepare 3 vectors filled with all 0.5, all -0.5, and all 0
// Corresponding assembly instruction is VDUP
float32x4_t plus = vdupq_n_f32(0.5);
float32x4_t minus = vdupq_n_f32(-0.5);
float32x4_t zero = vdupq_n_f32(0);
// Assuming the result of x*a-y*b is stored in the following vector:
float32x4_t xa_yb;
// Compare vector with 0
// Corresponding assembly instruction is VCGT
uint32x4_t more_than_zero = vcgtq_f32(xa_yb, zero);
// Resulting vector will be set to all 1-bits for values where the comparison
// is true, all 0-bits otherwise.
// Use bit select to choose if you have to add or substract 0.5
// Corresponding assembly instruction is VBSL, its syntax is quite alike
// `more_than_zero ? plus : minus`.
float32x4_t to_add = vbslq_f32(more_than_zero, plus, minus);
// Add this vector to the vector to round
// Corresponding assembly instruction is VADD,
// but I guess you knew this one :D
float32x4_t rounded = vaddq_f32(xa_yb, to_add);
// Then cast to integers!
I guess you'll be able to convert this to assembly (I'm not, anyway)
Note that I have no idea if this is really more efficient than standard code, non-SIMD code!


nand2tetris HDL: Getting error "Sub bus of an internal node may not be used"

I am trying to make a 10-bit adder/subtractor. Right now, the logic works as intended. However, I am trying to set all bits to 0 iff there is overflow. To do this, I need to pass the output (tempOut) through a 10-bit Mux, but in doing so, am getting an error.
Here is the chip:
* Adds or Subtracts two 10-bit values.
* Both inputs a and b are in SIGNED 2s complement format
* when sub == 0, the chip performs add i.e. out=a+b
* when sub == 1, the chip performs subtract i.e. out=a-b
* carry reflects the overflow calculated for 10-bit add/subtract in 2s complement
CHIP AddSub10 {
IN a[10], b[10], sub;
OUT out[10],carry;
// If sub == 1, subtraction, else addition
// First RCA4
Not4(in=b[0..3], out=notB03);
Mux4(a=b[0..3], b=notB03, sel=sub, out=MuxOneOut);
RCA4(a=a[0..3], b=MuxOneOut, cin=sub, sum=tempOut[0..3], cout=cout03);
// Second RCA4
Not4(in=b[4..7], out=notB47);
Mux4(a=b[4..7], b=notB47, sel=sub, out=MuxTwoOut);
RCA4(a=a[4..7], b=MuxTwoOut, cin=cout03, sum=tempOut[4..7], cout=cout47);
// Third RCA4
Not4(in[0..1]=b[8..9], out=notB89);
Mux4(a[0..1]=b[8..9], b=notB89, sel=sub, out=MuxThreeOut);
RCA4(a[0..1]=a[8..9], b=MuxThreeOut, cin=cout47, sum[0..1]=tempOut[8..9], sum[0]=tempA, sum[1]=tempB, sum[2]=carry);
// FIXME, intended to solve overflow/underflow
Xor(a=tempA, b=tempB, out=overflow);
Mux10(a=tempOut, b=false, sel=overflow, out=out);
Instead of x[a..b]=tempOut[c..d] you need to use the form x[a..b]=tempVariableAtoB (creating a new internal bus) and combine these buses in your Mux10:
Mux10(a[0..3]=temp0to3, a[4..7]=temp4to7, ... );
Without knowing what line the compiler is complaining about, it is difficult to diagnose the problem. However, my best guess is that you can't use an arbitrary internal bus like tempOut because the compiler doesn't know how big it is when it first runs into it.
The compiler knows the size of the IN and OUT elements, and it knows the size of the inputs and outputs of a component. But it can't tell how big tempOut would be without parsing everything, and that's probably outside the scope of the compiler design.
I would suggest you refactor so that each RCA4 has a discrete output bus (ie: sum1, sum2, sum3). You can then use them and their individual bits as needed in the Xor and Mux10.

Is it possible to get the native CPU size of an integer in Rust?

For fun, I'm writing a bignum library in Rust. My goal (as with most bignum libraries) is to make it as efficient as I can. I'd like it to be efficient even on unusual architectures.
It seems intuitive to me that a CPU will perform arithmetic faster on integers with the native number of bits for the architecture (i.e., u64 for 64-bit machines, u16 for 16-bit machines, etc.) As such, since I want to create a library that is efficient on all architectures, I need to take the target architecture's native integer size into account. The obvious way to do this would be to use the cfg attribute target_pointer_width. For instance, to define the smallest type which will always be able to hold more than the maximum native int size:
#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "16")]
type LargeInt = u32;
#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "32")]
type LargeInt = u64;
#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "64")]
type LargeInt = u128;
However, while looking into this, I came across this comment. It gives an example of an architecture where the native int size is different from the pointer width. Thus, my solution will not work for all architectures. Another potential solution would be to write a build script which codegens a small module which defines LargeInt based on the size of a usize (which we can acquire like so: std::mem::size_of::<usize>().) However, this has the same problem as above, since usize is based on the pointer width as well. A final obvious solution is to simply keep a map of native int sizes for each architecture. However, this solution is inelegant and doesn't scale well, so I'd like to avoid it.
So, my questions: is there a way to find the target's native int size, preferably before compilation, in order to reduce runtime overhead? Is this effort even worth it? That is, is there likely to be a significant difference between using the native int size as opposed to the pointer width?
It's generally hard (or impossible) to get compilers to emit optimal code for BigNum stuff, that's why has its low level primitive functions (mpn_... docs) hand-written in assembly for various target architectures with tuning for different micro-architecture, e.g. for the general case of multi-limb * multi-limb numbers. And for mpn_add_n and mpn_sub_n (Add OR Sub = aors), tuned for SandyBridge-family which doesn't have partial-flag stalls so it can loop with dec/jnz.
Understanding what kind of asm is optimal may be helpful when writing code in a higher level language. Although in practice you can't even get close to that so it sometimes makes sense to use a different technique, like only using values up to 2^30 in 32-bit integers (like CPython does internally, getting the carry-out via a right shift, see the section about Python in this). In Rust you do have access to add_overflow to get the carry-out, but using it is still hard.
For practical use, writing Rust bindings for GMP is probably your best bet, unless that already exists.
Using the largest chunks possible is very good; on all current CPUs, add reg64, reg64 has the same throughput and latency as add reg32, reg32 or reg8. So you get twice as much work done per unit. And carry propagation through 64 bits of result in 1 cycle of latency.
(There are alternate ways to store BigInteger data that can make SIMD useful; #Mysticial explains in Can long integer routines benefit from SSE?. e.g. 30 value bits per 32-bit int, allowing you to defer normalization until after a few addition steps. But every use of such numbers has to be aware of these issues so it's not an easy drop-in replacement.)
In Rust, you probably want to just use u64 regardless of the target, unless you really care about small-number (single-limb) performance on 32-bit targets. Let the compiler build u64 operations for you out of add / adc (add with carry).
The only thing that might need to be ISA-specific is if u128 is not available on some targets. You want to use 64 * 64 => 128-bit full multiply as your building block for multiplication; if the compiler can do that for you with u128 then that's great, especially if it inlines efficiently.
See also discussion in comments under the question.
One stumbling block for getting compilers to emit efficient BigInt addition loops (even inside the body of one unrolled loop) is writing an add that takes a carry input and produces a carry output. Note that x += 0xff..ff + carry=1 needs to produce a carry out even though 0xff..ff + 1 wraps to zero. So in C or Rust, x += y + carry has to check for carry out in both the y+carry and the x+= parts.
It's really hard (probably impossible) to convince compiler back-ends like LLVM to emit a chain of adc instructions. An add/adc is doable when you don't need the carry-out from adc. Or probably if the compiler is doing it for you for u128.overflowing_add
Often compilers will turn the carry flag into a 0 / 1 in a register instead of using adc. You can hopefully avoid that for at least pairs of u64 in addition by combining the input u64 values to u128 for u128.overflowing_add. That will hopefully not cost any asm instructions because a u128 already has to be stored across two separate 64-bit registers, just like two separate u64 values.
So combining up to u128 could just be a local optimization for a function that adds arrays of u64 elements, to get the compiler to suck less.
In my library ibig what I do is:
Select architecture-specific size based on target_arch.
If I don't have a value for an architecture, select 16, 32 or 64 based on target_pointer_width.
If target_pointer_width is not one of these values, use 64.

How to 'checksum' an array of noisy floating point numbers?

What is a quick and easy way to 'checksum' an array of floating point numbers, while allowing for a specified small amount of inaccuracy?
e.g. I have two algorithms which should (in theory, with infinite precision) output the same array. But they work differently, and so floating point errors will accumulate differently, though the array lengths should be exactly the same. I'd like a quick and easy way to test if the arrays seem to be the same. I could of course compare the numbers pairwise, and report the maximum error; but one algorithm is in C++ and the other is in Mathematica and I don't want the bother of writing out the numbers to a file or pasting them from one system to another. That's why I want a simple checksum.
I could simply add up all the numbers in the array. If the array length is N, and I can tolerate an error of 0.0001 in each number, then I would check if abs(sum1-sum2)<0.0001*N. But this simplistic 'checksum' is not robust, e.g. to an error of +10 in one entry and -10 in another. (And anyway, probability theory says that the error probably grows like sqrt(N), not like N.) Of course, any checksum is a low-dimensional summary of a chunk of data so it will miss some errors, if not most... but simple checksums are nonetheless useful for finding non-malicious bug-type errors.
Or I could create a two-dimensional checksum, [sum(x[n]), sum(abs(x[n]))]. But is the best I can do, i.e. is there a different function I might use that would be "more orthogonal" to the sum(x[n])? And if I used some arbitrary functions, e.g. [sum(f1(x[n])), sum(f2(x[n]))], then how should my 'raw error tolerance' translate into 'checksum error tolerance'?
I'm programming in C++, but I'm happy to see answers in any language.
i have a feeling that what you want may be possible via something like gray codes. if you could translate your values into gray codes and use some kind of checksum that was able to correct n bits you could detect whether or not the two arrays were the same except for n-1 bits of error, right? (each bit of error means a number is "off by one", where the mapping would be such that this was a variation in the least significant digit).
but the exact details are beyond me - particularly for floating point values.
i don't know if it helps, but what gray codes solve is the problem of pathological rounding. rounding sounds like it will solve the problem - a naive solution might round and then checksum. but simple rounding always has pathological cases - for example, if we use floor, then 0.9999999 and 1 are distinct. a gray code approach seems to address that, since neighbouring values are always single bit away, so a bit-based checksum will accurately reflect "distance".
[update:] more exactly, what you want is a checksum that gives an estimate of the hamming distance between your gray-encoded sequences (and the gray encoded part is easy if you just care about 0.0001 since you can multiple everything by 10000 and use integers).
and it seems like such checksums do exist: Any error-correcting code can be used for error detection. A code with minimum Hamming distance, d, can detect up to d − 1 errors in a code word. Using minimum-distance-based error-correcting codes for error detection can be suitable if a strict limit on the minimum number of errors to be detected is desired.
so, just in case it's not clear:
multiple by minimum error to get integers
convert to gray code equivalent
use an error detecting code with a minimum hamming distance larger than the error you can tolerate.
but i am still not sure that's right. you still get the pathological rounding in the conversion from float to integer. so it seems like you need a minimum hamming distance that is 1 + len(data) (worst case, with a rounding error on each value). is that feasible? probably not for large arrays.
maybe ask again with better tags/description now that a general direction is possible? or just add tags now? we need someone who does this for a living. [i added a couple of tags]
I've spent a while looking for a deterministic answer, and been unable to find one. If there is a good answer, it's likely to require heavy-duty mathematical skills (functional analysis).
I'm pretty sure there is no solution based on "discretize in some cunning way, then apply a discrete checksum", e.g. "discretize into strings of 0/1/?, where ? means wildcard". Any discretization will have the property that two floating-point numbers very close to each other can end up with different discrete codes, and then the discrete checksum won't tell us what we want to know.
However, a very simple randomized scheme should work fine. Generate a pseudorandom string S from the alphabet {+1,-1}, and compute csx=sum(X_i*S_i) and csy=sum(Y_i*S_i), where X and Y are my original arrays of floating point numbers. If we model the errors as independent Normal random variables with mean 0, then it's easy to compute the distribution of csx-csy. We could do this for several strings S, and then do a hypothesis test that the mean error is 0. The number of strings S needed for the test is fixed, it doesn't grow linearly in the size of the arrays, so it satisfies my need for a "low-dimensional summary". This method also gives an estimate of the standard deviation of the error, which may be handy.
Try this:
#include <complex>
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
const size_t no_freqs = 3;
const double freqs[no_freqs] = {0.05, 0.16, 0.39}; // (for example)
int main() {
std::complex<double> spectral_amplitude[no_freqs];
for (size_t i = 0; i < no_freqs; ++i) spectral_amplitude[i] = 0.0;
size_t n_data = 0;
std::complex<double> datum;
while (std::cin >> datum) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < no_freqs; ++i) {
spectral_amplitude[i] += datum * std::exp(
std::complex<double>(0.0, 1.0) * freqs[i] * double(n_data)
std::cout << "Fuzzy checksum:\n";
for (size_t i = 0; i < no_freqs; ++i) {
std::cout << real(spectral_amplitude[i]) << "\n";
std::cout << imag(spectral_amplitude[i]) << "\n";
std::cout << "\n";
return 0;
It returns just a few, arbitrary points of a Fourier transform of the entire data set. These make a fuzzy checksum, so to speak.
How about computing a standard integer checksum on the data obtained by zeroing the least significant digits of the data, the ones that you don't care about?

Assembly code for optimized bitshifting of a vector

i'm trying to write a routine that will logically bitshift by n positions to the right all elements of a vector in the most efficient way possible for the following vector types: BYTE->BYTE, WORD->WORD, DWORD->DWORD and WORD->BYTE (assuming that only 8 bits are present in the result). I would like to have three routines for each type depending on the type of processor (SSE2 supported, only MMX suppported, only standard instruction se supported). Therefore i need 12 functions in total.
I have already found by myself how to backup and restore the registers that i need, how to make a loop, how to copy data into regular registers or MMX registers and how to shift by 1 position logically.
Because i'm not familiar with assembly language that's about it.
Which registers should i use for each instruction set?
How will the availability of the large vector (an image) in L1 cache be optimized?
How do i find the next element of the vector (a pointer kind of thing), i know i can make a mov by address and i assume i have to increment the address by 1, 2 or 4 depending on my type of data?
Although i have all the ideas, writing the code is a bit difficult at this point.
Thank you.
Here is what i'm trying to do for MMX for a shift by 1 on a DWORD:
__asm("push mm"); // backup register
__asm("push cx"); // backup register
__asm("mov %cx, length"); // initialize loop
__asm("loopstart_shift1:"); // start label
__asm("movd %xmm0, r/m32"); // get 32 bits data
__asm("psrlq %xmm0, 1"); // right shift 32 bits data logically (stuffs 0 on the left) by 1
__asm("mov r/m32,%xmm0"); // set 32 bits data
__asm("dec %cx"); // decrement index
__asm("cmp %cx,0");
__asm("jnz loopstart_shift1");
__asm("pop cx"); // restore register
__asm("pop mm"); // restore register
__asm("emms"); // leave MMX state
I strongly suggest you pause and take a look at using intrinsics with C or C++ instead of trying to write raw asm - that way the C/C++ compiler will take care of all the register allocation, instruction scheduling and general housekeeping tasks and you can just focus on the important parts, e.g. instead of using psrlq see _m_psrlq in mmintrin.h. (Better yet, look at using 128 bit SSE intrinsics.)
Sounds like you'd benefit from either using or looking into BitMagic's source. its entirely intrinsics based too, which makes its far more portable (though from the looks of it your using GCC, so it might have to get an MSVC to GCC intrinics mapping).

Comparing IEEE floats and doubles for equality

What is the best method for comparing IEEE floats and doubles for equality? I have heard of several methods, but I wanted to see what the community thought.
The best approach I think is to compare ULPs.
bool is_nan(float f)
return (*reinterpret_cast<unsigned __int32*>(&f) & 0x7f800000) == 0x7f800000 && (*reinterpret_cast<unsigned __int32*>(&f) & 0x007fffff) != 0;
bool is_finite(float f)
return (*reinterpret_cast<unsigned __int32*>(&f) & 0x7f800000) != 0x7f800000;
// if this symbol is defined, NaNs are never equal to anything (as is normal in IEEE floating point)
// if this symbol is not defined, NaNs are hugely different from regular numbers, but might be equal to each other
#define UNEQUAL_NANS 1
// if this symbol is defined, infinites are never equal to finite numbers (as they're unimaginably greater)
// if this symbol is not defined, infinities are 1 ULP away from +/- FLT_MAX
// test whether two IEEE floats are within a specified number of representable values of each other
// This depends on the fact that IEEE floats are properly ordered when treated as signed magnitude integers
bool equal_float(float lhs, float rhs, unsigned __int32 max_ulp_difference)
if(is_nan(lhs) || is_nan(rhs))
return false;
if((is_finite(lhs) && !is_finite(rhs)) || (!is_finite(lhs) && is_finite(rhs)))
return false;
signed __int32 left(*reinterpret_cast<signed __int32*>(&lhs));
// transform signed magnitude ints into 2s complement signed ints
if(left < 0)
left = 0x80000000 - left;
signed __int32 right(*reinterpret_cast<signed __int32*>(&rhs));
// transform signed magnitude ints into 2s complement signed ints
if(right < 0)
right = 0x80000000 - right;
if(static_cast<unsigned __int32>(std::abs(left - right)) <= max_ulp_difference)
return true;
return false;
A similar technique can be used for doubles. The trick is to convert the floats so that they're ordered (as if integers) and then just see how different they are.
I have no idea why this damn thing is screwing up my underscores. Edit: Oh, perhaps that is just an artefact of the preview. That's OK then.
The current version I am using is this
bool is_equals(float A, float B,
float maxRelativeError, float maxAbsoluteError)
if (fabs(A - B) < maxAbsoluteError)
return true;
float relativeError;
if (fabs(B) > fabs(A))
relativeError = fabs((A - B) / B);
relativeError = fabs((A - B) / A);
if (relativeError <= maxRelativeError)
return true;
return false;
This seems to take care of most problems by combining relative and absolute error tolerance. Is the ULP approach better? If so, why?
#DrPizza: I am no performance guru but I would expect fixed point operations to be quicker than floating point operations (in most cases).
It rather depends on what you are doing with them. A fixed-point type with the same range as an IEEE float would be many many times slower (and many times larger).
Things suitable for floats:
3D graphics, physics/engineering, simulation, climate simulation....
In numerical software you often want to test whether two floating point numbers are exactly equal. LAPACK is full of examples for such cases. Sure, the most common case is where you want to test whether a floating point number equals "Zero", "One", "Two", "Half". If anyone is interested I can pick some algorithms and go more into detail.
Also in BLAS you often want to check whether a floating point number is exactly Zero or One. For example, the routine dgemv can compute operations of the form
y = beta*y + alpha*A*x
y = beta*y + alpha*A^T*x
y = beta*y + alpha*A^H*x
So if beta equals One you have an "plus assignment" and for beta equals Zero a "simple assignment". So you certainly can cut the computational cost if you give these (common) cases a special treatment.
Sure, you could design the BLAS routines in such a way that you can avoid exact comparisons (e.g. using some flags). However, the LAPACK is full of examples where it is not possible.
There are certainly many cases where you don't want check for "is exactly equal". For many people this even might be the only case they ever have to deal with. All I want to point out is that there are other cases too.
Although LAPACK is written in Fortran the logic is the same if you are using other programming languages for numerical software.
Oh dear lord please don't interpret the float bits as ints unless you're running on a P6 or earlier.
Even if it causes it to copy from vector registers to integer registers via memory, and even if it stalls the pipeline, it's the best way to do it that I've come across, insofar as it provides the most robust comparisons even in the face of floating point errors.
i.e. it is a price worth paying.
This seems to take care of most problems by combining relative and absolute error tolerance. Is the ULP approach better? If so, why?
ULPs are a direct measure of the "distance" between two floating point numbers. This means that they don't require you to conjure up the relative and absolute error values, nor do you have to make sure to get those values "about right". With ULPs, you can express directly how close you want the numbers to be, and the same threshold works just as well for small values as for large ones.
If you have floating point errors you have even more problems than this. Although I guess that is up to personal perspective.
Even if we do the numeric analysis to minimize accumulation of error, we can't eliminate it and we can be left with results that ought to be identical (if we were calculating with reals) but differ (because we cannot calculate with reals).
If you are looking for two floats to be equal, then they should be identically equal in my opinion. If you are facing a floating point rounding problem, perhaps a fixed point representation would suit your problem better.
If you are looking for two floats to be equal, then they should be identically equal in my opinion. If you are facing a floating point rounding problem, perhaps a fixed point representation would suit your problem better.
Perhaps we cannot afford the loss of range or performance that such an approach would inflict.
#DrPizza: I am no performance guru but I would expect fixed point operations to be quicker than floating point operations (in most cases).
#Craig H: Sure. I'm totally okay with it printing that. If a or b store money then they should be represented in fixed point. I'm struggling to think of a real world example where such logic ought to be allied to floats. Things suitable for floats:
real world values (like from a ADC)
For all these things, either you much then numbers and simply present the results to the user for human interpretation, or you make a comparative statement (even if such a statement is, "this thing is within 0.001 of this other thing"). A comparative statement like mine is only useful in the context of the algorithm: the "within 0.001" part depends on what physical question you're asking. That my 0.02. Or should I say 2/100ths?
It rather depends on what you are
doing with them. A fixed-point type
with the same range as an IEEE float
would be many many times slower (and
many times larger).
Okay, but if I want a infinitesimally small bit-resolution then it's back to my original point: == and != have no meaning in the context of such a problem.
An int lets me express ~10^9 values (regardless of the range) which seems like enough for any situation where I would care about two of them being equal. And if that's not enough, use a 64-bit OS and you've got about 10^19 distinct values.
I can express values a range of 0 to 10^200 (for example) in an int, it is just the bit-resolution that suffers (resolution would be greater than 1, but, again, no application has that sort of range as well as that sort of resolution).
To summarize, I think in all cases one either is representing a continuum of values, in which case != and == are irrelevant, or one is representing a fixed set of values, which can be mapped to an int (or a another fixed-precision type).
An int lets me express ~10^9 values
(regardless of the range) which seems
like enough for any situation where I
would care about two of them being
equal. And if that's not enough, use a
64-bit OS and you've got about 10^19
distinct values.
I have actually hit that limit... I was trying to juggle times in ps and time in clock cycles in a simulation where you easily hit 10^10 cycles. No matter what I did I very quickly overflowed the puny range of 64-bit integers... 10^19 is not as much as you think it is, gimme 128 bits computing now!
Floats allowed me to get a solution to the mathematical issues, as the values overflowed with lots zeros at the low end. So you basically had a decimal point floating aronud in the number with no loss of precision (I could like with the more limited distinct number of values allowed in the mantissa of a float compared to a 64-bit int, but desperately needed th range!).
And then things converted back to integers to compare etc.
Annoying, and in the end I scrapped the entire attempt and just relied on floats and < and > to get the work done. Not perfect, but works for the use case envisioned.
If you are looking for two floats to be equal, then they should be identically equal in my opinion. If you are facing a floating point rounding problem, perhaps a fixed point representation would suit your problem better.
Perhaps I should explain the problem better. In C++, the following code:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
float a = 1.0;
float b = 0.0;
for(int i=0;i<10;++i)
if(a != b)
cout << "Something is wrong" << endl;
return 1;
prints the phrase "Something is wrong". Are you saying that it should?
Oh dear lord please don't interpret the float bits as ints unless you're running on a P6 or earlier.
it's the best way to do it that I've come across, insofar as it provides the most robust comparisons even in the face of floating point errors.
If you have floating point errors you have even more problems than this. Although I guess that is up to personal perspective.