Enabling rsync with ssh keygen and no password - ssh-keys

I would like to setup a rsync a folder inside /etc, I followed this link http://news.softpedia.com/news/How-to-Use-RSA-Key-for-SSH-Authentication-38599.shtml and created one user added in visudo and then with ssh keygen, transferred the public key to remote machine, but still its asking for password.
Any other way would be recommended.

The link that you gave us is right, but there is something that they miss. In the backup-server you must change the file /etc/ssh/sshd_config, uncomment this line
AuthorizedKeysFile .ssh/authorized_keys
and your no password access should be working. In resume:
Client (where you have yours original files)
In a terminal write:
$ ssh-keygen -t rsa
this create the id_rsa.pub file in /home/USER/.ssh/
Server (where you will backup yours files)
modify the ssh_config file:
#nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
and uncomment the line
AuthorizedKeysFile %h/.ssh/authorized_keys
and now just copy the content of .ssh/id_rsa.pub(Client) at the end of .ssh/authorized_keys(Server) and the no-password will be working(to connect from Client to Server). Maybe you need to restart your ssh server with
/etc/init.d/ssh restart
To make your rsync just do (you don't gave us too much information, but I suppose this)
rsync -az --delete --progress /etc/ server:destinationFolder/
this will make a backup of /etc/ in the Client to destinationFolder/ in the Server, show you the progress of the backup, will delete the file that are not in the source and will send compress the files. The access permissions to the .ssh/ directory in the Server must be 700, i.e: chmod -R 700 .ssh/
Possible errors:
1."Agent admitted failure using the key"
Sol: After you disconnect from the server (logged with the password) you must type in your client terminal ssh-add


Permission denied (publickey). when disabling PasswordAuthentication

I have 2 machines:
Windows machine with WSL installed, that serves as a client.
Ubuntu machine, with a test-user user, that serves as a server.
Both computer are on the same network.
On the Ubuntu computer, what I did:
I used ssh-keygen to generate two keys, I copied the id_rsa file to the WSL.
Make sure the ssh service is up, with systemctl status ssh.
On the WSL, what I did:
Copied the id_rsa file as key.
Changed the permission of the key file with chmod 600 key.
Connect to the server machine :
ssh -i key test-user#XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX
This works well, but it also ask me the password of the user.
hamuto#DESKTOP-HLSFHPR:~$ ssh -i key test-user#XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX
test-user#XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX's password:
The problem with this thing is, that with Github Actions, I can't enter the password.
So I changed the file /etc/ssh/sshd_config in the server:
# To disable tunneled clear text passwords, change to no here!
PasswordAuthentication no <-- I've changed that to no, and uncomment the line
#PermitEmptyPasswords no
When I retry to connect with ssh:
hamuto#DESKTOP-HLSFHPR:~$ ssh -i key test-user#XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX
test-user#XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX: Permission denied (publickey).
Why is that?
After days of research, I found the solution:
First thing first, I needed to understand that you only need one pair of key, generated on the Ubuntu server.
In the server, you have to copy the id_rsa.pub in the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys.
Set the permission correctly:
chown -R username:username /home/username/.ssh
chmod 700 /home/username/.ssh
chmod 600 /home/username/.ssh/authorized_keys
Change the value of PubkeyAuthentication in the file /etc/ssh/sshd_config to yes and uncomment it.
Copy the private id_rsa key, to the client. Set the permission to 600.
You can connect to the server:
ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa test-user#XXX.XXX.XX.XX
Now it works.

Unable to connect using SSH to the pushed MobileFirst container image on Bluemix

I have built an MF container image and pushed it. I have copied the file in (Mac) ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub to mfpf-server/usr/ssh before building the image.
I am trying to connect using the command in Mac terminal:
ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa admin#public_ip
It says:
Permission denied (publickey).
Any idea? What is the user I shall use?
your problem is very probably related to the permissions of the pub key copied on the container or to the configuration of your key.
You could check the permissions of key copied on the container, sshd is really strict on permissions for the authorized_keys files: if authorized_keys is writable for anybody other than the user or can be made writable by anybody other than the user, sshd will refuse to authenticate (unless sshd is configured with StrictModes no)
Moreover such a problem won't be showed using ssh -v, it will showed only on daemon logs (on the container)
From man sshd(8):
Lists the public keys (RSA/DSA) that can be used for logging in
as this user. The format of this file is described above. The
content of the file is not highly sensitive, but the recommended
permissions are read/write for the user, and not accessible by
If this file, the ~/.ssh directory, or the user's home directory
are writable by other users, then the file could be modified or
replaced by unauthorized users. In this case, sshd will not
allow it to be used unless the StrictModes option has been set to
So I suggest you to check about the files and directories permissions.
Then check that the content of your pub key has been copied correctly on authorized_keys listing
To access the container with the ssh key you need to use the "root" user.
ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa root#<ip address>

Trouble setting up SSH keys

I'm using rsync to backup our server to another running an rsync daemon on our LAN using the command
rsync -av /volume1/ Public/ root#
It's working great except that it requires a manual password entry, so I'd like to automate it with a key pair. Running ssh-keygen I get the below where I hit return 3 times
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/root/.ssh/id_rsa):
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved in /root/.ssh/id_rsa.
Your public key has been saved in /root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub.
ssh-copy-id script isn't on our system, so I used the line below to copy the password file to the backup destination server. I checked and it copied correctly
> cat /root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub | ssh root# "cat >> /root/.ssh/authorized_keys"
As a test, I ssh to the destination server to ensure there's no longer a password prompt, but I'm still getting one?
DiskStation> ssh
root#'s password:
I'm not strong in unix, so am likely missing something obvious. Suggestions please?
___ Edit ____
Followed up with adding the following settings to sshd_config but still no luck:
RSAAuthentication yes
PubkeyAuthentication yes
Not sure if it matters, but the machine hosting the public key as a WD Sharespace which is a Debian Lenny build.
The correct procedure for passwordless SSH is as follows:
Begin by executing the ssh-keygen command to generate a key
Once you have the key, then you can copy it to the remote server. Use this command which makes it easier
ssh-copy-id user#host
The command assumes that you are using port 22 for ssh, if not use, with xxxx being the port number
ssh-copy-id "user#host -p xxxx"
See here for a detailed description of this command
In your case, when you are editing
Make sure you modify PasswordAuthentication from
PasswordAuthentication yes
PasswordAuthentication no
then restart sshd with
service sshd restart
Make sure the key is in your chain. ssh-add ~path/to/private/key otherwise you need to do ssh -i /path/to/key . Then make sure you're using ssh root#whatever. Then make sure the file is written to the remote node properly. Try copying and pasting rather than your cat and pipe. And lastly, try restarting ssh on the remote and perform those steps again (to permit the permitrootlogin to be active).
By the way, the fact that you are trying to avoid entering passwords and then you added a passphrase for the key, makes this entire process pointless.

SSHing into EC2 server via gives error Please login as the ec2-user user rather than root user

Question as title.
Why is this, I have used the ssh command:
ssh -i mykey.pem root#xxx-xxx-xx-xx-xxx.compute-1.amazonaws.com
But i get that error, find nothing on google. What am I doing wrong?
You log in as ec2-user as Klaus suggested:
ssh -i key.pem ec2-user#host
... and then you use sudo to run commands. E.g., to edit the /etc/hosts file which is owned by root and requires root privileges: sudo nano /etc/hosts.
Or you run sudo su to become the root user.
By default root user is not allowed to login but you can use ec2-user as indicated by others.
Once you login with ec2-user you switch to root and change the SSH configuration.
To become the root user you run:
sudo su -
Edit the SSH daemon configuration file /etc/ssh/sshd_config, e.g. by using vi, and replace the PermitRootLogin entry with the following:
PermitRootLogin without-password
Reload the SSH daemon configuration by running:
/etc/init.d/sshd reload
The message Please login as the ec2-user user rather than root user. is displayed because a command is executed when you login with the private key. To remove that command edit ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file and remove the command option. The line should start with the key type (Eg. ssh-rsa).
(*) Do at your own risk. I recommend you to leave always a console open just in case you're not able to login after you make the configuration changes.
For reference you can read the man pages:
man sshd_config
man sshd
I have encountered a similar problem when setting up a hadoop cluster on Amazon ec2.
My head node needs to have root ssh access to each worker/slave nodes. I aliased the connects by adding each slave node's IP address, private address, and alias name to the /etc/hosts/ file. (I get that data by running the command echo -e "`hostname -i`\t`hostname -f`\talias-name" where alias-name is what I call each node (head or n1 for example). Then I put that output for each node in every node's /etc/hosts file.
The problem I have been encountering is that when I type ssh n1 while in my head node to ssh into my first slave node, I get that same error message: Please login as the use "ec2-user" rather than the user "root".
So after doing some research, I figured out how to fix it.
ssh into your server. non-root (ec2-user) access is fine here.
Then su - your way into root. Now vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config and
un-comment the line PermitRootLogin yes.
Exit vi editor.
Now restart ssh daemon by typing service sshd stop then service
sshd start.
Now, here is the part I had to dig for,
run vi /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
Comment out everything up to ssh-rsa. Just put a # at the beginning
of the file's content, before no-port-forwarding... and hit enter on ssh-rsa to move it to
the next line (this way you dont have to delete anything in case you
want to backtrack).
exit vi editor
Now you should be able to login to root without that error message popping up.
Also, if you are using aliases for a cluster setup; Repeat the same steps on each node. First ssh in using ec2-user then follow the steps.
After adding the IP address, private address, and alias name info to your /etc/hosts file you should be able to ssh into each node's root using the alias name for example ssh n1.
The tutorial I followed is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xrxQXfE7t9A
But it didnt discuss the problem with root login.
Hope that helps! It worked for me.
*Keep in mind that I havnt taken any security into concern. This is simply a practice/dev setup.
I think it's just asking you to login with another username. Do you happen to have a user called ec2-user? If so, try this instead:
ssh -i mykey.pem ec2-user#xxx-xxx-xx-xx-xxx.compute-1.amazonaws.com
I have faced the same problem when I tried to access my EC2 instance as 'root' through Windows PuTTY client, this is how I solved problem.
Access and edit SSH configuration file, to allow root login and password authentication.
Login as ec2-user (by default it is allowed)
Enter below command to open ssh config
sudo vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config
Edit SSH configuration file as below using vi, how to use vi editor
PermitRootLogin yes (remove # at begging if it present)
PasswordAuthentication yes
Restart SSH
sudo /etc/init.d/sshd restart
Change/set root password
sudo passwd root
type new password and re-enter it (at least 8 characters)
Exit current session and close PuTTY
Try again login as root and type previously set password.
Try compare root key file and user key file)
diff /root/.ssh/authorized_keys /home/user/.ssh/authorized_keys
...and see
For anyone like me that created a new user, copied root's .ssh dir to the new user, set ownership and STILL got this error - look at the new user's ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file. It has SSH params specified that force the prompt. Delete everything from that line up to the ssh-rsa and you'll be good to go.
Or - copy /home/ec2-user/.ssh to the new user homedir instead of /root/.ssh
Edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config, and make sure this is set:
PasswordAuthentication yes
Then reload SSH:
systemctl reload sshd.service
You can now log in as users other than ec2-user.
ssh -i mykey.pem root#xxx-xxx-xx-xx-xxx.compute-1.amazonaws.com
just replace above command to this
ssh -i mykey.pem ubuntu#xxx-xxx-xx-xx-xxx.compute-1.amazonaws.com
its working in my case
For those who are looking for a single, simple line:
sudo ssh -i ./mykey.pem ec2-user#ec2-x-xx-xxx-xxx.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com
Note that, you can get the line after the # from the Public IPv4 DNS section in your instance summary page.

WARNING: UNPROTECTED PRIVATE KEY FILE! when trying to SSH into Amazon EC2 Instance

I'm working to set up Panda on an Amazon EC2 instance.
I set up my account and tools last night and had no problem using SSH to interact with my own personal instance, but right now I'm not being allowed permission into Panda's EC2 instance.
Getting Started with Panda
I'm getting the following error:
Permissions 0644 for '~/.ec2/id_rsa-gsg-keypair' are too open.
It is recommended that your private key files are NOT accessible by others.
This private key will be ignored.
I've chmoded my keypair to 600 in order to get into my personal instance last night, and experimented at length setting the permissions to 0 and even generating new key strings, but nothing seems to be working.
Any help at all would be a great help!
Hm, it seems as though unless permissions are set to 777 on the directory, the ec2-run-instances script is unable to find my keyfiles.
I've chmoded my keypair to 600 in order to get into my personal instance last night,
And this is the way it is supposed to be.
From the EC2 documentation we have "If you're using OpenSSH (or any reasonably paranoid SSH client) then you'll probably need to set the permissions of this file so that it's only readable by you." The Panda documentation you link to links to Amazon's documentation but really doesn't convey how important it all is.
The idea is that the key pair files are like passwords and need to be protected. So, the ssh client you are using requires that those files be secured and that only your account can read them.
Setting the directory to 700 really should be enough, but 777 is not going to hurt as long as the files are 600.
Any problems you are having are client side, so be sure to include local OS information with any follow up questions!
Make sure that the directory containing the private key files is set to 700
chmod 700 ~/.ec2
To fix this,
you’ll need to reset the permissions back to default:
sudo chmod 600 ~/.ssh/id_rsa
sudo chmod 600 ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
If you are getting another error:
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Failed to add the host to the list of known hosts (/home/geek/.ssh/known_hosts).
This means that the permissions on that file are also set incorrectly, and can be adjusted with this:
sudo chmod 644 ~/.ssh/known_hosts
Finally, you may need to adjust the directory permissions as well:
sudo chmod 755 ~/.ssh
This should get you back up and running.
I also got the same issue, but I fix it by changing my key file permission to 600.
sudo chmod 600 /path/to/my/key.pem
The private key file should be protected. In my case i have been using the public_key authentication for a long time and i used to set the permission as 600 (rw- --- ---) for private key and 644 (rw- r-- r--) and for the .ssh folder in the home folder you will have 700 permission (rwx --- ---). For setting this go to the user's home folder and run the following command
Set the 700 permission for .ssh folder
chmod 700 .ssh
Set the 600 permission for private key file
chmod 600 .ssh/id_rsa
Set 644 permission for public key file
chmod 644 .ssh/id_rsa.pub
Change the File Permission using chmod command
sudo chmod 700 keyfile.pem
On windows, Try using git bash and use your Linux commands there. Easy approach
chmod 400 *****.pem
ssh -i "******.pem" ubuntu#ec2-11-111-111-111.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com
Keep your private key, public key, known_hosts in same directory and try login as below:
ssh -I(small i) "hi.pem" ec2-user#ec2-**-***-**-***.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com
Same directory in the sense,
cd /Users/prince/Desktop.
Now type ls command
and you should see
**.pem **.ppk known_hosts
Note: You have to try to login from the same directory or you'll get a permission denied error as it can't find the .pem file from your present directory.
If you want to be able to SSH from any directory, you can add the following to you ~/.ssh/config file...
Host your.server
HostName ec2-user#ec2-**-***-**-***.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com
User ec2-user
IdentityFile ~/.ec2/id_rsa-gsg-keypair
IdentitiesOnly yes
Now you can SSH to your server regardless of where the directory is by simply typing ssh your.server (or whatever name you place after "Host").
Just to brief the issue, that pem files permissions are open for every user on machine i.e any one can read and write on that file
On windows it difficult to do chmod the way I found was using a git bash.
I have followed below steps
Remove user permissions
chmod ugo-rwx abc.pem
Add permission only for that user
chmod u+rw
run chmod 400
chmod 400 abc.pem
4.Now try ssh -i for your instance
If you are on a windows machine just copy the .pem file into C drive any folder and
re-run the command.
ssh -i /path/to/keyfile.pem user#some-host
In my case, I put that file in downloads and this actually works.
Or follow this https://99robots.com/how-to-fix-permission-error-ssh-amazon-ec2-instance/
I am thinking about something else, if you are trying to login with a different username that doesn't exist this is the message you will get.
So I assume you may be trying to ssh with ec2-user but I recall recently most of centos AMIs for example are using centos user instead of ec2-user
so if you are
ssh -i file.pem centos#public_IP please tell me you aretrying to ssh with the right user name otherwise this may be a strong reason of you see such error message even with the right permissions on your ~/.ssh/id_rsa or file.pem
The solution is to make it readable only by the owner of the file, i.e. the last two digits of the octal mode representation should be zero (e.g. mode 0400).
OpenSSH checks this in authfile.c, in a function named sshkey_perm_ok:
* if a key owned by the user is accessed, then we check the
* permissions of the file. if the key owned by a different user,
* then we don't care.
if ((st.st_uid == getuid()) && (st.st_mode & 077) != 0) {
error("Permissions 0%3.3o for '%s' are too open.",
(u_int)st.st_mode & 0777, filename);
error("It is required that your private key files are NOT accessible by others.");
error("This private key will be ignored.");
See the first line after the comment: it does a "bitwise and" against the mode of the file, selecting all bits in the last two octal digits (since 07 is octal for 0b111, where each bit stands for r/w/x, respectively).
sudo chmod 700 ~/.ssh
sudo chmod 600 ~/.ssh/id_rsa
sudo chmod 600 ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
The above 3 commands should solve the problem!
Just a note for anyone who stumbles upon this:
If you are trying to SSH with a key that has been shared with you, for example:
ssh -i /path/to/keyfile.pem user#some-host
Where keyfile.pem is the private/public key shared with you and you're using it to connect, make sure you save it into ~/.ssh/ and chmod 777.
Trying to use the file when it was saved elsewhere on my machine was giving the OP's error. Not sure if it is directly related.