WARNING: UNPROTECTED PRIVATE KEY FILE! when trying to SSH into Amazon EC2 Instance - ssh

I'm working to set up Panda on an Amazon EC2 instance.
I set up my account and tools last night and had no problem using SSH to interact with my own personal instance, but right now I'm not being allowed permission into Panda's EC2 instance.
Getting Started with Panda
I'm getting the following error:
Permissions 0644 for '~/.ec2/id_rsa-gsg-keypair' are too open.
It is recommended that your private key files are NOT accessible by others.
This private key will be ignored.
I've chmoded my keypair to 600 in order to get into my personal instance last night, and experimented at length setting the permissions to 0 and even generating new key strings, but nothing seems to be working.
Any help at all would be a great help!
Hm, it seems as though unless permissions are set to 777 on the directory, the ec2-run-instances script is unable to find my keyfiles.

I've chmoded my keypair to 600 in order to get into my personal instance last night,
And this is the way it is supposed to be.
From the EC2 documentation we have "If you're using OpenSSH (or any reasonably paranoid SSH client) then you'll probably need to set the permissions of this file so that it's only readable by you." The Panda documentation you link to links to Amazon's documentation but really doesn't convey how important it all is.
The idea is that the key pair files are like passwords and need to be protected. So, the ssh client you are using requires that those files be secured and that only your account can read them.
Setting the directory to 700 really should be enough, but 777 is not going to hurt as long as the files are 600.
Any problems you are having are client side, so be sure to include local OS information with any follow up questions!

Make sure that the directory containing the private key files is set to 700
chmod 700 ~/.ec2

To fix this,
you’ll need to reset the permissions back to default:
sudo chmod 600 ~/.ssh/id_rsa
sudo chmod 600 ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
If you are getting another error:
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Failed to add the host to the list of known hosts (/home/geek/.ssh/known_hosts).
This means that the permissions on that file are also set incorrectly, and can be adjusted with this:
sudo chmod 644 ~/.ssh/known_hosts
Finally, you may need to adjust the directory permissions as well:
sudo chmod 755 ~/.ssh
This should get you back up and running.

I also got the same issue, but I fix it by changing my key file permission to 600.
sudo chmod 600 /path/to/my/key.pem

The private key file should be protected. In my case i have been using the public_key authentication for a long time and i used to set the permission as 600 (rw- --- ---) for private key and 644 (rw- r-- r--) and for the .ssh folder in the home folder you will have 700 permission (rwx --- ---). For setting this go to the user's home folder and run the following command
Set the 700 permission for .ssh folder
chmod 700 .ssh
Set the 600 permission for private key file
chmod 600 .ssh/id_rsa
Set 644 permission for public key file
chmod 644 .ssh/id_rsa.pub

Change the File Permission using chmod command
sudo chmod 700 keyfile.pem

On windows, Try using git bash and use your Linux commands there. Easy approach
chmod 400 *****.pem
ssh -i "******.pem" ubuntu#ec2-11-111-111-111.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com

Keep your private key, public key, known_hosts in same directory and try login as below:
ssh -I(small i) "hi.pem" ec2-user#ec2-**-***-**-***.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com
Same directory in the sense,
cd /Users/prince/Desktop.
Now type ls command
and you should see
**.pem **.ppk known_hosts
Note: You have to try to login from the same directory or you'll get a permission denied error as it can't find the .pem file from your present directory.
If you want to be able to SSH from any directory, you can add the following to you ~/.ssh/config file...
Host your.server
HostName ec2-user#ec2-**-***-**-***.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com
User ec2-user
IdentityFile ~/.ec2/id_rsa-gsg-keypair
IdentitiesOnly yes
Now you can SSH to your server regardless of where the directory is by simply typing ssh your.server (or whatever name you place after "Host").

Just to brief the issue, that pem files permissions are open for every user on machine i.e any one can read and write on that file
On windows it difficult to do chmod the way I found was using a git bash.
I have followed below steps
Remove user permissions
chmod ugo-rwx abc.pem
Add permission only for that user
chmod u+rw
run chmod 400
chmod 400 abc.pem
4.Now try ssh -i for your instance

If you are on a windows machine just copy the .pem file into C drive any folder and
re-run the command.
ssh -i /path/to/keyfile.pem user#some-host
In my case, I put that file in downloads and this actually works.
Or follow this https://99robots.com/how-to-fix-permission-error-ssh-amazon-ec2-instance/

I am thinking about something else, if you are trying to login with a different username that doesn't exist this is the message you will get.
So I assume you may be trying to ssh with ec2-user but I recall recently most of centos AMIs for example are using centos user instead of ec2-user
so if you are
ssh -i file.pem centos#public_IP please tell me you aretrying to ssh with the right user name otherwise this may be a strong reason of you see such error message even with the right permissions on your ~/.ssh/id_rsa or file.pem

The solution is to make it readable only by the owner of the file, i.e. the last two digits of the octal mode representation should be zero (e.g. mode 0400).
OpenSSH checks this in authfile.c, in a function named sshkey_perm_ok:
* if a key owned by the user is accessed, then we check the
* permissions of the file. if the key owned by a different user,
* then we don't care.
if ((st.st_uid == getuid()) && (st.st_mode & 077) != 0) {
error("Permissions 0%3.3o for '%s' are too open.",
(u_int)st.st_mode & 0777, filename);
error("It is required that your private key files are NOT accessible by others.");
error("This private key will be ignored.");
See the first line after the comment: it does a "bitwise and" against the mode of the file, selecting all bits in the last two octal digits (since 07 is octal for 0b111, where each bit stands for r/w/x, respectively).

sudo chmod 700 ~/.ssh
sudo chmod 600 ~/.ssh/id_rsa
sudo chmod 600 ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
The above 3 commands should solve the problem!

Just a note for anyone who stumbles upon this:
If you are trying to SSH with a key that has been shared with you, for example:
ssh -i /path/to/keyfile.pem user#some-host
Where keyfile.pem is the private/public key shared with you and you're using it to connect, make sure you save it into ~/.ssh/ and chmod 777.
Trying to use the file when it was saved elsewhere on my machine was giving the OP's error. Not sure if it is directly related.


Failure to authenticate SSH keys

I'm in the process of setting up a virtual server via Amazon AWS. I followed their tutorial regarding setting up a Linux based virtual server on OS X. Everything goes well until I get to the .ssh pair key file. I download AWS's key as a .pem file. It saves as a .pem.txt file. Which seems odd from what I'm reading. So, I duplicate and change the extension to .pem only.
Then I go to copy the file from downloads to the ~/.ssh folder and get no problems using cp ~/Downloads/FileName.pem ~/.ssh. When I try to use chmod 400 to adjust the security parameters of the folder it returns "Not a directory". When I try to authenticate it fails. I suspect because it has something to do with the chmod 400 code line, but I'm not certain. I also wanted to verify to make sure the file copied into the .ssh folder, but all of the suggestions online about unhiding the hidden folders on a Mac were a no-go.
It is a Linux set up so the user name is the one listed in the tutorial (I already researched this problem). I double check to see if there was a file .ssh and there seems to be. When I type ssh in the terminal I do get feedback, so I'm assuming there is a file there.
Create an ssh folder in your home folder, if one is not present. Then copy the PEM file to that folder. Then change permissions of the PEM file to protect it. Something like this:
mkdir -p ~/.ssh
cp fred.pem.txt ~/.ssh/fred.pem
chmod 400 ~/.ssh/fred.pem

Putty: Getting Server refused our key Error

I created key pair using puttygen.exe (client is windows 8). On server (Ubuntu 12.04.3 LTS), I have put my public key in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys. The public key is this:
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABJQAAAQEAopfM6RHOgnuc4Aftn3t4k5UIAT3StCAbn/vg/IMbphbXadshC+79sIlRq3P4zGzMjFTP4hKnzu6ehLV5lmj/qorq3SKT+bPO5Qrac3VbIlrGvuBFDDjP82I2Hwg3HzlsFTstqk++KToapaTYZ7jENEYyPl2wnzITJnt//+4U1o6juoXTKgdNE02hHnRZyHOV/bnkZyJJCEwJv5U0eXSThQnhmXtUxGT8U0HQNFiXfqIIVllhWiCnyrhhIaKz/CIJNAd2VmzyJzQtJtTQX8aWSNVrZju6Sv2/RncTNvsACdNgjjh/FH8PQXaep00jlJ3MOdsC8vz6VSPFbh6iKy1oLQ== rsa-key-20131231
So it's correct (one line, no comments, starts with ssh-rsa, etc.)
.ssh dir permission level is 700, authorized_keys file permission is 600. Both directory and file owned by the actual user that I try to log in.
When I try connecting I'm getting 'server refused our key' and server asks for password. That's all. Nothing is logged to /var/log/auth.log when attempting to log in with the key.
I've looked everywhere and all articles and tips mention setting chmod 600 and 700 for the file/directory and formatting the key correctly. I've done all this still getting 'refused our key' error and I'm out of ideas.
OK, there was a small typo in my key. Apparently when pasting to file the first letter was cut off and it started with sh-rsa instead of ssh-rsa.
nrathathaus - your answer was very helpful, thanks a lot, this answer is credited to you :) I did like you said and set this in sshd_conf:
LogLevel DEBUG3
By looking at the logs I realized that sshd reads the key correctly but rejects it because of the incorrect identifier.
Adding a few thoughts as other answers helped, but were not exact fit.
First of all, as mentioned in accepted answer, edit
and set log level:
LogLevel DEBUG3
Then restart sshd on the server to have it use the changed log level, e.g.:
sudo service ssh restart
Then try to authenticate, and when it fails, look for log file:
It will have errors you are looking for.
In my case I had to change the permissions of /home/user from 0755 to 0700 as well.
In my case, is a permission problem.
I changed the log level to DEBUG3, and in /var/log/secure I see this line:
Authentication refused: bad ownership or modes for directory
Googled and I found this post:
chmod g-w /home/$USER
chmod 700 /home/$USER/.ssh
chmod 600 /home/$USER/.ssh/authorized_keys
Basically, it tells me to:
get rid of group w permission of your user home dir
change permission to 700 of the .ssh dir
change permission to 600 of the authorized_keys file.
And that works.
Another thing is that even I enabled root login, I cannot get root to work. Better use another user.
Running Windows 8.1 I ran into the server refused our key problem.
Following the guide: https://winscp.net/eng/docs/guide_windows_openssh_server
It was easy to make a connection using the Windows login username and password. However, authenticating with the username in combination with a private key, the response was server refused our key.
Getting it to work with a public key came down to the permissions on the file:
This is a helpful page: https://github.com/PowerShell/Win32-OpenSSH/wiki/Troubleshooting-Steps
Stop the two OpenSSH services, then open a command prompt with admin permissions. Then run:
C:\OpenSSH-Win32>c:\OpenSSH-Win32\sshd.exe -ddd
Note: specify the full path to the exe otherwise sshd complains.
This creates a one-time use connection listener. The -ddd is verbose level 3.
After making a connection, scanning the logs revealed:
debug1: trying public key file __PROGRAMDATA__/ssh/administrators_authorized_keys
debug3: Failed to open file:C:/ProgramData/ssh/administrators_authorized_keys error:2
debug1: Could not open authorized keys '__PROGRAMDATA__/ssh/administrators_authorized_keys':
No such file or directory
Had to create the file: C:\ProgramData\ssh\administrators_authorized_keys
And copy the public key text into it, e.g: ssh-rsa AAAA................MmpfXUCj rsa-key-20190505
And then save the file. I saved the file as UTF-8 with the BOM. Didn't test ANSI.
Then running the one-time command line again, in the logs showed:
debug1: trying public key file __PROGRAMDATA__/ssh/administrators_authorized_keys
debug3: Bad permissions. Try removing permissions for user: S-1-5-11 on file C:/ProgramData/ssh/administrators_authorized_keys.
Authentication refused.
S-1-5-11 is the name given to the System.
To fix the Bad permissions, right click on the administrators_authorized_keys file, goto the Security Tab , click the Advanced button and remove inherited permissions.
Then delete all Group or user names: except for the Windows login username, e.g: YourMachineName\username
The permissions for that username should be Read Allow, Write Deny everything else is unchecked. The owner of the file should also be YourMachineName\username
This fixed the problem.
Other Useful links:
Download OpenSSH-Win32.zip from: https://github.com/PowerShell/Win32-OpenSSH/releases
C# example of how to use the WinSCPnet.dll to make a connection to the OpenSSH server: https://winscp.net/eng/docs/library#csharp
Here is the code snippet to make a connection using the WinSCPnet.dll:
static void WinSCPTest() {
SessionOptions ops = new SessionOptions {
Protocol = Protocol.Sftp,
PortNumber = 22,
HostName = "",
UserName = "user123",
//Password = "Password1",
SshHostKeyFingerprint = #"ssh-rsa 2048 qu0f........................ddowUUXA="
ops.SshPrivateKeyPath = #"C:\temp\rsa-key-20190505.ppk";
using (Session session = new Session()) {
Replace SshHostKeyFingerprint and SshPrivateKeyPath with your own values.
Edit: added screenshot of administrators_authorized_keys file permissions:
When OpenSSH SSH Server is running as a Service, then only System should have permission. However, if running sshd.exe from the command prompt, then the current user should be the only one listed (read allow, write deny).
The simple solution i found was to move the authorized_keys file away from the hidden .ssh directory and put it in the system ssh directory:
As soon as I did this it worked with no problems.
having same issue in windows server 2008 r2 and explored a lot to solve, finally did that by following:
open C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenSSH\etc\sshd_config with textpad or any other text editor
remove comment from following lines, after removing they should look like following:
RSAAuthentication yes
PubkeyAuthentication yes
AuthorizedKeysFile .ssh/authorized_keys
save it and try to login with private key now.
have fun.
I'm adding this answer to help anyone, like me, who spent hours scouring the internet without success.
Or for that matter any folder in which your "authorized_keys" file is nested. Man, that would have saved me a lot of time. To check, go perform
ls -A
on the directory whose encryption status you would like to determine. If the folder contains a folder named ".encryptfs" the answer is, yes, that folder is encrypted. This will impede your ability to access the "authorized_keys" file containing the public ssh key needed for verification.
To fix this, place the "authorized_key" file in a directory tree that contains no encryption.
After adding key, login as ec2-user if you are using an Amazon Linux machine
If its ubuntu machine then use ubuntu
Thanks to nrathaus and /var/log/auth.log investigation on debug level comes the following.
Another reason is that your home directory may have permissions different than 755.
In my case it was caused by (/etc/ssh/sshd_config):
PermitRootLogin no
Changed to yes, restarted the service and got in normally.
I have solved this problem,puttygen is a third-party software, ssh key which generated by it didn't be used directly, so you must make some changes.
For example, it look like this
Comment: "rsa-key-20170502"
I omit some of the alphabets in the middle, replaced by *, if not, StackOverflow told me that the code format is wrong, do not let me post。
this is my ssh key generated by puttygen, you must change to this
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABJQAAAQEAr4Ffd3LD1pa7KVSBDU+lq0M7vNvLp6TewkP7wfvKGWWR7wxA8GEXJsM01FQw5hYWbNF0CDI7nCMXDUEDOzO1xKtNoaidlLA0qGl67bHaF5t+0mE+dZBGqK7jG9L8/KU/b66/tuZnqFqBjLkT+lS8MDo1okJOScuLSilk9oT5ZiqxsD24sdEcUE62S8Qwu7roVEAWU3hHNpnMK+1szlPBCVpbjcQTdiv1MjsOHJXY2PWx6DAIBii+/N+IdGzoFdhq+Yo/RGWdr1Zw/LSwqKDq1SmrpToW9uWVdAxeC4eq1cdJACBPyjqUCoz00r+LqkGA6sIFGooeVuUXTOxbYULuNQ== yourname#hostname
In my case, I have deleted some comments, such as
Comment: "rsa-key-20170502"
and add ssh-rsa at the beginning,
add yourname#hostname at the last.
note: not delete== in the last and you must change "yourname" and "hostname" for you, In my case, is uaskh#mycomputer,yourname is that you want to log in your vps .when all these things have done,you could to upload public-key to uaskh's home~/.ssh/authorized_keys by cat public-key >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys then sudo chmod 700 ~/.ssh sudo chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys then you must to modify /etc/ssh/sshd_config, RSAAuthentication yes PubkeyAuthentication yes AuthorizedKeysFile .ssh/authorized_keys my operating system is CentOS 7,This is my first time to anwser question,I will try my efforts to do ,Thank you!
I encountered this problem today and my issue was that when copying the public key from file, new line characters are included as well. You can use ":set list" in vim to see all the hidden new lines and make sure to delete all the new lines except for the last one. Also, my key was missing "ssh-rsa " in the beginning. Make sure you have that as well.
The equivilent of an SSH command:
ssh -i <path_to_pem_file> ec2-user#calendar.com
In Windows, first use PuTTYGen to convert the pem file to a ppk file.
Open PuTTYGen
File/Load the private pem key (or an OpenSSH key)
In the Open FileDialog, use the drop down to select "All files" (it only shows ppk file formats not pem, also OpenSSH key files that can be converted like pem files don't have a file extension)
File/Save private key (*.ppk)
The same settings in Putty as the SSH command:
Open Putty
Session/Hostname: calendar.com
Connection/Data/Auto-login username: ec2-user
Connection/SSH/Auth/PrivateKeyFile Path: the file path to the PPK file
OpenSSH disable the ssh-rsa signature scheme by default in the next
In the SSH protocol, the "ssh-rsa" signature scheme uses the SHA-1
hash algorithm in conjunction with the RSA public key algorithm. It is
now possible1 to perform chosen-prefix attacks against the SHA-1
algorithm for less than USD$50K.
So, update the key.
For those receiving this error from Windows Server, I received this same error and it was a user account issue. With many organizations, group policy for Administrators may not allow setting up SSH Server and connections. With that type of setup, this must be done from Local Admin account. Might be worth looking into if you have confirmed there are not any typos in the public key.
In my case, I had to disable SELinux on Centos6.6 to get it working :)
Edit /etc/selinux/config and set the following and then reboot the host.
BTW...forgot to mention that I had to set the LogLevel=DEBUG3 to identify the issue.
I had the same error on solaris but found in /var/adm/splunk-auth.log the following:
sshd: [auth.debug] debug1: PAM conv function returns PAM_SUCCESS
sshd: [auth.notice] Excessive (3) login failures for weblogic: locking account.
sshd: [auth.debug] ldap pam_sm_authenticate(sshd-kbdint weblogic), flags = 1
sshd: [auth.info] Keyboard-interactive (PAM) userauth failed[9] while authenticating: Authentication failed
In /etc/shadow the account was locked:
Removed the "*LK*" part:
and I could use ssh with authorized_keys as usual.
I have this issue where sshd only reads from authorized_keys2.
Copying or renaming the file fixed the problem for me.
cd ~/.ssh
sudo cat authorized_keys >> authorized_keys2
P.S. I'm using Putty from Windows and used PuTTyKeygen for key pair generation.
I was facing similar issue when trying to logon through Mobaxterm. The private key was generated through puttygen. Regenerating the key helped in my case.
As my experience, I suggest you should generate keys from putty, should not generate from linux side. Because the key will be old PEM format. Anyway, just my suggestion. I did as steps below and worked fine with me and with my team.
Generate a key pair with PuTTYGen.exe on your local (type: RSA, length: 2048 bits).
Save private/public key as "id_rsa.ppk/id_rsa.pub" files on your local.
Create "authorized_keys" file on your local, then enter the public key in "id_rsa.pub" to "authorized_keys".
Remember content has to begin with "ssh-rsa" and one line only.
Use WinScp (or putty command) to copy "authorized_keys & id_rsa.pub" from your local to your linux-user-home "/home/$USER/.ssh/".
Run these commands:
chmod 700 .ssh
chmod 600 .ssh/authorized_keys
chown $USER:$USER .ssh -R
Test your connect setting by load the private key "id_rsa.ppk" in the PuTTY.exe profile, then click open (put your passphrase if have).
check your key, this should be a rsa (id_rsa.pub) key today and no longer a dss (id_dsa.pub) key, use puttygen 0.70 and choose RSA on type of key to generate, replace the public key on host ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
Oh my God I spent days trying to fix this. So here is what worked for me. I went back to the root fold like this:
cd /root/
mkdir .ssh
cd .ssh
chmod 700 .ssh
nano -w authorized_keys
service ssh restart
So I used root to logging via Putty and it worked. so try to do the same with the user you want to use in putty.
In the case of mine it was a wrong user:group attribution. I solved setting the right user and group:
sudo chown [user]:[group] -R /home/[user]
This helps to me:
# /etc/ssh/sshd_config
PubkeyAuthentication yes
# temporarily added:
LogLevel DEBUG3
# gentoo
# tail -n 50 /var/log/messages
and restart sshd
/etc/init.d/sshd restart
If you run Putty in a version before 0.75, then updating Putty should solve the problem.
Newer version of openSSH (as in Ubuntu 22.04) have deprecated the use of the SHA1 hashing algorithm during the login, but Putty used SHA1 until version 0.74.
If sshd log file on the server shows
$ sudo grep 'sshd' /var/log/auth.log
sshd[113232]: userauth_pubkey: key type ssh-rsa not in PubkeyAcceptedAlgorithms [preauth]
then this in fact causing the error, and should be gone after Putty has been updated.
I'm using a PUTTYgen file with psftp, and I encountered this problem on my Windows Server when we were required to create new keys for a client. The private_key_name.ppk file and the open_ssh.txt file must be in the same directory for the connection to work.
In my case home on nfs was 777, needed to be 750. That fixed the issue.
When using Cpanel you can check if the key is authorized in
SSH Access >> Public keys >> Manage >> Authorize or Deauthorize.
if you get this error in /var/log/secure
error: key_read: key_from_blob AA
it means your key is having space, if you generated key through puttgen when you view .ppk file, it will look like this:
and when you try to paste it you will get an error in reading key, so try to edit key and make it one line and try it
this should look like something
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABJQAAAQEAoo3PFwX04NFG+rKz93l7em1BsUBzjHPMsswDal74MLaJyhQD0pE23NS1izahbo1sJGnSJu2VJ//zxidSsba6xa6OvmeiKTwCz0E5GMefdGVdpdbTlv99qjBl1+Nw1tDnHIC0+v9XmeZERQfCds9Kp1UivfReoYImntBCgLtNyqRYrSu8csJCt7E1oY8QK6WP1vfYgAQ2taGyS9+g7FHyyf5VY2vH3oWzzbqzxjsSLAv3zEQSm1LzSw9Pvc8iwasFyUMBOPj31CKQYTXyX8KpJTr0Zb7oqMauBE5LVwxZhlcJHbj0FsMbF/+GRjvgexymCi3bHmwGQ6FEADNd0RkhdQ== username#domainname

Enabling rsync with ssh keygen and no password

I would like to setup a rsync a folder inside /etc, I followed this link http://news.softpedia.com/news/How-to-Use-RSA-Key-for-SSH-Authentication-38599.shtml and created one user added in visudo and then with ssh keygen, transferred the public key to remote machine, but still its asking for password.
Any other way would be recommended.
The link that you gave us is right, but there is something that they miss. In the backup-server you must change the file /etc/ssh/sshd_config, uncomment this line
AuthorizedKeysFile .ssh/authorized_keys
and your no password access should be working. In resume:
Client (where you have yours original files)
In a terminal write:
$ ssh-keygen -t rsa
this create the id_rsa.pub file in /home/USER/.ssh/
Server (where you will backup yours files)
modify the ssh_config file:
#nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
and uncomment the line
AuthorizedKeysFile %h/.ssh/authorized_keys
and now just copy the content of .ssh/id_rsa.pub(Client) at the end of .ssh/authorized_keys(Server) and the no-password will be working(to connect from Client to Server). Maybe you need to restart your ssh server with
/etc/init.d/ssh restart
To make your rsync just do (you don't gave us too much information, but I suppose this)
rsync -az --delete --progress /etc/ server:destinationFolder/
this will make a backup of /etc/ in the Client to destinationFolder/ in the Server, show you the progress of the backup, will delete the file that are not in the source and will send compress the files. The access permissions to the .ssh/ directory in the Server must be 700, i.e: chmod -R 700 .ssh/
Possible errors:
1."Agent admitted failure using the key"
Sol: After you disconnect from the server (logged with the password) you must type in your client terminal ssh-add

Connecting to a remote Centos server using SSH Keys

I am trying to connect to a Centos 6.3 Server using an SSH Key so I can run a script remotely without it asking for a password everytime. I have followed the following instructions:
Login to the server using the normal ssh command and password one time so the server adds your computer to the known hosts
In your computer using cygwin-terminal generate the keys and leave the passphrase blank:ssh-keygen -t rsa
Now set permissions on your private key and ssh folder:chmod 700 ~/.ssh & chmod 600 ~/.ssh/id_rsa
Copy the public key (id_rsa.pub) to the server, login to the server and add the public key to the authorized_keys list: cat id_rsa.pub >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
Once you've imported the public key, you can delete it from the server. Set file permissions on the server: chmod 700 ~/.ssh & chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
Retart the ssh daemon on the server: service sshd restart
Test the connection from your computer:ssh root#
But when I try to ssh to the remote server it is still asking me for the password. The .ssh folder was not created on the server so I had to created myself. Any ideas of what might be happening? did I miss something? Is there another way to set up the keys?
Well it turns out I had stupidly changed the owner of the /root directory when I was setting up the server so since this is where the /.ssh directory was for the user I was trying to loggin with (root) it was denying access to that directory because it belonged to another user.
Dec 10 16:25:49 thyme sshd[9121]: Authentication refused: bad ownership or modes for directory /root
I changed the owner back to root and that did it.
chown root /root
Thanks guys for you help.
Apparently this is a known bug. The suggested solution doesn't actually work, but I found that this would on a CentOS 6.2 system at work:
chmod 600 .ssh/authorized_keys
chmod 700 .ssh
Althogh OP had found a solution, I would like to record my solution of similar problem in the hope that it will be helpful to those who google similar problem and reach this answer.
The reason of my issue is that the .ssh directory in the user's home folder on CentOS server was not set a proper mode after being created by useradd command.
In addition, I need to manually set .ssh folder mode by following commands:
chmod g-w /home/user
chmod 700 /home/user/.ssh
chmod 600 /home/user/.ssh/authorized_keys
Other answers are generic, note that Centos 6 uses selinux. selinux can deny access to the authorised_keys file despite correct permissions and ownership
From the known issues in Centos 6 Release Notes:
Make sure that you setup correctly the selinux context of the public key if you transfer it to a CentOS 6 server with selinux
enabled. Otherwise selinux might forbid access to the
~/.ssh/authorized_keys file and by matter of consequence key
authentication will not work. In order to setup the correct context
you can use:
restorecon -R -v /home/user/.ssh
ssh-copy-id from CentOS 6 is aware of selinux contexts and the previous workaround is not needed.

How to connect with a standalone SSH Client -- AWS EC2

Lets say I am given the ssh below.
ssh -i keypair.pem root#ec2-20-21-137-245.compute-1.amazonaws.com
I want to save it in /Users/UserName/Documents/ServerKeys
I believe I would add this to the ssh key
ssh -i ~/Documents/ServerKeys/keypair.pem root#ec2-20-21-137-245.compute-1.amazonaws.com
When I run this in the terminal I get
Permissions 0644 for '/Users/UserName/Documents/ServerKeys/keypair.pem' are too open.
It is recommended that your private key files are NOT accessible by others.
This private key will be ignored.
bad permissions: ignore key: /Users/UserName/Documents/ServerKeys/keypair.pem
Permission denied (publickey).
Do I need to run chmod 400 keypair.pem at some point?
What I am I doing wrong and what else do I need to do to get into a server using the keypair?
Yes, you should make sure the permissions on the file are secure. With a mode of 0644, anyone else on the system could read the key and use it to connect to the remote system. Setting it to 0600 ensure you and only you can read and write to the file (apart from root).
Changing the permissions on your key to 600 should solve that particular error.