Featured Posts Carousel on Tumblr - carousel

I'm building a site on Tumblr that includes a carousel for featured posts. My Javascript skills are pretty limited, but it seemed like it should be straightforward. I've built custom themes with featured posts before, just nothing that used a carousel.
Since I'm already using Foundation, I figured I could just use Orbit. I couldn't get that working and it was a little much for what I was trying to do, so I tried ResponsiveSlides.js. I'm still fighting with it.
I know there are a few themes out there that do something similar, but I was wondering if there was a simple solution—pull posts tagged "featured" from the RSS and drop it into a simple carousel—before going in and hacking at someone else's code.


How to add cards in docusaurus site just like implemented in playground page in docusaurus site?

I want to add cards to my docusaurus v2 site just like in the Playground Page in docusaurus.io/docs/playground. Can someone tell me how to implement it?
Not sure if you're still looking for a solution for this one year later, but I had the same question and landed on https://iframely.com/
It's not the cheapest (min. $29/month) but looks great, is well documented and has lots of integrations.
https://embed.ly/ is a cheaper alternative but only has one card style (horizontal) which I didn't like.

Responsive Headers with Elm-UI

I am using elm-ui. The header feature is amazing, but does not seem to be responsive by default. I don't see anything about responsive design in the documents. Is there a way to implement this feature within the elm-ui ecosystem, or do you need to integrate it into bootstrap or something responsive?
I did a bit of digging around the elm-ui github repo, it looks like indeed there is no answer for the responsive bit. And in general, elm really doesn't have an answer for responsiveness (Excluding elm-style-elements). I'd reccomend using media queries.
Check out this article to get started.

I don't understand the Dojo documentation

I'm a beginner in dojo. First of all is everything javascript based? For example to create a form I have to use JavaScript or HTML tags?
Also I cannot understand their documentation and tutorials. It's very confusing.
Is there a proper website (other then dojo itself) that has good tutorials?
You can use Dojo's components's (widgets) in two ways. Programmatic and declaritive. The programmatic way (what you are talking about) is by defining widgets through the use of javascript. With declaritive you can define them using HTML markup. David Walsh has a nice short writeup and if you search for "declaritive programmatic dojo" you'll find some questions and answers on the matter:
Difference between programmatically vs declaratively created widgets in dojo?
Declarative coding or programmatic coding in Dojo Projects?
Declarative or programatic approach in DOJO?
If you're having trouble with the tutorials on the Dojo website, i suspect you're better off, first diving into some basic beginner javascript tutorials before trying to learn a framework like Dojo. I concur with the comment Ferry made on your question, there are no better resources than the actual Dojo website. I recommend following every tutorial, starting with the Hello Dojo tutorial and working your way up so that you don't miss out on the basic concepts which you'll need when you read the harder tutorials. Good luck!
For your first question: dojo is javascript-based platform that provide you with a basic javascript library and a bunch of basic widgets (UI controls like button, dialogue, layouts,...), and some extra things. However, you don't really have to use dojo all the time: you still can use dojo to manipulate a html form button; it's just dojo button comes with extra functionalities and might save you some time.
For the second question, I agree with iH8 that dojo website is the best place to start. There are three different ways dojo websites can help you:
Look at the tutorial: Basic steps on how to set it up and use provided functionalities as-is
Look at thetoolkit api: This provides a very detailed view of dojo javascript object (See what extra things you can do with dojo objects)
Look at the nightlytest: I found this very helpful in term of showing me what can be done outside of the tutorial (i.e. how to use things you found in the api)
Other than these, you can look at existing implementation to learn about the toolkit.
Basically, this is how I am learning Dojo. Without more-specific questions, it's hard to tell what is confusing about the tutorial. I would recommend you give it a try and post a question: everyone here will be willing to help you.
I recommend starting with some video tutorial like this.
When you understand the concept, you can try to copy and paste some code from Dojo documentation tutorials or Reference Guide, because all books are out-of-date.
Also you may find some useful information on IBM-related sites like http://www.ibm.com/developerworks because IBM invested in Dojo and uses it for its products.
If you have enough resources ($) you can take participation in Workshops (sitepen.com/workshops)

Google NoCaptcha ReCaptcha

If correct, Google introduced Google's NoCaptcha ReCaptcha on december 3th. More information can be found on their official blog.
After reading their story, they refer to their good old ReCaptcha site. Seemingly this has been renewed. So I created an account and started testing. However, I already stumble on two questions that don't seem to be answered on their own site. Google-ing results in old and mostly useless information about the "old" ReCaptcha module.
The thing is not responsive. This seems weird to me. I know I can make it responsive or use a framework or something to do so. But all the HTML / CSS is generated by the plugin itself. Is there some universal solution for this, or Am I missing something?
Sometimes clicking the checkbox is all that's needed, but often I still get the old misformed pictures that are still hard to read. In other words, sometimes it looks like nothing has changed. Is this normal, or is this thing not fully released yet?

Ruby on Rails - using a Themeforest Admin Theme with my project

I am trying to build a CRM tool for a particular niche. I'm a complete newbie. This will be my first app. My only programming experience is with VB and MS Access, so RoR is presenting quite the learning curve. I have worked through the first version of Michael Hartl's Rails Tutorial. (And actually absorbed about 10% of it)
I bought a Themeforest bootstrap admin theme and have two general questions on it:
1) The theme has some PHP code in it. I'm assuming that I should re-write this code in Ruby, right? The code mostly controls things like file uploading, etc.--things that could be re-written in Ruby by an experienced programmer rather quickly (for me, it will take months :)
2) The theme contains a number of different pages. For example, one page is a dashboard, and another is a calendar. Both of these pages have a lot of duplication between them - all the main control buttons, etc., stay the same from page to page. In the theme, each page is a different HTML file where all of the code is simply duplicated. I'm assuming that I'll want to set up some sort of template system in Rails so that I don't cut-and-paste code between a bunch of HTML pages, right? (If I change a main button, I only want to make that change in one place, rather than in each of the 20 HTML files that came with this theme.)
I'm not absolutely sure if there's no other way, but it's most likely the easiest solution.
If you have to rewrite stuff that's common in web apps, like file uploading, there is usually a gem to help you out, so you don't have to do everything from scratch. I can recommend the paperclip gem, Railscast for file uploading, since we use that in our own project.
Note: The Railscast is out of date, so the installation stuff is no longer accurate. Also, paperclip requires ImageMagick to work.
Railscasts also cover lots of other useful gems. If you need to find something specific, just google it. The github page then usually reveals if a gem is still maintained or if you're better off with something else.
Rails prevents duplicated code with partials. Here's the Railscast (syntax might have changed since 2008). Partials let you place code like headers, or buttons in your case, in a file, which can then be rendered in any of your views.
Unfortunately, I can't link the other stuff like the github page and Rubygems.org because I lack the reputation. I hope this still helps a bit.
Extract the common elements of the theme into your application layout.
Extract the modular sections of the theme into their own controllers and actions. For example, create a calendar controller for the calendar section, the actions that appear in the calendar controller will be the views that support the calendar. You can also use partials (views that start with '_'), without having to create a controller action. But if there is data that needs to be sent to the view, it is better to stick with normal controller actions and views.
As for the php code, get rid of it, move as much logic as possible into your model and controllers, with preference to putting in your models. As hobo suggested, check out gems to replicate the functionality of any complicated php code.