jdk 1.6 to 1.7 migration - migration

We want to migrate code form Jdk 1.6 to Jdk 1.7. Would like to know if there any any changes required in the code ? Is there any checklist we can follow to ensure that there no issues during and after migration.
Thanks in advance

In general, your code should require no changes. There are some minor incompatibilities, but very few have larger impact. You can read about them on http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/compatibility-417013.html


Can I apply new security patches on Prestashop

I have a store running Prestashop (with Symfony 2.8.27) with tons of customized files, theme, modules etc.. I just can't upgrade to newer Prestashop versions otherwise i will loose a lot of work in a blink of an eye.
My question is simple, can I apply prestashop version by version from 1.7.2 up to 1.7.8 security patches on my actual installed PS ? That is including Symfony vulnerable issues.
What is your advice.
Prestashop security patches applied over time are listed here , you should search the pull requests related to those advisiories and apply / cherry pick them manually on your release.
This can be a hard task though, especially from such an old version.
Generally, I suggest to move your core changes to modules / overrides so that you can update safely to latest version, so you can also benefit of PHP 7.4 support (note that themes and third party modules will not be overwritten during upgrade).

What is the alternative of AuthCacheValue and AuthCacheImpl in Java11

AuthCacheValue and AuthCacheImpl were present in sun.net package till jdk 1.8
But now while trying to use the same in jdk 11, it seems the package is no longer visible. Any leads would be highly appreciated if someone can suggest what exactly is the alternative of it or how this can be achieved

Prestashop 1.7 stock manager option not showing

I have installed Prestashop 1.7 on my system . I have enabled enable stock management option but still I can't see stock management option. So is that feature removed from 1.7 or what? Should I make some other changes to see that?
Any suggestion and help will be really appreciable.
If you are referring to the Advanced Stock Management, this indeed was removed from 1.7.
It is under re-development and it will be added again in the future 1.7+ versions.

Dojo version upgrade from 1.3 to 1.7.3

While changing the dojo version from 1.3 to 1.7.3, I simply replaced all my dojo 1.3 folder files with dojo 1.7.3. After rebuilding my web application, I am getting error hxrFailed at dojo.js, line no 15.
What is the wrong that I am facing here? Do I need to change any existing code. Is there any document to refer for all the required changes.
Please help me to get out from this issue.
Lots changed and there are some lengthy tutorials to help you migrate. Check out the documentation tab on Dojo's website:
1.x to 2.0 migration guide:
Updated buildsystem tutorial:
In theory the current (1.8) build system is backward compatible until 2.0, but in practice I'm not sure it is 100% backward compatible because my 1.6 build profile didn't work with 1.7.x and up. I didn't try that hard to get it to work though.
I have gone through the same. the xhrFailed error occurred for me for multiple reasons. One of the reason was a missing a file in the define as below:
Another cause for the same error occurred was when a folder in a path of a dependency was renamed but not updated in the application build profile. (This case only if your are doing custom builds).
See if that is the case!

When do we get an "AssertionError: HDF dataset not available. Check your clearsilver installation"

I am trying to install a dbauth plugin for trac. I know that I probably should be chasing this on other trac and trac-hacks related forums but still I am wondering, why do one get this error? What exactly is happening?
In my case the dbauth plugin is trying to read things like: "trac_permissions" and "trac_users" from a sqlite or mysql database. I have checked the databases, the values are in there but neither of them work. clearsilver is installed and running as well.
So what is usually causing this error? Is it that the HDF parser is receiving wrong info? Please do not take this as a trac question, just explain me why these types of errors occur.
a Google Search should get you started. You should also consider an alternative, because DbAuth is deprecated.
What version of Trac are you running? Recent versions use Genshi instead of Clearsilver, which means that Clearsilver-based plugins likely won't work correctly (not without modifications, at least). According to the Trac wiki, Trac version 0.11 still had the infrastructure to support Clearsilver-based plugins, version 0.12 retained this support in an unsupported form (meaning use at your own risk, you're on your own if something doesn't work), and version 0.13 dropped support for Clearsilver-based plugins entirely. Unless you're still running an older Trac install that's version 0.10 or 0.11, I'm inclined to say that this problem is due to the phasing out of Clearsilver support.
According to this trac-hacks ticket, you may want to try re-compiling Clearsilver with the Python bindings (this would only be useful if you're running Trac 0.11 or older).