What is the alternative of AuthCacheValue and AuthCacheImpl in Java11 - java-11

AuthCacheValue and AuthCacheImpl were present in sun.net package till jdk 1.8
But now while trying to use the same in jdk 11, it seems the package is no longer visible. Any leads would be highly appreciated if someone can suggest what exactly is the alternative of it or how this can be achieved


Is there a way for JDK 11 to help me to strip unused code from a jar file?

Does JDK 11 include any way of either A) reducing the size of a application jar file by removing unreachable code, or B) producing some sort of report that identifies unreachable code?
I've been stuck on Java 1.8 until recently, and I've had the idea for a year or more that there was some sort of mechanism in JDK 11 like what I describe that I could make use of once I got my code to that version. But now that I'm here, I'm Googling and looking through the JDK docs, and I can't find any such functionality. Am I missing something? I was so sure that there was a new linker, or something else that would do this for me.

IDEA is using JRebel Debug, which is very confusing

The program collects data about 3-5s when it gets the parameter values
But using idea's own debug startup is fast
My IDEA version is 2020.1, and my JREBEL version is 2020.2.2
I searched for the cause of the problem, and someone said jdk version 1.8 localhost, and I tried to fix it, but that's not the problem I had
If you have any experience to help me, please feel free to say thank you

Best way to upgrade a site from Bootstrap 4.0.0 to latest 4.3.1?

I want to upgrade a Bootstrap 4 html/css website from Bootstrap 4.0.0 to the latest version (currently 4.3.1). I have googled this and only see instructions for upgrading from 3.x.x to 4.x.x. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
I agree with the lack of resources provided. However unlike the migration from 3.x.x to 4.x.x, there isn't any loss of component here. But you will see some nasty changes, that will just break things. I would suggest going through the examples for version 4.0.0 and then cross referencing them with the ones for 4.3.1 .This will not solve your problems but it will definitely point you in the right direction.
You found nothing, because there is not much to say (There should be no breaking changes).
So you simple need to update (replace) the library files (CSS, JS, Probably Fonts).
Note: In current days we use Package Managers like NPM and install our frameworks as Packages. In case of NPM, you can find bootstrap here.

jdk 1.6 to 1.7 migration

We want to migrate code form Jdk 1.6 to Jdk 1.7. Would like to know if there any any changes required in the code ? Is there any checklist we can follow to ensure that there no issues during and after migration.
Thanks in advance
In general, your code should require no changes. There are some minor incompatibilities, but very few have larger impact. You can read about them on http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/compatibility-417013.html

Dojo version upgrade from 1.3 to 1.7.3

While changing the dojo version from 1.3 to 1.7.3, I simply replaced all my dojo 1.3 folder files with dojo 1.7.3. After rebuilding my web application, I am getting error hxrFailed at dojo.js, line no 15.
What is the wrong that I am facing here? Do I need to change any existing code. Is there any document to refer for all the required changes.
Please help me to get out from this issue.
Lots changed and there are some lengthy tutorials to help you migrate. Check out the documentation tab on Dojo's website:
1.x to 2.0 migration guide:
Updated buildsystem tutorial:
In theory the current (1.8) build system is backward compatible until 2.0, but in practice I'm not sure it is 100% backward compatible because my 1.6 build profile didn't work with 1.7.x and up. I didn't try that hard to get it to work though.
I have gone through the same. the xhrFailed error occurred for me for multiple reasons. One of the reason was a missing a file in the define as below:
Another cause for the same error occurred was when a folder in a path of a dependency was renamed but not updated in the application build profile. (This case only if your are doing custom builds).
See if that is the case!