Why do we need a java lock for just reading? - locking

W.r.t ReadWriteLock, why would i need a lock while i am just trying to read something?
Locking in my knowledge is to be used only if i am mutating a variable, not reading it to avoid concurrent threads trying to mutate the variable. So why we need a Lock for just reading?

The point of a ReaderWriterLock is to make sure that no other thread mutates something while you read it.
The read portion of the lock is not exclusive (there can be multiple concurrent readers), except with regard to the write portion (readers will wait for the writer and vice-versa).

Some kinds of object encapsulate multiple aspects of mutable state which are expected to have some relationship to each other. For example, a List may have a Count property as well as a bunch of numbered slots. Suppose that a list starts out containing 100 items and a thread tries to enumerate them. Around the time that the enumerating thread reaches item 50, another thread tries to insert an item before number 25. What should happen?
If the enumerating thread acquires a read-lock token before it starts, and releases it when it's done, and the thread that wants to insert an item acquires a write-lock token first, the fact that the enumerating thread acquired a read-lock token will prevent the updating thread from modifying the list until the enumeration is complete. Note that one could have any number of enumerating threads operating simultaneously without any conflict, but all of them would have to complete (release their read-lock tokens) before any changes could be made to the list. Note that once a write-lock token request has been made, requests for read-lock tokens will be deferred until after the write-lock token has been issued and released; were this not done, a steady stream of read requests could prevent any write requests from ever getting issued.


Redis/hazelcast - parallel consuming without locks

The question is asked for Redis, but can also be asked for hazelcast.
Is there a way for multiple instances to work on a Redis data-structure without locks?
Assume you have a queue stored on Redis.
When an applications gets an API request, it takes elements from that queue, does some processing and then returns the elements as the API response.
Is there a way to it in a way that satisfies the following requirements:
Elements are not lost. Meaning that in case where elements were taken from the queue and the application restarts, before done processing them, the elements will return to the queue.
Elements are read by a single consumer. Meaning, if a message is currently processed by a consumer then no other consumer will pick it up.
Seems that working with transactions satisfies 1 but fails 2, dequeuing messages satisfies 2 but fails 1.
Is there a way to satisfy both?
For Hazelcast, try TransactionalQueue
If you do IQueue.take() or TransactionalQueue.take() then only one consumer receives the message.
For the transactional queue, the item taken is at the front of the queue if the transaction goes to rollback.
Note here transaction isolation impacts on sequentiality semantics.
A queue may contain "A", "B" and "C".
A transaction take would get a hold on "A", as you'd expect.
While the transaction is running the next take gets "B".
If the transaction aborts, the next take gets "A".

ASP Net Core 3 Session (state) concurrency and integrity

I have a page which requests multiple requests concurrently. So those requests are in the very same session. For accessing the session I use everywhere IHttpContextAccessor.
My problem is that regardless of the timing, some request does not see other requests already set session state, instead sees some previous state. (again in timing, the set state operation happened already, still)
As far as I know each requests has its own copy of the state, which is written back... (well "when"?) to the common "one" state. If this "when" is the delayed to when request is completely served, then the scenario what I experiencing is easily happen: The 2nd concurrent request within the session got his copy after the 1st request modified the state but before as it was finished completely.
However this all above means that in case of concurrent request serving within a session there is no way to maintain session integrity. The 2nd not seeing the already done changes by the 1st, will write back something what is not consistent with the already done 1st process change.
Am I missing something?
Is there any workaround? (with some cost of course)
First, you may know this already, but it bears point out, just in case: session state is specific to one client. What you're talking about here, then, is the same client throwing multiple concurrent requests at the same time, each of which is touching the same piece of session state. That, in general, seems like a bad design. If there's some actual application reason to have multiple concurrent requests from the same client, then what those requests do should be idempotent or at least not step on each others toes. If it's a situation where the client is just spamming the server, either due to impatience or maliciousness, it's really not your concern whether their session state becomes corrupted as a result.
Second, because of the reasons outline above, concurrency is not really a concern for sessions. There's no use case I can imagine where the client would need to send multiple simultaneous requests that each modify the same session key. If there is, please elucidate by editing your question accordingly. However, I'd still imagine it would be something you likely shouldn't be persisting in the session in the first place.
That said, the session is thread-safe in that multiple simultaneous writes/reads will not cause an exception, but no guarantee is or can be made about integrity. That's universal across all concurrency scenarios. It's on you, as the developer, to ensure data integrity, if that's a concern. You do so, by designing a concurrency strategy. That could be anything from locks/semaphores to gate access or just compensating for things happening out of band. For example, with EF, you can employ concurrency tokens in your database tables to prevent one request overwriting another. The value of the token is modified with each successful update, and the application-known value is checked against the current database value before the update is made, to ensure that it has not been modified since the application initiated the update. If it has, then an exception is thrown to give the application a chance to catch and recover by cancelling the update, getting the fresh data and modifying that, or just pushing through an overwrite. This is to elucidate that you would need to come up with some sort of similar strategy if the integrity of the session data is important.

RabbitMQ - How to ensure two queues stay synchronized

I have two queues that both have distinct data types that affect one another as they're being processed by my application, therefore processing messages from the two queues asynchronously would cause a data integrity issue.
I'm curious as to the best practice for making sure only one consumer is consuming at any given time. Here is a summary of what I have so far:
EventMessages receive information about external events that may or may not have an impact on the enqueued/existing PurchaseOrderMessages.
Since we anticipate we'll be consuming more PurchaseOrderMessage than EventMessage, maybe we should just ensure the EventMessage Queue is empty (via the API) before we process anything in PurchaseOrderMessage Queue - but that gets into the question of wait times, etc. and this all needs to happen as close to real time as possible.
If there's a way to simply pause a Consumer A until Consumer B is at rest that might be the simplest solution, I'm just not quite sure which direction I need to go in.
To provide some additional context, a PurchaseOrderMessage will contain a Origin and Destination.
A EventMessage also contains location data.
Each time a PurchaseOrderMessage is processed, it will query the current EventMessage records for any Event locations that match the Origin and Destination of that PurchaseOrder and create an association.
Each time an EventMessage is processed, it will query the current PurchaseOrderMessage records for any Origins of Destinations that match that Event and create an association.
If synchronous queues aren't a good solution, what's an alternative that would insure none of the associations are missed when EventMessages and PurchaseOrderMessages are getting published to the app at the same time?
Ultimately this data will serve a UI which will have a list of PurchaseOrders and the events that might be affecting their delivery dates. It would be too slow to do the "Event Check" as the PurchaseOrder data was being rendered/retrieved by the end user which is why we're wanting to do it as they're processed/consumed.
Let me begin with the bottom line up front - on the face of it, what you are asking doesn't make sense.
Queues should never require synchronization. The very thought of doing so entirely defeats the purpose of having a queue. For some background, visit this answer.
Let's consider some common places from real life where we encounter multiple queues:
Movie theaters (box office, concession counter, usher)
Theme parks (snack bars, major attractions)
Manufacturing floors (each station may have a queue waiting to process)
In each of these examples, from the point of view of the object in the queue, it can only wait in one at a time. It cannot wait in one line while it is waiting in another- such a thing is physically impossible.
Your example seems to take two completely unrelated things and merge them together. You have a queue for PurchaseOrder objects - but what is the queue for? That's the equivalent of going to Disney World and waiting in the Customer queue - what is the purpose of such a queue? If the purpose is not clear, it's not a real queue.
Addressing your issue
This particular issue needs to be addressed first by clearly defining the various operations that are being done to a PurchaseOrder, then creating queues for each of those operations. If these operations are truly synchronous, then your business logic should be coded to wait for one operation to complete before starting another. In this circumstance, it would be considered an exception if a PurchaseOrder got to the head of one queue without fulfilling a pre-requisite.
Please remember that a message queue typically serves a stateless operation. Good design dictates that messages in the queue contain all the information needed for the processor to process the message. If you don't adhere to this, then your database becomes a single point of contention for your system - and while this is not an insurmountable problem, it does make the design more complex.
Waiting in Multiple Queues
Now, if you've ever been to Disney World, you'll also know that they have something called a FastPass+ (FP+), which allows the holder to skip the line at the designated attraction. Disney allocates a certain number of slots per hour for each major attraction at the park, and guests are able to request up to three FP+s during each day. FP+ times are allocated for one hour blocks, and guests cannot have two overlapping FP+ time blocks. Once all FP+ slots have been issued for the ride, no more are made available. The FP+ system ensures these rules are enforced, independently of the standby queues for each ride. Essentially, by using FastPass+, guests can wait in multiple lines virtually and experience more attractions during their visit.
If you are unable to analyze your design and come up with an alternative, perhaps the FastPass+ approach could help alleviate some of the bottlenecks.
Disclaimer: I don't work for Disney, but I do go multiple times per month, always getting my FastPass first

How to make a Saga handler Reentrant

I have a task that can be started by the user, that could take hours to run, and where there's a reasonable chance that the user will start the task multiple times during a run.
I've broken the processing of the task up into smaller batches, but the way the data looks it's very difficult to tell what's still to be processed. I batch it using messages that each process a bite sized chunk of the data.
I have thought of using a Saga to control access to starting this process, with a Saga property called Processing that I set at the start of the handler and then unset at the end of the handler. The handler does some work and sends the messages to process the data. I check the value at the start of the handler, and if it's set, then just return.
I'm using Azure storage for Saga storage, if it makes a difference for the next bit. I'm also using NSB 6
I have a few questions though:
Is this the correct approach to re-entrancy with NSB?
When is a change to Saga data persisted? (and is it different depending on the transport?)
Following on from the above, if I set a Saga value in a handler, wait a while and then reset it to its original value will it change the persistent storage at all?
Seem to be cross posted in the Particular Software google group:
Sagas are very often used for such patterns. The saga instance would track progress and guard that the (sub)tasks aren't invoked multiple times but could also take actions if the expected task(s) didn't complete or is/are over time.
The saga instance data is stored after processing the message and not when updating any of the saga data properties. The logic you described would not work.
The correct way would be having a saga that orchestrates your process and having regular handlers that do the actual work.
In the saga handle method that creates the saga check if the saga was already created or already the 'busy' status and if it does not have this status send a message to do some work. This will guard that the task is only initiated once and after that the saga is stored.
The handler can now do the actual task, when it completes it can do a 'Reply' back to the saga
When the saga receives the reply it can now start any other follow up task or raise an event and it can also 'complete'.
Optimistic concurrency control and batched sends
If two message are received that create/update the same saga instance only the first writer wins. The other will fail because of optimistic concurrency control.
However, if these messages are not processed in parallel but sequential both fail unless the saga checks if the saga instance is already initialized.
The following sample demonstrates this: https://github.com/ramonsmits/docs.particular.net/tree/azure-storage-saga-optimistic-concurrency-control/samples/azure/storage-persistence/ASP_1
The client sends two identical message bodies. The saga is launched and only 1 message succeeds due to optimistic concurrency control.
Due to retries eventually the second copy will be processed to but the saga checks the saga data for a field that it knows would normally be initialized by by a message that 'starts' the saga. If that field is already initialized it assumes the message is already processed and just returns:
It also demonstrates batches sends. Messages are not immediately send until the all handlers/sagas are completed.
Saga design
The following video might help you with designing your sagas and understand the various patterns:
Integration Patterns with NServiceBus: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BK8JPp8prXc
Keep in mind that Azure Storage isn't transactional and does not provide locking, it is only atomic. Any work you do within a handler or saga can potentially be invoked more than once and if you use non-transactional resources then make sure that logic is idempotent.
So after a lot of testing
I don't believe that this is the right approach.
As Archer says, you can manipulate the saga data properties as much as you like, they are only saved at the end of the handler.
So if the saga receives two simultaneous messages the check for Processing will pass both times and I'll have two processes running (and in my case processing the same data twice).
The saga within a saga faces a similar problem too.
What I believe will work (and has done during my PoC testing) is using a database unique index to help out. I'm using entity framework and azure sql, so database access is not contained within the handler's transaction (this is the important difference between the database and the saga data). The database will also operate across all instances of the endpoint and generally seems like a good solution.
The table that I'm using has each of the columns that make up the saga 'id', and there is a unique index on them.
At the beginning of the handler I retrieve a row from the database. If there is a row, the handler returns (in my case this is okay, in others you could throw an exception to get the handler to run again). The first thing that the handler does (before any work, although I'm not 100% sure that it matters) is to write a row to the table. If the write fails (probably because of the unique constraint being violated) the exception puts the message back on the queue. It doesn't really matter why the database write fails, as NSB will handle it.
Then the handler does the work.
Then remove the row.
Of course there is a chance that something happens during processing of the work, so I'm also using a timestamp and another process to reset it if it's busy for too long. (still need to define 'too long' though :) )
Maybe this can help someone with a similar problem.

Queue Fairness and Messaging Servers

I'm looking to solve a problem that I have with the FIFO nature of messaging severs and queues. In some cases, I'd like to distribute the messages in a queue to the pool of consumers on a criteria other than the message order it was delivered in. Ideally, this would prevent users from hogging shared resources in the system. Take this overly simplified scenario:
There is a feature within an application where a user can empty their trash can.
This event dispatches a DELETE message for each item in trash can
The consumers for this queue invoke a web service that has a rate limited API.
Given that each user can have very large volumes of messages in their trash can, what options do we have to allow concurrent processing of each trash can without regard to the enqueue time? It seems to me that there are a few obvious solutions:
Create a separate queue and pool of consumers for each user
Randomize the message delivery from a single queue to a single pool of consumers
In our case, creating a separate queue and managing the consumers for each user really isn't practical. It can be done but I think I really prefer the second option if it's reasonable. We're using RabbitMQ but not necessarily tied to it if there is a technology more suited to this task.
I'm entertaining the idea of using Rabbit's message priorities to help randomize delivery. By randomly assigning a message a priority between 1 and 10, this should help distribute the messages. The problem with this method is that the messages with the lowest priority may be stuck in the queue forever if the queue is never completely emptied. I thought I could use a TTL on the message and then re-queue the message with an escalated priority but I noticed this in the docs:
Messages which should expire will still only expire from the head of
the queue. This means that unlike with normal queues, even per-queue
TTL can lead to expired lower-priority messages getting stuck behind
non-expired higher priority ones. These messages will never be
delivered, but they will appear in queue statistics.
I fear that I may heading down the rabbit hole with this approach. I wonder how others are solving this problem. Any feedback on creative routing, messaging patterns, or any alternative solutions would be appreaciated.
So I ended up taking a page out of the network router handbook. This a problem they routers need to solve to allow fair traffic patterns. This video has a good breakdown of the problem and the solution.
The translation of the problem into my domain:
And the solution:
The load balancer is a wrapper around a channel and a known number of queues that uses a weighted algorithm to balance between messages received on each queue. We found a really interesting article/implementation that seems to be working well so far.
With this solution, I can also prioritize workspaces after messages have been published to increase their throughput. That's a really nice feature.
The biggest challenge ahead of me is management of the queues. There will be too many queues to leave bound to the exchange for an extended period of time. I'm working on some tools to manage their lifecycle.
One solution could be to interpose a Resequencer. The principle is outlined in the diag in that link. In your case, something like:
The app dispatches its DELETE messages into the delete queue as originally.
The Resequencer (a new component you write) is interposed between the original publishers and original consumers. It:
pulls messages off the DELETE queue into memory
places them into (in-memory) queues-by-user
republishes them to a new queue (eg FairPriorityDeleteQueue), round-robinning to interleave fairly any messages from different original users
limits its republish rate into FairPriorityDeleteQueue, either such that the length of FairPriorityDeleteQueue (obtainable via polling the rabbitmq management api periodically) never exceeds some integer you choose N, or limited to some rate related to the rate-limited delete API the consumers use.
doesn't ack any message it pulled off the original DELETE queue, until it's republished it to FairPriorityDeleteQueue (so you never lose a message)
The original consumers subscribe instead to FairPriorityDeleteQueue.
You set the preFetchCount on these consumers fairly low (<10), to prevent them in turn bulk-buffering the contents of FairPriorityDeleteQueue in memory.
Some points to watch:
Rate- or length-limiting publishing into and/or drawing messages out of FairPriorityDeleteQueue is essential. If you don't limit, Resequencer may just hand messages on as fast as it receives them, limiting the potential for resequencing.
Resequencer of course acts as a kind of in-memory buffer while resequencing. If the original publishers can publish very large numbers of messages in to the queue suddenly, you may need to memory-limit the Resequencer process so that it doesn't ingest more than it can hold.
Your particular scenario is greatly helped by the fact that you have an external factor (the final delete API) limiting throughput. Without such an extrinsic limiting factor, it is much harder to choose the optimum parameters for such a resequencer, to balance throughput-versus-resequencing in a particular environment.
I don't think a resequencer is needed in this case. Maybe it is, if you need to ensure the items are deleted in a specific order. But that only comes into play when you send multiple messages at roughly the same time and need to guarantee order on the consumer end.
You should also avoid the timeout scenario, for the reasons you've mentioned. timeout is meant to tell RabbitMQ that a message doesn't need to be processed - or that it needs to be routed to a dead letter queue so that i can be processed by some other code. while you might be able to make timeout work, i don't think it's a good choice.
Priorities may solve part of the problem, but could introduce a scenario where files never get processed. if you have a priority 1 message sitting back in the queue somewhere, and you keep putting priority 2, 3, 5, 10, etc. into the queue, the 1 might not be processed. the timeout doesn't solve this, as you've noted.
For my money, I would suggest a different approach: sending delete requests serially, for a single file.
that is, send 1 message to delete 1 file. wait for a response to say it's done. then send the next message to delete the next file.
here's why i think that will work, and how to manage it:
Long-Running Workflow, Single File Delete Requests
In this scenario, I would suggest taking a multi-step approach to the problem using the idea of a "saga" (aka a long-running workflow object).
when a user requests to delete their trashcan, you send a single message through rabbitmq to the service that can handle the delete process. that service creates an instance of the saga for that user's trashcan.
the saga gathers a list of all files in the trashcan that need to be deleted. then it starts to send the requests to delete the individual files, one at a time.
with each request to delete a single file, the saga waits for the response to say the file was deleted.
when the saga receives the message to say the previous file has been deleted, it sends out the next request to delete the next file.
once all the files are deleted, the saga updates itself and any other part of the system to say the trash can is empty.
Handling Multiple Users
When you have a single user requesting a delete, things will happen fairly quickly for them. they will get their trash emptied soon.
u1 = User 1 Trashcan Delete Request
when you have multiple users requesting a delete, the process of sending one file delete request at a time means each user will have an equal chance of getting the next file delete.
u1 = User 1 Trashcan Delete Request
u2 = User 2 Trashcan Delete Request
This way, there will be shared use of the resources to delete the files. Over-all, it will take a little longer for each person's trashcan to be emptied, but they will see progress sooner and that's an important aspect of people thinking the system is fast / responsive to their request.
Optimizing Small File Set vs Large File Set
In a scenario where you have a small number of users with a small number of files, the above solution may prove to be slower than if you deleted all the files at once. after all, there will be more messages sent across rabbitmq - at least 2 for every file that needs to be deleted (one delete request, one delete confirmation response)
To optimize this further, you could do a couple of things:
have a minimum trashcan size before you split up the work like this. below that minimum, you just delete it all at once
chunk the work into groups of files, instead of one at a time. maybe 10 or 100 files would be a better group size, than 1 file at a time
Either (or both) of these solutions would help to improve the over-all performance of the process by reducing the number of messages being sent, and batching the work a bit.
You would need to do some testing in your real scenario to see which of these (or maybe both) would help and at what settings.
Many Users Problem
There's one additional problem you may face - many users. If you have 2 or 3 users requesting deletes, it won't be a big deal.
But if you have 100 or 1000 users requesting deletes, it could take a very long time for an individual to get their trashcan emptied.
You may need to have a higher level controlling process for this situation, where all requests to empty trashcans would be managed by yet another Saga. This saga would rate-limit the number of active trashcan-deletion sagas.
For example, if you have 10 active requests for deleting trashcans, the rate-limiting saga would only start 3 of them and it would wait for one to finish before starting the next one.
Again, you would need to test your actual scenario to see if this is needed and see what the limits should be, for performance reasons.
There may be additional scenarios that have to be considered in your actual scenario, but I hope this gets you down the path! :)