Antlr: Unintended behavior - antlr

Why this simple grammar
grammar Test;
: Int | expr '+' expr;
: [0-9]+;
doesn't match the input 1+1 ? It says "No method for rule expr or it has arguments" but in my opition it should be matched.

It looks like I haven't used ANTLR for a while... ANTLRv3 did not support left-recursive rules, but ANTLRv4 does support immediate left recursion. It also supports the regex-like character class syntax you used in your post. I tested this version and it works in ANTLRWorks2 (running on ANTLR4):
grammar Test;
start : expr
expr : expr '+' expr
INT : [0-9]+
If you add the start rule then ANTLR is able to infer that EOF goes at the end of that rule. It doesn't seem to be able to infer EOF for more complex rules like expr and expr2 since they're recursive...
There are a lot of comments below, so here is (co-author of ANTLR4) Sam Harwell's response (emphasis added):
You still want to include an explicit EOF in the start rule. The problem the OP faced with using expr directly is ANTLR 4 internally rewrote it to be expr[int _p] (it does so for all left recursive rules), and the included TestRig is not able to directly execute rules with parameters. Adding a start rule resolves the problem because TestRig is able to execute that rule. :)
I've posted a follow-up question with regard to EOF: When is EOF needed in ANTLR 4?

If your command looks like this:
grun MYGRAMMAR xxx -tokens
And this exception is thrown:
No method for rule xxx or it has arguments
Then this exception will get thrown with the rule you specified in the command above. It means the rule probably doesn't exist.
System.err.println("No method for rule "+startRuleName+" or it has arguments");
So startRuleName here, should print xxx if it's not the first (start) rule in the grammar. Put xxx as the first rule in your grammar to prevent this.


What is the meaning of the ANTLR syntax in this grammar file?

I am trying to parse a file using ANTLR4 via Python. I am following a tutorial (; I am able to execute the code and get responses like the ones shown in the tutorial, but I'm failing to understand the logic of the grammar file.
grammar MyGrammer;
expr: left=expr op=('*'|'/') right=expr # InfixExpr
| left=expr op=('+'|'-') right=expr # InfixExpr
| atom=INT # NumberExpr
| '(' expr ')' # ParenExpr
| atom=HELLO # HelloExpr
| atom=BYE # ByeExpr
HELLO: ('hello'|'hi') ;
BYE : ('bye'| 'tata') ;
INT : [0-9]+ ;
WS : [ \t]+ -> skip ;
From my understanding, The constants (what I call them since they are all capitals) HELLO, BYE, INT, and WS define rules for what that set of text can contain. I think they are relating to functions somehow, but I am not sure. So the HELLO function will be executed if the parser encounters something that says either 'hello' or 'hi'. The expr is what is confusing me.
expr: left=expr op=('*'|'/') right=expr # InfixExpr
| left=expr op=('+'|'-') right=expr # InfixExpr
| atom=INT # NumberExpr
| '(' expr ')' # ParenExpr
| atom=HELLO # HelloExpr
| atom=BYE # ByeExpr
HELLO: ('hello'|'hi') ;
BYE : ('bye'| 'tata') ;
INT : [0-9]+ ;
WS : [ \t]+ -> skip ;
When I run the command
antlr4 -Dlanguage=Python3 MyGrammer.g4 -visitor -o dist
it produces many files but the main one contains InfixExpr, NumberExpr, ParenExpr, HelloExpr, and ByeExpr. I can see that somehow the author knows that he is doing something with the constants HELLO, BYE, etc. Is there any documentation on the expr piece above and what do the keywords atom, left, right mean?
Any rules that begin with a capital letter (often we captilize the entire rule name to make it obvious) is a Lexer rule.
Rules that begin with lower case letters are parser rules.
It’s VERY important to understand the difference and the flow of your input all the way through to a parse tree.
Your input stream of characters is first processed by the Lexer (using the Lexer rules) to produce a stream of tokens for the parser to act upon. It’s important to understand that the parser has NO impact on how the Lexer interprets the input.
When multiple Lexer rules could match you input, two “tie breakers” come into play.
1 - if a rules matches more characters in your input stream than other rules, then that will be the rules used to produce a token.
2 - if there is a tie of multiple Lexer rules matching the same sequence of input characters, then the Lexer rules that appears first in your grammar will be used to generate a token.
Your parser rules are evaluated using a recursive descent approach beginning with whatever startRule you specify. ANTLR uses several techniques to do it’s best to recognize your input, that includes trying alternatives until one is found that matches, ignoring a token (and producing an error) if that allows the parser to continue on, and inserting a missing token (and producing an error) if that allows the parser to continue.
re: the expr portion:
The rule says that there are 6 possible ways to recognize an expr
left=expr op=('*'|'/') right=expr (which will create an InfixExprContext node in the parse tree)
left=expr op=('+'|'-') right=expr (InfixExprContext (also))
atom=INT (NumberExprContext)
'(' expr ')' (ParenExprContext)
atom=HELLO (HelloExprContext)
atom=BYE (ByeExprContext)
The benefit of the labels (ex: # InfixExpr) is that, by creating a Context more specific than an ExprContext) you will have visitInfixExpr, visitNumberExpr, (etc.) methods that you can override in you Visitor instead of just a visitExpr method that contains all the alternatives. A similar thing will result for the enterXX and exitXX methods for your Listener classes.
In the left=expr op=('*'|'/') right=expr rule, the left, op and right names will generate accessors that make it easier to access those parts of you parse tree in you *Context class (without them you'd just have an array of expr, for example and expr[0] would be the first expr and expr[1] would be the second. (It's probably a good idea to look at the generated code with and without the names and labels to see the difference. Both make it MUCH easier to write the logic in your visitor/listeners.

ANTLR4 problem with balanced parentheses grammar

I'm doing some experiments with ANTLR4 with this grammar:
: '(' srule ')'
| srule srule
| '(' ')';
this grammar is for the language of balanced parentheses.
The problem is that when I run antlr with this string: (()))(
This string is obviously wrong but antlr simply return this AST:
It seems to stop when it finds the wrong parenthesis, but no error message returns. I would like to know more about this behavior. Thank you
The parser recognises (())) and then stops. If you want to force the parser to consume all tokens, "anchor" your test rule with the EOF token:
: srule EOF
Btw, it's always a good idea to include the EOF token in the entry point (entry rule) of your grammar.

Problems with ANTLR4 grammar

I have a very simple grammar file, which looks like this:
grammar Wort;
// Parser Rules:
// Lexer Rules:
: ('a'..'z')
: ('A'..'Z')
If i try to parse the input "Hello", everything is OK, BUT if if modify my grammar file like this:
// Parser Rules:
the input "Hello" is no longer recognized as a valid input. Can anybody explain, what is going wrong?
Thanx, Lars
The issue here has to do with precedence in the lexer grammar. Because ANY_WORD is listed before CAPITAL_WORD, it is given higher precedence. The lexer will identify Hello as a CAPITAL_WORD, but since an ANY_WORD can be just a CAPITAL_WORD, and the lexer is set up to prefer ANY_WORD, it will output the token ANY_WORD. The parser acts on the output of the lexer, and since ANY_WORD EOF doesn't match any of its rules, the parse fails.
You can make the lexer behave differently by moving CAPITAL_WORD above ANY_WORD in the grammar, but that will create the opposite problem -- capitalized words will never lex as ANY_WORDs. The best thing to do is probably what Mephy suggested -- make ANY_WORD a parser rule.

ANTLR error(99) grammar has no rules

I previously posted about my first attempt at using ANTLR when I was having issues with left recursion.
Now that I have resolved those issues, I am getting the following error when I try to use org.antlr.v4.Tool to generate the code:
error(99): C:test.g4::: grammar 'test' has no rules
What are the possible reasons for this error? Using ANTLRWorks I can certainly see rules in the Parse Tree so why can't it see them? Is it because it cannot find a suitable START rule?
I think Antlr expects the first rule name to be in small case. I was getting the same error with my grammar
grammar ee;
Condition : LogicalExpression ;
LogicalExpression : BooleanLiteral ;
BooleanLiteral : True ;
True : 'true' ;
By changing the first production rule in the grammar to lower case it solved the issue i.e. the below grammar worked for me.
grammar ee;
condition : LogicalExpression ;
LogicalExpression : BooleanLiteral ;
BooleanLiteral : True ;
True : 'true' ;
Note: It is my personal interpretation, I couldn't find this reasoning in the online documentation.
Edit: The production rules should begin with lower case letters as specified in the latest docs [1]
I'm not sure if you've found the solution for this, but I had the same problem and fixed it by changing my start symbol to 'prog'. So for example, the first two lines of your .g4 file would be:
grammar test;
prog : <...> ;
Where <...> will be your first derivation.
I just got that error as well (antlworks 2.1).
switching from
RULE : THIS | THAT ; to rule : this | that ; for parser rules (i.e. from uppercase to lowercase) solved the problem!
The above correction holds only for RULE , what follows after the : can be any combination of lexer/parser rules
The most likely cause is just what the error message suggests. And the most likely reason for that is that you have not saved your grammar to the file--or if you're using ANTLRWorks2--ANTLRWorks hasn't saved your work to the file. I have no idea why ANTLRWorks doesn't save reliably.
I also got the same error but could not fix it.
I downloaded antlrworks-1.4.jar and it's working perfectly.
Download >> antlrworks-1.4.jar
Changing the first rule to start with a lower case character worked for me.
I had the same problem, and this means that your grammar has no Syntactic rules. So in order to avoid this error, you need to write at least one Syntactic rule.

Antlr 3 keywords and identifiers colliding

Surprise, I am building an SQL like language parser for a project.
I had it mostly working, but when I started testing it against real requests it would be handling, I realized it was behaving differently on the inside than I thought.
The main issue in the following grammar is that I define a lexer rule PCT_WITHIN for the language keyword 'pct_within'. This works fine, but if I try to match a field like 'attributes.pct_vac', I get the field having text of '' and a pretty ANTLR error of:
line 1:15 mismatched character u'v' expecting 'c'
grammar Select;
options {
eval returns [value]
: field EOF
field returns [value]
: fieldsegments {print $field.text}
: fieldsegment (DOT (fieldsegment))*
WS : ('\t' | ' ' | '\r' | '\n')+ {self.skip();};
ICHAR : ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z');
PCT_CONTAINS : 'pct_contains';
USCORE : '_';
DOT : '.';
I have been reading everything I can find on the topic. How the Lexer consumes stuff as it finds it even if it is wrong. How you can use semantic predication to remove ambiguity/how to use lookahead. But everything I read hasn't helped me fix this issue.
Honestly I don't see how it even CAN be an issue. I must be missing something super obvious because other grammars I see have Lexer rules like EXISTS but that doesn't cause the parser to take a string like 'existsOrNot' and spit out and IDENTIFIER with the text of 'rNot'.
What am I missing or doing completely wrong?
Convert your fieldsegment parser rule into a lexer rule. As it stands now it will accept input like
_ abc"
which is probably not what you want. The keyword "pct_contains" won't be matched by this rule since it is defined separately. If you want to accept the keyword in certain sequences as regular identifier you will have to include it in the accepted identifier rule.