Using AFIncrementalStore with a WebSockets Application - objective-c

I'm attempting to adopt AFIncrementalStore for a Mac app that talks to App.Net. Unlike the example applications that come with the framework, I'm using the streaming APIs, with a websocket connection. For this I was using SocketRocket. These parts are working fine: I'm able to set up a request connection to ADN and get a connection ID back. It's this connection ID I supply to the later requests to ADN APIs.
My problem is that the Core Data stack is initialized and firing before I get my first connection ID back from ADN. I'm not sure how to handle this situation.
Currently, I have this code in my app delegate:
self.socketConnection = [[MUNConnectionManager alloc] init];
self.socketConnection.delegate = self;
My connection manager implements a delegate that calls back to the app delegate when the connection ID has been received:
# pragma mark MUNConnectionManager delegate method
- (void)didReceiveConnectionId:(NSString*)connectionId
self.connectionId = connectionId;
So once this connection ID is received, that's when I'd like to boot AFIncrementalStore into action. But this is perhaps a full second or so after launch, and my AFIncrementalStore client is already crapping out because it doesn't have that connection ID.
Any suggestions appreciated!

I think I may have found the answer to this. In my XIB I have an array controller with the "prepares content" checkbox on. That would have triggered the data store and loaded up all the Core Data stack. When I uncheck that box it doesn't load, and my ADN delegate is free to pull the ID.
So if anyone else runs into this, the answer is the CD stack doesn't load until you try to hit it.


IBM Worklight, trouble with 2 adapters based authentication

I am facing to a trouble with 2 adapters based authentication. My app is agenda (hybrid app). All adapter's functions must be protected by security.
my app uses adapters based authentication, like written in samples on DeveloperWorks.
My first adapter (loginAdapter) is dedicated for login (beginning of the mobile app). I developed a handler (handlerLogin, mobile side) with methods isCustomResponse, handlechallenge, etc.. This adapter works.
This adapter allows to get a userId from login and password.
As soon as connected, the user can download his agenda. The mobile calls an other adapter based auth (calendarAdapter). I have an other handler (handlerCalendar) with methods (isCustomResponse, handlechallenge).
When the mobile calls the method getCalendarData (protected method, CalendarAdapter), the server detects that the user is not registered for this adapter, that is why the server send an error (structure authrequired + errorMessage) via the function onAuthRequired.
At this step, all works fine.
Actually, the trouble comes from, that, the first handler (handlerLogin) catches this error, whereas it schould be the second handler (handlerCalendar).
Given that it is catched by the handlerLogin, isCustomResponse and handlechallenge are called, and I do not have the expected result ! I do not know why.
Why it is not catched by the handlerCalendar ?
I verified my code, variable's names, files, etc.. All things are ok.
For informations, I first declared the handlerLogin before the CalendarLogin.
Do you have any ideas, suggestions ??
Thank you in advance
It looks like you used the same realm.
The isCustomResponse function job is to find out if this challenge-handler should take care of this specific request. If you use the same realm for both adapters then the 2 challenge-handlers will react to it.

Bluetooth Core Framework callback routine peripheralManagerIsReadyToUpdateSubscribers: isn't called

I'm trying to figure out how to make certain callbacks trigger.
On the peripheral peripheralManager:central:didSubscribeToCharacteristic: is called correctly and it sends a chunk (first of two) of data to the central which receives it in peripheral:didUpdateValueForCharacteristic:error: as expected.
Now there's one chunk left which is supposed to be sent in the peripheral's callback peripheralManagerIsReadyToUpdateSubscribers: according to Apple's test application.
I've tested and verified and it works fine there. It's a bit fishy though as according to the docs it's only supposed to be called when the peripheral manager's updateValue:forCharacteristic:onSubscribedCentrals: fails.
How do I make the peripheral send the remaining chunk? I can supply you with code, but it's almost identical (I'm using an array of NSData chunks instead of one large NSData like the example) to the example application I linked to, I'm more curious as to how the callback chain works and what needs to be in place for the different selectors to trigger.
What you are doing is the normal way of operation. The peripheral manager handles the data sending and implements flow control according to the current settings. E.g. if you are using indications instead of notifications, then each update has to be acknowledged by the receiver before you can send again.
Notifications on the other hand are similar to UDP packets. They can get lost. To make sure that the data arrived error free, you need to implement additional control flow management.
All in all, you are doing it right.
I managed to trigger peripheralManagerIsReadyToUpdateSubscribers: by using a loop in sendData (which is called from peripheralManagerIsReadyToUpdateSubscribers: and peripheralManager:central:didSubscribeToCharacteristic:).
- (void)sendData {
BOOL success = YES;
while (success && ([_outgoingDataQueue count] > 0)) {
NSData *chunk = [_outgoingDataQueue peek];
success = [self.peripheralManager updateValue:chunk
if (success) {
[_outgoingDataQueue dequeue];
This does not feel like the correct way to send data as chunks to the central.

NSNetServiceBrowser did NOT find published service

On an iPhone (the server), I've tried to publish a service and my code ran into the NSNetService object's delegate method:
-(void)netServiceDidPublish:(NSNetService *)sender
So I believe that my service #"_chatty._tcp." has published successfully. Then on another iPhone (the client), I use NSNetServiceBrowser to find my service, but it did NOT run into the delegate method:
-(void)netServiceBrowser:(NSNetServiceBrowser *)netServiceBrowser didFindService:(NSNetService *)netService moreComing:(BOOL)moreServicesComing
I found some questions related to my case on this site, most of the answer remind to check the delegate object whether is out of scope or not. I'm sure my delegate work well because it ran into another delegate method like:
-(void)netServiceBrowserWillSearch:(NSNetServiceBrowser *)aNetServiceBrowser
Can anybody help me find out the reason?
Here are some parts of my code:
I init the service like that:
#define MY_PROTOCOL #"_chatty._tcp."
self.myService = [[NSNetService alloc]
initWithDomain:#"" type:MY_PROTOCOL
name:#"thaith" port:self.port];
The port is initialized with a given listeningSocket in the Browser class:
NSNetServiceBrowser* finder = [[NSNetServiceBrowser alloc] init];
//I also retain the finder.
finder.delegate = self;
[finder searchForServicesOfType:MY_PROTOCOL inDomain:#""];
After having come across the same problem and giving up for a month. I've just come back to it and solved it:
Even though the sample code in the docs seems to imply otherwise, don't use a local variable for the NSNetServiceBrowser. As soon as it goes out of scope it gets garbage collected. Make finder an instance variable or property so its sticks around. I didn't spot this straight away as the netServiceBrowserWillSearch: delegate was getting called so I assumed everything was ok...
Possible Solutions
Check both WiFi identifiers are same
Check both are in same WiFi network
Check the NSNetServiceBrowser delegate assigned as same class
At last download sample Apple.Developer Witap Application , install in two devices , test and confirm it working.
Instead of downloading bonjour browser, I suggest using the terminal command:
dns-sd -B _chatty._tcp local.
For me, it shows that the server side is working fine.
Currently, I can find the service when my application starts, my only issue is that once I stop the server, I get the "removed" event but running it again, I cant discover it anymore. I know the problem is on my client side, thanks to dns-sd - B
I would narrow the scope and try to find the problem place. First, find out whether the service is published correctly. Use Bonjour Browser application (you can find it in the Internet) on a computer within the same local network where you publish the service. I hope you publish and browse in the same local net. If the Bonjour Browser can see your service then you know it is published correctly. Then work on the browser side to connect to it.

Soft "Restart" Windows 8 App

I'm going to preface this by saying that I understand the new Windows 8 application lifecycle and how it is now 100% up to the user to decide if they want to terminate the app or not. So, I guess what I'm looking to find is a way to pseudo-restart my app, although I'm open to other suggestions as I'm pretty new to designing Modern UI apps.
I'm building an app that interfaces with a Web 2.0 service that requires authentication via OAuth. Fortunately the Windows 8 WebAuthenticationBroker makes this simple: it displays an asynchronous modal window that houses the web frame to allow the user to sign in and I get to provide a callback method when its done.
Now, obviously I only want to display this sign-in screen if I don't already have a session key stored for the user in roamingSettings.values. I used the Grid App template in Visual Studio, and I execute these functions in default.js as soon as the app is activated (checking roamingStorage, calling WebAuthBroker, etc). Now, the Grid App template provides a data.js to allow me to define some of the REST endpoints that I want to fetch. The main problem is that I can't fetch these REST endpoints until the user is authenticated! Yet they still have to (at least, I think) be declared in data.js ahead of time. So what I'm doing now to avoid errors in the event that the user isn't signed in, is the following:
if (roamingSettings.values[sessionKey]){
list = getFeedItems(); // my function that issues all the REST calls
} else {
list = new WinJS.Binding.List();
This works fine if the app is manually restarted after authentication is complete, but I would really rather have a way of completely reloading the app asynchronously after authentication is complete. I've spent a ton of time on this already and I'm getting extremely annoyed because I've seen other apps do this (Instametrogram, for example).
Any ideas?
To answer the core question here, how do you soft restart: window.location.reload() is all you need. This just does the refresh in place.
However, what you are actually looking to do is reset the datasource on the ListView instance -- all you need to do is get hold of that control at runtime, and re-assign the data source to it. E.g.:
var lv = document.getElementById("myListView");
lv.winControl.itemSource = list;
An example of this should also be in the app you have from when it currently assigns the list to the listview.

Using NSMutableURLRequest and how to manage response/failure

I am creating an iOS app that consumes web services.
I have a class that makes the connections and stores the response in a variable. It also has a status variable where 1 indicates successful connection.
I have set up an NStimer and a function to check when the connection and download is done and if it was successful.
My question is:
Is this a proper way to manage the connection and its outcome?
any suggestions?
Here is the programming guide from Apple Developer website and it describes how to use NSURLConnection delegate. You can manage the received data in connectionDidFinishLoading: method. Notice that using these delegate methods will load data asynchronously. If you want to handle data synchronously, please try sendSynchronousRequest:returningResponse:error:, but this function should never be call in the main thread.