MALFORMED QUERY: Encountered " "delete" "DELETE - sesame

While trying to delete triplets I get following error:
MALFORMED QUERY: Encountered " "delete" "DELETE
Was expecting one of:
"base" ...
"prefix" ...
"select" ...
"construct" ...
"describe" ...
"ask" ...
My query was:
?s example:id 'Id' .
Sesame with Jetty is what I am using. I sent an HTTP request. I have another question opened around this
delete rest api to remove statements from global context
I might be sending to wrong endpoint. My endpoint looks like:$repo/
Please help.
self.baseURLRepositories = storeUrl + "/openrdf-sesame/repositories/"
endpoint = self.getBaseURLForSesameRepositories() + "%s" % (self.getRepository())
params = { 'query': query }
headers = {
'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'accept': 'application/sparql-results+json'
(response, content) = httplib2.Http().request(endpoint, 'POST', urllib.urlencode(params), headers=headers)
results = json.loads(content)
where query = DELETE ...

You are using an incorrect endpoint location. SPARQL update requests should be sent to openrdf-sesame/repository/<repid>/statements.


Google App Script Big Query - GoogleJsonResponseException: API call to failed with error: Query parameter 'X' not found

I have been struggling with this for a couple of days now and I felt like I should reach out. This might be very simple but I am not from a programming background and I haven't found any resources to solve this so far.
Basically, I want to parameterize a SQL query that is running for BigQuery within Google APp Script, it takes a variable from a user from a Google From they have submitted and I wanted to ensure that this won't be injectable by parameterizing the query, however, I got the following error that I could not fix:
GoogleJsonResponseException: API call to failed with error: Query parameter 'account_name' not found at [1:90]
Here is how I run the query:
const sqlQuery = 'SELECT district FROM `table` WHERE account_name = #account_name AND ent_theatre=("X") LIMIT 1;'
const request = {
query: sqlQuery,
params: { account_name: queryvar },
useLegacySql: false,
// Run Query
var queryResult = BigQuery.Jobs.query(request,projectID);
I have created the query based on Google's documentation
Your syntax for request object is not correct. The right syntax for the BigQuery.Jobs.query Request is like below:
const request = {
query: sqlQuery,
queryParameters: [
name: "account_name",
parameterType: { type: "STRING" },
parameterValue: { value: queryvar }
useLegacySql: false,
For more detail about QueryRequest Object refer to this link.

JWS Error during API testing python flask

I am trying to test a function, which basically calls the API by passing a some values, which is then loaded to the schema to be validated and then accepted or rejected based on validation.
The below is my test function.
params = {
'first': [10,20],
'second': 400,
'third ': 'Testing'
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer{}'.format(token),
'Data-type' : "json"
response ='MyView:post',,
This renders me the error below:
"msg": "Invalid header string: must be a json object"
I was able to check the issue and found out its due to the mapping of invalid types. But as headers is still a dictionary, I am not able to comprehend why this error is being rendered.
I have also added the structure of my schema and API below:
class MySchema(marshmallow.Schema):
id = fields.Integer(required=True)
second = fields.Integer(fields.Integer(), required=True)
first = fields.List(fields.String(), required=False)
third = fields.Str(validate=validate.Length(min=0, max=255), required=False)
class Meta:
fields = ('id',
def validate_numbers(self, _, data):
//function code
The below is the structure of my API
class MyView(V1FlaskView):
def post(id):
Maybe a space character is missing after Bearer:
'Authorization': 'Bearer {}'.format(token),

Karate contains and all key-values did not match error

I try to learn Karate but have some issue and I can't resolve it by myself.
So my Feature is looking rather simple:
Feature: Alerting get the list of all alerts
* url 'url'
Scenario: Retrieve all alerts
Given path '5c348c553a892c000bb1f2dd'
When method get
Then status 200
And match response contains {id: 5c348c553a892c000bb1f2dd}
The case here is to fetch a response and make sure that given ID is on the list. As far I understand this documentation keyword contains should lookup only for the given phrase but I get an error: reason: all key-values did not match
This is my console output:
allAlertsGet.feature:10 - path: $, actual: {data={name=Baelish of Harrenhal, user=griffin, id=5c348c553a892c000bb1f2dd, tags=["Gared"], triggers={prometheus=[{"js_id":"Qarth","labels":["Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone"],"operator":"==","query":"up","value":"1"}]}, trigger_interval=398s, receivers={slack=[{"holdoffTime":"0s","id":"Stalls","message":"Dark and difficult times lie ahead. Soon we must all face the choice between what is right and what is easy.","revokeMessage":"Every flight begins with a fall.","token":"Buckbeak"}]}, hold_cap=4, max_cap=16, factor=2, createDate=1546947669, triggered_date=1546948867, mute_until=0, muted=false, status=3}}, expected: {id=5c348c553a892c000bb1f2dd}, reason: all key-values did not match
What I have missed? I use karate 0.9.0.
Pay attention to the nested structure of your JSON. You can paste this snippet into a Scenario and try it, this is a tip - you can experiment quickly without making HTTP requests like this:
* def response = { data: { name: 'Baelish of Harrenhal', user: 'griffin', id: '5c348c553a892c000bb1f2dd' } }
* match contains { id: '5c348c553a892c000bb1f2dd' }
EDIT: just to show off a few other ways to do assertions:
* match == '5c348c553a892c000bb1f2dd'
* match contains '5c348c553a892c000bb1f2dd'
* def id = { id: '5c348c553a892c000bb1f2dd' }
* match response == { data: '#(^id)' }
* match response contains { data: '#(^id)' }

Karate API, How do I match 2 different responses

I get 2 different responses from an endpoint depending on it's state and either one of them is fine.
first response:
second response:
{"code": "#string","message": "#string"}
I'm trying the following but it's not working:
def firstSchema = {"available":'#boolean',"collection":'#boolean'}
def secondSchema = {"code": "#string","message": "#string"}
match response contains any (firstSchema, secondSchema)
Any ideas how to best get this working so either response is fine?
Try this:
* def first = { available: true, collection: true }
* def second = { code: 'foo', message: 'bar' }
* def response = second
* def expected = response.code ? { code: '#string', 'message': '#string' } : { available: '#boolean', collection: '#boolean' }
* match response == expected
Also refer to the documentation on "Conditional Logic". You can use JsonPath to "check" what shape the response is and then define expected results.
I get 2 different responses from an endpoint and either one of them is fine.
first response:
second response:
I tried below assertion but it's not working:
And match response == read('response1.xml') || response == read('response2.xml')

Alamofire.upload with query parameters

I'm using Alamofire.upload to upload an image as a .POST multipart to my server. But my server always gets parameters only as a query string, and use multipart only for a file data. So in my request I also need to put some parameters to URL, but it seems Alamofire.upload have't a variant with parameters argument.
multipartFormData: { multipartFormData in
multipartFormData.appendBodyPart(fileURL: unicornImageURL, name: "unicorn")
encodingCompletion: nil
For now I just put all parameters by myself directly forming request-string: "\(userId)&photo=\(photoTitle)".
Is there a better way to pass query parameters to Alamofire.upload?
What can do things better is Alamofire.ParameterEncoding, but it will need some workaround with requests.
var req: NSMutableURLRequest?
(req!, _) = Alamofire.ParameterEncoding.URL.encode(
NSURLRequest(URL: NSURL(string: "")!),
parameters: ["user": userId, "photo": photoTitle]
multipartFormData: { multipartFormData in
multipartFormData.appendBodyPart(fileURL: unicornImageURL, name: "unicorn")
encodingCompletion: nil