Xcode storyboard ViewController is being cut in simulator. Why? - objective-c

For some reason if i put a button at the bottom of the screen and then run the simulator it wont show. It is almost like it is cutting out the bottom of the view controller. I thought it was something to do with the settings of the simulator but I cant find anything.
Any help would be really appreciated, thanks


Buttons all the way to the right do not work on iPad

Currently attempting to convert an iPhone application to also work on the iPad. I am running into an issue where the buttons all the way on the right, do not work when clicked on the iPad. It looks like since the buttons are shifted more to the right than on the iPhone, they no longer become clickable. Buttons to the right work fine on the iPhone. Buttons to the left work fine on both systems. Any help on correct setting to fix this issue would be appreciated. Attached is a sample button that does not work:
If I missed writing something or need more detail, please let me know.
Environment: Xcode 8.2.1, Objective-C (Not using swift)

Scroll view doesn't appear in Storyboard

I got an issue,
This morning i just discovered that i can't see the scrollview and all its contents from the storyboard. In the ViewController Scene, the Scroll view is like transparent, as you can see in the below screen.
The app is still working well in the simulator and i have no warnings
Any idea?
thanks in advance

In Xcode my UIButton is centered, however when I build and run the app it isn't. How do I fix this?

In Xcode my UIButton is centered and locked in the right place using the grids but when I run the app I'm building from a tutorial I'm following the button is slightly to the right.
Is there a quick fix for this other than shifting the button to the left in Xcode until it's centered in simulator which is pointless because the guides in Xcode are there to help so I'd like to take advantage of them and not need to do this.
Make sure you have unchecked the use Autolayout option for your Xib.
if is horizontal centered image, try like this:
ps: make sure that the parent view of the UIButton is also centered in the screen
After updating XCode I realised the issue was that XCode was launching ios simulator for 3.5inch iphone. I changed the device to iphone 4inch retina and this fixed the issue.

Xcode why does my UISwitch not work after awhile?

I am using a UISwitch in one of my tabbed applications. The UISwitch is on the bottom of the screen. When I first start the App, the switch works fine. I can rotate from portrait to landscape, everything works fine. I can even go to other tabs and come back and the switch still works in both landscape and portrait. However, if I go back and forth between tabs maybe five times, the switch works in portrait, but not landscape . Has anyone ever seen or heard of this? Anyone know of a reason this could happen? I have used
[infoSwitch setOn:NO];
in my viewWillAppear, so that the switch always starts OFF. Is there something I am missing about using a switch? I did the same things I have done in the past to get switches to work. Any help will be much appreciated! Thanks again.
UIViews may be visible but will fail to get input if they're outside of the bounds of their parent view. So a first diagnostic would be to give the parent view some sort of obvious gaudy colour so that you can see its bounds visibly, then try your rotation and switching to see whether you can force an error there.
You can also set clipsToBounds to YES to ensure that views don't show subviews that are out of bounds.

Black screen when loading iPad Storyboard.

So I am working on an app https://github.com/Kronusdark/PerlinNoiseKit and I had a (crappy) iPhone UI going, but I decided to make it run on my iPad. The problem is that when it loads the iPad storyboard, I get a black screen. I have checked my project summary and it is pointing to the correct storyboard file. The outlets all appear to be set correctly, and it will actually run code in my viewController on my iPad. I just get no UI. I have pushed my most recent changes to my repo if anyone wants to try to run it, any advice would be helpful.
Eureka! It turns out one of my sub-views were not working properly. After I removed the offending view my storyboard loaded no problem. I believe it was due to a rogue drawRect:.