Is there something im not understaning about the fileExistsAtPath:isDirectory method? - objective-c

I do not understand how this method works. Here is the code
BOOL isDir = NULL;
BOOL returnVal;
path = #"/Users/me/Desktop/kkk";
returnVal = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:path isDirectory:&isDir];
And here are the results if:
1) kkk is a file
returnVal = NO
isDir = NO
2) kkk is an empty directory
returnVal = YES
isDir = YES
Scenario #2 seems to work as expected, but according to the documentation:
The path of a file or directory. If path begins with a tilde (~), it must first be expanded with stringByExpandingTildeInPath, or this method will return NO.
Upon return, contains YES if path is a directory or if the final path element is a symbolic link that points to a directory, otherwise contains NO. If path doesn’t exist, this value is undefined upon return. Pass NULL if you do not need this information.
So for scenario #1 shouldnt the result be the following?
returnVal = YES
isDir = NO
1) Edit
For the comments below.
But the files do exist. I create the file manually to test it. lol. its only a program with 4 lines of code. I have both file/folder on the desktop. First i put a file there called "kkk" (with no extention) then i remove the file and place a folder there called "kkk". It works for the folder, but not for the file. Interestingly, if the file has an extension, it works. So is there something wrong with a file with no extension ? (are you guys still not able to reproduce it with no extention?)
Thanks for helping me solve this guys. I have my Mac set to display the extension of files. But it seems Mac as an odd behavior. I select the file "kk.plist" and then rename the file to "kk" as you see in the image. As soon as i do this Mac OSx automatically selects the hide extension option. So when i thought the file was "kk", it was still "kk.plist" with its extension hidden. As you can see, both files have the same extension, one is hidden, the other is not. I didnt realize hidden extensions can be applied to one file only. Thanks.

1) kkk is a file
returnVal = NO
isDir = NO
So for scenario #1 shouldnt the result be the following?
returnVal = YES
isDir = NO
Yes. But be wary of the Finder hiding things from you when you're trying to verify results from this method.
As you found, one example is hiding extensions: you gave a path with no extension and were surprised when it didn't find a file that you thought had no extension; in truth, it still had an extension, which the Finder had hidden, so it still did not match the path, so the result you got was correct.
The other example is hidden (a.k.a. invisible) items. You may get a result of YES for a file that you can't find in the Finder. The Go command will temporarily reveal an invisible directory, but won't help you for files.
Whenever fileExists:isDirectory:'s results surprise you, and the Finder appears to show that the results are wrong, try to ls the path in the Terminal:
ls -dl /path/to/item
If that command prints a description of the item, then it exists. If it prints an error, then it doesn't. You can also tell from the output whether the item is a directory or not.


How to read a Bunch of files in a directory in lua

I have a path (as a string) to a directory. In that directory, are a bunch of text files. I want to go to that directory open it, and go to each text file and read the data.
I've tried
f =
I get the error "nil Is a directory"
I've tried:
f = io.popen(path)
I get the error: "Permission denied"
Is it just me, but it seems to be a lot harder than it should be to do basic file io in lua?
A directory isn't a file. You can't just open it.
And yes, lua itself has (intentionally) limited functionality.
You can use luafilesystem or luaposix and similar modules to get more features in this area.
You can also use the following script to list the names of the files in a given directory (assuming Unix/Posix):
dirname = '.'
f = io.popen('ls ' .. dirname)
for name in f:lines() do print(name) end

CFSCRIPT - How to check the length of a filename before uploading

I ran into this problem when uploading a file with a super long name - my database field was only set to 50 characters. Since then, I have increased my database field length, but I'd like to have a way to check the length of the filename before uploading. Below is my code. The validation returns '85' as the character length. And it returns the same count for every different file I upload (none of which have a file name length of 85).
missing_info = "<p>There was a slight problem with your submission. The following are required or invalid:</p><ul>";
// Check the length of the file name for our database field
if ( len(Form["ResumeFile1"]) gt 100 )
missing_info = missing_info & "<li>'Resume File 1' is invalid. Character length must be less than 100. Current count is " & len(Form["ResumeFile1"]) & ".</li>";
validation_error = true;
ResumeFileInvalidMarker = true;
Anyone see anything wrong with this?
After you upload the file, the variable "clientFileName" will give you the name of the uploaded file, without a file extension.
The only way to read the filename before you upload it would be to use JavaScript to read and parse the value (file path) in the file field.
A quick clarification in the wording of your question. By the time your code executes the file upload has already happened. The file resides in a temporary directory on the ColdFusion server and the form field related to the file upload contains the temporary filename for that file. Aside from checking to see if a file has been specified, do not do anything directly with that file or you'll be circumventing some built in security.
You want to use the cffile tag with the upload action (or equivalent udf) to move the temp file into a folder of your choosing. At that point you get access to a structure containing lots of information. Usually I "upload" into a temporary directory for the application, which should be outside of the webroot for security.
At this point you'll then want to do any validation against the file, such as filename length, file type, file size, etc and delete the file if it fails any checks. If it passes all checks then you move it into it's final destination which may be inside the webroot.
In your case you'll want to check the cffile structure element clientFile which is the original filename including extension (which you'll need to check, since an extension doesn't need to be present and can be any length).

How do I tell if a file is contained in a directory?

What's the right way to tell if a file is contained within a given directory, or a subdirectory thereof?
I want something like:
if ([directoryPath contains: filePath]) {
// file is in directory, or in a subdirectory of directory.
ContainerPath: /Users/sfisher/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/5.1/Applications/89A57CCB-250D-4D10-B913-EA456004B431/
Not matching: /Users/sfisher/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/5.1/Applications/89A57CCB-250D-4D10-B913-EA456004B431/Documents/db/Sample Data
Matching: /Users/sfisher/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/5.1/Applications/89A57CCB-250D-4D10-B913-EA456004B431/
I could convert everything to strings (including appending a "/" to the container directory) and check for a string match, but it seems there should be a built-in method for this.
In principle, your underlying desire is surprising impossible. A given file path may include through symbolic or hard links, making "containment" a very complicated question. These kinds of links are uncommon in iOS, but iOS is still Unix, and in Unix such things are legal.
So your real question is actually whether one path specifier (string) is contained in another. So checking the paths as strings is the correct approach.
I think a simple string match is the right way to do it:
if (![directoryPath hasSuffix:#"/"]) directoryPath = [directoryPath stringByAppendingString:#"/"];
if ([filePath hasPrefix:directoryPath]) {
// ...
Note that this doesn't deal with complications introduced by symlinks, or with relative paths.

Problems reading local text file with [NSString stringWithContentsOfFile...] with Objective-c returns null

This does not seem so complex. I just want to create a string object with the contents of a local text file called "test.txt" which I have placed in the root of my project.
I am trying to load it w/ the following code.
NSString *filePath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:#"test" ofType:#"txt"];
NSString *textData = [NSString stringWithContentsOfFile:filePath encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:nil];
//The below works, but not my above... not sure why.
//textData = #"TEST TEST";
NSLog(#"Some text from a file of %#", textData);
NSLog(#"The length of the string is %lu", [textData length]);
The output from this code is
"Some text from a file of (null)"
"The length of the string is 0"
I am not sure why this is returning null instead of the contents of my text file. The encoding for the file seems appropriate. Also, the file exists. Am I dragging the file to the wrong location? Do I have to add it to my NSBundle mainBundle in some way?
If you actually fill in the error parameter in +stringWithContentsOfFile:encoding:error: then it would tell you why it's returning nil. You really ought to do that. The likely reason is there is no file at that path (or you don't have permissions to read it).
NSLog the filePath and see if it's nil. If the filePath is nil, I think you didn't put the file in right place. You should drag the file into the project navigator of your project in Xcode.
Also, double check the file name.
Log your filePath to see if it can actually find the file, if not, you probably add your test.txt in a wrong way. To add to main bundle, drag your test.txt into your xcode project, when prompted, just tick Copy items into destination group's folder (if needed) and select Create groups for any added folders.
All of the answers here helped a little bit. In particular the suggestion to fill in the error: in a way that does not return nil.
Eventually I found that I had to manually copy the .txt file I was trying to open to the same directory as the binary that was compiled. Just copying it into the xcode project did not seem to work for me.
I was having the exact same problem as you, Vincent. My understanding is that because I am making an console-based application, it doesn't compile and include files within a bundle in the same way that an iOS app would. Therefore, it's not including the file as expected. I was able to get it to work by typing out the full directory location of the file on my hard drive.
Drag and drop your test.txt file to Build Phases->copy bundle resources

check if a file exists objective-c

I used the codes below to check if a file exists
bool b=[[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:filePath];
The codes worked on IOS.
But When I migrate it to mac os x,
But I found whether the file exists on disk with filePath,
b always returns 0, which means the file does not exists.
I wonder if there is difference between ios and macosx
Welcome any comment
From docs, I think you're using path with tilde
The path of a file or directory. If path begins with a tilde (~), it must first be expanded with stringByExpandingTildeInPath, or this method will return NO.
tilde makes path relative to your home directory (such as /Users/username/)
you can find out by calling NSLog(#"%#",filePath); if filePath is of type NSString