How to use "isTrue" method of "Text" class? - selenium

I am unable to use "isTrue" method of text class
Here is the "Text" class detail
// Code i have written
public void researchSelenium(){
ConditionRunner.Context cont = new Research();
Text obj = new Text("Why implement a customer referral program?");
I dont know what to do here
ConditionRunner.Context cont = new Research(); //After "new" what should i write?
object of ConditionRunner.Context will pass to "isTrue" method

I'm going to make a few presumptions here:
driver is a selenium web driver instance
You are trying to find if a text field is present in your web page
You know what the text is, but not its xpath (or at least do not care "where" it is).
In this case, you just have a minor syntaxical error
public void researchSelenium()
//Not sure what this is doing.
ConditionRunner.Context cont = new Research();
//Small chgange here
string obj = "Why implement a customer referral program?";
NB. the above is "free coded" and I've not tested/complied it. Feel free to edit if there's a minor problem.
Personally I'd use NUnit to handle tests, so in that case I'd use:
To test if that text was actually present, but how you're running your tests is not something that's stated in your question.


How to delete data from fields in selenium

I have an issue that I am facing.
I have a text in the text box that I want to delete, the problem is that
not work and I need something harder than this clear function that do nothing.
I used this mthood that actually worked in windows:
element.sendKeys(Keys.CONTROL + "a");
if I want it to run on mac and on Linux machine, how can I perform it?
please the clear() not worked please do not provide solution with the clear() method
Use execute_script:
driver.execute_script("arguments[0].value=' ';", element);
or variant
use Actions action = new Actions(driver);
// ... // may be move cursor to field
may be problem in selenium library error, or in the webdriver version,
or conflict with js-framework on a form?
i use this also
public void clearAndInputStringData(By locator, String text) throws Exception {
WebElement element = getWebDriver().findElement(locator);
// element.sendKeys(Keys.CONTROL + "a");
Actions actions = new Actions(getWebDriver());

selenium clear() command doesn't clear the element

I have been writing selenium scripts for a while in Java. I encountered a very weird issue today. Here is the issue:
I cleared a text field using webelement.clear() method, later while executing next command (click event), the text area I had previously cleared, is now populated with previously filled value.
Here is the code snippet:
I don't know the exact reason for your element keeping its value, but you can try an alternative text clearance by sending 'Ctrl+A+Delete' key combination using sendKeys method of the element's object:
emailAddress.sendKeys(Keys.chord(Keys.CONTROL,"a", Keys.DELETE));
It's possible that the fields you're trying to fill has autocomplete attribute set to on. [Reference]
If clear() works when the line executes then it's safe to say that this is not a webdriver specific issue.
It would help if you can show the html snippet of the page section you're working on.
Possible areas of debugging:
forcefully remove autocomplete attribute on page load using java script executor
turn off autocomplete setting on the driver level. I believe the solution would vary depending on the driver being used.
Good luck!
PS: Those Thread.sleep(s) are not advisable.
I solved it by adding a function to my BasePage to clear fields by a given WebElement.
public void clearWebField(WebElement element){
You can also implement this method in the page that experiencing the problem.
I am using Mac and the following code helps also
public static void macCleanHack(WebElement element) {
String inputText = element.getAttribute("value");
if( inputText != null ) {
for(int i=0; i<inputText.length();i++) {
I had a similar issue with a text field that used an auto-complete plugin. I had to explicitly clear the attribute value as well as do a SendKeys. I created an extension method to encapsulate the behaviour, hopefully the snippet below will help:
public static void SendKeysAutocomplete(this IWebElement element, string fieldValue)
element.SetAttribute("value", fieldValue);
public static void SetAttribute(this IWebElement element, string attributeName, string attributeValue)
var driver = WebDriverHelper.GetDriverFromScenarioContext();
var executor = (IJavaScriptExecutor)driver;
executor.ExecuteScript("arguments[0].setAttribute(arguments[1], arguments[2]);", element, attributeName, attributeValue);
Faced a similar problem. The input field is cleared but the error message is not updated. It seems that some input fields work correctly only if you enter and delete a character:
element.sendKeys(Keys.SPACE, Keys.BACK_SPACE);
Hope this helps to clear the field and then sendKeys() the needed value
while (!inputField.getAttribute("value").equals("")) {
In some webforms clearing the field followed by .sendKeys() won't work because it keeps repopulating it with some autofill value (in my case it was due to an onfocus attribute function of an input element). Action chains didn't help, the only thing that worked for me was replacing the value attribute directly with javascript:
In Java:
driver.executeScript("document.getElementById('elementID').value='new value'");
In Python (nearly identical):
driver.execute_script("document.getElementById('elementID').value='new value'")
For more on the Java version of this solution see this question.

Can "driver.findElement" be used as method and be called in a program

I am using "driver.findElement" multiple times. So can it be saved in a method and called multiple times?
You just need a wrapper like this
public static WebElement findElement(By locator){
WebElement anElement = driver.findElement(locator);
return anElement;
Basically you can call whatever method available to the object
I think what you are trying to do is to simplify your code... maybe make it more human readable. This is a noble goal but I would suggest that you take a different approach. Without more info, I don't know what your typical script is like. From the example code you provided, I would assume that you are going to a few pages, clicking on things, filling in textboxes, etc. I would suggest that you look into the page object model.
There are a LOT of references on the web on this topic, here's a good one to start with.
The basic concept is create one Class file per page. [Page doesn't always literally mean an entire page. For example, I would create a separate page object for each popup dialog.] What this allows you to do is to consolidate all the code specific to that page into a single location. If you know what an API is and understand it, you will basically create an API for each page/dialog you touch. If done properly, it will greatly simplify and organize your code and will make creating new scripts drastically easier and they will be much easier to read. The benefits are numerous... one big one is code maintenance is made SO much easier. Imagine you have 100 scripts that all start by logging into the site. Let's assume the design of the login page changes... without the page object model, you will have to update all 100 scripts individually. If you are using the page object model, you open the class, make the change to the Login() method, and you just fixed all 100 scripts.
You may be asking... how does this answer my question? What it does is turns
in your actual script. I think this is more along the lines of what you are asking without answering your specific question. The .findElement code still exists, but is "hidden away" in the page object.
A simple example. I wrote a script, with supporting page objects, to navigate to, search for Star Wars, return the # of found items, and then navigate to the Today's Deals page. The entire code is below. (Main script)
public class program
public static void main(String[] args)
WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();
HomePage homepage = new HomePage(driver);"star wars");
SearchResultsPage searchResultsPage = new SearchResultsPage(driver);
// navigate to the Today's Deals page
// do more stuff
} (Home page page object)
import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
public class HomePage
WebDriver driver;
private By searchTextboxLocator ="twotabsearchtextbox");
public HomePage(WebDriver driver)
this.driver = driver;
public void search(String searchString)
driver.findElement(searchTextboxLocator).sendKeys(searchString + "\n");
} (Search results page page object)
import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
public class SearchResultsPage
WebDriver driver;
private By todaysDealsLinkLocator = By.linkText("Today's Deals");
private By numberOfResultsLocator ="s-result-count");
public SearchResultsPage(WebDriver driver)
this.driver = driver;
public String getNumberOfResults()
// grabs only the total count of search results from the string in the form "1-16 of 7,488,146 results for "
return driver.findElement(numberOfResultsLocator).getText().split(" ")[2];
public void clickTodaysDealsLink()

Is Page Object Model linking compatible with Cucumber's Gherkin?

With Test Automation's Page Object Model we link pages together like this:
WebDriver driver = new WebDriver()
HomePage homePage = new HomePage(driver);
LoginPage loginPage = homePage.GoToLoginPage();
WelcomePage welcomePage = loginPage.Login();
The big benefit of this is if the Devs change the homepage so it no longer links to the loginpage, I can update my homepage class and see all the tests I need to update (with errors) before even running a test.
With Gherkin however, each row above would form a separate 'Step' and therefore a separate method. Therefore, how can this linking be done?
Is the only way to place instances of the page object classes (e.g. homePage, loginPage, etc) into a cross gherkin statement persistant store (e.g. like a specflow POCO or 'World')?
Ok so having asked numerous dev and test automation experts, it seems the solution is to continue with linking [e.g. WelcomePage welcomePage = loginPage.loginWithValidUser(validUser)] is the way to go.
To persist instance of page objects across steps (e.g. welcomePage in example above) you can use dependency injection tool (creating functionality similar to World extensions in Ruby's implementation of cucumber).
Here is more info:
However, most projects will benefit from a Dependency Injection module
to organize your code better and to share state between Step
More info from SpecFlow (the .net official cucumber implementation):
And finally, I have created a whole blog around this area that might help people out, since gherkin/page object interaction is a subject of great interest to me:
When it comes to most websites (where url's can be used), in my opinion it is best practice to simply use the url instead of an action to get to that same url.
For instance:
# Suggested by OP:
driver = Selenium::Webdriver.for :chrome, prefs: prefs
homepage =
login = homepage.go_to_login
welcome = login.log_in_as('dave4429')
# My Suggestion:
homepage ='/')
login ='/login')
welcome ='/welcome')
This means that you start from a url instead of having to start at the homepage for every test. You would still have the methods that you suggested, but they would be used in other areas, in order to make sure that the user can access the page through means other than the url.
However, this is not a one stop shop solution. With mobile and desktop applications, your only option may be to go through the home screen, in which case, the method you suggested is definitely the one to go for.
"Page objects themselves should never make verifications or assertions. This is part of your test and should always be within the test’s code, never in an page object." - Selenium HQ
The example I gave was a very basic one, and I would most likely wrap these into modules and classes, to enable coding like this:
google =
google.search_for('Hello, World!')
In addition to this, you seem to have a misconception about how Cucumber works with Gherkin.
You can have multiple lines of code per step, as the step itself is a description of the actions within the step.
For instance:
Given I am logged in as "dave4429"
When I have submitted the "Contact Us" form with the following data:
| | David McBlaine | I want to find out more about your Data Protection services, can I talk to a staff member or get a PDF? |
Then an email should be sent to "" with the details specified
The definition for the "When" may look like this:
When(/^I have submitted the "Contact Us" form with the following data:$/) do |table|
rows = table.raw
row = rows[0]
contact_us.fill_form({email: row[0], username: row[1], message: row[2]})
expect(browser.title).to_equal("Message Sent!")
It all depends on how much you break down the steps within the definition.
Edit #2
It's also clear to me that you want to do method chaining, something in the way of contact_us.fill_form({email: row[0], username: row[1], message: row[2]}).submit_message, which again, isn't out of the question while using the techniques that I'm suggesting, but the question of whether this chaining should be for each individual page, or whether everything should be included in one class or module, can only be answered by your needs.
It's just my opinion that this would put too much into a single class, and that breaking down that class will allow for more control to be given to the testers, and less redundant code will be written.
Another option I have seen recently would be to store the Page Object instances as Static variables that can be accessed from any class?
After much discussion on this topic, an equally plausible alternative is to not return instances of new pages when using the page object pattern with gherkin. You will lose the benefit of linking that you normally get with POM, but the code will arguably read better and be less complex. Posting this alternative answer, so as a test community we can vote which method is peoples preference.
This can be a bit tricky with Cucumber and Selenium. I've developed a pattern that involves extension methods to the IWebDriver interface for Selenium allowing me to navigate to specific pages using the page objects. I register the IWebDriver object with the SpecFlow dependency injection framework, and then my step definition classes are free to initialize whichever page objects they need.
Registering Selenium Web Driver With SpecFlow
You just need to plug in to the before/after scenario hooks to manage the web driver object:
public class WebDriverFactory
private readonly IObjectContainer container;
public WebDriverFactory(IObjectContainer container)
this.container = container;
public void CreateWebDriver()
var driver = new ChromeDriver(...);
// Configure Chrome
public void DestroyWebDriver()
var driver = container.Resolve<IWebDriver>();
if (driver == null)
// Capture screenshot if you want
// var photographer = (ITakeScreenshot)driver;
Then It's a matter of gluing step definitions and page objects together using some extensions on the IWebDriver interface.
Selenium Page Objects
Keep your page objects navigating to one another. For instance the HomePage allows you to navigate to the "Create blog post" page, and returns the page object for that page:
public class HomePage
private readonly IWebDriver driver;
private readonly WebDriverWait wait;
private IWebElement CreatePostLink => driver.FindElement(By.LinkText("Create New Blog Post"));
public HomePage(IWebDriver driver)
this.driver = driver;
wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 30);
public AddEditBlogPostPage ClickCreatePostLink()
wait.Until(d => d.Title.Contains("Create new blog post"));
return new AddEditBlogPostPage(driver);
And subsequently, the AddEditBlogPostPage returns the BlogPostListingPage when you create a new blog post:
public class AddEditBlogPostPage
private readonly IWebDriver driver;
private IWebElement Title => driver.FindElement(By.Id("Title"));
private IWebElement PostDate => driver.FindElement(By.Id("Date"));
private IWebElement Body => driver.FindElement(By.Id("BodyText"));
private IWebElement SaveButton => driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//button[contains(., 'Save Blog Post')]"));
public AddEditBlogPostPage(IWebDriver driver)
this.driver = driver;
public BlogPostListingPage CreateBlogPost(BlogPostDataRow data)
return new BlogPostListingPage(driver);
Step Definitions To Glue Things Together
The step:
When I create a new blog post:
| Field | Value |
| Title | Selenium Page Objects and Cucumber |
| Date | 11/1/2019 |
| Body | ... |
Would have this definition:
public class BlogPostSteps
private readonly IWebDriver driver;
public BlogPostSteps(IWebDriver driver)
this.driver = driver;
[When(#"I add a new blog post:")]
public GivenIAmAddingANewBlogPost(Table table)
var addBlogPostPage = driver.GoToCreateBlogPostPage();
var blogPostData = table.CreateInstance<BlogPostDataRow>();
The driver.GoToCreateBlogPostPage(); is an extension method on IWebDriver that kicks off the navigation from one page object to another:
public static class SeleniumPageNavigationExtensions
public static AddEditBlogPostPage GoToCreateBlogPostPage(this IWebDriver driver)
var homePage = new HomePage(driver);
return homePage.ClickCreatePostLink();
This gives you the flexibility to keep your page objects "pure" and devoid of SpecFlow, Cucumber and Gherkin. You can use these same extension methods and page objects in other tests that do not utilize Gherkin or behavior driven development. This allows for easy reuse of your test classes. Your test projects should be just as purposefully architected as the actual application it tests.

Websdriver - sendKeys command is not typing on Password type field

I am trying to learn selenium webdriver automation but I am finding that the sendKeys command is not typing on Password type fields. I can see that some other people are also experiencing the same problem by googling it, but I haven't seen any correct answer yet. Could anyone please help me here.
Please find below sample code; I generated code from Selenium IDE and its working fine on IDE but not when I use webdriver.
package com.example.tests;
public class Login {
private WebDriver driver;
private String baseUrl;
private boolean acceptNextAlert = true;
private StringBuffer verificationErrors = new StringBuffer();
public void setUp() throws Exception {
driver = new FirefoxDriver();
baseUrl = "";
driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
public void testLogin() throws Exception {
driver.get(baseUrl + "/");
There were two password fields and one is hidden. Solution is to click on first password [hidden] field to get second password field enabled.
I had almost a similar situation for Password field. There were two elements for the same 'Password' field but with different IDs. The JavaScript was toggling "type = password" on run time for a click, clear or any action to this field.
Solution in this case is to find the text with input type = password,
for example:
My problem was that I used ActionChains which caused the later fields not being filled when using send_keys method.
The solution was to call actions.reset_actions()
actions = ActionChains(driver)
# now send_keys() method works again
Final Solution on this problem.
Else use Robot