sphinxql: syntax error, unexpected IDENT - ruby-on-rails-3

Getting this error with sphinx 2
sphinxql: syntax error, unexpected IDENT, expecting CONST_INT or CONST_FLOAT or '-' near 'WI AND published = 1 AND sphinx_deleted = 0 LIMIT 0, 10; SHOW META'
error is being thrown in the template at the line of a partial collection: #posts_by_state, but two other instances of the same partial are working great. The State sort is what is throwing it off.
#posts_by_state = Post.search(params[:search], with: { state: current_user.state, published: true }, :page => params[:page], :per_page => 10)
ThinkingSphinx::Index.define :post, :with => :active_record do
indexes :title, as: :post_title
indexes :desc, as: :description
indexes tags(:name), as: :tag_name
#indexes happening_on, sortable: true
#has author_id, published_at
has published_at
has last_touched
has state
has published
set_property:field_weights => {
:post_title => 5,
:description => 1,
:tag_name => 10

String attributes in Sphinx can only be used for sorting - not filtering, not grouping - and so your options to work around this are as follows:
Pull it out into an associated model (State or PostState, perhaps?), and then filter by the foreign key integer instead.
Store that value as a field instead, and use :conditions instead of :with.
Hack around it with CRC32 values.
I highly recommend the first of these options (I'd argue it's cleaner, accurate), but it's up to you.


How to filter IS NULL in ActiveAdmin?

I've a table with an integer column called "map_id", I want to add an activeadmin filter to filter if this column IS NULL or IS NOT NULL.
How could this be implemented ?
I tried the following filter
filter :map_id, :label => 'Assigned', :as => :select, :collection => {:true => nil, :false => ''}
But, I get the following error message :
undefined method `map_eq' for #
If anyone is happening on this thread belatedly, there is now an easy way to filter for null or non null in active admin :
filter :attribute_present, :as => :boolean
filter :attribute_blank, :as => :boolean
It is no longer necessary to add a custom method to the scope to accomplish this.
Not found a good solution but here is a how.
filters of Active_admin are accomplished by meta_search, you can override the functions automatically generated by meta_search in your model to get the behavior that you want, the best way is to use the scope since you need to return a relation in order to chain with other query/scopes, as stated here
in your model:
for :as=>:select filters, acitve_admin use the _eq wheres, here is the source code
scope :map_eq,
lambda{ |id|
if(id !='none')
where( :map_id=> id)
where( :map_id=> nil)
#re-define the search method:
search_method :map_eq, :type => :integer
in your ative_admin register block:
filter :map_id, :label => 'Assigned', :as => :select, :collection => [['none', 'none'], ['one', 1],['tow', 2]]
# not using :none=>nil because active_admin will igore your nil value so your self-defined scope will never get chained.
Hope this help.
seems search_method doesn't work in recent rails version, here is another solution:
add scope to your model:
scope :field_blank, -> { where "field is null" }
scope :field_not_blank, -> { where "field is not null" }
add to /app/admin/[YOUR MODEL]
scope :field_blank
scope :field_not_blank
you will see buttons for these scopes appear (in top section, under model name, not in filter section)
The new version of ActiveAdmin uses Ransacker. I manage to got it working this way:
On the admin
filter :non_nil_map_id, :label => 'Assigned', :as => :select, :collection => [['none', 'none'], ['one', 1],['tow', 2]]
For consistency, I took the same code from #Gret answer just changing the filter name
On your model
ransacker :not_nil_map_id, :formatter => proc {|id| map_id != 'none' ? id : 'none' } do |parent|
This should trigger a search against nil in case the id is 'none', and active record will return all the nil id entries.
This thread helped a lot.
With ransackable scopes:
On the ActiveAdmin resource definition:
filter :map_id, :label => 'Assigned', as: :select, :collection => [['Is Null', 'none'], ['Not null', 'present']]
On your model:
scope :by_map_id, ->(id) { (id == 'none' ? where(map_id: nil) : where('map_id IS NOT NULL')) }
def self.ransackable_scopes(_auth_object = nil)

complex search with thinking sphinx

I'd like to do a complex search with thinking sphinx:
Search for users which:
-> live in a city (city_id attribute)
-> or has hability to move to a city (mobile_cities association)
-> or live at a maximum distance from a lat/long point, the maximum distance is different for each user and set in a mobility_distance attribute.
For now I did that with 3 differents search, I volontary set a big per_page number, then i merge the 3 results on a single array, an then paginate this array :
#users living in the #city
search_set_living = search_set.merge({:city_id => #city.id })
users_living = User.search :with => search_set_living.dup,
:page => 1, :per_page => 1000
#users declaring hability to move to the #city
search_set_mobile = search_set.merge({:mobile_cities_ids => #city.id })
users_mobile = User.search :with => search_set_mobile.dup, :page => 1, :per_page => 1000
#users living at a maximum distance from the origin point(custom distance for each user, max 30km)
search_set_around = search_set.merge({"#geodist" => 0.0..30_000.0})
users_around = User.search :geo => [#search_latitude * Math::PI / 180 , #search_longitude * Math::PI / 180],
:with => search_set_around.dup,
:page => 1, :per_page => 1000
users_around_filtered = users_around.dup.delete_if{|user| (user.mobility_distance * 1000 )< user.sphinx_attributes['#geodist'] }
#merge the 3 results in a array
all_users = (users_mobile.flatten + users_around_filtered.flatten).uniq
#look for facets and paginate the array
#facets = User.facets :with => {:user_id => all_users.map(&:id)}
#users_to_display = all_users.paginate(:page => params[:page], :per_page => 10)
This is working fine but i'm not satisfied:
-performance are not so good,
-I want the ability to sort on multiple attributes like this :order => "created_at DESC, #relevance DESC"
I want to do the exact same search but in a single sphinx's search.
I know that I should use the "OR Logic with Attribute Filters" from the docs but I don't know how to mix it with a geo_search call...
I really have no idea how to do that,
can you guys help me ?
Many thanks,
The :sphinx_select option is definitely your friend here, as you've guessed. Let's piece it together bit by bit:
logic = [
"city_id = #{#city.id}",
"IN(mobile_cities_ids, #{#city.id}",
"GEODIST(lat, lng, #{lat}, #{lng}) < (mobility_distance * 1000)"
User.search :sphinx_select => "*, #{logic.join(" OR ")}) AS valid",
:with => {:valid => true}
Add pagination as you like, tweak the attribute names if needed (maybe your lat/lng attributes are named something else). I don't think you need the IF call around that custom attribute like in the docs, but if things aren't working when they should be, maybe give it a shot. Should be good in a facets call too.
Great ! Thank you so much. I just needed to correct a little your syntax (some parenthesis missing) in order to get it work.
I had to add per_page and page arguments too, don't know really why.
logic = ["city_id = #{#city.id}",
"IN(mobile_cities_ids, #{#city.id})",
"GEODIST(latitude, longitude, #{#search_latitude * Math::PI / 180}, #{#search_longitude * Math::PI / 180}) < (mobility_distance * 1000)"]
search_set_logic = search_set.merge({:valid => true})
#users_to_display = User.search :sphinx_select => "*, (#{logic.join(" OR ")}) AS valid",
:with => search_set_logic.dup,
:sort_mode => :extended,
:order => "visibility DESC, last_login_at DESC",
:page => params[:page], :per_page => 10

One efficient SQL call instead of 500

In my view, I've got a fiddly loop which creates 500 SQL queries (to get the info for 500 books). How can I avoid lots of SQL queries by loading a variable up in the controller?
My current (pseudo) code:
controller index action:
#books = Book.scoped.where(:client_id => #client.id).text_search(params[:query])
#feature_root = Book.multiple_summary_details_by_category( #books )
#...returns a hash of books
#features = #feature_root.to_a.paginate(:page => params[:page], :per_page => 4)
= render :partial => "feature", :locals => { :features => #features }
- features.each_with_index do |(cat_name, array_of_books), i|
= cat_name
- array_of_books[0..10].each do |feature|
= link_to image_tag(feature[:cover], :class => "product_image_tiny"), book_path(feature[:book])
# more code
- array_of_books.sort_by{ |k, v| k["Author"] }.each do |feature|
- feature.each do |heading,value|
= heading + ':'
= value
What have you tried so far? It should be quite easy with standard ActiveRecord queries as documented in http://guides.rubyonrails.org/active_record_querying.html.
Also, instead of
array_of_books.sort_by{ |k, v| k["Author"] }
try something like
Book.order("author DESC")
(not sure about your exact model here) to let the db do the sorting rather than putting them in an array and let ruby handle it.

Sphinx Scope Returning Nothing

I'm trying to create a simple scope that sphinx will index (Ruby on Rails). The normal scope returns what it should, the sphinx scope returns no results.
define_index do
# fields
indexes :name
indexes author
indexes description
indexes list_of_tags
indexes approved
# attributes
has created_at, updated_at, downloads
# delta indexing
set_property :delta => true
# weighting fields
set_property :field_weights => {
:name => 10,
list_of_tags => 6,
author => 5,
description => 4,
normal scope:
scope :approved, where(:approved => true)
sphinx scope:
sphinx_scope(:approval_scope) {
{:conditions => {:approved => "true"}}
Approved is a boolean field, however, since I'm indexing it as a field, I believe its value is treated as a String. Regardless, letting the value of the sphinx scope be "true" or true makes no difference - Theme.approval_score still returns 0 results unlike Theme.approval. I hope I'm missing something simple..
make the approved with has
define_index do
# fields
has approved
sphinx_scope(:approval_scope) {
{:with => {:approved => true}}

Model.find(:all, :conditions ...) on one field for one key-value from a hash?

I have a table of email messages like so:
create_table :emails do |t|
t.string :emailMessageId
t.datetime :date
t.string :subject
t.string :gmailMessageId
t.string :gmailThreadId
t.string :from_hash, :default => nil
t.text :to_hash, :default => nil
t.text :cc_hash, :default => nil
t.integer :contact_id
The email.rb model file says:
class Email < ActiveRecord::Base
serialize :from_hash, Hash
serialize :to_hash, Array
serialize :cc_hash, Array
Imagine that
:to_hash = {"name" => "john", "email" => "john#test.com"}
or an array of hashes
:to_hash = [ {"name" => "john", "email" => "john#test.com"}, {"name" => "bob", "email" => "bob#example.com"} ]
As an example, here is Email.first
#<Email id: 1, emailMessageId: "357", date: "2011-10-03 00:39:00", subject: nil,
gmailMessageId: nil, gmailThreadId: nil, from_hash: {"name"=>"melanie",
"email"=>"mel#test.com"}, to_hash: [{"name"=>"michie", "email"=>"mich#blah.com"},
{"name"=>"clarisa", "email"=>"clarisa#123.com"}], cc_hash: [{"name"=>"john",
"email"=>"john#test.com"}, {"name"=>"alex", "email"=>"alex#massimo.com"}], contact_id: 1,
created_at: "2011-10-03 00:39:00", updated_at: "2011-10-03 00:39:00">
Further imagine that my database has thousands of such records, and I want to pull all records keyed on :to_hash["email"]. In other words, I want to be able to find all records in the Email model that contain the email "john#test.com" despite the fact that the email value is within an array of hashes. How do I do this?
I tried variations on:
hash = {"name" => "john", "email" => "john#test.com"}
Email.find(:all, :conditions => ["to_hash = ?", hash]) # returns the following error
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: SQLite3::SQLException: near ",": syntax error: SELECT "emails".* FROM "emails" WHERE (to_hash = '---
- name
- john
- email
- john#test.com
I also tried:
email = "john#test.com"
Email.find(:all, :conditions => ["to_hash = ?", email])
# => [], which is not an error, but not what I want either!
And finally:
email = "john#test.com"
Email.find(:all, :conditions => ["to_hash['name'] = ?", email])
# which, as expected, gave me a syntax error...
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: SQLite3::SQLException: near "['name']": syntax error: SELECT
"emails".* FROM "emails" WHERE (to_hash['name'] = 'john#test.com')
The simple answer is;
if you need to query something, you shouldn't serialize it.
Saying that, I think the answer is just
Email.all(:conditions => ["to_hash LIKE '%email: ?%'", "john#test.com"])
If you look at the database contents this should satisfy you.
But going forward you should look for a better solution.
Serialization is great for storing structured data that you never need to use in a sql query,
but just gets in the way if you do.
If you really need this kind of freeform data structure, I suggest you look at using MongoDB and Mongoid.
However, within the usual Rails world, I'd suggest the following;
class Email
has_many :email_recipients
def to_hash
email_recipients.map do |recipient|
{"name" => recipient.name, "email" => recipient.email}
class EmailRecipient
# with columns
# email_id
# name
# email
belongs_to :email
One possible way to do this with just regular Ruby is to use the select method and let ActiveRecord take care of deserialization.
emale = "john#test.com"
Email.find(:all).select { |m| m[:to_hash]["email"] === emale }
Another possible solution is to serialize the search hash and match the serialized hash exactly how it is saved in the database. This requires that the hash has all attributes, not just the e-mail. Some useful links to the code that makes this happen available here. You'll see that ActiveRecord uses YAML for serialization by default, so something like this could work.
search_hash = {"name" => "john", "email" => "john#test.com"}
encoder = ActiveRecord::Coders::YAMLColumn.new(Hash)
search_string = encoder.dump(search_hash)
Email.find(:all, :conditions => ["to_hash = ?", search_string])