Multiple Wildcard Counts in Same Query - sql

One of my job functions is being responsible for mining and marketing on a large newsletter subscription database. Each one of my newsletters has four columns (newsletter_status, newsletter_datejoined, newsletter_dateunsub, and newsletter_unsubmid).
In addition to these columns, I also have a master unsub column that our customer service dept. can update to accomodate irate subscribers who wish to be removed from all our mailings, and another column that gets updated if a hard bounce (or a set number of soft bounces) occurs called emailaddress_status.
When I pull a count for current valid subscribers for one list I use the following syntax:
select count (*) from subscriber_db
WHERE (emailaddress_status = 'VALID' OR emailaddress_status IS NULL)
AND newsletter_status = 'Y'
and unsub = 'N' and newsletter_datejoined >= '2013-01-01';
What I'd like to have is one query that looks for all columns with %_status, with the aforementioned criteria ordered by current count size.
I'd like for it to look like this:
I've search around the web for months looking for something similar, but other than running them in a terminal and exporting the results I've not been able to successfully get them all in one query.
I'm running PostgreSQL 9.2.3.
A proper test case would be each aggregate total matching the counts I get when running the individual queries.
Here's my obsfucated table definition for ordinal placement, column_type, char_limit, and is_nullable.

Your schema is absolutely horrifying:
24 ***_status text YES
25 ***_status text YES
26 ***_status text YES
27 ***_status text YES
28 ***_status text YES
29 ***_status text YES
where I presume the masked *** is something like the name of a publication/newsletter/etc.
You need to read about data normalization or you're going to have a problem that keeps on growing until you hit PostgreSQL's row-size limit.
Since each item of interest is in a different column the only way to solve this with your existing schema is to write dynamic SQL using PL/PgSQL's EXECUTE format(...) USING .... You might consider this as an interim option only, but it's a bit like using a pile driver to jam the square peg into the round hole because a hammer wasn't big enough.
There are no column name wildcards in SQL, like *_status or %_status. Columns are a fixed component of the row, with different types and meanings. Whenever you find yourself wishing for something like this it's a sign that your design needs to be re-thought.
I'm not going to write an example since (a) this is an email marketing company and (b) the "obfuscated" schema is completely unusable for any kind of testing without lots of manual work re-writing it. (In future, please provide CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements for your dummy data, or better yet, a You'll find lots of examples of dynamic SQL in PL/PgSQL - and warnings about how to avoid the resulting SQL injection risks by proper use of format - with a quick search of Stack Overflow. I've written a bunch in the past.
Please, for your sanity and the sanity of whoever else needs to work on this system, normalize your schema.
You can create a view over the normalized tables to present the old structure, giving you time to adapt your applications. With a bit more work you can even define a DO INSTEAD view trigger (newer Pg versions) or RULE (older Pg versions) to make the view updateable and insertable, so your app can't even tell that anything has changed - though this comes at a performance cost so it's better to adapt the app if possible.
Start with something like this:
CREATE TABLE subscriber (
id serial primary key,
email_address text not null,
-- please read
-- for why I merged "fname" and "lname" into one field:
realname text,
-- Store birth month/year as a "date" with a "CHECK" constraint forcing it to be the 1st day
-- of the month. Much easier to work with.
birthmonth date,
CONSTRAINT birthmonth_must_be_day_1 CHECK ( extract(day from birthmonth) = 1),
postcode text,
-- Congratulations! You made "gender" a "text" field to start with, you avoided
-- one of the most common mistakes in schema design, the boolean/binary gender
-- field!
gender text,
-- What's MSO? Should have a COMMENT ON...
mso text,
source text,
-- Maintain these with a trigger. If you want modified to update when any child record
-- changes you can do that with triggers on subscription and reducedfreq_subscription.
created_on timestamp not null default current_timestamp,
last_modified timestamp not null,
-- Use the native PostgreSQL UUID type, after running CREATE EXTENSION "uuid-ossp";
uuid uuid not null,
uuid2 uuid not null,
brand text,
-- etc etc
CREATE TABLE reducedfreq_subscription (
id serial primary key,
subscriber_id integer not null references subscriber(id),
-- Suspect this was just a boolean stored as text in your schema, in which case
-- delete it.
reducedfreqsub text,
reducedfreqpref text,
-- plural, might be a comma list? Should be in sub-table ("join table")
-- if so, but without sample data can only guess.
reducedfreqtopics text,
-- date can be NOT NULL since the row won't exist unless they joined
reducedfreq_datejoined date not null,
reducedfreq_dateunsub date
CREATE TABLE subscription (
id serial primary key,
subscriber_id integer not null references subscriber(id),
sub_name text not null,
status text not null,
datejoined date not null,
dateunsub date
CREATE TABLE subscriber_activity (
last_click timestamptz,
last_open timestamptz,
last_hardbounce timestamptz,
last_softbounce timestamptz,
last_successful_mailing timestamptz

To call it merely "horrifying" shows a great deal of tact and kindness on your part. Thank You. :) I inherited this schema only recently (which was originally created by the folks at StrongMail).
I have a full relational DB re-arch project on my roadmap this year - the sample normalization is very much inline with what I'd been working on. Very interesting insight on realname, I hadn't really thought about that. I suppose the only reason StrongMail had it broken out was for first name email personalization.
MSO is multiple systems operator (cable company). We're a large lifestyle media company, and the newsletters we produce are on food, travel, homes and gardening.
I'm creating a Fiddle for this - I'm new here so going forward I'll be more mindful of what you guys need to be able to help. Thank you!


How to calculate age from birthday when creating a table in SQL?

This is my code
CREATE TABLE patients (
FirstName varchar(40) NOT NULL,
LastName varchar(40) NOT NULL,
PatientBirthday date,
PatientAge int AS (year(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) - year(PatientBirthday))
But whenever I run it I get a syntax error highlighting on AS
I don't think you can. The expressions that are available in a calculated field are limited. If you remove the line with the calculated field, create the table, then shift it into design view and try to add the calculated field manually, you'll get the design interface and it will give you a list of the available functions. YEAR is listed, but NOW isn't,
and I think NOW is the Access equivalent of the ANSI current_timestamp. If you attempt YEAR(now()) you will see this:
YEAR([PatientBirthday]) is accepted by the editor, so that's not the issue. Sorry, I think this is not possible, at least not the way you want to do it. I think you will have to calculate during the SELECT or UPDATE the ages after insert, or you could hardcode the current year: 2021 - YEAR([PatientBirthday]). I know that's less than ideal. It would also be possible to store the current year in a separate table and update that with VBA at database startup, then use that field in the calculation.
Access can be very hacky at times. I really would suggest using a full featured ANSI compliant DBMS if you have the choice.

How to produce a reproducible column of random integers in SQL

I have a table of patient, with a unique patientID column. This patientID cannot be shared with study teams, so I need a randomised set of unique patient identifiers to be able to share. The struggle is that there will be several study teams, so every time a randomised identifier is produced, it needs to be different to the identifier produced for other studies. To make it even more complicated, we need to be able to reproduce the same set of random identifiers for a study at any point (if the study needs to re-run the data for example).
I have looked into the RAND() and NEWID() functions but not managed to figure out a solution. I think this may be possible using RAND() with a seed, and a while loop, but I haven't used these before.
Can anyone provide a solution that allows me to share several randomised sets of unique identifiers, that never have the same identifier for the same patient, and which can be re-run to produce the same list?
Thanks in advance to anyone that helps with this!
Your NEWID() should work as long as you have correct datatype.
Using UNIQUEIDENTIFIER as datatype should be unique across entire database/server. See full details from link below:
Comments from link:
As mentioned earlier, GUID values are unique across tables, databases, and servers. GUIDs can be considered as global primary keys. Local primary keys are used to uniquely identify records within a table. On the other hand, GUIDs can be used to uniquely identify records across tables, databases, and servers.
One method is to use the patientid as a seed to rand():
select rand(checksum(patientid))
This returns a value between 0 and 1. You can multiply by a large number.
That said, I think you should keep a list of patients in each study -- so you don't have to reproduce the results. Reproducing results seems dangerous, especially for something like a "study" that could have an impact on health.
This is too much for a comment. It's not black and white from your description and comments what you are asking for, but it appears you want to associate a new random ID value for each existing patients' ID, presumably being able to tie it back to the source ID, and produce the same random ID at a later date repeatedly.
It sounds like you'll need an intermediary table to store the randomly produced IDs (otherwise, being random how do you guarantee to get the same value for the same PatientID?)
Could you therefore have a table something like
create table Synonyms (
Id int not null identity(1,1),
PatientId int not null,
RandomId uniqueidentifier not null default newid(),
Createdate datetime not null default getdate()
PatientId is the foreign key to the actual Id of the Patent.
Each time you need a new random PatientId, insert the PatientIDs into this table and then join to it when querying out the patient data, supplying the RandomId instead. That way, you can reproduce the same random Id each time it's needed.
You could have a view that always provides the most recent RandomId value for each PatientId, or by some mechanism to track which "version" a report gets.
If you need a new Id for the patient, insert its Id again and you are guaranteed to get the same Id via whatever logic you need - ie you could have a ReportNo column as a sequence partitioned by PatientId or any number of other ways.
If you prefer to avoid a GUID you could make it an int and use a function to generate it by checking it's not already used, possibly a computed column with an inline function that selects top 1 from a numbers table that doesn't already exist as a RandomId... or something like that!
I may have completely misunderstood, hopefully it might give you some ideas though.

Database Table Design Issues

I am new to DB Design and I've recently inherited the responsibility of adding some new attributes to an existing design.
Below is a sample of the current table in question:
Submission Table:
ID (int)
Subject (text)
Processed (bit)
SubmissionDate (datetime)
Submitted (bit)
The new requirements are:
A Submission can be marked as valid or invalid
A Reason must be provided when a Submission is marked as invalid. (So a submission may have an InvalidReason)
Submissions can be associated with one another such that: Multiple valid Submissions can be set as "replacements" for an invalid Submission.
So I've currently taken the easy solution and simply added new attributes directly to the Submission Table so that it looks like this:
NEW Submission Table:
ID (int)
Subject (text)
Processed (bit)
SubmissionDate (datetime)
Submitted (bit)
IsValid (bit)
InvalidReason (text)
ReplacedSubmissionID (int)
Everything works fine this way, but it just seems a little strange:
Having InvalidReason as a column that will be NULL for majority of submissions.
Having ReplacedSubmissionID as a column that will be NULL for majority of submissions.
If I understand normalization right, InvalidReason might be transitively dependent on the IsValid bit.
It just seems like somehow some of these attributes should be extracted to a separate table, but I don't see how to create that design with these requirements.
Is this single table design okay? Anyone have better alternative ideas?
Whether or not you should have a single table design really depends on
1) How you will be querying the data
2) How much data would end up being potentially NULL in the resulting table.
In your case its probably ok, but again it depends on #1. If you will be querying separately to get information on invalid submissions, you may want to create a separate table that references the Id of invalid submissions and the reason:
New table: InvalidSubmissionInfo
Id (int) (of invalid submissions; will have FK contraint on Submission table)
InvalidReason (string)
Additionally if you will be querying for replaced submissions separately you may want to have a table just for those:
New table: ReplacementSubmissions
Id (int) (of the replacement submissions; will have FK contraint on Submission table)
ReplacedSubmissionId (int) (of what got replaced; will have FK constraint on submission table)
To get the rest of the info you will still have to join with the Submissions table.
All this to say you do not need separate this out into multiple tables. Having a NULL value only takes up 1 bit of memory which isn't bad. And if you need to query and return an entire Submission record each time, it makes more sense to condense this info into one table.
Single table design looks good to me and it should work in your case.
If you do not like NULLS, you can give default value of an empty string and ReplacedSubmissionID to 0. Default values are always preferable in database design.
Having an empty string or default value will make your data look more cleaner.
Please remember if you add default values, you might need to change queries to get proper results.
For example:-
Getting submissions which have not been replaced>
Select * from tblSubmission where ReplacedSubmissionID = 0
Don't fear joins. Looking for ways to place everything in a single table is at best a complete waste of time, at worst results in a convoluted, unmaintainable mess.
You are correct about InvalidReason and IsValid. However, you missed SubmittedDate and Submitted.
Whenever modeling an entity that will be processed in some way and going through consecutive state changes, these states really should be placed in a separate table. Any information concerning the state change -- date, reason for the change, authorization, etc. -- will have a functional dependency on the state rather than the entity as a whole, therefore an attempt to make the state information part of the entity tuple will fail at 2nf.
The problem this causes is shown in your very question. You already incorporated Submitted and SubmittedDate into the tuple. Now you have another state you want to add. If you had normalized the submission data, you could have simply added another state and gone on.
create table StateDefs(
ID int auto_generated primary key,
Name varchar( 16 ) not null, -- 'Submitted', 'Processed', 'Rejected', etc.
... -- any other data concerning states
create table Submissions(
ID int auto_generated primary key,
Subject varchar( 128 ) not null,
... -- other data
create table SubmissionStates(
SubID int not null references Submissions( ID ),
State int not null references StateDefs( ID ),
When date not null,
Description varchar( 128 )
This shows that a state consists of a date and an open text field to place any other information. That may suit your needs. If different states require different data, you may have to (gasp) create other state tables. Whatever your needs require.
You could insert the first state of a submission into the table and update that record at state changes. But you lose the history of state changes and that is useful information. So each state change would call for a new record each time. Reading the history of a submission would then be easy. Reading the current state would be more difficult.
But not too difficult:
select ss.*
from SubmissionStates ss
where ss.SubID = :SubID
and ss.When =(
select Max( When )
from SubmissionStates
where SubID = ss.SubID
and When <= Today() );
This finds the current row, that is, the row with the most recent date. To find the state that was in effect on a particular date, change Today() to something like :AsOf and place the date of interest in that variable. Storing the current date in that variable returns the current state so you can use the same query to find current or past data.

Joining same column from same table multiple times

I need a two retrieve data from the same table but divided in different columns.
First table "PRODUCTS" has the following columns:
Second table "COUNTRY_TRANSLATIONS" has the following columns:
Third and last table "TEXT_TRANSLATIONS" has the following columns:
PRO_TYPE_ID, PRO_COLOR_ID, PRO_WEIGHT_ID and PRO_PRICE_RANGE_ID are all integers and are found back in the column ATTRIBUTE_ID multiple times (depending on howmany translations are available). Then ATT_TEXT_ID is joined with TRANS_TEXT_ID from the TEXT_TRANSLATIONS table.
Basically I need to run a query so I can retreive information from TEXT_TRANSLATIONS multiple times. Right now I get an error saying that the correlation is not unique.
The data is available in more then 20 languages, therefore the need to work with intergers for each of the attributes.
Any suggestion on how I should build up the query? Thank you.
Hopefully, you're on an RDBMS that supports CTEs (pretty much everything except mySQL), or you'll have to modify this to refer to the joined tables each time...
WITH Translations (attribute_id, text)
as (SELECT c.attribute_id, t.tra_text
FROM Country_Translations c
JOIN Text_Translations t
ON t.trans_text_id = c.att_text_id
WHERE c.att_language_id = #languageId)
SELECT Products.prod_id,
FROM Products
JOIN Translations as Type
ON Type.attribute_id = Products.pro_type_id
JOIN Translations as Color
ON Color.attribute_id = Products.pro_color_id
JOIN Translations as Weight
ON Weight.attribute_id = Products.pro_weight_id
JOIN Translations as Price_Range
ON Price_Range.attribute_id = Products.pro_price_range_id
Of course, personally I think the design of the localization table was botched in two ways -
Everything is in the same table (especially without an 'attribute type' column).
The language attribute is in the wrong table.
For 1), this is mostly going to be a problem because you now have to maintain system-wide uniqueness of all attribute values. I can pretty much guarantee that, at some point, you're going to run into 'duplicates'. Also, unless you've designed your ranges with a lot of free space, the data values are non-consecutive for type; if you're not careful there is the potential for update statements being run over the wrong values, simply because the start and end of the given range belong to the same attribute, but not every value in the range.
For 2), this is because a text can't be completely divorced from it's language (and country 'locale'). From what I understand, there are parts of some text that are valid as written in multiple languages, but mean completely different things when read.
You'd likely be better off storing your localizations in something similar to this (only one table shown here, the rest are an exercise for the reader):
color_id -- autoincrement
cyan -- smallint
yellow -- smallint
magenta -- smallint
key -- smallint
-- assuming CYMK palette, add other required attributes
color_localization_id -- autoincrement, but optional:
-- the tuple (color_id, locale_id) should be unique
color_id -- fk reference to Color.color_id
locale_id -- fk reference to locale table.
-- Technically this is also country dependent,
-- but you can start off with just language
color_name -- localized text
This should make it so that all attributes have their own set of ids, and tie the localized text to what it was localized to directly.

Dynamically generate criteria in SQL

I have a Users table that contains dozens of columns like date of birth, year of vehicle owned, make and model of the vehicle, color and many other personal fields unrelated to the vehicle
There's also a 2nd table called Coupons that needs to be designed in a way to support a qualification like "user qualifies if younger than 30 yrs old", "user qualifies if vehicle is greater than 10 yrs old", "user qualifies if vehicle color is green".
When a user logs in, I need to present all coupons the user qualifies for. The problem that I'm having is that the coupon qualifications could be numerous, could have qualifiers like equal, greater than or less than and may have different combinations.
My only solution at this point is to store the actual sql string within one of the coupons table columns like
select * from Users where UserId = SOME_PLACEHOLDER and VehicleYear < 10
Then I could execute the sql for each coupon row and return true or false. Seems very inefficient as I would potentially have to execute 1000s of sql statements for each coupon code.
Any insight, help is appreciated. I do have server-side code where I could potentially be able to do looping.
Thank you.
Very difficult problem. Seems like users will be added at high volume speed, with coupons at a fairly regular frequency.
Adding SQL to a table to be used dynamically is workable - at least you'll get a fresh execution plan - BUT your plan cache may balloon up.
I have a feeling that running a single coupon for all users is probably likely to be your highest performing query because it's one single set of criteria which will be fairly selective on users first and total number of coupons is small, whereas running all coupons for a single user is separate criteria for each coupon for that user. Running all coupons for all users may still perform well, even though it's effectively a cross join first - I guess it is just going to depend.
Anyway, the case for all coupons for all users (or sliced either way, really) will be something like this:
FROM user
ON (
CASE WHEN <coupon.criteria> THEN <> -- code generated from the coupon rules table
CASE WHEN <coupon.criteria> THEN <> -- etc.
) =
To generate the coupon rules, you can relatively easily do the string concatenation in a single swipe (and you can combine an individual rule lines design for a coupon with AND with a further inner template):
DECLARE #outer_template AS varchar(max) = 'SELECT,
FROM user
ON (
) =
DECLARE #template AS varchar(max) = 'CASE WHEN {coupon.rule} THEN {}{crlf}';
DECLARE #coupon AS TABLE (id INT, [rule] varchar(max));
(1, 'user.Age BETWEEN 20 AND 29')
,(2, 'user.Color = ''Yellow''');
DECLARE #sql AS varchar(MAX) = REPLACE(
,'{coupon.rule}', coupon.[rule])
, '{}',
FROM #coupon AS coupon
), '{crlf}', CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)));
PRINT #sql;
// EXEC (#sql);
There's ways to pretty that up - play with it here:
I would consider adding computed columns (possibly persisted and indexed) to assist. For instance, age - non-persisted computed column will likely perform better than a scalar function.
I would consider batching this with a table which says whether a coupon is valid for a user and when it was last validated.
Seems like ages can change and a user can become valid or invalid for a coupon as their birthday passes.
When a user logs in you could spawn a background job to update their coupons. On subsequent logons, there won't be any need to update (since it's not likely to change until the next day or a triggering event).
Just a few ideas.
I would also add that you should have a way to test a coupon before it is approved to ensure there are no syntax errors (since the SQL is ad hoc or arbitrary) - this can be done relatively easily - perhaps a test user table (test_user as user in the generated code template instead) is required to contain pass and fail rows and the coupon rule points to those. Not only does the EXEC have to work - the rows it returns should be the expected and only the expected rows for that coupon.
This is not an easy problem. Here are some quick ideas that may help depending on your domain requirements:
Restrict the type of criteria you will be filtering on so that you can use dynamic or non-dynamic sql to execute them efficiently. For example if you are going to only have integers between a range of min and max values as a criteria then the problem becomes simpler. (You only need to know the field name, and the min max values to describe a criterian, not the full where statement.)
Create a number of views which expose the attributes in a helpful way. Then perform queries against those views -- or have those views pre-select in some way. For example, an age group view that has a field which can contain the values < 21, 21-30, 30-45, >45. Then your select just needs to return the rows from this view that match these strings.
Create a table which stores the results of running your criteria matching query (This can be run off line by a back ground process). Then for a given user check for membership by looking where in the table this user's ID exists.
Thinking about this some more I realize all my suggestions are based on one idea.
A query for an individual user will work faster overall if you first perform an SQL query against all users and cache that result in some way. If every user is reproducing queries against the whole dataset you will lose efficiency. You need some way to cache results and reuse them.
Hope this helps -- comment if these ideas are not clear.
My first thought on an approach (similar to Hogan's) would be to test for coupon applicability at the time the coupon is created. Store those results in a table (User_Coupons for example). If any user data is changed, your system would then retest any changed users for which coupons are applicable to them. At coupon creation (or change) time it would only check versus that coupon. At use creation (or change) time it would only check versus that user.
The coupon criteria should be from a known set of possible criteria and any time that you want to add a new type of criteria, it would possibly involve a code change. For example, let's say that you have a table set up similar to this:
CREATE TABLE Coupon_Criteria (
coupon_id INT NOT NULL,
age_minimum SMALLINT NULL,
age_maximum SMALLINT NULL,
vehicle_color VARCHAR(20) NULL,
If you wanted to add the ability to base a coupon on vehicle age then you would have to add a column to the table and likewise you would have to adjust your search code. You would use NULL values to indicate that the criteria is unused for that coupon.
An example query for the above table:
Users U
INNER JOIN Coupon_Criteria CC ON
(CC.age_maximum IS NULL OR dbo.f_GetAge(U.birthday) <= age_maximum) AND
(CC.age_minimum IS NULL OR dbo.f_GetAge(U.birthday) >= age_minimum) AND
(CC.vehicle_color IS NULL OR U.vehicle_color = CC.vehicle_color) AND
This can get unwieldy if the number of possible criteria gets to be very large.
Another possibility would be to save the coupon criteria in XML and have a business object for your application use that to determine eligibility. It could use the XML to generate a proper query against the User table (and any other necessary tables).
Here's another possibility. Each criteria could be given a query template which you could append to your queries. This would just involve updates to the data instead of DDL and could have good performance. It would involve dynamic SQL.
coupon_id INT NOT NULL,
description VARCHAR(2000) NOT NULL,
CREATE TABLE Coupon_Criteria (
coupon_id INT NOT NULL,
criteria_num SMALLINT NOT NULL,
description VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
code_template VARCHAR(500) NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT PK_Coupon_Criteria PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (coupon_id, criteria_num),
CONSTRAINT FK_Coupon_Criteria_Coupon FOREIGN KEY (coupon_id) REFERENCES Coupons (coupon_id)
INSERT INTO Coupons (coupon_id, description)
VALUES (1, 'Young people save $200 on yellow vehicles!')
INSERT INTO Coupon_Criteria (coupon_id, criteria_num, description, code_template)
VALUES (1, 1, 'Young people', 'dbo.Get_Age(U.birthday) <= 20')
INSERT INTO Coupon_Criteria (coupon_id, criteria_num, description, code_template)
VALUES (1, 2, 'Yellow Vehicles', U.vehicle_color = ''Yellow''')
You could then build a query by simply concatenating all of the criteria for any given coupon. The big downside to this one is that it's only one-directional. Given a coupon you can easily find who is qualified for it, but given a user you cannot find all coupons for which they are eligible except by going through all of the coupons. My guess is that the second is what you'd probably be most interested in unfortunately. Maybe this will give you some other ideas though.
For example, you could potentially have it work the other way by having a set number of criteria in a table and for the coupon/criteria linking table indicate whether or not that criteria is active. When querying you could then include that in your query. In other words, the query would look something like:
(CC.is_active = 0 OR <code from the code column>) AND
The querying gets very complex though since you either need to join once for every possible criteria or you need to query to compare the number of active requirements for a coupon versus the number that are fulfilled. That is possible in SQL, but it's similar to working with an EAV model - which is basically what this turns into: a variation on an EAV model (yuck)