credit card number of an unsupported card type issue in commerce_authnet module - drupal-commerce

We are using commerce_authnet module in drupal for processing credit card but it is showing following error for visa & mestro card processing:
"You have entered a credit card number of an unsupported card type".
Can anyone tell me how we can remove this issue?


How to determine the CVM method applied on Con tactless transaction

I am developing an android payment application which is emv compatible. In this application con-tactless card acceptance has been integrated, how ever for the certification purposes it is required to determine the CVM applied on the transaction. for a con-tactless transaction how do we determine the CVM method applied for the transaction ? for example if the transaction amount is above the CVM limit and the user entered online pin, at the end I want to determine that ,the user has entered online PIN
There is no update from terminal to mobile app on the used CVM during tap. If using a a mobile wallet( with Wallet providers Visa and MasterCard ) you will get a notification from MDES/VTS after transaction completion, in which you can see(give a try ) whether the CVM used is present along with the transaction Approved/Declined status. If that too is not available, the only way left behind is to get it from the issuer system.
If you have "lame" EMV kernel which don't provide CVM output for CTLS then your only option is to parse it from transaction output. Unfortunately every card issuer using their specific way of "handling" CVM output.
Step 1
Determine card issuer and card type. Use AID (tag 4F) to do it.
Step 2
Visa and UnionPay EMV - you need to parse tag 9F6C - Card Transaction Qualifiers where
Byte 1 bit 8 set to 1 means Online PIN. Byte 1 bit 7 set to 1 means Signature.
JCB EMV - (JCB have 2 other modes but it's not in use in my region. Possibly it's already deprecated for whole world.) you need to parse tag 9F50 - Cardholder verification status where 00 means No CVM. 10 means Signature. 20 means Online PIN.
MasterCard EMV - (MasterCard have also MSR mode but it's not in use in my region) you need to parse tag 9F34 - CVM Results. This is same tag as for contact transactions so just check and follow contact EMV book rules.
MasterCard Mobile - I'm not 100% sure but it has to be same as for MasterCard EMV.
Amex EMV - parse tag 95 - Terminal Verification Result. When Byte 3 bit 3 is set to 1 then CVM is Online PIN else No CVM.
Amex Mobile - parse tag 9F71 - Mobile CVM Results. Check corresponding EMV Contactless book for specs.
For other issuers you have to check corresponding EMV Contactless books.

Some errors while changing default currency in odoo 10.0...

How to change the default currency in Odoo 10.0 without exchange rate ?
I tried the method from
But I got the errors such as
When in POS, I tried to "Validate Closing & Post Entries", I got Odoo warning There is no account defined on the journal Cash for Profit involved in a cash difference and can not post the POS transaction.
While in POS checkout, the unsolved problems on
How to fix them ?
I also includeed the recorded screen on youtube at :
In solution of your 1st error you need to define opening and closing account in payment methods define in POS front. For that POS >> Configuraion >> Payment Methods. In that choose payment method which active in POS and from that there are 2 fields name "Default Debit Account" and "Default Credit Account" define accounts here. By adding accounts here your 1st error is resolved. Don't know much about second error if you know then late me know. :)

Digits returns "Invalid phone number" for a valid US phone number

I am currently using digits for a web-application. I have been testing the application using my personal phone number, which works great. However, after asking my friend to try the app, he could not log in and received the error "Invalid phone number".
This error is very ambiguous. I tested entering his phone number using 3 different devices and different browsers, and the error was the same.
There is not much information that I could find about this error.
In addition to testing on my web-app, I asked him to try to sign into:, where he was also unable to log in and received the exact same error, "Invalid phone number". (The problem is not my application).
This error is especially strange since we have phone numbers from the same area code.
My Verizon number : +1 210 789 xxxx
Works fine
His T-Mobile number: +1 210 723 xxxx
Returns error
Any information on this would be helpful.

Is credit card transaction expected to be declined for test transaction?

I am doing some development using payflow api
I created test only payflow account. (Transaction Process Mode = Test)
My program uses secure token with hosted check out page.
When I submit my credit card info in the hosted checkout page, the error URL of my program gets called with error code "12" transaction declined.
I try manual testing the payment by going to Paypal Manager-->Virtual Terminal-->Single Transaction. I filled up all the info (along with actual credit card details) and I got the same error - Result Code = 12. Response Message = Declined.
But when I click on "Transaction Details" --> Response Message (Declined) "Click here for fraud details"; it says "Status" as "Passed".
I tried this for both transaction type Sale and Authorize.
So is the error code 12 and Response message "Declined" is because of "Transaction Mode" is Test?
some extra info:
TYPE = 'S'
PREFPSMSG = 'No Rules Triggered'
RESPMSG = 'Declined'
RESULT = '12'
Payflow and Braintree (I believe) give you different results based on what amount so that you can test decline, etc. Make sure your test amount is less than $1001.

Rails 3 - Model Error Message Validation Messages

Currently I have a script that checks to make sure that a test card was not submitted in production (since accepts test credit cards in live mode) and I add an error message to the credit card number if the one submitted is in the Test_Credit_Cards array like so:
TEST_CREDIT_CARDS = ['370000000000002', '6011000000000012', '4007000000027', '4012888818888']
validate :not_a_test_credit_card
def not_a_test_credit_card
self.errors[:cc_number] << "number is invalid!" if TEST_CREDIT_CARDS.include?(cc_number) and Rails.env.production?
Now on the front end the error message appears like so:
Credit card cc number is invalid!
Is there anyway to change the message to read Credit Card number is invalid! I just want to remove the cc portion from the message.
First, remove the number from the error message:
self.errors[:cc_number] << "is invalid!" if TEST_CREDIT_CARDS.include?(cc_number) and Rails.env.production?
Next, put a translation for cc_number in config/locales/en.yml:
cc_number: "number"
I prefer this answer over Anthony Alberto's answer for three reasons:
It is always a good idea to use ActiveRecord existing translation engine.
This way, cc_number will be translated to number whenever you add errors on it.
It is not true that the error is on the CreditCard instance itself, it is specifically related to the cc_number field.
That should do it :
self.errors[:base] << "number is invalid!" if TEST_CREDIT_CARDS.include?(cc_number) and Rails.env.production?
base refers to the object as a whole, not a specific attribute.