I'm running PhantomJS 1.9.1 from Terminal on Mac OS 10.8.4, like so:
$ phantomjs
I get the PhantomJS prompt:
But no matter what I type (including console.log('hello world'), etc.), nothing is printed to the terminal in response.
Am I launching it with incorrect parameters, or not setting it up properly after startup, or is there some other problem anyone can guess?
If I execute $ phantomjs test.js, the code in test.js does execute and get printed to the terminal.
Apparently installing PhantomJS through Node Package Manager may have something to do with this issue. If I download and install PhantomJS for Mac directly, then the REPL works as expected.
OS : Big Sur 11.1
Homebrew 3.2.13
Python 3.9.7
chromedriver —version
Error GUI Alert:

Error via output of .py file attempt to run chromedriver:
raise WebDriverException(selenium.common.exceptions.WebDriverException: Message: Service /opt/homebrew/bin/chromedriver unexpectedly exited. Status code was: -9
Fix Method (1)
As stated in the alert, try updating chromedriver:
Uninstall the current version:
brew uninstall chromedriver
Verify that chromedriver is uninstalled:
brew info chromedriver
Install the newest version of chromedriver:
brew install chromedriver
You can also try:
brew reinstall chromedriver
Fix Method (2) : Still Stuck
If you are still experiencing the issue, this fix helped me.
Determine which chromedriver is being used, run:
which chromedriver
Result :
Use the path to chromedriver in the following command to unblock it.
xattr -d com.apple.quarantine /opt/homebrew/bin/chromedriver
Now run the following:
chromedriver —version
Result :
ChromeDriver 93.0.4577.63
Chromedriver should successfully execute.
coorasse's answer.
For downloading from the chrome drive website
this one worked for me for MAC m1 chip
Use the path to chromedriver in the following command to unblock it.
xattr -d com.apple.quarantine path/to/chromedrive
I had the same issue this morning, this is what fixed it for me.
Go to the system and preferences -> security and privacy.
Then under general tab you will see a notification that about the
exec you are trying to open.
Just click "open anyway" there.
Go back to the chromedriver exe and open it it will then give you the same error but along with that you will get an option to open it.
Click Open and it should resolve.
Worked for me.
Since this morning, on my iMac (macOS High Sierra Version 10.13.6) any time I open an iTerm2 window (with Oh My Zsh installed), I see this:
It seems that it's trying to run xcodebuild and it's stuck. I never get a prompt, even after waiting a long time. I've tried pressing ctrl+C to end the process, and then I see this:
I'm not purposely trying to do anything with Xcode. I just want to use the command line. I've been working for months without this problem, and it just started today. Any suggestion for how I can resolve this and use iTerm like normal?
I had the similar issue.
This resolved the problem:
# sudo xcodebuild -license accept
I got the same issue with macOS Big Sur.
Tried all Google results and nothing works. Eventually, I found it was caused by setting Node.js v8.x as default in nvm, alias default to system will resolve the issue. Although I don't know why nvm need to run xcodebuild for Node.js v8.x.
I have got the same issue after updating my MBP16 with Big Sur today
I have checked my xcode command tools path with xcode-select -p and I found that the path was related to an older version of xcode (10.1 in my case, I do not remember the path, maybe /Applications/Xcode_10.1.app/Contents/Developer/).
I have reinstall xcode command tools (sudo rm -rf /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools and xcode-select --install) and I have switched the xcode command tools path with this command sudo xcode-select -switch /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools
The issue is resolved now
Many answers but at the first start the console is still very slow (15s).
Looking around I found out that somehow nvm needs xcodebuild.
The slowdown was fixed changing the nvm default to system
nvm alias default system
Still not well clear why this is happening, I suggest to figure out trying to change the nvm configuration until you obtain the result.
The hanging I was experiencing happened only once after reboot, and consequent launches of the shell happened instantly.
I've spent hours debugging this issue. I eventually traced the hanging to homebrew's start script. My finding was that /usr/bin/git was slow at start (took 12 secs to load) for some reason and Homebrew used that binary unless another was installed. I installed a newer version of git through Homebrew using brew install git and this fixed the issue.
I could see that the hang causes 100% CPU usage in syspolicyd and I could see a -67062 error at the end of the hang through Console.app (this error means code object is not signed at all). Unfortunately, the error log did not point me to a specific file and I had to add echos inside the brew script to isolate the exact location of the hang. It turned out to be an execution of git. Installing another version of git that would overwrite the default one fixed the problem. I used brew install git since homebrew checks its own directory first for a git binary.
I am not exactly sure how/why the code signature of /usr/bin/git is broken. It wasn't broken when I first installed Homebrew. It was somehow corrupted later on.
I installed Chromium 59.0, and I'm trying to run it in headless mode using the following command:
sudo /opt/google/chrome/chrome --headless --disable-gpu --no-sandbox
but I'm getting the following errors:
[0512/174717.638937:WARNING:audio_manager.cc(295)] Multiple instances of AudioManager detected
[0512/174717.639027:WARNING:audio_manager.cc(254)] Multiple instances of AudioManager detected
Has anyone encountered this and found a way to get past it?
I encountered the exact same thing under dockerized ubuntu running karma.js tests.
You will need to have pulseaudio or similar running.
apt-get install pulseaudio
And before you run chrome
pulseaudio --daemonize
You can see it in my docker-entrypoint.sh:
When running with docker you will need to run docker with:
Since chrome will complain about small /dev/shm which is 64MB by default.
I use Ubuntu 16.10. I tried installing Selenium module of python via the command - sudo pip3 install -U selenium. But, I am not able to install it. It is giving an unexpected error. I am sharing the screenshot of the terminal here. Please help!
Please click here for the screenshot
If you are using Ubuntu, I'd suggest checking in the package manager as it may already be there. I'm on Mint and it was already there when I loaded python (2.7 also).
I installed phantomjs in my mac. I thought when I input in the terminal phantomjs xx.js it should work. However, it just returns
-bash: phantomjs: command not found
Then I found the file phantomjs is located in
Only if I am in that directory, can I use the command phantomjs.
My question is how can I make the command phantomjs work in other locations, like /Usr/Documents/... Thanks!