Cannot connect to Windows Azure Virtual Machine via SSH - api

I'm testing the IaaS part of Windows Azure and I have successfully deployed various Virtual Machine instances by means of the REST API. The XML body of the POST request for launching the VM is the following:
<Deployment xmlns="" xmlns:i="">
<Label>Azure IM created VM</Label>
<Role i:type="PersistentVMRole">
<OsVersion i:nil="true"/>
<ConfigurationSet i:type="LinuxProvisioningConfigurationSet">
<ConfigurationSet i:type="NetworkConfigurationSet">
<Label>Azure IM created VM</Label>
However, when I try to connect to the VM via SSH with Putty, it shows the following message when I try to authenticate via user/password (note that in the XML body I have specified that DisableSshPasswordAuthentication = false): "Disconnected: No supported authentication methods available (server sent: publickey)".
Thank you so much to the whole stackoverflow community for your help.

In case anyone is trying to connect to a VM via the command line and not getting through at all after having successfully connected via SSH before:
Go to "Reset password" in the "Support + Troubleshooting" section of the VM's menu, then choose Mode "Reset public SSH key" and "Update". This will not remove or change the key provided during the initial deploy, so you can connect as you did before after the successful reset.


Mautic & Amazon SES Integration issues

I installed Mautic in-house instance. I tried to integrate it with Amazon SES service. After all was set as needed (please find the attached screenshot below), I clicked "Test connection" button and got the following error:
Connection could not be established with host [An attempt was made to access a
socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions. #10013] Log data:
++ Starting Mautic\EmailBundle\Swiftmailer\Transport\AmazonTransport !! Connection could not be established with host [An attempt was made to access a
socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions. #10013] (code: 0)
++ Starting Mautic\EmailBundle\Swiftmailer\Transport\AmazonTransport
Can someone give a hand on this? What am I doing wrong?
Screenshot Mautic_Amazon-SES_Integration Settings
I had the same problem and fixed it by leaving the field "Port" empty (Mautic --> email settings --> Port). Apparently my server wasn't able to use port 25, and leaving this field empty made Mautic find the best port.

JBoss Data Virt Access Using SSL

I have Data Virt running via the script, and can log in with my username and password. My next task is configuring it so that it automatically runs whenever the instance is up and running (without having to execute, and uses SSL (port 443) rather than my username and password to log me in. I added the vault.keystore, dv_keystore.jks, and dv_truststore.jks files, and modified both and standalone.xml, according to the JBoss and other online documentation, to account for using these files. I start the script, which runs without any errors. When I browse to:
after starting, I get the following error:
This page can't be displayed
Turn on TLS 1.0, TLS 1.1, and TLS 1.2 in Advanced settings and try connecting to https://:8443 again. If this error persists, it is possible that this site uses an unsupported protocol or cipher suite such as RC4, which is not considered secure. Please contact your site administrator.
The settings Use TLS-1.0-ON, Use TLS-1.1-ON, and Use TLS-1.2-ON are all checked in the Browser properties.
By contrast, when I browse to
when is not running, I get the following:
This page can't be displayed
- Make sure the web address https://:8443 is correct.
- Look for the page with your search engine.
- Refresh the page in a few minutes.
It appears the browser is sensing something going on when is running, but something is not allowing the browser to access the dashboard.
What am I missing here?
Have you validated any other ssl access? Is it just an issue with the dashboard application?

Browserstack&Selenium - proxy configuration

I am trying to setup the browserstack and the local testing.
I opened a tunnel using the browserstack local client like below:
./BrowserStackLocal.exe myCodeToken -proxyHost MY_PROXY_IP -proxyPort MY_PROXY_PORT -v -force -forcelocal
So it is forwardin all the trafic through my local network.
In my local /etc/hosts file I have entry like below:
Then when I'm executing my simple selenium test the browserstack virtualmachine are able to access my domain name and everything works fine. But in some sections where I have external scripts/css/images etc. for example gooogle analitics browserstack doesn't have access to them (and to the internet as well).
The thing is that my local machine uses the MY_PROXY_IP:MY_PROXY_PORT to access the internet and it looks like the browserstack tries to forward all the trafic through my machine and it doesn't work.
Do you have any ideas how to resolve this ?
You can try removing the -forcelocal parameter, as that is responsible for routing all traffic via your machine. On doing this, any public (external) css/images would be resolved directly and not via your machine.
Alternatively, if the -forcelocal parameter is necessary, you can try using it with -only parameter. In this case, the requests for domain(s) mentioned under -only, would be routed via your machine whereas rest of the requests would be resolved publicly.
You can execute the Local Testing binaries as follows:
BrowserStackLocal.exe <automate-key> <the-proxy-parameters> -forcelocal -only host_name,port_no,ssl_flag
BrowserStackLocal.exe <automate-key> <the-proxy-parameters> -forcelocal -only host1,port1,ssl_flag,host2,port2,ssl_flag (For multiple hosts)
More details on different parameters that can be used while setting up the Local Testing connection available here -

Zed Attack Proxy Authentication error(401) - daemon mode

I have a local website hosted on IIS and I am trying to scan my application with ZAP tool executed in daemon mode. Everything works fine until I disable the "Anonymous Authentication" method from IIS and the only method enabled is "Basic Authentication". The error I get is "Failed to attack the URL: received a 401 response code".
Is there any possibility to send the login credentials from daemon mode?
The command looks like this: zap.bat -quickurl "urlToTest" -quickprogress -daemon -cmd.
The -cmd option puts ZAP into commandline / inline mode.
Use the -daemon mode to put ZAP into daemon mode, at which point you'll need to use the ZAP API to interact with it.
To handle authentication you will have to add your application to a Context and then specify the authentication.
We have a FAQ for Form Based authentication: You'll need to do something similar but specify 'HTTP/NTLM Authentication' :
I'd recommend testing this using the ZAP UI first - you can also then export to Context to reuse in daemon mode.
Any problems then its probably best to head over to the ZAP User Group:
Simon (ZAP Project Lead)

WinJS.xhr: Network Error 0x2efd, Could not complete the operation due to error 00002efd

I have problem with WinJS.xhr when developing a Windows 8 Metro application in JavaScript.
WinJS.xhr({ url: ""});
When above code is executed, I see in log:
SCRIPT7002: XMLHttpRequest: Network Error 0x2efd, Could not complete
the operation due to error 00002efd.
I have enabled "Internet (Client)" capability in manifest.
Maybe the problem is because I am behind proxy and using VPN, but I can access internet using Google Chrome (I just need to authorize, otherwise HTTP Status 407 - proxy authorization needed).
How can I fix it?
So I found that it is probably related to the VPN I have to use (Cisco VPN Client). When I disable the VPN, even when I am behind the proxy (I use the LAN, with VPN I use WiFi), the request works. Maybe it is only Cisco VPN related. I had to modify registry as it is described here
Also interesting is that a few Metro apps work (maps) and some do not work (windows store) when I am behind proxy.
Just a notice: I have explored Windows.Networking.Connectivity and in both cases (with/without VPN) I get NetworkConnectivityLevel == "Local Access" (because I am behind the proxy probably).
I got the same error when connected to my workplace SSL/VPN connection (from Juniper).
Opening the .appxmanifest file and adding the "Private Networks (Home & Server)" capability solved the issue.
<Capability Name="internetClient" />
<Capability Name="privateNetworkClientServer" />
This solution worked for me (see forums link below)... essentially, you need to add the server's certificate to the Windows Store App manifest (also be sure your manfiest "Capabilities" are set to at least "InternetClient"). You can get the server's certificate by exporting it from your browser, save is as a ".der" file. Using Firefox was easier than IE in doing this (From FF, browse to the target domain that has the certificate, then right click on the page > Page Info > Security tab > Details tab > Export button > save as ".der".
This solution seems absurd - so bear in mind, this may only be necessary for sites that are using self-signed certificates, like in a development environment, because this process was not necessary for other production sites.
The proper way to do this was posted on the MSDN forums, it didn't work for me but the following did
<platform name="windows">
<config-file target="package.appxmanifest">
<DeviceCapability Name="privateNetworkClientServer" />
These will be merged with your other capabilities