Implementing usage analytics in rails application - ruby-on-rails-3

I want to implement some analytics for my rails web application, e.g.:-
Who's using the app?
How often they are using?
What content in the app are the users viewing?
Can anyone please suggest me a Ruby gem or any way to start working on this ?

I may mention you some names. Very useful tools that I use.
There are many more available, but i like these three the most ! :)


Integration google, yahoo calender in rails app

I need to integrate google, yahoo calender in my rails app.
Is there any gem or plugin for that, gem/plugin should have very basic feature i.e. creating new events and editing existing event?
I Think, and this may prove useful to you.
And about yahoo, I'm afraid they dont have a gem. Even I am in search for that!!!

OFBiz mobile commerce (m-commerce)?

Is there any functionality in OFBiz for m-commerce store? I already used OFBiz for eCommerce store. OFBiz has great functionality for eCommerce. I just want to know is there any way for building m-commerce store with OFBiz functionality or we can just make different design for mobile and maintaining same OFBiz functionality ? I am unable to find any answer to this. Please help me with best way.
you can try to create a new application, which will be reusing what is existing.
look at hhfacility, it's a simplified interface for facility management for hand held devices.
The mobile application can also use the same application, only the FTL of Presentation layer differs, the backend services will remain same.

Rails 3 RESTful web services with json

I am looking for any basic Ruby on rails tutorial that uses RESTful web services with json, If somebody can throw a very basic app that implement those technologies i would appreciate, I have tried to google but i couldn't find anything.Also if you could give me a real world scenario where we would actually use that ,would be even more helpful.Thank you very much
For those coming to this question from google like myself, take a look at some of the tutorials here, they were a great help for me.
ActiveResource is the simple way to implement restful web service's in rails
This could be helpful also
is a tutorial of Rails 4 with MongoDB
MongoDB is a NoSQL database. MongoDB is a document-oriented database that stores JSON documents, and is schemaless, that means that each document can have it own schema.

Integrating usps api on rails application

I want to integrate and also fedex api on my rails application, but I could not understand their documentation. Is there anybody who can help me? Or can any one provide me an easy tutorial of how it should be integrate on web ? I want to calculate the cost of package or gifts of the users on many condition.
Please note: there is a gem for this sevice but it is too old and the application I am going to build it is on rails 3.
Thanks in advance.
This stackoverflow answer might be helpful to you. There is this another gem called fedex you can look into. Hope this helps.

Rails 3: Real-time server push?

I'm trying to write a Rails 3 application in which a server can push data to multiple clients in real time.
I've heard of Juggernaut, but I've also heard that it does not work with Rails 3. I tried APE (AJAX Push Engine), but I'm not having much luck with it.
I'm very new to Rails. I can't find many guides that involve real-time push, and Rails 3. I was looking for a free, easy (if possible) solution to this. If anyone could point me in the right direction, I'd greatly appreciate it.
Check out Faye: - I hear really good things about it.
if you're looking for a hosted solution, i've used Pusher in the past, and loved it. i converted a site that used ajax polling over to pusher in about 30 minutes.
You can try juggernaut to do what you want.
The github repository :
Example of application with juggernaut :
Enjoy :)
Have you looked into ? It powers the push functions behind Juggernaut, if I recall correctly.
There appears to be a library for Rails here: -- it says 2.3+, which I assume means 3 is ok (though I'm not a Ruby guy, so I wouldn't really know).
In keeping with the Pusher suggestion, there's RMSN - a drop in replacement I've written using NowJS.
Starting with Rails 4, you could also use Entangled:
It basically keeps all data between client and server in sync in real time through web sockets. It's easy to set up, so give it a try.