Add Images to an existing .xlsx or .xlsm file using Rails 3 - ruby-on-rails-3

The ruby gem that allows image insertion in an excel file is axlsx. However. it does not seem to support yet
the ability to add an image to an existing excel file. Is anyone aware of a ruby gem that can be used for this purpose?
I am using Rails 3 and Ruby 1.9.3.

Have you tried the spreadsheet gem? Also, check out some other spreadsheet gems at the Ruby Toolbox.


Rails not found in specific rails project folder

I've installed rails using rvm. I've loaded rvm using ~/.bahsrc.
rails is working fine.
which rails
but in that rails project folder which command says
How's this happening? How to make my rails work in that folder?
If you are in the root of a rails project you may use
./script/rails --version # (or whatever rails command you want to call)
to be sure to use the rails version that corresponds to your project. Usually rails magic will apply inside a rails project and "happen" to find the correct version of rails, but there seems to be a number of things that can go wrong about that.

Rails: Installing Twitter-Bootstrap 3 in a Rails project

I am a total n00b and am trying to install Twitter-Bootstrap 3 into my rails project. The twitter-bootstrap-rails gem is unfortunately only for version 2.0, otherwise I would totally use that. Is there some kind of set up magic I need to do in my app to configure it with my Rails project other than copy and paste the Bootstrap directories into my rails project repo?
Any and all advice much appreciated!

Gem for sorting and searching

I am using rails version 3.2.6. I have to use the gem for sorting and searching for the index pages in my application. I know about jquery-datatables-rails gem. I just want to know if there is some other gem for sorting and searching that is supported in rails 3.2.6. I had also searched for datagrid gem but did not get the proper ducumentation for that and if it(datagrid) is supported in rails 3.2.6.
Active Scaffold ( is probably over top, or? Its my most-used-gem. Of course it has sorting and searching build in, configurable and fast. Check it out, following the getting started guide in the wiki you should have an app up and running in 10 minutes.

Viewing uploaded documents(pdf, .doc, .xls, etc.)

I have a simple program were users can create, show and edit projects. One of the features of the projects is file upload. I have experimented with several different methods of uploading the files including carrierwave and paperclip. The problem I am having is that I need users to be able to view the files that are uploaded. Ex: open pdfs or excel spreadsheets that other user have uploaded to that project. I am new to rails and have no idea how to do this. All i can find are tutorials on how to upload and show pictures. Does anyone know how I can do this? I have looked at send_data and send_file but cannot figure out if I should use these or how to implement them. Thanks in advance
I'm using rails 3.0.10 and ruby 1.8.7 on an Ubuntu server

Is there any working CMS extension for Spree 0.40.x (Rails 3)?

I've been trying to add a basic CMS to my new Spree 0.40.x but I'm no getting any success. Documentation seems bare empty.
I've tried every extension listed here but I couldn't install some of them, others I did installed them, but seems they're using rails 2 deprecated methods.
Does any of you have been able to add a CMS to Spree under Rails 3? I don't mind if i need to use an older version of Spree, I just need a basic CMS.
Thank you
Why exactly will you need CMS?
If you require it to create static pages with WYSWYG editor then you can use spree-static-content extension