Use netsh instead of hosts file to handle IP and Port - netsh

I need to be able to map and IP and Port to another IP and Port on my Windows 7 machine. The reason is enable me to access a URL in another location on a different port than the one I get given from the link.
For example if a link will route me to
I want to be able to intercept this (like how the Windows Hosts file works with domain name resolution overriding) to re-route the request to
I've quickly found out you can't specify ports in hosts files but netsh appears to do the job although the information on Technet is a little confusing and I'm unsure on how the command should look

the netsh command would look like this:
netsh interface portproxy add v4tov4 listenport=8080 listenaddress= connectport=49120 connectaddress=123.456.789.123
More information here.


Editing IP source range in GCP

I understand that this means that i'm allowed whatever my IP is to connect to this instance(server).
I'm trying to modify my GCP instance firewall rule, to allow my IP only to access this instance, I'm accessing it via ssh as it's an ubuntu server. So I've to specify in the rule some adress in the form of where my public IP is not in this format.
I don't understand the following
what is /0 means ?
How to generate an IP that match this format ?
Should I be using my public IP or another kind of IP ?
Have a look at this Wiki Article on CIDR notation.
In GCP (and possibly elsewhere), the CIDR range of is used to donate any address at all.
If you want to restrict traffic to your Compute Engine instance at the IP level, then:
Determine your own IP address ... for example
Change the firewall rule to allow only traffic from
Given that an IP address (ipV4) is 32 bits then when we suffix a CIDR range with /32 we are saying the whole IP address must match.
1) Get the external ip from where you going to ssh with typing ( what is my ip ) in any browser , copy that ip
2) create firewall rule and use that external ip e.g for port 22 (ssh ) with "apply to all instance" option set
3) If you are using putty for ssh then make sure to export the ssh key to the instance
After following all above step if should work
The best recommendation I would give is to open a case on issuetracker where your project will inspect closely by GCP team if you dont have any support package orthherwise open a case directly from your project.
The reason behind this recommendation is because some needs to inspect your project for solving your problem
I tired to provide my IP4/32 it still wasn't working. But i found a solution for this problem.
First go to IAP
Copy this IP under Preparing your project for IAP TCP forwarding
This range contains all IP addresses that IAP uses for TCP forwarding
Paste the copied IP inside the IP source of your firewall rule.
Go to What_Is_My_IP and copy your IPv4
Add your copied IP to the IP source range inside your firewall rule
save, and start your ssh connection to the VM

rtorrent through a proxy

It's not that much of a question, rather a confirmation that what I did is right or not and if it is safe or not.
Until now what I have found googling around is that you cannot run rtorrent through a proxy. You can either put the http request through a proxy, or tsocks, in both cases either the actual transfers are done directly or not done at all. Therefore until now the only proposed viable solution is a VPN which I wanted to avoid.
What I did was use an http proxy for the http part and a port forwarding for the actual download part. For example, lets assume the following: --> Local machine with the actual rtorrent --> The remote machine used as a proxy
I created 2 ssh tunnels
ssh -N -D 9090
ssh -R 9091:localhost:9091
From the local machine I installed polipo as the html proxy and configured it to use a socks proxy in the
I edited the following lines in /etc/polipo/config so that I can get the socks proxy.
socksParentProxy = "localhost:9090"
socksProxyType = socks5
I also changed the html proxy port for extra security, again in /etc/polipo/config
proxyPort = 9080
On the local machine I changed the ~/.rtorrent.rc as following:
#Proxy of the http requests through polipo
# The ip address reported to the tracker.
#Really important, in order to get connections for downloads
ip =
# The ip address the listening socket and outgoing connections is
# bound to.
bind =
# Port range to use for listening.
port_range = 9091-9091
# Start opening ports at a random position within the port range.
port_random = no
The system seems to work. I connect to the trackers and I have up and down traffic. So the questions are:
Am I safe that all the traffic concerning rtorrent is done through the
Did I miss something?
Are there any problems or concerns regarding this method?
As far as I see, you have covered inbound connections, as well as outgoing HTTP traffic, but any outbound peer-to-peer connections will be created directly, not through any tunnel. Currently, rtorrent does not appear to support passing outbound P2P connections through a tunnel or proxy of any kind, so in order to handle these, you'll need some other mechanism.
You mentioned tsocks and that it does not work – not even in addition to the rtorrent configuration you have set up above? (Although with tsocks you should be able to drop the HTTP proxy part.)
If that fails, there are alternatives to tsocks mentioned on the tsocks project page. A slightly more involved alternative would be to create a new loopback interface (lo:1 with IP, bind your rtorrent to that one and use something like sshuttle to direct all traffic originating on that interface through an SSH tunnel. Unfortunately, sshuttle doesn't let you restrict its operation to a specific interface at the moment, though, so you'd have to fiddle with the iptables rules it creates to make them match your needs. I assume a patch adding this feature to sshuttle would be welcome.
As a side note, you can create multiple port forwards and SOCKS proxies in a single SSH connection, like this:
ssh -N -D 9090 -R

Bind ip wrong in redis config

log:Creating Server TCP listening socket (myip:port): bind: Cannot assign requested address
my redis.conf
when i cofig like this
it works well
You likely do not currently have any interfaces set up for the 10.x.x.x subnet. If you're on any flavor of Linux, ifconfig should be able to tell you which interfaces are currently set up. For example, I'm running Mint 17:
$ ifconfig | grep "inet addr"
inet addr: Mask:
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
So I (like you) would not be able to bind Redis (or most any other service requesting a TCP socket) to 10.x.x.x. If you are really trying to listen for connections on that subnet, you will need to change your network setup (how exactly that would be done depends largely on your operating system).
I also faced same issue while setting up redis for remote access. I was using google cloud platform and we created Google compute engine VM instance where we installed our Redis server. Redis doesn't ship with by default with security configured. You have to perform some steps to secure it. By updating IP address in redis.conf in bind will allow access only from that IP addresses. When we were doing it, we were getting same error.
To solve this issue we haven't added IP addresses in redis.conf file instead in Google cloud firewall rules when we add port open record in network -> IP ranges you can specify IP address which you want allow to access redis. In redis.conf file update from bind to bind So basically we will restrict it from Google cloud firewall rules dashboard.
Below are steps to add IP address restrictions:
Login to your google cloud console
Navigate to VPC Network -> Firewall Rules
Click on CREATE FIREWALL RULE or edit existing one if it's already there
In Source IP ranges add your IP address to allow access only - See below screenshot
Once you create this rule add this source tags under your VM instances network type and you are done.
I have faced the same issue when I changed the default redis.conf to custom Redis conf and after changing the bind as below then it started working, Please be aware that the below conf will open the Redis connection from all sources.
bind -::1 to bind -::1
At /etc/redis/redis.conf
Please change
bind ::1
then restart
/etc/init.d/redis-server restart
It's work to me

change the net tcp port of a wcf service running on windows service

I'm using this example:
How do I change the port or specify a port and open it and all the other good stuff needed to access the service?
read this manual or at least finish reading of your link up to 13th point in list, where configuration file is provided
according to standard, URL consists of:
protocol :// hostname [: portnumber] [/path]
so, you need to change 8080 in your config to proper port
<add baseAddress="http://localhost:8000/ServiceModelSamples/service"/>

How do i tunnel from local to external apache

I'm trying to set up a ssh tunnel using putty so i can view websites which are at my work location. The remote development server (apache) does not accept any incoming calls on port 80, so i'm trying to tunnel through ssh which should work since i'm able to login to my shell account.
I'm using putty 0.60, In my settings ive added a new rule at connection -> tunnels
Ive added source port 80, Destination: remote.domain:80, i tried setting the radio buttons to local, remote, dynamic and the 2nd line to auto, still doesnt seem to work.
Do i need to add something to my windows host file to make apache accept the request?
Any idea's?
Destination should be localhost:80. This is where the remote port is forwarded to.
Then in your hosts file reroute remote.domain to
That should give you access.