Sourcesafe 6.0 and -

i used the source safe 6.0 with i open the project,the project is getting to hanged and i take long time to write one word in the project.
Is there any way to prevent Form hang while the code in the project using sourcesafe 6.0?
Is it even possible to integrate VS 2010 with VSS 6.0?

I tried SourceSafe 6.0 with VS 2008 and it works fine. It should work with VS 2010 as well using the MSSCCI plugin of VSS.
Does the same issue happens on other machines? If so, I recommend you upgrade to VSS 2005 and try again or switch to another source control tool.


How do I force Visual Studio to make this project compatible with VS 2022?

I installed VS 2022 Community and am trying to work on a project that was developed on VS 2008 Pro. VS is giving me this report:
How do I force VS to make whatever upgrades it needs in order to run this program? I can provide more info if needed.
MS in their wisdom, dropped support for the Setup & Deployment project, can't remember when exactly, then after a bit of an uproar re-instated it through the Visual Studio marketplace
Since your project has a file .vddproj, it might be a Smart Device CAB project.
It is not supported by later versions of visual studio.
It is recommended that you open it with VS2008.

Losing database connection when changing project target framework

As in title I'm having problem with my VB project when I change its .NET Framework from 4.5.1 in which I have application written to v4 which is supported on windowsXP. When I make the change and try to compile my program database could not be found. Should I make any extra changes in project properties or why database could not be found?
Thank you for help!
The Jet engine is not supported on 64bit machines. I know it is crazy but it's true. Not sure what MS Access uses on 64Bit, must be something else.
Jet on 64Bit
Some places say it's not going to be supported, others say it is part of Office 2010 install and you can download a seperate driver.
I ran into this when deploying a web app to our 64Bit server and just found a way around using MS Access for our report server. Got luck.

Is it possible to run on Window CE?

I'm using Visual Studio 2008 VB.NET to develop an application, and it is working fine in Window XP SP3. Is it possible to run this application on a mobile device with Window CE 6.0 ?
The application will not directly run on Windows CE, no. Since you're using Studio 2008, create a new Smart Device Project from the New Project wizard and import your existing code base.
Since you started with a desktop project, it's unlikely that the code will just compile as-is but, depending on exactly what features you're using, it's quite possible that you'll be able to modify what you have to compile for both the Compact Framework (CF) and the full framework.

Board Support Package

Currently our BSP is built using Visual Studio 2005. I would like to update this to use VS 2010 at the very least, preferably 2012. I have not been able to find anything that will allow me to do this. I tried to upgrade the project to VS 2008, but it failed to load the project. I was wondering if anybody had some ideas or could at least point me in the right direction.
Visual Studio 2008 does support the Platformbuilder Plugin and creating Applications for Win CE, however the import wizard is not perfect, you may need to change some settings by hand.
Visual Studio 2010 does not support creating BSPs or applications for Win CE.
Visual Studio 2012 will support creating of BSPs and applications for Windows Embedded Compact 2013.
It also includes a new faster version of the .Net Compact Framework.

Can I install VB6 over VS 2010?

I have already using Visual Studio 2010 for my project. Now I have to work with a Visual Basic 2006 legacy application. Can I install VB 2006 Enterprise Edition on my system?
Will this affect Visual Studio 2010?
Yes. Visual Studio 2010 and Visual Studio 6 will happily install side-by-side.
You can run multiple versions of Visual Studio on the same machine. I currently have VS2003, VS2005, VS2008 and VS2010 installed and am using all of them.
Where you may get into problems is with something like hooking up the older ones to TFS. This can be done, as I have VS2003 and VS2008 connected to TFS2010, but my VS2005 won't work as it whinges about the provider for some reason.
Another area to watch out for is IIS. As you have already installed VS2010, IIS may be defaulting to .Net 4.0 so if you start deploying .Net 2.0 apps then the websites may not work without some adjustment of things like app pools.
But if you are just using them independently of each other then you should be fine. If you're really paranoid, consider creating a VM and installing the old VS on it.
I see from your edited post that you were talking about VB6. This also can be installed alongside any of the later versions of Visual Studio.