Make multiple WebBrowser's without dragging them in file -

Ok, so a program I am making involves using multiple webbrowsers with different cookies. It logs into the same site on several accounts. However, to log into several sites I need multiple webbrowsers running the same function, but I want this program to be able to log into as many accounts as needed, so I need to generate a webbrowser basically. Instead of putting it in the form, I need a code that generates a webbrowser on the form. Is this even possible?

You can use the Load event of the form to create new WebBrowser() controls and Add them to the Form's Controls collection.
However, it is not necessary to add them to the form in order to use them.
WebBrowser :MSDN

You can dynamically create many WebBrowsers but it wont work the way that you want. Each WebBrowser will act like a separate tab of an Internet Explorer. For more information you can check the following.
Hosting multiple WebBrowser controls in one window causes sessions to "cross": any solutions?.

Use a tabcontrol and put each webbrowser in a separate tabpage. You can easily declare a tabpage with a webbrowser and add or remove the tabpage as needed. Since each document that the webbrowser loads has it's own cookie collection, and the website is your own, you should be able to set up your website to accept multiple users from the same machine, at least temporarily for testing.


How to stop webbrowser control refreshing when server requests it

I have a webbrowser control that points at a webpage that holds some fields that change quickly. When these fields change the server seems to request that the webpage refreshes. This poses a problem if programatically interact with the webbroswer. Is there anyway to force the webbrowser to not refresh? No real code to show. since I'm hoping this is a one line property I can create/add.
Maybe you are looking for the WebBrowser.Stop() Method (MSDN)

Making multiple forms appear as one in VB.NET

I am writing a Windows Forms application in VB.NET. I have three forms: the main form, which shows a list of accounts, the account form which allows the user to view/edit the information for a specific account, and the policy form which allows the user to view/edit the information on a specific policy for that account. I want the forms to appear as if they are all the same window. Example: when the application starts, the user clicks an account name in the list box on the main form and clicks "edit". What I want to happen is that the window stays in the exact same place and stays the same exact size, only the content of the main form appears to be replaced with the content of the account form. Same thing if the user then chooses to edit a policy from the account form. When the user finishes and clicks "save", the main form comes back up. Through this entire use case, it would appear to the user as if they were viewing the same window the entire time, with the content of that window changing.
How can I do this? I have tried something like:
Dim newForm as New AcctForm
newForm.Location = Me.Location
The problem is that if the user moves the original window, the new window appears where the parent form originally appeared, not where it ended up.
I see this is already in the comments, but what I have done in this case in the past is build each "form" in the application as a custom control. Then I have one actual form, and navigation works by changing which custom control is currently loaded on the parent form. To move from one screen/view to another, you remove the current custom control from the form's controls collection and add the new custom control.
I believe this is superior to manually setting the startup position and size, because you can use the form's .SuspendLayout()/.ResumeLayout() methods to hide the interim state, where there is no control loaded, from the user. This is harder to do when you want one form to be completely replaced by another.
This also makes it easy to set certain form properties in one place and have them be consistent for the application. You can even have an area on the form with controls that will now show in every view.
When using this pattern, I typically have each of my custom controls inherit from a common base. You may not have anything specific you will do with that base at the outset, but it almost always comes in handy later.
Finally, switching to use this scheme is easier than you think. Just go to the code for the each of your current forms, and you will find that each class currently inherits from System.Windows.Forms.Form. Most of the time, all you really need to do is change them to inherit from System.Windows.Forms.Panel and you're most of the way there.
As others have said, it may be better to redesign your application using custom controls or panels etc.
However, to answer your question regarding the seemingly random location of your forms, the first thing to check is that each form has it's StartPosition property set to Manual.
If your main form is resizable, then I would also add code to adjust newForm to the same size too.
I hope that helps with your immediate issues; so that you can move on to redesigning the application!
good morning there is another way . set property for second form to (top most) and use also;
that make you switch between forms and keep form2 top other
try using ShowDialog()
Dim newForm as New AcctForm
newForm.Location = Me.Location
Me.Close() <-- removed this

VB.Net button open multiple user and auto login in different window of IE

I have a website stored 100 users i want to create a VB form with 100 buttons ....while i click button1, it will open IE then log in users1 automatic and when i click button2 , it will open IE then log in as user2 automatic. user3 until user100 the same from button on vb form.
Note : i am already done to set open IE and log in as different users in each windows but now i am finding how to set auto log in with different users in the same website when i click each button in form.
i have something more about form....i will use ( 100 button click = 100 users = 100 IE window ....)
it depend on user click on button that he need to log in......because we don't know that what button/users/time will he want to click .....
I really need your help urgently...
Thank in advanced.
here is some code of Button_Click
Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
Using p As New Process
p.StartInfo.FileName = "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe"
p.StartInfo.Arguments = ""
End Using
This is the only way I can come up with on how to solve this.
My guess is that your login is using POST variables, it's pretty much standard.
To make this work you would have to allow the username and password to be supplied with GET. That is, sending them in the url like this:
Since you haven't specified whether you use PHP or ASP.NET I will add info on how to get the value for both:
EDIT based on comment
You are correct it is not possible to isolate separate webbrowser controls.
I would suggest you look into either WaTin to control separate IE instances, or Awsomium .NET, which i believe allows separate sessions in 1.7, though i haven't tested it.
Also be aware that since IE8 session cookies are shared across instanced by default, so you would need to run them with the -nomerge flag. WaTin supports this.
Based on the fact that you have not mentioned this in your question, i am presuming you are using IE7. If that is the case, and this application is not intended to be used on other machines, it should be possible to create a separate application with an embeded webbrowser control, then launch multiple insatances of that application from the main one, so you can add your own communication mechanism, but WaTin is probably a far better idea
It is very hard to work out what you want to do, but im guessing you want to create a winforms app, that lets you to choose a user account, and then open a browser and login to a website with that account.
Based on that assumption, my suggestion would be to have one button, and some way of selecting the account, say a comboBox, and a webbrowser control:
Rather than 1 button per user account and trying to manipulate an external browser.
If this is indeed what you want to do, comment and i will edit my answer as required, and provide starting code if you need, but i cant do that without really undertanding what you need to do.

CTRL+ TAB when webbrowser is in focus

I have a windows application with a tabcontrol. One of the tab of the tabcontrol has a webbrowser control.Now the issue that I am facing is when the focus is inside the webbrowser control, the normal Ctrl+Tab functionality of the tabcontrol is not working.I want the Ctrl+Tab to change the selected tab of tabcontrol even when the focus is inside webbrowser control in selected tab.How to achieve this ?
I have already tries overriding ProcessCmdKey.but it does not get hit when focus is inside webbrowser control.
I also tried registerhotkey method ,it works but it locks the Ctrl+Tab hotkey within my application & system doesn't respond to any other Ctrl+Tab presses outside my application when application is running, which is expected behaviour of registerhotkey.
Here is the code you need:
If WB.ContainsFocus Then
MsgBox("We have focus, disappearing...")
End If
Now, the question is, when to run that code. If you put it in the WebBrowser1_GotFocus event, you'll need to turn it on and off. Turn the code off if the user is interacting with the WB Control, and turn it back on when they are not and when you expect to be experiencing the problem you've mentioned.
Of course, you could add another line to ensure a particular control/tab/panel etc gets focus after you remove focus from the body. Also, here are 3 other SO questions that have answers which may help you, but these will take you in directions different to the direction I've provided, probably due to the fact that the questions are not identical to yours, but are similar enough to be useful (not listed in order of preference).
Prevent WebBrowser control from stealing focus?
Webbrowser steals focus
Focusing WebBrowser control in a C# application
I just wanted to add, instead of the .Body.RemoveFocus() you could do this:
Which I prefer, since the .Document object didn't have an explicit .RemoveFocus method on the intellisense I was gettign in VS2012 RC. This is probably referring to the HTML tag (and not the .Document object) and since the html tag is the only parent to the body tag, it makes sense, and there is no "HTML" object directly available in the intellisense under object, since you can get it via other means, so it's just more convenient doing it this way.
Cheers, and let me know if you need more info on anything.

Select Input:File programmatically in Webbrowser control 2010

I have a website where I am filling form data through VB.Net 2010 through WebBrowser control.
I am able to set value for input:text, input:password, checkbox, select and able to submit form.
But I am not able to select input:file programmatically. I am also able to open
"Choose a File" Dialog.
How can I send file name to select and press OK button from VB.Net Code?
I am pretty sure this is a browser security feature to prevent malicious web-sites from auto-uploading random files from the user's website to themselves. Consider how dangerous it would be if any website could pull arbitrary files off the user's computer without any explicit action from the user.
Your best bet is probably going to be dumping the Web Browser control since it will limit you to its security model. Instead consider directly getting the web page and posting a response within your application.
The following .NET namespaces should come in handy for that: