How does #Deployment work in an Arquillian test? - jboss-arquillian

How does (JBoss) Shrinkwrap perform the deployment of a war file in the container when I use the #Deployment annotation in an Arquillian test?

As John said, it really depends on how container adapter is implemented (in particular the deployment automation bits). I case of WebSphere container adapter it's using SOAP admin client available from WAS, Glassfish stuff works through their REST api and so on.

This depends on your container, not all containers will do it the same way.


Integration tests with Cucumber using embedded GemFire for a Spring Boot application deployed in an Apache Geode client/server topology

I intend to write integration tests with Cucumber for a GemFire cache client application using Spring Boot and deployed in an Apache Geode client/server topology. I referred to the question - How to start Spring Boot app without depending on Pivotal GemFire cache which was answered in 2018 and also referred to the integration test documentation here - Integration Testing with STDG.
The link to an example concrete client/server Integration Test extending STDG’s ForkingClientServerIntegrationTestsSupprt class appears to be broken.
The purpose of my integration tests would be to:
run an embedded locator and a server during the integration test phase
define the regions for the servers using cluster.xml
create, read, update and delete cache entries and verify the different use cases
Any help regarding the ideal approach to write integration tests (probably using an embedded GemFire locator and server) will be very helpful.
Tried an embedded GemFire CacheServer instance for integration tests using #CacheServerApplication annotation but not sure on how to create ClientCache objects to use the embedded GemFire or whether this is the right way to write the integration tests.
Edit: Also came across this - Is it possible to start a PIvotal GemFire Server, Locator and Client in one JVM? where it is mentioned as - In short, NO, you cannot have a peer Cache instance (with embedded Locator) and a ClientCache instance in the same JVM (or Java application process).
DISCLAIMER: I do not have experience with Apache Cucumber...
However, it is not difficult to spin up multiple GemFire or Geode server-side processes, such as 1 or more Locator and [multiple] CacheServers in a single test class. The Locators can be standalone JVM processes or embedded, as part of the servers.
In this typical test configuration arrangement the GemFire or Geode server-side processes are forked, yet coordinated, and the test class itself acts as the ClientCache instance.
You can see 1 such test configuration in the SBDG Multi-site Caching sample, here.
The key to this test configuration is the extension of the ForkingClientServerIntegrationTests class from STDG, as well as the forking of the 2 clusters (and specifically), in the test class setup method.
The configuration for each cluster is handled by Spring config and the coordination is all handled using GemFire/Geode properties (specifically) combined with some Spring Profiles (for example, then see here) to control which configuration gets applied for each GemFire/Geode JVM process.
Of course, this example and test configuration is quite complex given the fact that the test also employs GemFire/Geode's WAN capabilities, hence the "multi-site" caching reference, but serves to demonstrate that Spring and SBDG/SDG/STDG supports as complex or as simple of a setup as your testing needs require.
You can start any number of GemFire/Geode processes (Locators, CacheServers, etc). And, in nearly all cases, the test class (JVM) itself is the cache client (ClientCache instance).
Here are a couple more examples from the Spring Data for Apache Geode (SDG) codebase and test suite: here and here.
I am certain I have another test class or example (somewhere) that for a single Locator, then joined 2 CacheServer instances, and then the test (JVM process) proceeded as ClientCache instance, but I cannot seem to find it at the moment.
In any case, I hope this gives you some ideas.

How to share an ignite instance among jetty webapps

The docs state:
Servlet-based startup may be used in any web container like Tomcat,
Jetty and etc. Depending on the way this startup is deployed the
Ignite instance can be accessed by either all web applications or by
only one. See web container class loading architecture:
But then points to a dead link regarding Jetty.
I'm using Jetty. How would this be done (sharing the ignite instance among all web applications)?
Link to Jetty classloading
Link to Ignite web configuration
The latter describes web session clustering but you don't have to enable that to use Ignite. I think these docs should cover your case.
To share Ignite instance between web apps, you will need:
Put Ignite libraries into server's main lib/ directory, and not under your web app directory
Instantiate Ignite using Jetty API, as per the documentation that you referenced
Server service = new Server();
ServletHttpContext ctx = (ServletHttpContext)service.getContext("/");
ServletHolder servlet = ctx.addServlet("Ignite", "/IgniteStartup",
servlet.setInitParameter("cfgFilePath", "config/default-config.xml");
This assumes you are starting Jetty programmatically, i.e. with your own code. Your mileage may vary if you don't.

Deploy Java EE application without starting

I am using Apache Geronimo. I need a way to deploy an EAR application on an application server without starting the EAR module automatically.
When I deploy my EAR, it is automatically started. I need a way to specify, that it should only be deployed but not started.
Is there a way to do this?
In the past I've opened and closed gates to certain EJBs with the use of JMX.
The cool part:
100% Control your beans from outside using JConsole or your own JMX client.
The drawback:
Every bean instance has to be registered in the MBean Server which is not that cool as you are usually having multiple instances of the same bean.
The solution to this topic was having a #Singleton EJB working as a MBean/controller for all the instances of one EJB.

DOSGI Support in Glassfish

I am using OSGI with Glassfish 3.0.1.We use Jersey REST as the resource layer. We have lots of osgi services. we are planning to decouple them & deploy it in a cloud. One way we do this is by doing a http REST call. But we would like to do service to service call at the api level. One way to do this is by using DOSGI. But Glassfish 3.0.1 doesn't seem to support DOSGI. Any other suggestions?
I believe that Glassfish contains Apache Felix, which is a fully compliant OSGi Framework. Therefore you do not need explicit support from Glassfish in order to use a set of bundles that provide Remote Services (the name "DOSGI" is now deprecated). Indeed, this is kind of the point of OSGi!
Anyway the next obvious question is which Remote Services implementation to choose. I would advise you NOT to use CXF since it is too buggy and unmaintained. That leaves Eclipse ECF or Paremus RSA.
(Disclaimer: the Paremus implementation is commercial and I work for Paremus).

Apache Axis2 and Spring3 how to use #Autowired

I haven't used Apache Axis since my 1.x days so I am little rusty here. My question is this.... How do I go about using the #Autowired annotation in my Apache Axis2 service endpoint class? Is this possible? I did some google searching and have yet to find anything conclusive. I am using Apache Axis2 version 1.5.1 and Spring 3.0.3. I just want to autowire up a simple DAO into my Web Service endpoint. I wouldn't think that would be so hard. I have already configured my applicationContext.xml and tested my DAO in a simple DBunit JUnit test case so it works fine. I can also Autowire up my Spring bean in my JUnit test. In my WAR I have configured my web.xml to use the org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoaderListener. This works fine and I can see when I deploy the war that the applicationCOntext is loaded up. Now how do I wire this up so I can use #Autowired in my Apache Axis2 service endpoint class?
Thanks for any help in advance!
Resolved my own issue. Jsst needed to have my Service Endpoint class simply extend the SpringBeanAutowiringSupport class.