SDK2: drag and drop between two grids - rally

Using SDK2, I've got two grids that are sorted by rank, so you can re-rank by dragging and dropping in each grid.
I would also like to drag and drop between the two grids-- imagine two team backlogs and you want to take a ranked story from one team and rank it in another team's backlog.
This seems like it would be common so is there a good example of how to do this with a Rally Grid?
I'm starting to read the following:!/guide/drag_and_drop
But there always seem to be a few gotcha's, and for example I'm not sure how to not break the current drag drop within the grid.

SDK 2.0rc1 is built on Ext 4.1.1a- the drag and drop functionality should be similar though. You should be able to do this in an app as long as both the grids are in the same app. This is a limitation due to the fact that apps run in an iframe in Rally and you can't drag and drop across the iframe boundary.
All you should need to do is pass enableRanking true at construction of your grid. You also will probably need to include Rank in your fetch.


Razor Pages horizontal Table

Good morning,
I am developing my Web Application using .Net Core 3.1 and Razor Pages.
In my application I need to display a large amount of data on a grid and would therefor like to rotate a standard grid 90 degrees. I would like to obtain something like the "Horizontal Scroll" of this blog post but instead of just scrolling horizontally I would likle to move the headers to the side and, as mentioned above, rotate the entire grid fields.
I can't find any API that suites my needs though. Does anyone have suggestions on something I could try? I wouldn't want to have to build the entire grid myself (with all the paging, filtering and ordering logic). I am open for alternative solutions as well!!
Thanks everyone!
This seems more like an HTML question, and does not really relate to Razor Pages. Here are a couple of examples of horizontal scrolling HTML tables:
You said you need to display a large amount of data, I think the
design you currently want is not suitable for the display of a large
amount of data.
Because if the title is on the left, then only one data can be displayed on each page, and each page needs to load the title, which will lead to great redundancy.
If you just want to display beautiful because of too many columns, I suggest you use the responsive property in jQuery datatable, which can dynamically display the number of columns according to your current page width, and collapse or display the extra columns.
You can refer to this.

Change product image on variant change

I am struggling to find an ideal solution to change the product image based on the variant selection. I do not see any identifier on the product images using which I could do a cross matching for js change event.
Every theme has this feature, so I guess, there is a pretty good solution to this.
Can you please help me showing the right path?
Thank you.
It depends on the design of the page and what are using.
For example if you plan to show a single image for the variant change you can use the variant image directly.
But if you plan to use a gallery of images there are different approaches. The one I use in most cases is to set an ALT attribute to each image with the name of the color that it's pointing to. Based on those ALT attributes I use some JS logic to filter specific images and show the correct ones.
Other approaches will be to use metafields, tags, linklists etc... A lot of different ways, but each is tied to some JS logic and some bad user experience for the administration since he will be required to switch between different pages and to create different elements in order to tie them to the images.
The final way is to use a separate APP for this.

Hiding specific columns within a custom HTML Rally app using the SDK

I'm writing a Cardboard app using the AppSDK within a Custom HTML app. So far, it is displaying properly (rendering all columns, column headers).
Is there a way to target and hide certain columns and their headers from within the Cardboard app code? I can hide them using their CSS ID's.... However, this occurs after the app has rendered and results in a bit of an eyesore as the original app width will not resize.
TL;DR Rally Custom Kanban board (AppSDK) contains 6 User Story states. I want to hide the second and fourth states while still showing the other four.
There's an example in the docs that show how to create a board that has a specific set of columns:!/example/specific-columns-board
In that case it's doing Owners for columns and some extra stuff with custom rendering of headers, but the guts of it is specifying the columns config to the board, which is just an array of config objects which will be used to instantiate Rally.ui.cardboard.Column objects.

Virtual TableViewer sorting causes selection problems

Our application is an RCP appliction and needs to display table of several thousands items. For this reason, we're using SWT.VIRTUAL in our TableViewer. That works pretty well except for selection.
We're having following issue :
Our TableViewer support sorting and filtering. When we use a virtual tableviewer, changing the selection does not preserve the current selected item but the row currently selected.This leads to another item being selected.
e.g: If Item 'A' present at the 5th row is selected by user and sorting is performed, then after sorting the Item at the 5th row gets selected instead of the Item 'A'.
Using a non virtual TableViewer, everything works fine.
We tried to go into debug and found out that the cache from the AbstractTableViewer.VirtualManager class seems to be up to date with the model.
Forcing the cache to be used in the AbstractTableViewer.virtualSetSelectionToWidget() can be a possible approach.
We have tried to implement a solution suggested in However it didn't work.
Please suggest some pointers or alternative work around.
Thanks for the answers.
As a workaround for working with huge tables I would suggest you to take a look at the Nattable project It supports everything you need (sorting, filtering, tree structured elements, lazy loading etc.). We successfully use it in our project, where it is necessary to display hundreds of thousands elements as a tree with around 160 columns. It also has some pretty cool styling features, which can make your table more user-friendly and interactive. Hope this helps

GridView Control with different child categories that have no relationship to each other

I may be missing something here so I apologise if this question may come across as obvious.
In a XAML WinRT app, I can have a GridView control that I can throw a collection of stuff at, and then using DataTemplates etc I can render that stuff on screen.
How can I take this a step further and have a single “master” GridView control which contains several sections which get their data from different places and exist within the app as different collections of stuff?
For example, take the built in Games app. Here we have different sections – Spotlight, Friends, Game Activity etc which are all very different from each other, have different data and are displayed in different ways but they all exist within the same GridView control.
How can this be done?
I do hope this makes sense
If I understand your requirement correctly, you want to have a group of groups, and display each of the child groups using different templates.
The way I did it was to derive all the child items from a common base class (or you could build a group of groups of Objects, I suppose). Then we used the DataTemplateSelector to pick the appropriate template for each item in the master GridView.
We had to go a step or two further than that in practice, but that's the theory behind how I achieved a similar goal.