Error: file doesn't exist - file-io

Now am working on a project where I need to create a folder in sdcard which am able to do. Also I need to hide/unhide it according to need. The code is working fine on emulator but not in device this is my code what went wrong ?
public class FolderCreate extends MIDlet {
private Form form;
private Display display;
FileConnection fc;
String path;
public void startApp() {
form = new Form("Hello World");
String msg = "Hello World!!!!!!!";
display = Display.getDisplay(this);
try {
path = System.getProperty("fileconn.dir.memorycard");
System.out.println("Path : "+path+"/sample");
fc = (FileConnection)"/ABCD/");
System.out.println("directory created");
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
//System.out.println("ERROR "+e.getMessage());
Alert alert = new Alert("Alert");
//fc = (FileConnection)"/sample/");
catch (Exception e)
Alert alert = new Alert("Alert2");
public void pauseApp() {
public void destroyApp(boolean unconditional) {
The error am getting is: file does not exist

Check if path starts with "file://". If not, add the suffix.
path = System.getProperty("fileconn.dir.memorycard");
if (path != null && !path.startsWith("file://")) {
path = "file://" + path;

I think you are doing mistake at following line,
path = System.getProperty("fileconn.dir.memorycard");
When you are working with phone and SD-Card you should use e: drive for referring to SD Card as follows,
path = file:///e:/<folder-name>/


(React Native) Huawei Location Kit - is there any way to know if network location services setting switch off?

to make our apps working indoor to fetch location we need Network Location Services switch to be on
And we're using this function to detect any setting that still off
We noticed the response which is LocationSettingsStates, when the switch on or off is always true
Am I using wrong function to detect it??
The class and methods mentioned in the original post are the right ones to be used for checking network location service availability.
Please refer to a partial code extracted from Huawei sample code obtained from Github
public void checkSettings(View view) {
new Thread() {
public void run() {
try {
CheckSettingsRequest checkSettingsRequest = new CheckSettingsRequest();
LocationRequest locationRequest = new LocationRequest();
LocationSettingsRequest.Builder builder = new LocationSettingsRequest.Builder()
.addOnCompleteListener(new OnCompleteListener<LocationSettingsResponse>() {
public void onComplete(Task<LocationSettingsResponse> task) {
if (task != null && task.isSuccessful()) {
LocationSettingsResponse response = task.getResult();
if (response == null) {
LocationSettingsStates locationSettingsStates =
LocationLog.i(TAG, "checkLocationSetting onComplete:" + stringBuilder.toString());
.addOnFailureListener(new OnFailureListener() {
public void onFailure(Exception e) {
LocationLog.i(TAG, "checkLocationSetting onFailure:" + e.getMessage());
int statusCode = 0;
if (e instanceof ApiException) {
statusCode = ((ApiException) e).getStatusCode();
switch (statusCode) {
case LocationSettingsStatusCodes.RESOLUTION_REQUIRED:
"Location settings are not satisfied. Attempting to upgrade "
+ "location settings ");
try {
// Show the dialog by calling startResolutionForResult(), and check the
// result in onActivityResult().
if (e instanceof ResolvableApiException) {
ResolvableApiException rae = (ResolvableApiException) e;
rae.startResolutionForResult(CheckSettingActivity.this, 0);
} catch (IntentSender.SendIntentException sie) {
android.util.Log.i(TAG, "PendingIntent unable to execute request.");
} catch (Exception e) {
LocationLog.i(TAG, "checkLocationSetting exception:" + e.getMessage());
The execution results when “network location service” is turned on and off are shown below. It shows the state with true and false respectively.
In some phone, LocationSettings interface may not be able to get the exact state.
You can set the Priority to be PRIORITY_BALANCED_POWER_ACCURACY and use requestLocationUpdatesWithCallback interface to get location update.
If the network location is not enabled, you will get the error code NETWORK_LOCATION_SERVICES_DISABLED 10105.
Then it means the switch is not enabled.

Is it possible to cancel a call to speakTextAsync?

I'm using the javascript SDK of Microsoft Speech Synthesizer and calling speakTextAsync to convert text to speech.
This works perfectly, but sometimes the text is long and I want to be able to cancel in the middle, but I cannot find any way to do this. The documentation doesn't seem to indicate any way to cancel. The name speakTextAsync suggests that it returns a Task that could be cancelled, but in fact the method returns undefined, and I can't find any other way to do this. How can this be done?
Seems there is no way to stop it when it is speaking. But actually,as a workaround, you can just download the audio file and play the file yourself so that you can control everything. try the code below:
import java.nio.file.*;
import javax.sound.sampled.*;
public class TextToSpeech {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
String speechSubscriptionKey = "key";
String serviceRegion = "location";
String audioTempPath = "d://test.wav"; //temp file location
SpeechConfig config = SpeechConfig.fromSubscription(speechSubscriptionKey, serviceRegion);
AudioConfig streamConfig = AudioConfig.fromWavFileOutput(audioTempPath);
SpeechSynthesizer synth = new SpeechSynthesizer(config, streamConfig);
String filePath = "....//test2.txt"; // .txt file for test with long text
Path path = Paths.get(filePath);
String text = Files.readString(path);
Thread thread = new Thread(new Speaker(audioTempPath));
System.out.println("play audio for 8s...");
System.out.println("stop play audio");
} catch (Exception ex) {
System.out.println("Unexpected exception: " + ex);
assert (false);
class Speaker implements Runnable {
private String path;
public String getText(String path) {
return this.path;
public Speaker(String path) {
this.path = path;
public void run() {
try {
File file = new File(path);
AudioInputStream stream;
AudioFormat format;
DataLine.Info info;
Clip clip;
stream = AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(file);
format = stream.getFormat();
info = new DataLine.Info(Clip.class, format);
clip = (Clip) AudioSystem.getLine(info);;
} catch (Exception e) {
} catches and logs ImageException I want to handle myself

I am transforming an Image into pdf for test purposes.
To ensure that the Image is compatible with the printing process later on, I'm running a quick test print during the upload.
I'm creating a simple Test-PDF with a transformer. When I try to print an image with an incompatible format, the ImageManager of the transformer throws an ImageException, starting in the preloadImage() function:
public ImageInfo preloadImage(String uri, Source src)
throws ImageException, IOException {
Iterator iter = registry.getPreloaderIterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
ImagePreloader preloader = (ImagePreloader);
ImageInfo info = preloader.preloadImage(uri, src, imageContext);
if (info != null) {
return info;
throw new ImageException("The file format is not supported. No ImagePreloader found for "
+ uri);
throwing it to:
public ImageInfo needImageInfo(String uri, ImageSessionContext session, ImageManager manager)
throws ImageException, IOException {
//Fetch unique version of the URI and use it for synchronization so we have some sort of
//"row-level" locking instead of "table-level" locking (to use a database analogy).
//The fine locking strategy is necessary since preloading an image is a potentially long
if (isInvalidURI(uri)) {
throw new FileNotFoundException("Image not found: " + uri);
String lockURI = uri.intern();
synchronized (lockURI) {
ImageInfo info = getImageInfo(uri);
if (info == null) {
try {
Source src = session.needSource(uri);
if (src == null) {
throw new FileNotFoundException("Image not found: " + uri);
info = manager.preloadImage(uri, src);
session.returnSource(uri, src);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
throw ioe;
} catch (ImageException e) {
throw e;
return info;
throwing it to :
public ImageInfo getImageInfo(String uri, ImageSessionContext session)
throws ImageException, IOException {
if (getCache() != null) {
return getCache().needImageInfo(uri, session, this);
} else {
return preloadImage(uri, session);
Finally it gets caught and logged in the ExternalGraphic.class:
/** {#inheritDoc} */
public void bind(PropertyList pList) throws FOPException {
src = pList.get(PR_SRC).getString();
//Additional processing: obtain the image's intrinsic size and baseline information
url = URISpecification.getURL(src);
FOUserAgent userAgent = getUserAgent();
ImageManager manager = userAgent.getFactory().getImageManager();
ImageInfo info = null;
try {
info = manager.getImageInfo(url, userAgent.getImageSessionContext());
} catch (ImageException e) {
ResourceEventProducer eventProducer = ResourceEventProducer.Provider.get(
eventProducer.imageError(this, url, e, getLocator());
} catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) {
ResourceEventProducer eventProducer = ResourceEventProducer.Provider.get(
eventProducer.imageNotFound(this, url, fnfe, getLocator());
} catch (IOException ioe) {
ResourceEventProducer eventProducer = ResourceEventProducer.Provider.get(
eventProducer.imageIOError(this, url, ioe, getLocator());
if (info != null) {
this.intrinsicWidth = info.getSize().getWidthMpt();
this.intrinsicHeight = info.getSize().getHeightMpt();
int baseline = info.getSize().getBaselinePositionFromBottom();
if (baseline != 0) {
= FixedLength.getInstance(-baseline);
That way it isn't accessible for me in my code that uses the transformer.
I tried to use a custom ErrorListener, but the transformer only registers fatalErrors to the ErrorListener.
Is there any way to access the Exception and handle it myself without changing the code of the library?
It was easier than I thought. Before I call the transformation I register a costum EventListener to the User Agent of the Fop I'm using. This Listener just stores the Information what kind of Event was triggered, so I can throw an Exception if it's an ImageError.
My Listener:
public class ImageErrorListener implements EventListener
private String eventKey = "";
private boolean imageError = false;
public void processEvent(Event event)
eventKey = event.getEventKey();
if(eventKey.equals("imageError")) {
imageError = true;
public String getEventKey()
return eventKey;
public void setEventKey(String eventKey)
this.eventKey = eventKey;
public boolean isImageError()
return imageError;
public void setImageError(boolean imageError)
this.imageError = imageError;
Use of the Listener:
// Start XSLT transformation and FOP processing
ImageErrorListener imageListener = new ImageErrorListener();
if (res != null)
transformer.transform(xmlDomStreamSource, res);
if(imageListener.isImageError()) {
throw new ImageException("");
fop is of the type Fop ,xmlDomStreamSource ist the xml-Source I want to transform and res is my SAXResult.

Osmdroid - from offline folder

I am using OSMdroid to display both online and offline data in my app. The offline data are stored in a .zip file with the required structure.
Is it possible to have these offline tiles stored in a directory (extracted .zip file with the same structure)?
Could somebody please tell me how could I achive this?
Thank you.
I am sorry. I should try more before asking. But I am leaving this question here, somebody could find it useful.
New MapTileFileProvider. I called it MapTileFileFolderProvider, it is a lightly modified MapTileFileArchiveProvider. It is using folders instead of archives. The modifications are not perfect, it is a "hot solution" that needs someone more experienced in Java/Android to make it properly.
Benefits from loading Tiles from folders:
Faster loading of tiles (I know, I won't recognize the difference).
Easier updates focused only on changed tiles not whole map plans.
Application can download tiles when is in "online mode" and then use the downloaded Tiles offline.
MapTileFileFolderProvider - only modifications
public class MapTileFileArchiveProvider extends MapTileFileStorageProviderBase
public class MapTileFileFolderProvider extends MapTileFileStorageProviderBase {
private final boolean mSpecificFoldersProvided;
private final ArrayList<String> mFolders = new ArrayList<String>();
private final AtomicReference<ITileSource> mTileSource = new AtomicReference<ITileSource>();
public MapTileFileArchiveProvider(...)
public MapTileFileFolderProvider(final IRegisterReceiver pRegisterReceiver,
final ITileSource pTileSource,
final String[] pFolders) {
if (pFolders == null) {
mSpecificFoldersProvided = false;
} else {
mSpecificFoldersProvided = true;
for (int i = pFolders.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
private void findFolders() {
if (!getSdCardAvailable()) {
String baseDirPath = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().toString()+"/ctu_navigator"; // TODO get from Config
File dir=new File(baseDirPath);
final File[] files = dir.listFiles();
if (files != null) {
String fileName;
for (File file : files) {
if (file.isDirectory()) {
fileName = baseDirPath + '/' + file.getName();
Utils.log(PlanTileProviderFactory.class, "Added map source: " + fileName);
protected String getName() {
return "Folders Provider";
protected String getThreadGroupName() {
return "folder";
protected class TileLoader extends MapTileModuleProviderBase.TileLoader {
public Drawable loadTile(final MapTileRequestState pState) {
ITileSource tileSource = mTileSource.get();
if (tileSource == null) {
return null;
final MapTile pTile = pState.getMapTile();
// if there's no sdcard then don't do anything
if (!getSdCardAvailable()) {
Utils.log("No sdcard - do nothing for tile: " + pTile);
return null;
InputStream inputStream = null;
try {
inputStream = getInputStream(pTile, tileSource);
if (inputStream != null) {
Utils.log("Use tile from folder: " + pTile);
final Drawable drawable = tileSource.getDrawable(inputStream);
return drawable;
} catch (final Throwable e) {
Utils.log("Error loading tile");
Utils.logError(getClass(), (Exception) e);
} finally {
if (inputStream != null) {
return null;
private synchronized InputStream getInputStream(final MapTile pTile, final ITileSource tileSource) {
for (final String folder : mFolders) {
final String path = folder + '/' + tileSource.getTileRelativeFilenameString(pTile);
File mapTileFile = new File(path);
InputStream in = null;
try {
in = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(mapTileFile));
} catch (IOException e) {
//Utils.log("Tile " + pTile + " not found in " + path);
if (in != null) {
Utils.log("Found tile " + pTile + " in " + path);
return in;
Utils.log("Tile " + pTile + " not found.");
return null;
Well, as far as I understand what you are trying to get... this is more or less what the standard XYTileSource is already doing.
So if you simply use a ready-to-use tile source like this one:
you will see downloaded tiles files stored in /sdcard/osmdroid/tiles/Mapnik/
The main difference is that it adds a ".tile" extension at the end of each tile file (probably to prevent tools like Android gallery to index all those images).
If you have a ZIP file with tiles ready to use, you could extract them in this directory, and add .tile extension to each tile (355.png => 355.png.tile)
And TileSourceFactory.MAPNIK will be able to use them.

How to add and configure asmack in android

Please can you help with a break down of how you got asmack working in your android. I cant get it to work for my application. I keep geting java.lang.verifyError.
Be sure to include latest version i.e. asmack-android-17-0.8.3 of asmack library in libs folder.
Adding this might remove java.lang.VerifyError.
I do it the following way, it works perfectly.
public void login(View view)
new Connection().execute("username", "password");
private class Connection extends AsyncTask<String, Void, Integer>
private static final int CONNECTION_FAILURE = 0;
private static final int LOGIN_FAILURE = 1;
private static final int SUCCESS = 2;
protected Integer doInBackground(String... strings)
ConnectionConfiguration conConfig = new ConnectionConfiguration("", 5222, "domain");
connection = new XMPPConnection(conConfig);
Log.i("AppName", "CONNECTED TO " + connection.getHost());
catch(Exception e)
Log.e("AppName", e.getMessage());
connection.login(strings[0], strings[1]);
Log.i("AppName", "LOGGED IN AS " + connection.getUser());
Presence presence = new Presence(Presence.Type.available);
catch(Exception e)
Log.e("AppName", e.getMessage());
return SUCCESS;