MS Access 2003 Error - vba

I'm getting the following error when I try to run a macro that eventually uses the DoCmd.TransferText function. Here is the error below:
Cannot find object. Make sure the object exists and you spell its name and path correctly
I've used this method before to create a text file and add contents to it either from a table or a query.
Can someone correct me on this but doesn't the Transfer Text method create the file if it doesn't already exist?
Here is the code where i call it:
'Create Dispense File
DoCmd.TransferText acExportDelim, "DispenseExportSpec", "qryExport", DispenseFileName
Call Sleep(5000)
DoCmd.TransferText acExportDelim, "ExportDispenseCFSpec", "qryExportDispenseCF", ExportDispenseCFName
Call Sleep(5000)
(It fails on the first) This can't/shouldn't be a permissions issue as I have full read/write/edit abilities over the folder and its subfolders; it's not a path issue as I've verified multiple times, so what is the the problem here?
Access Version: MS Access 2003

Try removing the spec argument and let it use the default? The documentation on that seems wonky. Just do a DoCmd.TransferText acExportDelim, , "qryExport", DispenseFileName


Access VBA - Export table to CSV file

I know many variations of this question were already asked but I kinda hit a dead end. I am trying to export a table with 2 columns into a .csv file. I tried it using similar question with this line of code.
Once without specification:
DoCmd.TransferText acExportDelim, , "+SapDebExp", "U:\Desktop\sapDeb1.csv", True
Once with specification:
DoCmd.TransferText acExportDelim, a11, "TSapDebExp", "U:\Desktop\sapDeb.csv", True
But no matter what I try all the columns are compressed into a single column in the created .csv
I also tried a workaround with this:
DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel8, "TSapDebExp", "U:\Desktop\sapDeb.xlsx", True
FileCopy "U:\Desktop\sapDeb.xlsx", "U:\Desktop\sapDeb.csv"
This worked and the columns were separated in the end file but when you first open the .csv there comes a pop-up message saying "you sure you want to trust this file". This wouldn't be a problem since you only need to click it once but I want to import this file somewhere else (so no one will open the .csv file between the export and import). Is there another workaround or am I doing something wrong with the first method?

Dot inside VBA string of an Access application gets interpreted as a number sign upon execution

I'm working on a small Access database application that, among other things, exports a csv file when requested by the user.
The csv file should be created by the following code:
DoCmd.TransferText acExportDelim, "CSVexport", "tblExport", sLoc & Format(Date, "ddMMyyyy") & "_" & category & "_Export.csv", True
After fixing an issue with the data source part of the export (changed it from a query to a table), the _Export.csv part suddenly gets interpreted by Access as _Export#csv.
The error I'm getting:
Run-Time error '3011': The Microsoft Access database engine could not find the object '03022020_AluKippers_Export#csv'. Make sure the object exists and that you spell its name and path correctly . If '03022020_AluKippers_Export#csv' is not a local object, check your network connection or contact the server administrator.
I have no idea what's causing this.
Update: When changing the file extension to .txt, I get the same error. When using anything else after the dot, I get the cannot update error. I suspect the error may have something to do with the saved specification CSVexport...
Found the problem. The export specification I created, used the dot as the decimal symbol. After changing the decimal symbol back to , and the field delimiter from , to ;, the code in my question worked as expected.

Access VBA Convert Linked Table to Local

I am running into a problem and can use some advice. I am linking to an excel spreadsheet and then i am trying to convert that link into a table.
my very basic function is as follows
dim mypath as string
docmd.transferspreadsheet aclink, acspreadsheettypeexcel112xml, "importeddata", mypath, true
runcommand acCmdConvertLinkedTableToLocal
this gives me a runtime error 2046
The command or action 'ComvertLinkedTableToLocal' isn't available now.
So, the reason for doing the link and then the conversion is when done manually, it will get rid of all the conversion errors that a normal import will do and then I have my basic VBA scripts which seem to run far quicker in Access than Excel.
Again, any help is duly duly appreciated
I believe you need to have a specific linked table selected in order to run the acCmdConvertLinkedTableToLocal command. Try something like this after linking:
DoCmd.SelectObject acTable, "importeddata", True
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdConvertLinkedTableToLocal
Alternatively, have you tried creating an empty table that matches the spreadsheet structure (i.e. using text fields instead of numeric fields) so that you don't get the import errors when you import instead of link?
Thank you for sharing this code example. I had to make one addition to get this to work correctly for me. I was getting a runtime message that the command was not available before adding a DoEvents after the SelectObject and prior to acCmdConvertLinkedTableToLocal.

VBA Dynamic Save As, Microsoft Project to Excel

I am trying to create a macro that will export a Microsoft Project file into an excel file. Through the use of macro recording I have got a line of code that accomplishes this using the export wizard, but I want the file path and file name to be dynamic so I can use this macro on different projects. I have been searching many other threads and the Microsoft website with no luck. Is this possible?
Here is what I have:
sub formatAndSave ()
FileSaveAs Name:="C:\Users\XXXXXX\SharePoint\Projects\ProjectType\HxH\myProject.xlsx",_
FormatID:="MSProject.ACE", map:="myMap"
end sub
One idea I tried was:
Active.Workbook.SaveAs FileName:=Title
Any help would be very much appreciated!
For the sake of simplicity, let's assume for all answers below your project is located at c:\projects\myProj.mpp
I think you're after the string replace function. Something like:
Dim excelFilePath As String
excelFilePath = Replace(ActiveProject.FullName, ".mpp", ".xlsx")
Debug.Print excelFilePath
'the output would be c:\projects\myProj.xlsx
If you're unfamiliar with string manipulation in VB/VBA, just search the web for "VBA string manipulation". Microsoft has a decent article here:
A few other things that may be handy for you are these variables:
ActiveProject.FullName 'shows full path & name, so you'd get "c:\projects\myProj.mpp"
ActiveProject.Path 'shows just the path, so you'd get "c:\projects\"
ActiveProject.Name 'shows just the file name, so you'd get "myProj.mpp"
Finally, one caveat I've seen is that the ActiveProject.FullName and ActiveProject.Name variables may or may not provide the file extension depending on your local windows environment settings. I've observed that if Windows Explorer is configured to hide file extensions, then these variables also withhold the extension; if Explorer is configured to show them, then they are provided in the variables. Make sure your code is robust to both cases, or make sure you have control over the environment where you code will run.

Export Access Query WITHOUT Formatting

Relatively simple, but I can't seem to work it out. I want to export a query from access into a .csv (tab or comma delimited). When I do it manually through the wizard it works fine. But when I do it via vba, it comes complete with dash formatting that looks like the borders in the table!
I tried two methods and got the same results
DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputQuery, "Qry_GRADE", "MS-DOSText(*.txt)",_
"grade.csv", True, *ExportSpec*, , acExportQualityScreen
I used it with or without "ExportSpec", which is a specification I created when exporting manually.
This is the second method:
Dim testSQL As String
Dim qd As DAO.QueryDef
testSQL = "SELECT * FROM Qry_Grade"
Set qd = db.CreateQueryDef("tmpExport", testSQL)
DoCmd.TransferText acExportDelim, , "tmpExport",_
db.QueryDefs.Delete "tmpExport"
This is a solution I've found which seems like overkill
And this is what the output looks like:
You can see it's not actually split any of the columns when opening the file in excel and that every second line is just a string of "-"'s
What about DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel9, myQueryName, myExportFileName, True for direct excel file export.
I tried your approaches, but I only get formated text with your first try DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputQuery, "Qry_GRADE", "MS-DOSText(*.txt)",_
"grade.csv", True, *ExportSpec*, , acExportQualityScreen which is as expected because it's a text export not csv.
With your second method I always get an excel compatible result. Maybe you have an error trap that hides an error and the first grade.csv is not overwritten. Use a different filename for the second method to prevent that.
Found a second trap. You don't specify full file path in first method, but in second. If C:\Users\Databoe\Documents\KidsTV is not your default document path, you have 2 grade.csv in different folders, but you maybe think that you only have one that gets overwritten.
I just ran into this problem myself, and found a great work around. It doesn't save as a .csv, but you can save as a comma delimited .txt file.
Use the export wizard on the External Data tab to export your query as a .txt file without formatting.
Once the file is exported you get a dialogue box asking if you want to save export steps. Click the box and save the export.
There is an action available in the Macro wizard called "Run Saved Import/Export." Select this action and choose your saved export from the dropdown menu.
Very frustrating that even now I cant seem to make Access export a simple csv file. I do not know why they think I need pretty formatting. Try this: open Excel, Click Get Data, From Database, From MicroSoft Access Database. Select the Access Database you wish to export from. Select the table/query we want saved as an csv. This will set up a link to this table. Once imported, save the Excel file to an csv file.