embedding a local pdf file in google chrome packaged apps - pdf

I'm trying to use the embed tag in a chrome packaged app to display a pdf document included in the distribution. The renderer displays "Looking for plugin...". Is the chrome pdf viewer supported in packaged apps or is the problem with the embed tag?
<embed src="document.pdf#page=33" type="application/pdf">.


I need show PDF into app android using appcelerator

I'm development a app using appcelerator. I need display a url PDF inside this app but android webview dont show pdf.
I try for this pdf into google https://docs.google.com/viewer?url=http://xxx.pdf&embedded=true
But is instable, opening my webview android in white screen.
Somebody have a solution for open pdf into app android using appcelerator?
The Android Webview doesn't automatically load PDF files. You have to either use pdf.js and render it or use this module: https://github.com/SquirrelMobile/pdfview that will create a custom View to display PDF files

How to implement file browser like android in Xamarin forms IOS

Currently I am using File picker plugin(https://github.com/Studyxnet/FilePicker-Plugin-for-Xamarin-and-Windows) to browse and attach files in my application.
Its an cross platform plugin to upload documents.
but in this plugin when we want to upload documents in IOS we can upload documents using ICloud only. I want to upload documents without Icloud as we are doing in android.
Can anyone help me to upload documents in Xamarin forms IOS without using ICloud?
There is no way to browse files like android in iOS

Open PDF in gwt frame with highlighted words

how can i open pdf with highlighted words on gwt frame using java or javascript?
i passed url link to the iframe and it loads the pdf but there is no highlight
gwt version 2.5.1
firefox portable v.24
This problem can be solve by changing or installing pdf viewer plugin adobe acrobat reader to the browser.
The pdf viewer of the frame depends on the browsers pdf viewer
setup plugins for chrome
to test, use this url example to the browser with adobe acrobat plugin
It works on chrome 42 with adobe reader plugin...

Implement pdf.js in Apache Cordova

I am trying to develop an Apache Cordova Application with Visual Studio 2013 for Android, using Typescript. I am unable to display my PDF. My program begins by downloading the PDF file to the Android Device from a website. After this though, I am unaware as to how to use pdf.js to display the downloaded PDF. I tried looking at the examples and implementing them on a HTML file in IE, but I've been unsuccessful with all attempts to display any kind of PDF, so a sample that works, but not on Android is also appreciated.
so a sample that works, but not on Android is also appreciated.
The PDF js hello world : http://mozilla.github.io/pdf.js/examples/learning/helloworld.html You can open it on android too.

PhoneGap InAppBrowser not loading pdf

I am using PhoneGap InAppBrowser to load pdf in my app. It is loading pdf in IOS, but there is no location bar shown, and on Android pdf is never loaded.
Here is my code to load pdf
iabRef = window.open('sample.pdf', '_blank', 'location=yes');
Not sure if this counts as an answer, but I believe this is a known bug. It is marked as fixed in the 2.4.0 RC here.
Ran into the same with 2.4.0. I switched to using the _system browser in my open call. It's not ideal, as it opens a browser that simply downloads the file, but at least it works.