How to use two servers in one sql statement? - sql

So I need to try and use two different servers in one SQL statement. Here is my query so far:
SELECT p.FirstField
from [FirstDatabase]..FirstTableName p
Where not exists (select p2.SecondField
from [SecondServer].[SecondDatabase]..SecondTableName p2
where p.FirstField = p2.SecondField)
I do not use the First Server in the first part of the statement because that Server has already been selected.
I am using Microsoft SQL Server

You need to set up the remote server as a linked server using sp_addlinkedserver. Then you can refer to the remote table using the linked_server_name.catalog.schema.object_name syntax. You can find more information here.


SQL Server: Query not linked server providing credencials. Is possible?

I tried to query another specific server many times, but i failed... I searched and i found out that the server must be linked with the other server in order to achieve what i want. Unfortunately is not in my hands to change that so my question is, if it is possible to query the other server by providing credentials.
The server i want to query has SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 4 (9.00.5000) and the server i'm working on has SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 3(9.00.4035).
Thanks in advance.
Use OPENROWSET or OPENDATASOURCE instead. Both allow you to pass credentials. This is your best option if you are unable to use a linked server.
This example works if you are using SQL Server logins.
FROM OPENROWSET('SQLNCLI', 'SERVER=<servername>;UID=<username>;PWD=<password>',

How to select a table from one machine to another using sql server 2008 r2?

I have explained the scenario below:
I am having two servers:
server 1
server 2
In both the servers I have Sql Server 2008 r2.
In server 1, I have a database named "DB_Server1" and in server 2, a database named "DB_Server2".
In DB_server1 database, I have a table named "TB_Server1" and in DB_Server2, a table named "TB_Server2".
My requirement is, in DB_Server1, I'm going to write a stored procedure which selects the table "TB_Server2" from DB_Server2 which is located in the server 2.
How can I achieve the above requirement?
you can use linkserver
at first select Server1
step 1: exec sp_addlinkedserver 'Server2'
step 2: select * from [Server2].[DB_Server2].TB_Server2
You can create linked server (
Use Linked Server:
Allows you to query databases and tables on remote servers as though they are part of the local database. Very easy to setup (just call exec sp_addlinkedserver) and once defined uses nothing but plain old SQL.
Here is a simple tutorial about how to create a linked server. After creating linked server, we can query it as follows:
select * from LinkedServerName.DatabaseName.dbo.TableName
Click here for another tutorial.
Read more about Linked Servers here.

How can I select data in the same query from two different servers and databases from SQL Server Management Studio?

How can I select data in the same query from two different databases that are on two different servers, one DB2 Server and the other a SQL Server?
On your sql server, set up a linked server to the db2 database.
Then write your query on sql server. I suggest that you use openquery for the db2 stuff. If you have to combine the data, populate a sql server temp table with the openquery results and work from there.
The reason I suggest this is performance. I have found that if you use this syntax
select somefields
from server.database.owner.table
where whatever
sql server will bring back the entire table from the linked server and apply the where clause afterwards.
You can set up a linked server
How to create a linked server

Can I create a view that will query a table from another sql server on another server but same domain

I need to query a table from another SQL Server on a different server but same domain, but I am not sure how I will be able to do it.
I tried solution given in this answer Can I create view in my database server from another database server but it doesn't work for me as I got SQL Server 2000 (please don't hate :-) ).
When I try solution given then i get this error,
Line 23: Incorrect syntax near '-'.
which is because command is not compatible with SQL Server 2000.
SELECT * FROM AnotherServer.AnotherServerDatabase.Server.Table1
you can link the servers and run cross server queries as long as you put the server name before the DB your running the query on.
For example
SELECT * FROM "linkedserver".dbo.aTable
(without "" marks )
bear in mind different server versions though. I run cross server queries from 2008 to 2000 servers and its a pain adapting :)

SQL statement joining Oracle and MS SQL Server

I never seen this, but is it possible to have one SQL call join data from Oracle and SQl Server?
Yes, Oracle and SQL Server both have functionality that allows to connect to other databases, including different vendors. In Oracle terminology, it's a database link instance while on SQL Server it's called a Linked Server instance.
The syntax to reference the instance is different between Oracle and SQL Server though. IE:
FROM table_name#database_link_instance t
SQL Server:
FROM linked_server_instance_name.database_name.schema_name.table_name t
does MySQL support the linked server concept?
No, the closest MySQL has is the FEDERATED engine, which is only for connecting to remote MySQL instances.
PostgreSQL has dblink. Last time I looked at dblink (pre-v9 release), it only could connect to other PostgreSQL instances.
Yes- both Oracle and SQL Server support the linked server concept. That allows you to reference the other server using a 4 part name. For example:
select *
from LocalDb.Schema.Table
cross join