Disqus - How to pass current logged in user? - api

I am using Disqus API to fetch details of the logged in user. I am not sure how to pass the current logged in user.
I have both api_key(public) and remote_auth and I am using Jquery ajax to send api request over http.
If I do something like this,
It says "You must either provide a user or authenticate the user." Now I have the loggedin users remote_auth.
FYI: This is how I am creating the remote_auth. Example User Id: 3096795, email = "a#a.com", Name="Test". Now when this user logs in to the website, it logs in to Disqus as well. I can see this user in http://disqus.com/api/sso/users/ with id = 3096795.
I have couple of questions:
1) Can I use jquery ajax to send a authenticated user and get user details? Or this can be done only via Server side? (Java/Php)
2) If I pass ?remote_auth=[remote_auth] as a query string, will it work?
3) if yes, remote_auth value has spaces in between HMAC->SHA1(secret_key, message + ' ' + timestamp) so how can I pass it as query string parameter?
4) If no, then how to pass a user to the listActivity.json endpoint? If I am passing the userid, then it returns me some other user and not the user I created.
The below request returns a different user.
How can I ensure the userid I am passing is unique and not already taken by a different disqus account?
Am I missing something?

Your remote_auth is a form of authentication, just like access_token, so you'll want to pass that in your request as remote_auth=<YOUR_PAYLOAD>.
If you pass "user=" that ID would have to be the Disqus user ID, which isn't the same as your remote_auth ID. Your remote_auth is a form of authentication, just like the access_token. However, keep in mind that we don't return as many details for SSO users as authenticated Disqus users. This is because the details are managed by you, the SSO site owner.
To answer your other questions:
You can use the client-side API to get these details, but we recommend the server-side API + caching the results to avoid bumping into API limits.
URL-encode the payload and this will work

Easier using https://github.com/anthavio/disquo
DisqusApplicationKeys keys = new DisqusApplicationKeys("...api_key...", "...secret_key...", "...access_token...");
DisqusApi disqus = new DisqusApi(keys);
//SSO is available only to premium accounts
SsoAuthData ssoauth = new SsoAuthData("custom-12345-id", "Firstname", "Surname");
//SSO User identity is used to create post
disqus.posts().create(ssoauth, keys.getApiSecret(), threadId, "Hello world " + new Date(), null);


Express REST API with JWT and Routes

I am trying to create an Express API with JWT authentication.
However, I was wondering how to best allow users to only access their own resources.
For example if there is a user with id 1 and each user has a list of books in the database:
The id is already part of the JWT Token but commonly there would be a request to something like /users/1/books to get all of the books belonging to user 1.
Would my routes typically still look like this and I would just check the id in the token is the same the request is made for, or is there any other/simpler way?
Thank you for your help!
You can define, some access rights permissions base on the user role or id.
Example: roles : {root, admin, staff}
Then, in your routes you can have some checking whether this user have the permission to access the functions or you can do in the controller level to check the access rights.
You need to define model relations between User, UserModel. In your case as I understand you need to have the relations between UserModel and BooksModels.
UserModel hasMany BooksModel
When you call findOne() to retrieve specific user's data, you can just define include: 'aliasModelName', to retrieve the users related book data.
With this way, you can only have 1endpoint users/:id to retrieve users data and book data. It depends on what you really want, you can also have an endpoint users/:id/books to get all books that belongs to this user.
Your model definition will then become
BooksModel belongsTo UserModel
If you use hasMany you can get all the results that you need in just one query.
Hope this helps!
When user sends the login credentials, you check database if the email exists, if yes then you check if the password matches. If user successfully signins you create the token.
const token = jwt.sign({ _id: user._id, email: user.email }, "this-is-secret", {
expiresIn: "1h",
this token is sent to the browser, whenever user make requests, it manually attachs this token to the req, and sends the request to your server. You check if the token is valid, by using the secret key (in this case "this-is-secret").
const decodedToken = jwt.verify(token, "this-is-secret")
req.userId = decodedToken.userId;
now "userId" is attached to the req object. Now when you fetch the data from database, the items that you are fetching, you write a query that (implementation depends on which database you are using)

intermittent error from rally 'Not authorized to perform action: Invalid key' for POST request in chrome extension

I developed a chrome extension using Rally's WSAPI v2.0, and it basically does the following things:
get user and project, and store them
get current iteration everytime
send a post request to create a workitem
For the THIRD step, I sometimes get error ["Not authorized to perform action: Invalid key"] since end of last month.
[updated]Error can be reproduced everytime if I log in Rally website via SSO before using the extension to send requests via apikey.
What's the best practice to send subsequent requests via apikey in my extension since I can't control end users' habits?
I did see some similar posts but none of them is helpful... and in case it helps:
I'm adding ZSESSIONID:apikey in my request header, instead of user /
password to authenticate, so I believe no security token is needed
url starts with https://rally1.rallydev.com/slm/webservice/v2.0/
issue is fixed after clearing cookies for
https://rally1.rallydev.com/, but somehow it appears again some time
I checked the cookie when the issue was reproduced, and found one with name of ZSESSIONID and its value became something else rather than the apikey. Not sure if that matters though...
code for request:
function initXHR(method, url, apikey, cbFunc) {
let httpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
httpRequest.open(method, url);
httpRequest.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', ' application\/json');
httpRequest.setRequestHeader('Accept', ' application\/json');
httpRequest.setRequestHeader('ZSESSIONID', apikey);
httpRequest.onreadystatechange = function() {
return httpRequest;
usReq = initXHR ('POST', baseURL+'hierarchicalrequirement/create', apikey, function(){...});
Anyone has any idea / suggestion? Thanks a million!
I've seen this error when the API key had both read-only and full-access grants configured. I would start by making sure your key only has the full-access grant.

How to get useID/Email of logged in user in Google Contacts API after OauTh Token

I developed a program which works well and I can import data from gmail but. I want to keep track how is the user given permission to manage contacts. But after a hard search I did not get any Idea about the loged in user. My code is as follows.
var parameters = new OAuth2Parameters
ClientId = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ClientID"].ToString(),
ClientSecret = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ClientSecret"].ToString(),
RedirectUri = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RedirectURL"].ToString(),
Scope ="https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.profile"
parameters.AccessCode = Request.QueryString["Code"].ToString();
Session["Token"] = parameters.AccessToken;
But I dont how to get email of logged in user. Please let me that
Thanks in advance
Request an additionall scope of https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.email and then you can access the user info as well. There is also a userinfo.profile witch contains other info on the user like name, profile picture, language and so on.
Your code looks like C# but I only have a Python example of using multiple scopes and sharing tokens.
Code: https://code.google.com/p/google-api-oauth-demo/
Article: http://www.hackviking.com/2013/10/python-get-user-info-after-oauth/

DropboxUnlinkedException but the session already had token inside and user didn't revoke the access

My problem is I have existing user in database which store the key and secret from the first authentication. I wish to reuse it again when I come back. For the first time authentication, everything working fine. I can use every method call from Dropbox API and the Token(key and secret) was stored in database.
I come back to app and get the Token from database, set it to the session, link current session with API.
session = new WebAuthSession(appKeys, ACCESS_TYPE);
api = new DropboxAPI<WebAuthSession>(session);
String userKey = dropboxUserObj.getUserKey(); //Key from database
String userSecret = dropboxUserObj.getUserSecret();//Secret from database
AccessTokenPair userAccessTokenPair = new AccessTokenPair(userKey, userSecret);
It return DropboxUnlinkedException to me when I want to get user data from api using
String userDisplayName = api.accountInfo().displayname;
I have checked on debug mode. Api was linked with the current session. The current session stored Appkey and user's token and correct access type. The point that I doubt is I saw "client = null". I maybe forgot something but I check them all, try every possibilities I can think of but it still return me "DropboxUnlinkedException" which mean I haven't set an access token pair on the session and I didn't revoke access for sure.
Please help me figure out...
I added a screenshot maybe it can illustrate my problem

Verify user through PayPal GetVerifiedStatus API

I have been trying to get this GetVerifiedStatus API to work but it just doesn't work.
I have tried using a valid email address on
As well as directly and through curl but they all give error of 'Api credentials are incorrect'.
Does anyone know how to do it?
Then I have another question, paypal says that GetVerifiedStatus API takes in email,first name and last name. (as mentioned in )
However there is this guy who says that he verified using email, password and signature successfully... anybody has any idea where do password and signature comes in it from?
The link you're referring to is talking about an API username, password and signature.
To use GetVerifiedStatus, you must send email, firstName, lastName and matchCriteria.
See also page 63 of https://www.paypal-biz.com/development/documentation/PP_AdaptiveAccounts.pdf
To use GetVerifiedStatus.php here is what you have to do:
Create an account paypal sandboc
Create a preconfigured account
Click on API and Payment Card Credentials to view your account credentials
Update the following code with the credentials you got from step 3
//PayPal API Credentials
$API_UserName = "sbapi_1287090601_biz_api1.paypal.com"; //TODO
$API_Password = "1287090610"; //TODO
$API_Signature = "ANFgtzcGWolmjcm5vfrf07xVQ6B9AsoDvVryVxEQqezY85hChCfdBMvY"; //TODO
I hope this help.