How to start Firefox/Chrome drivers with turned off HTML5 field validation - selenium

I use Firefox/Chrome Webdriver drivers for testing my web app. This app has HTML5 field validation. When my test doesn't fill in text field with type "email" and submits form then FirefoxDriver sets focus to the field (without showing HTML5 field validation error) instead of sending POST request to server side.
Do Firefox/Chrome drivers have profile settings/preferences that will turn off HTML5 field validation?

I had the same problem and found a workaround for it by using JS script from
Just make sure to run this script:
for(var f=document.forms,i=f.length;i--;)f[i].setAttribute("novalidate",i)
any time a new page / form is loaded.


Problem of Jmeter/Webdriver with testing a webapp searching data form which has Knockout installed

I am facing problem of testing jmeter/Webdriver for a webapp which has Knockout framework installed. I fill all the form fields OK but when run click search button it displays the error that required fields need not to be empty. I checked all web element value are not empty. As my understand Knockout is not activated to bind Web elements with DataModel from Knockout. I used wait WDS.browser.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait for webpage fully loaded/ajax calling or event being fired but without any success. I Do you have any experiencing and solution for testing this kinds of webapp?
It might be the case you need to trigger a certain JavaScript event in order to "tell" the web application that you finish the input, i.e. onkeyup or onblur which is not being automatically called by Selenium's sendKeys() function
You can use i.e. WDS.browser.executeScript() function to send the event(s) which indicate that you filled in the form(s). Check out The WebDriver Sampler: Your Top 10 Questions Answered article to learn how to call scripts, use Waits, etc.

Does Selenium/Protractor look for element in current loaded page?

Does Selenium/Protractor look for element in current loaded page, or look in the entire application when using the same Css Selector for same elements?
Save Button on Customers Form class="save"
Save Button on Vendors Form class="save"
Protractor works by interacting with the browser (via selenium). Selenium uses browser drivers to interact with your page, and the browser only contains the code that it asked for (returned from the server, based on the type of request that was made).
So yes, it only looks for elements in the currently loaded page. It has no access to your entire application code.
Selenium looks for the element only on the loaded page. Not sure about Protractor though.

Selenium catch HTML every time change has been made in browser

Is it possible to use Selenium so that my code and browser will be integrated - I want to get updated HTML page every time I made any change on the web page in the browser?
In other words I would like to run my app which would automatically start a browser and every time I do any change on the web page selenium automatically get changed HTML in java/python code. For example select a dropdown item might be a good example.

What is the proper way to test mandatory field in selenium

I am testing my web application using Selenium. All the form validation in the web application is done by HTML5 and some JS(for safari browser). I want to know what is the proper way to test the form validation.
Currently I am using one approach, i.e Before I filled up a mandatory field I clicked on the submit button. If the page is not refreshed then I assume the form validation working correctly. But I think there should be a better approach to do it. I am unable to find any proper solution. Any suggestion will be highly appreciated.
I also go through this link. But it is not working for me because it is not enough to have required attribute (eg required attribute does not work in older Safari browser).
Rather than checking if the page is refreshed or not, you should instead expect that it is not and that a certain error message or field highlighting or something is applied to the current page. When in an error state, the input fields probably get given an extra class, or an error div/span might be added to the DOM, try checking for that sort of thing

capturing a browser refreshed event using Selenium Web Driver

I am writing a program to automate link validations in a site. Our site is having more than 400 links per page and we need to open each link and see it is returning a valid page i.e 200, there are other requirements as well to check if the page is a 404 redirection page etc. It means to validate 400 inks it will take about 30 minutes or so.
My design is to integrate this with the Front-End (Selenium) automation in a way that each time the browser loads a new page or browser refreshes it will trigger a new thread by passing the page source for validating all the href available.
We are not following a page object model otherwise I could trigger this in my each page.
Question here is that is there any way we can listen to a browser refresh or page load event using Selenium Web Driver?
Correct me if I don't understand your question, but page_refresh and page_load_event can be two very different goals for you, if you are dealing with AJAX. You can try this article about the AJAX part
and this one for selenium custom events synchronization.
This solution here is the most actual I could find.
Actually Selenium is JS driver so this answers can be helpful if you want to try it too: