how to find out if a c++/cli heap variable has <undefined value> - variables

I've not been using C++ for about 4 years and came back to it a month ago, and that was where I also have first heard about the CLI extension. I still have to get used to it, but this website helps a lot! Thank you!! Anyway, I couldn't find an answer to the following problem:
When I declare a variable
int iStack;
then it is declared but not defined, so it can have any value like
iStack = -858993460
depending on what the value at the stack position is, where the variable is created.
But when I declare a variable on the heap
int^ iHeap
then as far as I know the handle is created but the variable is not instantiated (don't know if you call it instantiation here) or defined and I can only see
iHeap = <Nicht definierter Wert> (which means <undefined value>)
Is there any way to detect if this value is defined?I particularly don't need it for int, but for example for
array<array<c_LocationRef^,2>^>^ arrTest2D_1D = gcnew array<array<c_LocationRef^,2>^>(2);
to find out if the elements of the outer or inner array are instantiated (I'm sure here it is an instantiation ;-) )
arrTest2D_1D = {Length=2}
[0] = {Length=20}
[1] = <Nicht definierter Wert> (=<undefined value>)

As far as I know, the CLR automatically initialise your variables and references in C++ CLI.
In .NET, the Common Language Runtime (CLR) expressly initializes all
variables as soon as they are created. Value types are initialized to
0 and reference types are initialized to null.
To detect if your variable is initialised, you should compare the value of your hat variable to nullptr :
int^ iHeap;
if(iHeap == nullptr){
Console::WriteLine(L"iHeap not initialised");
This works on my VS2010 ; it outputs iHeap not initialised
It should work for your specific problem as well (arrays).
By the way, value types are initialised to zero hence your first example should output 0 (I've tested it, and it does output 0) :
int iStack;
Console::WriteLine(L"iStrack = {0}", iStack); // outputs 0
Quote is from codeproject
MSDN page for nullptr
EDIT: Here is an other quote, from Microsoft this time :
When you declare a handle it is automatically initialized with null, so it will not refer to anything.
Quote from MSDN see the paragraph "Tracking Handles"


How to declare variables with a type in Lua

Is it possible to create variables to be a specific type in Lua?
E.g. int x = 4
If this is not possible, is there at least some way to have a fake "type" shown before the variable so that anyone reading the code will know what type the variable is supposed to be?
E.g. function addInt(int x=4, int y=5), but x/y could still be any type of variable? I find it much easier to type the variable's type before it rather than putting a comment at above the function to let any readers know what type of variable it is supposed to be.
The sole reason I'm asking isn't to limit the variable to a specific data type, but simply to have the ability to put a data type before the variable, whether it does anything or not, to let the reader know what type of variable that it is supposed to be without getting an error.
You can do this using comments:
local x = 4 -- int
function addInt(x --[[int]],
y --[[int]] )
You can make the syntax a = int(5) from your other comment work using the following:
function int(a) return a end
function string(a) return a end
function dictionary(a) return a end
a = int(5)
b = string "hello, world!"
c = dictionary({foo = "hey"})
Still, this doesn't really offer any benefits over a comment.
The only way I can think of to do this, would be by creating a custom type in C.
Lua Integer type
No. But I understand your goal is to improve understanding when reading and writing functions calls.
Stating the expected data type of parameters adds only a little in terms of giving a specification for the function. Also, some function parameters are polymorphic, accepting a specific value, or a function or table from which to obtain the value for a context in which the function operates. See string.gsub, for example.
When reading a function call, the only thing known at the call site is the name of the variable or field whose value is being invoked as a function (sometimes read as the "name" of the function) and the expressions being passed as actual parameters. It is sometimes helpful to refactor parameter expressions into named local variables to add to the readability.
When writing a function call, the name of the function is key. The names of the formal parameters are also helpful. But still, names (like types) do not comprise much of a specification. The most help comes from embedded structured documentation used in conjunction with an IDE that infers the context of a name and performs content assistance and presentations of available documentation.
luadoc is one such a system of documentation. You can write luadoc for function you declare.
Eclipse Koneki LDT is one such an IDE. Due to the dynamic nature of Lua, it is a difficult problem so LDT is not always as helpful as one would like. (To be clear, LDT does not use luadoc; It evolved its own embedded documentation system.)

Confusion about the Argument< T > and Variable< T > in .NET 4.0 Workflow Foundation

I am using Windows Workflow Foundation in .NET 4.0. Below is some syntax/semantic confusion I have.
I have 2 equivalent way to declare an Assign activity to assign a value to a workflow variable (varIsFreeShipping).
(1) Using XAML in the designer.
(2) Using code.
But in approach 2, the it seems I am creating a new OutArgument< Boolean > and assign value to it, not to the original Variable< Boolean> varIsFreeShipping. And OutArgument and Variable are totally different types.
So how could the value assigned to this new Argument finally reach the original Variable?
This pattern seems common in WF 4.0. Could anybody shed some light on this?
As a matter of fact, the second (2) method can be written just as:
Then = new Assign<bool>
To = varIsFreeShipping,
Value = true
This all works because OutArgument<T> can be initialized through a Variable<T> using an implicit operator.
In your first (1) assign, using the editor, that's what's happening behind the scene; the variable is being implicitly converted from Variable to OutArgument.
WF4 uses alot of implicit operators mainly on Activity<T> from/to Variable<T>, OutArgument<T> from/to Variable<T>, etc. If you look at it, they all represent a piece of data (already evaluated or not), that is located somewhere. It's exactly the same as in C#, for example:
public int SomeMethod(int a)
var b = a;
return a;
You can assign an argument to a variable, but you can also return that same variable as an out argument. That's what you're doing with that Assign<T> activity (using the variable varIsFreeShipping as the activity's out argument).
This answers your question?

Alternative syntax to __block?

I have question on the syntax of __block variables. I know you can use __block on a variable in scope so it's not read-only inside the block. However in one spot in the apple docs, I saw an alternative:
"Variables in the defining scope are read-only by default when used in a block. If you need to change the value of such a variable, you can use a special syntax:
int count = 0;
float cumulativeValue = 0.0;
UpdateElements( a, N, ^(float element){
|count, cumulativeValue|
float value = factor * element;
cumulativeValue += value;
return value;
} );
In this example, count and cumulativeValue are modified inside the block, so they are included in comma-separated list of shared variables at the beginning of the block scope.
This syntax seems much cleaner and I assume you could then modify variables you did not declare but are still in scope. However, I haven't seen this anywhere else and the xCode compiler does not like my basic block. Is this legitimate syntax?
Wow. Haven't seen that syntax in a long time.
That was one of the various syntactic structures explored during the development of blocks. It was eventually rejected because it was too imprecise in declaring intent and the resulting behavior would have been confusing.
Consider a scope with three blocks, two of which declare a variable as readwrite via |a|. There would be no way of knowing from the int a = 5; declaration at the top of the scope that the variable's value is readwrite in some of the block's scope.
As well, it would make the compiler implementation significantly more difficult. The tradition in C is that a variables storage type is fixed at the time of declaration. Supporting this syntax would have broken that expectation.
Thus, it was decided to use a storage type modifier akin to volatile or static. __block was used primarily because the __ prefix greatly reduces the amount of code that would break by adding a bare keyword.
Thanks for asking this. Bug filed and that documentation will be fixed and/or removed eventually.
The | | syntax was inspired by Smalltalk, as was, of course, the term "block".
As bbum points out, marking the decl site is more honest w.r.t. non-block usage and far more in line with C when modeled, as it ended up, as a new (C) object "duration".

can variables be set randomly when declaring them again?

In my method, I declare some variables, including int blockCount;. I call this method more than once. Using the Xcode debugger, I found out that after the second time the method was called, the value of blockCount was set to 364265, while it was set to 2, just a few milliseconds earlier.
It's not a real problem, since I can just set it to 0 or any other number I'd like, but is it bad programming habit to have a certain variable declared over and over again? I'm quite new to programming, and I want to make sure I'm doing things the right way. :)
If you declare a variable but don't provide a value for it, it is considered "uninitialized". An uninitialized variable in C has an "undefined" value -- it's usually garbage, containing whatever happened to be at that address the last time something was written there. Strictly speaking, though, "undefined" means that you should under no circumstances try to use that value. (If you do a search for "nasal demons" this will be explained in quite colorful, and also useful, terms.*)
This variable, being local, is recreated every time the method runs, and thus gets a new actual, though still technically undefined value each pass.
It's generally recommended to not leave variables uninitialized, because the "random" value can cause bugs that are hard to find, and occasionally summon the aforementioned nasal demons. You're not doing anything wrong, but if you're not setting the actual value within a line or two of the declaration, I'd suggest initializing it to 0 or some sensible default:
int blockCount = 0;
*See also: What happens to a declared, uninitialized variable in C? Does it have a value?

How to I pass a checkbox value by reference with CLI?

I have a GUI app written in C++/CLI which has a load of configurable options. I have some overloaded functions which grab values from my data source and I'd like to connect my options to those values.
So here's a couple of data retrievers:
bool GetConfigSingle(long paramToGet, String^% str, char* debug, long debugLength);
bool GetConfigSingle(long paramToGet, bool^% v_value, char* debug, long debugLength);
I was hoping to pass in the checkbox's Checked getter/setter as follows:
result = m_dataSource->GetConfigSingle(CONFIG_OPTION1, this->myOption->Checked, debug, debugLen);
...but for some reason I get an odd compiler error which suggests the Checked value isn't being passed as I'd expect:
1>.\DataInterface.cpp(825) : error C2664: 'bool DataInterface::GetConfigSingle(long,System::String ^%, char*, long)' : cannot convert parameter 2 from 'bool' to 'System::String ^%'
Previously this code passed the checkbox in and modified the values itself, but I'm keen to break the dependency our data collection currently has on windows forms.
So what am I missing here?
[Edit] I've filled out the function definitions as they originally were to avoid confusion - my attempt to reduce the irrelevent information failed.
I'm fairly certain that the CheckBox getter / setter returns a bool.
Figured I'd clarify my comments from above and make it a "real" answer...
When you call Checked, what you're getting back as a return value is a bool that represents the current state of the CheckBox. It is not, however, a reference to the actual data member that holds the CheckBox's state. In fact, a properly encapsulated class shouldn't give access to it. Furthermore, since Checked returns a bool by value, that bool is a temporary object that doesn't necessarily exist by the time GetCongigSingle is called.
This leaves you with several options. Either pass the bools by value, and later set the CheckBox's state, or pass the CheckBox itself by reference and "check" it wherever you want.
The two overload of the method GetConfigSingleFile that you have mentioned both take two arguments whereas you are passing 4 arguments to the method. Are there any default arguments? If yes, can you please reproduce the original method declarations?
Most probably, the 4 argument overload of this method is expecting a String^% as the 2nd argument. This is what the compiler is suggesting anyway. But if we can have a look at the method declarations that could help diagnosing the problem.
This isn't an answer to my question, but worth being aware of - apparently there's a quirk in passing properties by reference.