Is it possible to split production and development Bower components? - package-managers

Is it possible to install development Bower components in a separate directory, so I could add it to .gitignore?
For example:

No, but you could easily add the individual components to your .gitignore:


How to integrate vue-cli with existing unrelated webpack setup in the same project?

I have a project with an existing webpack setup and it's unrelated to Vue.
Until now I have multiple entry points setups and some of these entry points are opening some iframes popups, and the plan is to build these iframes with VUE.
This means that I will also have multiple VUE entry points, this shouldn't be a problem but what I can't figure out is:
what is the best way to add VUE-cli into this already existing setup and use the same node_modules folder
Also to be able to add the vue-cli build commands to be run/triggered after my existing webpack build commands.
Let me know if more details are needed?
I've figure it out and it turn out that you can have both in the same project.
I've used vue create on my existing project folder and there is a prompt with a merge options.
Unfortunately it deleted my dependencies but was not such a big deal. Just had to reinstall them.
Now my project's webpack configuration remained completely separate form vue-cli which is handled by the vue.config.js and this is exactly what I wanted.
I am using something like this to build everything at once:
"build": "webpack --config && vue-cli-service build"

How do we integrate vue-admin with vue-js?

I have vuejs installed and would like to use vue admin ( with it, however the documentation does not mention how to use it.
For example, if I wanted to use a component from vue-admin then what are the steps?
You'll need to git clone the vue-admin project repository:
git clone my-vue-admin
cd my-vue-admin
Next, install all the dependencies:
npm install
Once all the dependencies are installed, run:
npm run dev
Wait for the compilation to finish then go to http://localhost:8080 in your browser and it should be working.
Using individual components only
If you would like to use some components only, for example: a modal component. Then find its npm package name and install it in your project.
You can either look for the name in package.json or look at the source code of the page using that component in vue-admin. For example, a modal is used here.
Vue-admin is using vue-bulma-modal component. Here is its page which can provide you with more information.
vue-admin is more of a project template, so you'd make a copy of the whole project and make changes as needed. If you want to use individual components, just install them as needed and refer to vue-admin as example

Why I have too many packages inside my node_modules?

I am new, and when i first created my app based on the documentation using npm create-react-app i found it there were a lot of package included inside folder node_module when i code and i only use react and react DOM and etc from the basic.
and many more
I wonder if anyone can help my how to understand each use inside the node_module or where can i find the documentation for each use?
or how can i just reduce to what i want to use only to decrease the app size?
The answers are 2:
because you're using an automated scaffolding tool, which essentially does everything for you, and, you have just to code, it is supposed to locally deploy all the packages it needs to work (for example webpack is needed to bundle your code, babel to transpile it, ...
under node_modules you will find all the packages of the whole app. That's means you will find both your dependencies and the dependencies of your dependencies (this rule has some exceptions and you can find them in the npm documentation.
// your code depends on A
var dependency = require('A');
// but then, inside your A dependency you can also find something similar to:
var b = require('B');
how can i just reduce to what i want to use only to decrease the app size?
You basically can't do it. They are all needed.
Most of the libraries that we pull from npm have dependencies. You may use only react and react-dom but there are react-scripts that require lots of stuff. I don't think that you have to worry about the size of the node_modules. That's not what you are suppose to ship in production.
If you want to see what are these all modules about you may open their folder and fine file.

How to use Cycle.js without Browserify/Webpack?

Bower: I couldn't find a Bower package for #Cycle/Core, #Cycle/DOM, do these libraries exist? I'm confused at why there is an NPM package in the first place since Cycle.js is front-end based (and NPM is specialized for back-end only).
ES5: Is it possible to use Cycle.js with Gulp/Typescript/ES5 (and not use Browserify/webpack)?
npm is not specialized for back-end only. It is for everything.1
It is possible to use Cycle.js without browserify or webpack. The library comes with ES5 distribution files, found in the dist directory.
Yes, you can use Gulp, TypeScript and ES5 with Cycle.js.
Everything Frederik said, plus here is a standalone Cycle.js example on codepen. You can see the links to the JavaScript files being loaded by clicking on Settings, then JavaScript. Here they are for convenience:
Full example is on codepen
Or you can try stealjs.
At runtime it downloads your dependencies.
I use npm to get the packages, gulp to move the packages to wwwroot. TypeScript to downcompile, and systemjs to load the modules. No webpack or bower required.

lodash npm distribution in browser

I'm using lodash in my tests, Not using webpack or browserify (don't need to).
I found that the default npm build differs from what's in bower. I could of course use bower version, but I'm curious if I can use npm's instead (it's already there for Gulp).
For bower I could just add this line to karma.conf:
but in default npm distro there's no lodash.js. Of course I can always build whatever version I want using lodash cli. But maybe there's even easier way, say maybe I need to add more than just one file from node_modules/lodash?
I think you are looking for node_modules/lodash/index.js