I have a question to the bind functionality in JavaFX. What I want is to bind 2 string properties. But their values should not be equal.
Let's make me an example:
I have a StringProperty with represents the last opened project in my application.
The value is like "C:\temp\myProject.prj".
I want to show this path in the title of my window.
It's easy: stage.titleProperty().bind(lastprojectProperty());
But I don't want to show only the project path but also the application name,
MyApplication 2.2.4 - C:\temp\myProject.prj.
It's possible to use the binding and add a constant prefix string? Or do I have use a ChangeListerner?
The solution with the ChangeListener has the problem with the initial values...
final StringProperty path = new SimpleStringProperty("untitled");
final StringProperty title = new SimpleStringProperty("App 2.0.0");
path.addListener(new ChangeListener<String>()
public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends String> ov, String t, String newValue)
title.setValue("App 2.0.0 - " + newValue);
// My title shows "App 2.0.0" since there is now change event throws until now...
// Of course I could call path.setValue("untitled");
// And above path = new SimpleStringProperty("");
// Now the title is correct: "App 2.0.0 - C:\temp\myProject.prj"
If you do something like that
StringProperty prop = new SimpleStringProperty();
StringProperty other = new SimpleStringProperty();
prop.bind(Bindings.concat("your prefix").concat(other));
your property will be bind with the prefix you want
Im not able to change the name of the outputfile from the extent reports. It does always create the report file called index.html.
In my code, i want to display the name + date/time.html
Here is the codeline for the path definition:
private const string ExtentReportPath = #".\ExtentReports\";
public void ExtentStart()
ExtentHtmlReporter htmlreporter = new ExtentHtmlReporter(ExtentReportPath + "UnlockInstruction_Test" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy_MM_dd_HH_mm_ss") + ".html");
extent = new ExtentReports();
public void ExtentClose()
First solution ive found is:
I changed ExtentHtmlReporter to ExtentV3HtmlReporter.
But after using ExtentV3HtmlReporter, VS is displaying a warning which says, that this method is obsolete and wont be supported in the future.. so still waiting for a up to date solution.
From what I read the static name (index) is expected behavior to increase the efficiency of reporting.
You can add a unique name to the folder name instead of the file, so you would create sub-folders for each index file like this:
String path =System.getProperty("user.dir")+"//reports//"+time+"//index.html";
ExtentSparkReporter reporter = new ExtentSparkReporter(path);
I have an MVC 4 application that sends out multiple emails. For example, I have an email template for submitting an order, a template for cancelling an order, etc...
I have an Email Service with multiple methods. My controller calls the Send method which looks like this:
public virtual void Send(List<string> recipients, string subject, string template, object data)
string html = GetContent(template, data);
The Send method calls GetContent, which is the method causing the problem:
private string GetContent(string template, object data)
string path = Path.Combine(BaseTemplatePath, string.Format("{0}{1}", template, ".html.cshtml"));
string content = File.ReadAllText(path);
return Engine.Razor.RunCompile(content, "htmlTemplate", null, data);
I am receiving the error:
The same key was already used for another template!
In my GetContent method should I add a new parameter for the TemplateKey and use that variable instead of always using htmlTemplate? Then the new order email template could have newOrderKey and CancelOrderKey for the email template being used to cancel an order?
This happens because you use the same template key ("htmlTemplate") for multiple different templates.
Note that the way you currently have implemented GetContent you will run into multiple problems:
Even if you use a unique key, for example the template variable, you will trigger the exception when the templates are edited on disk.
Performance: You are reading the template file every time even when the template is already cached.
Implement the ITemplateManager interface to manage your templates:
public class MyTemplateManager : ITemplateManager
private readonly string baseTemplatePath;
public MyTemplateManager(string basePath) {
baseTemplatePath = basePath;
public ITemplateSource Resolve(ITemplateKey key)
string template = key.Name;
string path = Path.Combine(baseTemplatePath, string.Format("{0}{1}", template, ".html.cshtml"));
string content = File.ReadAllText(path);
return new LoadedTemplateSource(content, path);
public ITemplateKey GetKey(string name, ResolveType resolveType, ITemplateKey context)
return new NameOnlyTemplateKey(name, resolveType, context);
public void AddDynamic(ITemplateKey key, ITemplateSource source)
throw new NotImplementedException("dynamic templates are not supported!");
Setup on startup:
var config = new TemplateServiceConfiguration();
config.Debug = true;
config.TemplateManager = new MyTemplateManager(BaseTemplatePath);
Engine.Razor = RazorEngineService.Create(config);
And use it:
// You don't really need this method anymore.
private string GetContent(string template, object data)
return Engine.Razor.RunCompile(template, null, data);
RazorEngine will now fix all the problems mentioned above internally. Notice how it is perfectly fine to use the name of the template as key, if in your scenario the name is all you need to identify a template (otherwise you cannot use NameOnlyTemplateKey and need to provide your own implementation).
Hope this helps.
(Disclaimer: Contributor of RazorEngine)
I'm using p6spy to log the sql statements generated by my program. The format for the outputted spy.log file looks like this:
current time|execution time|category|statement SQL String|effective SQL string
I'm just wondering if anyone knows if there's a way to alter the spy.properties file and have only the last column, the effective SQL string, output to the spy.log file? I've looked through the properties file but haven't found anything that seems to support this.
In spy.properties there is a property called logMessageFormat that you can set to a custom implementation of MessageFormattingStrategy. This works for any type of logger (i.e. file, slf4j etc.).
An example using Hibernate's pretty-printing SQL formatter:
package my.custom;
import org.hibernate.jdbc.util.BasicFormatterImpl;
import org.hibernate.jdbc.util.Formatter;
import com.p6spy.engine.spy.appender.MessageFormattingStrategy;
public class PrettySqlFormat implements MessageFormattingStrategy {
private final Formatter formatter = new BasicFormatterImpl();
public String formatMessage(int connectionId, String now, long elapsed, String category, String prepared, String sql) {
return formatter.format(sql);
There is no such option provided to achieve it via configuration only yet. I think you have 2 options here:
fill a new bug/feature request report (which could bring benefit to others using p6spy as well) on: https://github.com/p6spy/p6spy/issues?state=open or
provide custom implementation.
For the later option, I believe you could achieve it via your own class (depending on the logger you use, let's assume you use Log4jLogger).
Well, if you check relevant part of the Log4jLogger github as well as sourceforge version, your implementation should be rather straightforward:
Implementation itself could look like this:
package com;
import com.p6spy.engine.logging.appender.Log4jLogger;
public class EffectiveSQLLog4jLogger extends Log4jLogger {
public void logText(String text) {
private String getEffectiveSQL(String text) {
if (null == text) {
return null;
final int idx = text.lastIndexOf("|");
// non-perfect detection of the exception logged case
if (-1 == idx) {
return text;
return text.substring(idx + 1); // not sure about + 1, but check and see :)
Please note the implementation should cover github (new project home, no version released yet) as well as sourceforge (original project home, released 1.3 version).
Please note: I didn't test the proposal myself, but it could be a good starting point and from the code review itself I'd say it could work.
I agree with #boberj, we are used to having logs with Hibernate formatter, but don't forget about batching, that's why I suggest to use:
import com.p6spy.engine.spy.appender.MessageFormattingStrategy;
import org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.internal.BasicFormatterImpl;
import org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.internal.Formatter;
* Created by Igor Dmitriev on 1/3/16
public class HibernateSqlFormatter implements MessageFormattingStrategy {
private final Formatter formatter = new BasicFormatterImpl();
public String formatMessage(int connectionId, String now, long elapsed, String category, String prepared, String sql) {
if (sql.isEmpty()) {
return "";
String template = "Hibernate: %s %s {elapsed: %sms}";
String batch = "batch".equals(category) ? ((elapsed == 0) ? "add batch" : "execute batch") : "";
return String.format(template, batch, formatter.format(sql), elapsed);
In p6Spy 3.9 this can be achieved quite simply. In spy.properties set
You can patch com.p6spy.engine.spy.appender.SingleLineFormat.java
removing the prepared element and any reference to P6Util like so:
package com.p6spy.engine.spy.appender;
public class SingleLineFormat implements MessageFormattingStrategy {
public String formatMessage(final int connectionId, final String now, final long elapsed, final String category, final String prepared, final String sql) {
return now + "|" + elapsed + "|" + category + "|connection " + connectionId + "|" + sql;
Then compile just the file
javac com.p6spy.engine.spy.appender.SingleLineFormat.java
And replace the existing class file in p6spy.jar with the new one.
Here's my migration code:
public Migrations(IRepository<ProductPartRecord> productPartRepository, IRepository<CategoryPartRecord> categoryPartRepository)
_productPartRepository = productPartRepository;
_categoryPartRepository = categoryPartRepository;
public int Create() {
ContentDefinitionManager.AlterTypeDefinition("Category", builder => builder
ContentDefinitionManager.AlterTypeDefinition("Category", builder => builder
.WithPart("AutoroutePart", partBuilder => partBuilder
.WithSetting("AutorouteSettings.AllowCustomPattern", "true")
.WithSetting("AutorouteSettings.AutomaticAdjustmentOnEdit", "false")
.WithSetting("AutorouteSettings.PatternDefinitions", "[{Name:'Category Title', Pattern: 'category/{Content.Slug}', Description: 'category/category-title'}]")));
SchemaBuilder.CreateTable("CategoryPartRecord", table => table
ContentDefinitionManager.AlterTypeDefinition("Category", builder => builder
ContentDefinitionManager.AlterTypeDefinition("Category", builder => builder
return 1;
public int UpdateFrom1() {
_categoryPartRepository.Create(new CategoryPartRecord { Name = "Category1", Description = "Description1", Image = "Image1" });
return 2;
UpdateFrom1 obviously attempts to insert a dummy record, but this causes nHibernate to throw this exception:
"attempted to assign id from null one-to-one property: ContentItemRecord"
The Part Record looks like:
public class CategoryPartRecord : ContentPartRecord {
public CategoryPartRecord()
CategoryProducts = new List<CategoryProductRecord>();
public virtual string Name { get; set; }
public virtual string Description { get; set; }
public virtual string Image { get; set; }
public virtual IList<CategoryProductRecord> CategoryProducts { get; set; }
Any clues as to where I'm going wrong here? Google produced nothing.
Okay, so you are creating a contentpartrecord, not a content item there. What you want is something more along the lines of:
var item = _orchardServices.ContentManager.New("Category").As<CategoryPart>();
item.Name = "Bobs Item"; // Something like that...
item.ContentItem.As<TitlePart>().Title = "Yay a title"; // This syntax may be wrong, I'm very tired
I think that is how you would do it. Maybe you would want to look into creating content items using the import/export module, that is the more common and safe way to do it.
Not sure if the answer from Hazza works. Haven't tried that.
I usually just do this: (But not sure if it's an inferior approach in some way)
var item = _orchardServices.ContentManager.New("Category");
var cpart = item.As<CategoryPart>();
var tpart = item.As<TitlePart>();
cpart.Name = "SomeName";
tpart.Title = "SomeTitle";
But to address the comment by Lawrence Johnson:
Category in this case is the content item. He is creating a new Category content item, and then extracting the corresponding CategoryPart from it.
If you are getting null when trying to extract the part you're probably missing something.
In order for this to work you need to implement the CategoryPart, CategoryPartRecord, CategoryPartHandler and CategoryPartDriver. (And of course make sure to attach your CategoryPart to you Category content item. Not certain if placement.info is required, but would add it for consistency anyway.)
You can't leave any of these out if you plan to use a Part attached to a content item.
I'm not sure if/how you can create a Part with no content item, but you can create a Record with no part and no content item (Just make sure you don't inherit ContentPartRecord in your record object). If you simply want to add a record with no part or content item, then the code in UpdateFrom1 used by Ben Power would work for creating a record. (But migration part would have to be changed, taking out the content item and part, and manually setting the Id to be a primary key for the record)
I want to have "Run" configuration inside IntellJ IDEA with some java system properties predefined (ordinary and easy task). But by some reasons I need to set some properties to empty string -- which is not so easy in IDEA:
if I enter this in "system properties" input, it will be converted to
IDEA removed "unused" whitespaces. This is not desirable. Currently I can solve this only by moving empty property to th end of list. Is there any other way to enter emtpy property value?
I don't see that there is a problem with that.
I created a little test program and it works well even if the properties are converted.
package com.stackoverflow;
* #author maba, 2012-10-24
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String property = System.getProperty("my-property");
System.out.println("property = " + property);
String property2 = System.getProperty("my-property2");
System.out.println("property2 = " + property2);
String property3 = System.getProperty("my-property3");
System.out.println("property3 = " + property3);
And with the following in IntelliJ:
When running I will get this output:
property = abc
property2 =
property3 = afd
The formatted system properties will be correct when you run because the command line will be like this:
"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_33\bin\java" -Dmy-property=abc -Dmy-property2= -Dmy-property3=afd <lots of jars> com.stackoverflow.Main
I.e. the -Dmy-property2= will be empty string.