Controllers for switching from one view to another - objective-c

Lets say I have an instance of ViewA on window. ViewA has a button on it. When the button is pressed, I want to hide ViewA and show ViewB. What kind of controller(s) would be involved with this? Is there a controller for the view and the window? If so, who handles the event?
Note: This is for OS/X, not iOS.

Here is a sample project that demonstrates use of NSViewController:
Perhaps it will help you to search more effectively by giving you the right terms to use.


View Controller trouble in Xcode

I just now figured out how to add a new view when you press a button. For example, in my storyboard, I am using a tabbed controller and in my first viewController i have a button in the top right corner on a navigation bar. and when i press that button, it directs to another view controller. I was wondering how I would be able to write the code for that view controller? I tried creating a new file > objective-c class, but I dont know how to link them together? any help?
If you've made that other controller in the storyboard, you just change the class of that controller to your new class that you made. You do this in the identity inspector.
Use navigation controller to navigate between your view's, You have to make an IBACTION method fot the button. In which you will navigate the view you want by pushviewcontroller.
Please see this link...
How to push viewcontroller ( view controller )?
It implies that which class has to be initialized and what is the nib name of this class. We should not do anything in this block, until you need that your code to be executed before viewDidLoad/viewWillAppear.
Turns out that there is no code necessary to get a button to direct you to another view controller that you set up. You have to declare the button obviously in the #interface part, connect the button with it's code, and then you have to use an action connection from the button to the next view controller you want the button to activate. I have used a modal connection personally, mainly because I'm not sure what a push connection is or what it does... But Ya I figured it out! Hope this helps to any other people who need this!

How to Create UITabController on a Button Click

I am working on app. It has normal 3 views. On third view, I have a table view. If I select any row, I want a view which contains UITabController. I have created a simple UITabController app, but unable to do this. How to do this ?
thanks in advance
IMHO, your question is perhaps ill conceived.
A tab bar controller controls view controllers which in turn control views. Your suggestion that a view contains a controller of controller simply does not make sense.
Maybe what you really want on selecting a row in your table view is to present a new view controller and then make the (existing) tab bar visible.
You usually want a UITabBar to be THE navigation for your application and not show it later on one view.
But if you want to do so you should show, as Mundi said, a new UITabBarViewController when you select your UITableViewCell.
I don't know your exact usecase, but if you work with a UITableView I would use a UINavigationController to push a new View when you tap one UITableViewCell. Then it may be better (If you have 2-3 Elements) to use a UISegmentedControl in the UINavigationBar. This would look like this.

iOS Development - How to receive button event from a custom view controller class?

So I've got this "save" button in my main view controller that I would like to move into a different view controller (WriterViewController). After doing this, my custom view controller class isn't able to respond to any of the button events. Not sure what im doing wrong here but here some screenshots:
Save button is first in my main view controller. I'll be moving it to the view controller to the right (WriterViewController).
As you can see, after moving the button into the intended view controller, the view controller has a custom class set to "WriterViewController".
I then ctrl + click and drag the save button so that i can link up it's "Touch Up Inside" event to the "saveEntry" method.
A screenshot of my WriterViewController.h file.
And the implementation.
Doing the same exact step for the main view controller did work and i was able to log my message. However, it wouldn't work for the custom view controller.
Any thoughts?
Thanks for reading!
Why not just make the save button from scratch for WriterViewController? It's not hard to drag out a UIButton and set it's text to "Save."
Regardless, have you clicked on the button in the scene and viewed the connection's inspector to make sure the connections are what you'd expect? It seems obvious, but sometimes the connections can get all screwed up if you forget to clean them up. (ie. you copy a button over, connections and all, and things don't act as you think they should.)

Increasing number of living Views

I've set up a really simple project using storyboards including two views as shown here: The navigation can be done by either selecting a cell in the custom table view or hitting the back button labelled with "<<". Everything works fine except the following:
when I switch between the views, every time an instantiation happens. The profiling shows an increasing number of view objects. I would like to keep only one of each view and instantiation should be happen only once. What am I doing wrong? (I'm using ARC.)
Thanks in advance!
You should not link your back button to the parent view controller. This is what causes the new instantiation.
The way to go is to embed the table view into UINavigationController (in IB, choose Editor -> Imbed In -> Navigation Controller. Then change your segue to a Push segue. You can of course hide the navigation bar etc. to make things look exactly as you like. Then, link the back button to the controller with an IBAction and in the handler do a simple
[self.navigationController popViewControllerAnimated:YES];
This would be the appropriate logic of what you are doing. Of course, you can also push the web view modally and then handle the button click with
[self dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES];

Why does the iPad stop auto-rotating when I start overlaying View Controllers?

I have a fairly hefty project, where I am loading a few view controllers, one after the other. First, a splash screen, followed by a menu system, and when the user clicks on the menu it goes through to an article view controller.
Putting all these in with shouldAutorotate... set to YES for all rotations, this works fine. However, I have a menu bar I need to slide down over the top when a tap gesture has been recognised. I have one for the main menu, and one for the article view.
If I put one of these in, it still auto-rotates fine. However, as soon as I put the next one in, the auto-rotate stops working. I've tried putting the menu bars in the app delegate, as well as nesting them inside the menu/article view controllers. The Menu Bar view controller also has shouldAutorotate... set to YES. In fact, every single view controller in the project (all 7 of them) have it set to YES. And yet, when I add my second Menu bar controller, it stops auto-rotating. It doesn't even trigger the "shouldAutorotate" method to ask it.
The code is way too large to post here, but if you'd like to see anything in particular then just ask. I'm totally stumped! I'm about to pull the menu bars out of their view controller and code them up in each of the view controllers individually. This will be a hideous amount of code duplication, but I can't think of any other way round it!
Any ideas? Thanks!
The answer appears to be... Don't put view controllers within other view controllers! One view controller = one screen, seems to be the rule. I have a lot to learn!