Using echo and read $variable not working in UNIX! (UNIX beginner!) - variables

So I just started learning UNIX yesterday, and I'm trying to create a basic script that asks for your contact details (name, address, phone number), and then stores that into a file called details.out.
This is driving me NUTS! Its such an easy/basic thing, yet I cant do it, and I've been stuck on it for a solid hour now...
after much googling and searching, I still can't find the answer. So this is what I've done so far, and was wondering where I am going wrong!
echo Please type your first and last name
read $firstname $lastname
echo Please type in your address
read $address
echo Please type in your phone number
read $phone
echo Thank you very much!
echo The details have been stored in '"details.out"'
cat >> details.out <<EOF
Name: echo $firstname echo $lastname
Address: echo $address
Phone Number: echo $phone
When I read "details.out" it it displays as follows:
Name: echo
Address: echo
Phone Number: echo
ANY help would be appreciated! (and if you get try and point me in the right directions as opposed to straight up giving me the answer, I would appreciate that!)
P.S I'm using Putty if that helps!

when you use read (or declaring variables), don't put $ sigil on the variable names
when you display a variable, always put double quotes around : ex. echo "$var"
when you use here-doc, no need to put echo command
when you use echo, use quotes :
"Double quote" every expansion, and anything that could contain a special character, eg. "$var", "$#", "${array[#]}", "$(command)". Use 'single quotes' to make something literal, eg. 'Costs $5 USD'. See and

Whenever you put a $ before a variable name, you're retrieving the current value of that variable. You don't want to do that in your read command. The variables are empty when the script starts, the empty values are put in place of the $firstname and $lastname and read is called with no arguments, causing it to read a line and discard it.
Setting a variable with assignment:
Setinng a variable with read:
read var
Neither of them use $var because they don't want to look at the current value, they want to replace it.
There's no need for those echos in the heredoc either. They aren't in command position, so they'll just get copied as part of the input to cat.


storing current path in variable and reusing it

I know similar questions have already been asked, but somehow I am unable to figure out the mistake in my code.
I'm making a .bat file with the following code
echo off
echo %cd%
set curr_directory = "%cd%"
echo $curr_directory
C:\Users\MyDesktop>echo off
Press any key to continue . . .
So what I dont get is why the value of variable curr_directory is not being printed.
What i eventually want to do is use the variable to change the directory something like this: cd $curr_directory
I don't know where to start. EVERYTHING about your code is wrong. This should work:
#echo off
echo %cd%
set curr_directory=%cd%
echo %curr_directory%
In batch you access variables via %var% and not $var. Further, DO NOT PUT SPACES behind =. SET x=123 will store 123 in x but SET x= 123 will store _123 (_ means space) in x.
EDIT: As SomethingDark stated, the first line should be #echo off except you actually want the message echo off to be printed. And yes, SET x = 123 means %x % is 123
use %curr_directory% instead of $curr_directory
Avoid spaces inbetween like the below one
"set curr_directory = %cd%"
below should work
echo off
echo %cd%
set curr_directory=%cd%
echo curr_directory is %curr_directory%

Until a specific substring

I need a batch command to return everything until after a certain substring.
What I mean, is when I have a string like this: "Hi! How are you doing? I don't care!!!!!" I can execute a command that gives me everything until after "?".
I looked around the web and didn't find anything that I wanted. I found one method that took everything until after a substring and changed it:
set name=123456789
set blablabla=%name:*5=5%
This returns "56789" to the variable blablabla. The strings in my program are not going to be specific, so this won't work.
Thank you for any help!
Use sed and regular expressions:
$ string1='Hello my name is Foobar? What do I care!'
$ string2=$(echo $string1 | sed 's/^.*\? //')
$ echo $string2
What do I care!
I have not understood your requirements fully. But I think PowerShell is a better option for this. However, you can use following script to get all characters upto given delimiter.
#echo off
set delim=%1
set input=%2
for /f "delims=%upto%" %%i in ("%input%") do (
echo %i
goto :eof
Sample run command:
stringupto.bat 5 123456789

How to iterate through string one word at a time in zsh

How do I modify the following code so that when run in zsh it expands $things and iterates through them one at a time?
things="one two"
for one_thing in $things; do
echo $one_thing
I want the output to be:
But as written above, it outputs:
one two
(I'm looking for the behavior that you get when running the above code in bash)
In order to see the behavior compatible with Bourne shell, you'd need to set the option SH_WORD_SPLIT:
setopt shwordsplit # this can be unset by saying: unsetopt shwordsplit
things="one two"
for one_thing in $things; do
echo $one_thing
would produce:
However, it's recommended to use an array for producing word splitting, e.g.,
things=(one two)
for one_thing in $things; do
echo $one_thing
You may also want to refer to:
3.1: Why does $var where var="foo bar" not do what I expect?
Another way, which is also portable between Bourne shells (sh, bash, zsh, etc.):
things="one two"
for one_thing in $(echo $things); do
echo $one_thing
Or, if you don't need $things defined as a variable:
for one_thing in one two; do
echo $one_thing
Using for x in y z will instruct the shell to loop through a list of words, y, z.
The first example uses command substitution to transform the string "one two" into a list of words, one two (no quotes).
The second example is the same thing without echo.
Here's an example that doesn't work, to understand it better:
for one_thing in "one two"; do
echo $one_thing
Notice the quotes. This will simply print
one two
because the quotes mean the list has a single item, one two.
You can use the z variable expansion flag to do word splitting on a variable
things="one two"
for one_thing in ${(z)things}; do
echo $one_thing
Read more about this and other variable flags in man zshexpn, under "Parameter Expansion Flags."
You can assume the Internal Field Separator (IFS) on bash to be \x20 (space). This makes the following work:
#things=(one two) #array
things="one two" #string version
for thing in ${things[#]}
echo $thing
With this in mind you can implement this in many different ways just manipulating the IFS; even on multi-line strings.

How to write an xcode user script to surround the string the cursor is inside with NSLocalizedString(<string>, nil)

I'm trying to figure out the best way to automatically add NSLocalizedString() around a string in xcode.
Ideally I'd like a way that I could position the cursor within #"foo", press a key binding, and it'd be turned into NSLocalizedString(#"foo", nil).
I've had a look at the documentation for user scripts and can't see an obvious way to get the current cursor position.
Did I miss something, or is there another way to achieve the same result?
You can use %%%{PBXSelectionStart}%%%
From the apple documentation:
Getting Text from the Active Window
These variables are replaced by text in the active window:
%%%{PBXSelectedText}%%% is replaced by the selected text in the active text object.
%%%{PBXAllText}%%% is replaced by the entire text in the active text object.
Getting Information on the Contents of the Active Window
These variables are replaced by information on the text in the active window:
%%%{PBXTextLength}%%% is replaced by the number of characters in the active text object.
%%%{PBXSelectionStart}%%% is replaced by the index of the first character in the selection in the active text object.
%%%{PBXSelectionEnd}%%% is replaced by the index of the first character after the selection in the active text object.
%%%{PBXSelectionLength}%%% is replaced by the number of characters in the current selection in the active text object.
Procrastination brought you this script.
It works and does what it should. But it is very basic, and there are bugs, and this is probably not the best way to do it.
Don't use # and " in the strings you want to replace. If I were you, I wouldn't use it anyway. ^^
Script Input is Selection, Output is Replace Document Contents
if [ %%%{PBXSelectionLength}%%% -gt 0 ]
echo "This does not work if you select text. Put your cursor inside a String." >&2
Source=`cat "%%%{PBXFilePath}%%%"`
while [ $BOOL -eq 1 ]
tmpText=`echo "${Source:${StringStart}:1}"`
if [ "$tmpText" = "#" ]
then BOOL=0
else StringStart=$(($StringStart - 1))
while [ $BOOL -eq 1 ]
tmpText=`echo "${Source:${StringStop}:1}"`
if [ "$tmpText" = "\"" ]
then BOOL=0
StringStop=$(($StringStop + 1))
StringToReplace=`echo ${Source:${StringStart}:$(($StringStop - $StringStart))}`
echo -n "${Source:0:${StringStart}}"
echo -n "$ReplacementString"
echo -n "${Source:${StringStop}}"
echo -n 'NSLocalizedString(%%%{PBXSelectedText}%%%, nil)'
Make sure script input is "Selection" and output is "Repalce Selection"
Select string and run script.
This is not exactly you want, but I can't google this method, let it be here :)

htdigest file format

I'm trying to write some code to work with an htdigest password file. The documentation I can find seems to claim that the format of that file is:
If that is the case, then why doesn't this work for me? I created a file with the command line htdigest thus:
htdigest -c test b a
When prompted for a password I entered 'c'. This creates a file with the contents:
However if I try to derive this hash I can't,
echo a:b:c | md5
gives me "49d6ea7ca1facf323ca1928995420354". Is there something obvious that I'm missing here?
echo by default adds a trailing new line:
echo -n a:b:c | md5
Should work as you expect.
Hm, I seem to have answered my own question. My test case was flawed, 'echo' is adding extra characters (not sure which). For instance
echo a:b:c | wc
gives 6 characters instead of 5. Calculating the hash at gives the correct value. Sorry everyone!
Here is how you set the password for a given user.
sudo htdigest /etc/apache2/.htdigest yourusername