Knowing if a Google Plus person has a real picture - google-plus

I have an application that lists the users in your circles using the Google+ APIs. That works nicely except for one thing: the API does not say if a user has a picture or if the picture is just the placeholder (the blue silhouette).
"kind": "plus#person",
"etag": etag,
"id": string,
"displayName": string,
"image": {
"url": string
How do I determine if the picture is a placeholder? (so that I don't have to download it)

Image URLs are there:{user_id}{user_id}{user_id}
For now, a 404 is better than downloading the default picture. I'd still love the API to simply tell us that the user has not set a picture :(

response will have isDefault: true for the placeholder image
"image": {
"url": "",
"isDefault": true


Template message in whatsapp with static url

I am using whatsapp cloud api for messaging. I have created a template with a url button. In the template I have used a link to my app(Google play store). As per documentation,
Developer provided suffix that will be appended to a previously created dynamic URL button.
I do not have any suffix as it is not a dynamic link. If I create a blank text parameter as sufix, Postman responds with error. How to create a url button without any suffix or please let me know if there is any other workaround for this issue. I do not want to add url directly into the body
"type": "button",
"sub_type": "url",
"index": "0",
"parameters": [
"type": "text",
"text": ""

Missing page content when using generator in Wikipedia API

I'm using the categorymembers generator in Wikipedia API to retrieve all pages in a category efficiently, for example:*&gcmtitle=Category%3AAirports%20in%20Chad&gcmlimit=5000
(sandbox link)
But some articles are missing content, for instance page id 40376021 "Tchagen Airport":
"40376021": {
"pageid": 40376021,
"ns": 0,
"title": "Tchagen Airport"
However, when I retrieve the individual page, it does have content:*
(sandbox link)
"batchcomplete": true,
"query": {
"pages": [
"pageid": 40376021,
"ns": 0,
"title": "Tchagen Airport",
"revisions": [
"slots": {
"main": {
"contentmodel": "wikitext",
"contentformat": "text/x-wiki",
"content": "page content here (long, ommited)"
I don't know what's going on here. It's not a recently created page so it can't be a caching issue. How to ensure that content for all pages can be seen in bulk results?
You only see the content of the first 50 pages.
Thus, it's best practice to set gcmlimit=50 in your request:*&gcmtitle=Category%3AAirports%20in%20Chad&gcmlimit=50
In the response, you will see a continue>gcmcontinue value. Use this value in a next request to get the content of another 50 pages:*&gcmtitle=Category%3AAirports%20in%20Chad&gcmlimit=50&gcmcontinue=page|482a402a042a3a4c48464c50011001dcc2dc0a|21079773
If the response does not contain a continue value, you know that you retrieved all data.

How to config Cognito to get Facebook Login to pass back picture url included?

Recently I had configure to use amplify with #aws-amplify/ui-react library to login Federated users.
Once login, for google user, I would get payload like
"id": "",
"email": "",
"name": "",
"picture": "",
"token": ""
Yet for facebbook user, I get similar stuff but no picture info
"id": "",
"email": "",
"name": "",
"token": ""
I had tried to update config in my Cognito for Facebook provider. However, this failed to get picture info for me.
Is it possible to make amplify's federated login through Facebook to pass me back picture info as well? I know I could just call another Facebook api to retrieve picture, but I wish this could be avoided, since Google login would return picture info automatically.
Here's my Facebook identity providers config:
Here's my recent Cognito attribute mapping config:
For Facebook:
and in CognitoUserSession's idToken's payload:
the picture field would include a JSON object about profile picture's information
For Google, much simpler:
and the payload:
the picture field is simply the image link
Assuming you're requesting public_profile, use "picture" from Facebook Attribute is actually correct, I do face similar problems that I couldn't receive it until i delete the userpool, and creating a new one.
The value you will get from picture should be something like this
"data": {
"height": 50,
"is_silhouette": false,
"url": "",
"width": 50

Why to use actions in Dialogflow

I am new to Dialogflow so my question may be too simple. However, I do not understand what is the purpose of naming actions in Dialogflow. I have watched videos on youtube and people in them are using actions when they have a webhook. For example they may have an if condition in their source code
(e.g. in python
if action == 'action_name':
which executes something particular in this case.
However the json output which is retrieved by the source code has the following form:
"id": "123d9e8e-314f-451b-8b15-5e3b55baa980",
"timestamp": "2018-03-16T17:03:05.987Z",
"lang": "en",
"result": {
"source": "agent",
"resolvedQuery": "Hello",
"action": "input.welcome",
"actionIncomplete": false,
"parameters": {},
"contexts": [],
"metadata": {
"intentId": "effe6b2b-3372-4f89-882f-ff937b2b2abb",
"webhookUsed": "false",
"webhookForSlotFillingUsed": "false",
"intentName": "Welcome"
"fulfillment": {
"speech": "Hello, how can I help you?",
"messages": [
"type": 0,
"speech": "Hello, how can I help you?"
"score": 1
"status": {
"code": 200,
"errorType": "success",
"webhookTimedOut": false
"sessionId": "491d57cb-0af2-45ac-a658-9e47ec6658ce",
"alternativeResultsFromKnowledgeService": {}
Since the json data contains the IntentName why to bother naming an unique action for this specific intent when you can get directly the name of the intent in your json?
I tend to think of this in two ways, depending on exactly what I'm building. (Or sometimes a combination of these two ways.)
The Intent Name is a human-usable name, while the Action is something that is more intended for use by the webhook and more directly maps to a function.
Since you can have more than one Intent use the same Action, it can be convenient to map a few different ways the user may say something (and the parameters they may send along with them) to the same method. While you could do that by listing all the different Intent names in your code, it is easier to do that on the Dialogflow side.
In truth - use whatever works best for you. I tend to name my Intents and my Actions very similarly, but do branching based on what makes the most sense for the code (which sometimes also includes other values that may be sent).

Google custom search api returns 0 results when searchType is image

I'm using Google Custom Search API to search for images. The search result is always 0 when I request for images. I'm following the documentation at the link below:
according to the docs, by specifying searchType=images, the api only looks for images.
Here's what my url looks like:[API_Key]&cx=017576662512468239146:omuauf_lfve&searchType=image&q=cars
and the result looks like below:
"kind": "customsearch#search",
"url": {
"type": "application/json",
"template": "{searchTerms}&num={count?}&start={startIndex?}&lr={language?}&safe={safe?}&cx={cx?}&cref={cref?}&sort={sort?}&filter={filter?}&gl={gl?}&cr={cr?}&googlehost={googleHost?}&c2coff={disableCnTwTranslation?}&hq={hq?}&hl={hl?}&siteSearch={siteSearch?}&siteSearchFilter={siteSearchFilter?}&exactTerms={exactTerms?}&excludeTerms={excludeTerms?}&linkSite={linkSite?}&orTerms={orTerms?}&relatedSite={relatedSite?}&dateRestrict={dateRestrict?}&lowRange={lowRange?}&highRange={highRange?}&searchType={searchType}&fileType={fileType?}&rights={rights?}&imgSize={imgSize?}&imgType={imgType?}&imgColorType={imgColorType?}&imgDominantColor={imgDominantColor?}&alt=json"
"queries": {
"request": [
"title": "Google Custom Search - cars",
"totalResults": "0",
"searchTerms": "cars",
"count": 10,
"inputEncoding": "utf8",
"outputEncoding": "utf8",
"safe": "off",
"cx": "017576662512468239146:omuauf_lfve",
"searchType": "image"
"searchInformation": {
"searchTime": 0.049329,
"formattedSearchTime": "0.05",
"totalResults": "0",
"formattedTotalResults": "0"
If I remove searchType from the request, I get results back in the form of web pages. What is wrong here?
Your Custom Search Engine might have Image Search disabled. The CSE API returns 0 results if the searchType requested is disabled.
You can enable it by visiting, opening your search engine, and switching the "Image Search" toggle to ON.
I'm 2 years delayed but i found the solution.
you need to go at your Custom Search Engine Dashboard and turn on the property "Search the entire Web" Or something like that.
When you get that property activated you must be able to see results