What is Styles.render equivalent for XSL/XSLT? - asp.net-mvc-4

In MVC4 you can render CSS stles by using
Styles.Render(path here)
Similarly scripts can be rendered by
Scripts.Render(path here)
But how do render XSL/XSLT stylesheets? Will Styles.Render do the trick?

The reason you do #Styles.Render or #Scripts.Render is because it references a bundle created somewhere in Global.asax, usually in the BundleConfig (look in your App_Start folder). They are created using the code
bundles.Add(new StyleBundle("~/Content/themes/base/css").Include(
so then you can use them in your views as #Styles.Render("~/Content/themes/base/css"). The framework actually creates a virtual file with the path "~/Content/themes/base/css" to enable this bundling technology.
I dont think the stylebundle can be used with xsl/xslt stylesheets, although I dont know for sure. Here are some relevant question to boot.
How to apply an XSLT Stylesheet in C#
or any of these really


Calling classes in model folder from cshtml file

I'm starting to move away from having my classes in a folder called App_Code in my MVC4 projects, and moving all my classes into the folder called Models.
Now I've encountered a problem with my old code.
In my cshtml files I used to call my App_Code classes with a #using projectName.App_Code in the beginning of the file.
But that doesn't work now.
My question is therefore; How would I call a class in my Model folder from my cshtml files?
If you have moved your classes (and changed the namespace when you moved them) then you will need to change the #using namespace reference in the cshtml file from the old reference to the new reference.
To help with this, you could change your web project to compile the views to show any references that fail when you perform a build. To do this you will need to change the <MVCBuildViews> setting in the .csproj file to true as mentioned here by Phil Haack.
Additionally, as mentioned here in the answer by Javad_Amiry, you can update the list of namespaces that are used by your views by updating the <namespaces> setting in the the web.config file.

Referencing other bundles in BundleConfig.cs in ASP.NET MVC4 app

I am working on an MVC4 application where I'm using WebOptimization to do all of my resource handling (cat and min). I have a few pages which are very similar, but need a few varying styles on a page by page basis.
So, I am trying to reference one bundle (base styles) within another bundle (page specific styles) and I'm not having much luck. Here's what I have in my bundle config:
bundles.Add(new StyleBundle("~/bundles/css/search").Include(
bundles.Add(new StyleBundle("~/bundles/css/searchtrees").Include(
On the search trees page I get the trees.css but nothing from the base search CSS bundle.
How can I go about referencing the first bundle in the second? I'm sure there's a way, just not too familiar with bundling yet.
You can reuse the file references instead of referencing another bundle. Something like this:
var baseIncludes = new string [] { "~/Content/css/partials/grid-controls.css", "~/Content/css/partials/grid.css", "~/Content/css/views/search.css" };
// 'base' bundle references the base includes
bundles.Add (new StyleBUndle ("~/bundles/css/search").Include (baseIncludes));
// other bundle references the base includes and some extras
bundles.Add (new StyleBundle ("~/bundles/css/searchtrees").Include(baseIncludes).Include ("~/Content/css/views/search/trees.css"));

ScriptBundle dependencies

I'm having difficulties getting the ScriptBundle to work properly (if this is supposed to work at all). What I'm trying to do is add another bundle (jQuery) as a dependency to my bundle, like so:
bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/js/myscripts")
~/js/jquery is the "name" (virtual path) of the jQuery bundle, registered as so (before my dependent bundle):
bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/js/jquery")
When I do #Scripts.Render("~/js/myscripts") in my view, only myscript.js is rendered to the HTML. If I change the virtual path to jQuery from the one in the name of the bundle to the physical, existing one, it works:
bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/js/myscripts")
Also, doing #Scripts.Render("~/js/jquery") in the view, works. It's just referencing the non-existing virtual path (name) of another ScriptBundle that doesn't work. Is this supposed to work at all? If not, I would like to know where I can post a bug report saying that this scenario should throw an exception if it's not supported. If it is supported, where does it say and why doesn't it work?
Going by what your dependency all you have to put in your layout (view) is
Update after your comment:
You cannot nest bundles, that is you can't Include a bundle within a bundle, that virtual path is most likely not available while the parent bundle is being created.
Typically I have a separate jquery bundle (including some other infrequently changing js) anyway and then one other js bundle for everything else. works well for browser caching.
On a side note, have you looked at requireJS, which is not really needed if you are bundling everything but it does make your js files better documented as it makes the dependencies explicit
It's not supported, but you could come up with your own solution to this, right? Something like:
var jquery = new[] { "~/Content/scripts/jquery-{version}.js" };
var myScripts = jquery.Concat(new[] { "~/Content/scripts/myscript.js" }).ToArray();
var myOtherScripts = myScripts.Concat(new[] { "~/Content/scripts/otherscript.js").ToArray();
bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/js/jquery").Include(jquery));
bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/js/myscripts").Include(myScripts));
bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/js/other").Include(myOtherScripts));
Seems like this is an unsupported feature, so I've reported an issue for it.

Where should I put my custom widget files in Yii framework?

From this page,
It seems it suggests that we should put the files in the component folder. But if my widget contains javascript and css files, where should these files be placed?
By the way, is this a good idea that I create it as an extension? If I go this way, all widget files are more self-contained in a folder inside the extension folder. But since the widget I am going to work on is very customized, it's unlikely that it will be useful to other people or my other projects. Making it an extension seems a little bit strange.
I understand that it does not really matter where I put these files as long as the paths I am using in the codes are correct but I would like to know the common practice.
I think the common practice is to put the widget in extensions folder with js & css files in an folder named asset. In the php class file, you do initialization first by publishing the asset with yii asset manager.
The file structure may be like
I would join the recommendation to put the widget under /protected/extensions.
I put the assets in a slightly more detailed manner: /protected/extensions/WidgetClassName/assets/ and the widget view files in /protected/extensions/WidgetClassName/views/...
Don't forget to edit your /protected/config/main.php and add a row in the 'import' section (for autoloading of the widget): 'ext.WidgetClassName.WidgetClassName.*'

Using images from a static Library

I'm trying to convert a project, which has images, into a static library.
The code that gets the image is as follows:
[UIImage imageNamed:#"foo.png"]
When I include this library into another project, the image doesn't load. However, if I copy the images into the new project, then it does load.
Is there any way I can get this to work where the images are only contained in the library and I don't have to copy them over to my project?
By the way, my Header Search Paths contains the path to where these images are located in the library, if that makes any difference.
Just prepend the name of the bundle that contains your image to the image name:
[UIImage imageNamed:#"Myframework.bundle/MyImage"
This also works in Interface Builder, the preview may be broken but the image will be properly loaded.
If using CocoaPods (which I would recommend) make sure to use the resource_bundles option for your images and Nibs.
You can see a related answer here.
A static library cannot contain bundle resource. So simply linking the .a file will not be enough. But you should be able to cross-reference the static library xcodeproj. Example
Had a similar situation to this and wrote a script to copy the files in to the .app at compile time. A similar fix to the one we use is described in the "Non-code assets for static libraries" section on this web page. This works but can cause some code signing errors. Another option is to create a second .bundle target for the resources described on this web page although for some reason I could not get the bundle to actually build. I am currently looking at writing a script to copy the resources in to a bundle at compile time and compile any .xib files to .nibs, this is also a possible solution you could look at.