WixUI_Advanced fails ACK for per-user test - wix

I am creating an desktop app MSI that using WixUI_Advanced for dual scope support. However the production MSI causes a warning on Windows App Certification Kit:
WARNING Install to Program Files
* Warning: The install to Program Files test detected the following errors:
* Program xxxx fails due to install location C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Apps\XXX
I was confused. The ACK being used is the Version 2.2, and the warning message shows the CORRECT behavior of a per-user installer (since install to Program Files requires privilege). But why it shows the warning? Are there any body have the same problem?
It seems like a bug of WixUI_Advanced. According to this article, the redirected folder name for per-user install is %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Programs\XXX rather than %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Apps\XXX.

Even you set the install location to %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Programs\XXX the same warning still shows, the same thing happens for ACK version 3.0 (for Windows 8.1) as well.
Furthermore, when doing an x64 per-user test it also warns for the uninstall registry keys. There is no way to set those keys in other ways.
Microsoft confirmed this warning is ignorable and will not affect the certification result, but they did not say anything about weather it is a bug or not, not saying any plan to fix either.


How can you install 3.11.x from 3.10?

I'm trying to upgrade my version of RabbitMQ using chocolatey. This package has Erlang as a dependency, so installs the relevant version required. I've gone from 3.9.19 to 3.10 fine. However, when I try and go from 3.10 to 3.11.7 I get the following error:
beam\beam_load.c(169): Error loading module elixir:
This BEAM file was compiled for a later version of the run-time system than 24.
To fix this, please recompile this module with an 24 compiler.
(Use of opcode 178; this emulator supports only up to 176.)
ERROR! Failed to start Elixir.
error: {error,
I don't know why this is happening, or if it's even a problem. I've not been able to find anything on this error. When I run RabbitMQ it appears to be running ok with the right version of Erlang. However, this error suggests that it's attempting to use Erlang version 24 (which was already installed as part of installing 3.9.19). How is it deciding what version of Erlang to use here? I checked my environment variables and it the ERLANG_HOME is set correctly.
I tried going through the process again and installing rabbitmq 3.9.19 from chocolatey, upgrading to 3.10.1, then using the choco command to uninstall just Erlang 24.0 (using force). I then upgraded rabbitmq to version 3.11.8. This got rid of the previous error but showed another one stating:
ERLANG_HOME not set correctly.
Please either set ERLANG_HOME to point to your Erlang installation or
place the RabbitMQ server distribution in the Erlang lib folder.
However, when I checked the ERLANG_HOME environment variable it seemed to be set correctly, in that it was pointing now at Erlang OTP and not erl-24.0. So why is this error thrown?

Sublime 2 installing packages fails with SSL Exception tlsv1alert

It's been some time since I used Sublime's package installer. I went to install a package today and find it fails with the following error in the console:
Package Control: Error downloading package. HTTP exception InvalidCertificateException (Host codeload.github.com returned an
invalid certificate ([SSL: TLSV1_ALERT_PROTOCOL_VERSION] tlsv1 alert
protocol version (_ssl.c:590))) downloading
error: Package Control
This error occurs on every single package I try to install.
What is causing this error, and how can I fix it?
I am using:
Sublime 2
Version 2.0.2
Build 2221
Back in February of 2018, GitHub deprecated older cryptographic standards on their platform, such that attempting to talk to any of their web API's using older versions of TLS results in an error. PackageControl uses an SSL connection to download packages (and refuses to talk to services that are not encrypted for safety reasons).
The error you're seeing here is a result of that change; the SSL support in older builds of Sublime can no longer communicate with GitHub because they can't negotiate a connection properly. This also applies to older builds of Sublime Text 3 as well; the issue was resolved in ST3 dev build 3158 and released to stable in build 3170 (Sublime 3.1).
Sublime Text 2 is no longer supported or updated and while most things still work, this is a case of something that won't. In addition on MacOS ST2 uses the system packaged python interpreter, which is problematic on more recent builds of MacOS where the Python version changed (e.g. packages may break unexpectedly).
Short of upgrading Sublime to a more recent build, the only recourse you have would be to manually install and/or upgrade the packages that you want to use.

Task could not find "AxImp.exe" using the SdkToolsPath under Ubuntu Linux with Mono project and Rider

I have a .NET Framework (not .NET Core) C# Selenium project. It works under Windows 8.1/10.
I recently installed Rider in my new Ubuntu 18.04 instance. I installed Mono project using this guide but Rider shows 2 problems, after opening it up:
15:01 Project 'selenium_IALB' load finished with warnings: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
15:01 Project 'MICE' load finished with warnings: Task could not find "AxImp.exe" using the SdkToolsPath "/usr/lib/mono/4.5/" or the registry key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SDKs\NETFXSDK\4.7.1\WinSDK-NetFx40Tools-x86". Make sure the SdkToolsPath is set and the tool exists in the correct processor specific location under the SdkToolsPath and that the Microsoft Windows SDK is installed at (2686:5)
I found few questions answered here of how to resolve that problem on Windows for example but it says to install Windows SDK... which is not allowed on Ubuntu i guess (as i found).
As it is shown on the screen below, i have problems with some classes (yellow warning sign). In code it looks like they are missing.
The question is if it is normal that i have that "AxImp.exe" problem under Ubuntu and if yes, how can i solve it? It also does not work on Linux Mint.
EDIT: I resolved the issue of missing reference to those "yellow signed" classes. I've just change their names in the solution folder (ie. helpers.cs -> Helpers.cs). However, missing "AxImp.exe" file is still a problem and the solution does not compile.

Error while installing RabbitMQ Service on Windows

I want to install RabbitMQ Service as a Windows Service. I see an option to install RabbitMQ Service from installer (v3.6.5). However, it does not work.
I write a Batch script trying to re-install RabbitMQ service after running installer file.
set HOMEPATH=\Users\%username%
call "C:\Program Files\RabbitMQ Server\rabbitmq_server-3.6.5\sbin\rabbitmq-service.bat" remove
call "C:\Program Files\RabbitMQ Server\rabbitmq_server-3.6.5\sbin\rabbitmq-service.bat" install
call net start RabbitMQ
call "C:\Program Files\RabbitMQ Server\rabbitmq_server-3.6.5\sbin\rabbitmq-plugins.bat" enable rabbitmq_management
However, this script is quite unstable.
Sometimes it works, but sometimes it doesn't.
I tested in many PCs with Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 7 and Windows Server 2012.
When error occurs, it always occurs in the last command (enabling RabbitMQ management)
C:\Program Files\erl9.0\erts-9.0\bin\erlsrv: Service RabbitMQ removed from system.
C:\Program Files\erl9.0\erts-9.0\bin\erlsrv: Service RabbitMQ added to system.
The RabbitMQ service is starting.
The RabbitMQ service was started successfully.
Plugin configuration unchanged.
Applying plugin configuration to rabbit#<myhost>... failed.
* Could not contact node rabbit#<myhost>.
Changes will take effect at broker restart.
* Options: --online - fail if broker cannot be contacted.
--offline - do not try to contact broker.
Sometimes, I got this error
Plugin configuration unchanged.
Applying plugin configuration to rabbit#<myhost>... failed.
Error: noproc
In my PC, I get the first error (could not contact node...) when %HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH% is C:\users\myusername. When I change to C:\Windows, it works well. Then I change back to C:\users\, it also works well, no more error.
However, on a server with Windows Server 2012, even C:\Windows does not work (could not contact node...).
In all PCs, I see .erlang.cookie file in both C:\Windows and C:\Users[username]. (I don't know anything about erlang, just follow some instructions from other questions in StackOverFlow).
What is wrong with my script?
Is the error related to the version of RabbitMQ? I am not using the latest version.
Is it related to Erlang? I guess if Erlang caused this problem, then two commands about removing/installing RabbitMQ service would be failed.
Is it able to install the service without checking service option from installer, just run command rabbitmq-service.bat install?
The RabbitMQ team monitors this mailing list and only sometimes answers questions on stackoverflow.
You should be using the most recent version of the RabbitMQ installer for Windows, available here. I am assuming that <myhost> in your question is an edited-out hostname, not what is actually being used. You also don't mention which version of Erlang you have installed, but I assume it is a recent one.
You should uninstall RabbitMQ and ensure all traces are removed from C:\Users\myusername (be sure to check %APPDATA%) and C:\Windows. You should not have to change the default values of HOMEDRIVE and HOMEPATH prior to installation. Use an administrative account when running the Erlang and RabbitMQ .exe installers.
Please note that 3.6.12 has this issue on Windows. A workaround is to set vm_memory_calculation_strategy to erlang. I fixed this issue and it will be delivered in 3.6.13.
Thanks for using RabbitMQ!

Nokia QT Creator project, Error installing Qjson.sis

I am trying to run up an app in release mode on my Nokia N8. When it builds the phones asks me if i want to install it. i press yes and install it to the mass memory. This happens with out a hitch. Then it asks me to install Qjson.sis i choose the same mass memory drive and then it starts to install. This is when i get a message that reads "Update Error"
this happens when i install it to both the mass memory and the system memory. Any suggestions? im running win7 with the latest qt creator. The N8 is running PR1.0 not the newer PR1.1
The most likely answer is that the QJSON executable (.dll) is already installed on the device, but under a different package and/or UID.
Best way to get around this is to re-build QJSON with a different UID, and ensure the new UID is appended to the executable name (e.g. qjson_0x20030000.dll). In this way you can avoid update errors.