Get DisplayName for Model from ViewBag -

I'm using localization for my ASP.NET Page with a database.
Everything is working fine, a language Dictionary is in the ViewBag, and it's just working for everything, except the DisplayName in the ViewModels.
This is how I'm using translation in the Views:
namespace Helpers
public static class LocalizationHelper
/// <summary>
/// Returns the translation for the term
/// </summary>
public static string Translate(this HtmlHelper helper, Term term)
Dictionary<string, string> dic = helper.ViewContext.Controller.ViewBag.LangDict;
Dictionary<string, string> fallbackDic = helper.ViewContext.Controller.ViewBag.StandardLangDict;
string trans = "";
if (dic.TryGetValue(term.ToString(), out trans))
return trans;
else if (fallbackDic.TryGetValue(term.ToString(), out trans))
return trans;
//exception trans not available for this lang
//return fallback language
return "Translation not set";
But I cant use this for the ViewModel because I'cant pass the HTMLHelper Attribute.
And if i decide to write another method like:
public static string Translate(Term term)
The Viewbag cant work any more. Term is an Enumeration.
Now I have no idea how to get the Data from the Viewbag into the ViewModel.


Derived type's properties missing in JSON response from ASP.NET Core API

The JSON response from my ASP.NET Core 3.1 API controller is missing properties. This happens when a property uses a derived type; any properties defined in the derived type but not in the base/interface will not be serialized to JSON. It seems there is some lack of support for polymorphism in the response, as if serialization is based on a property's defined type instead of its runtime type. How can I change this behavior to ensure that all public properties are included in the JSON response?
My .NET Core Web API Controller returns this object that has a property with an interface type.
// controller returns this object
public class Result
public IResultProperty ResultProperty { get; set; } // property uses an interface type
public interface IResultProperty
{ }
Here is a derived type that defines a new public property named Value.
public class StringResultProperty : IResultProperty
public string Value { get; set; }
If I return the derived type from my controller like this:
return new MainResult {
ResultProperty = new StringResultProperty { Value = "Hi there!" }
then the actual response includes an empty object (the Value property is missing):
I want the response to be:
"ResultProperty": { "Value": "Hi there!" }
While the other answers are good and solves the problem, if all you want is the general behavior to be like pre netcore3, you can use the Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.NewtonsoftJson NuGet package and in Startup.cs do:
More info here. This way, you don't need to create any extra json-converters.
I ended up creating a custom JsonConverter (System.Text.Json.Serialization namespace) which forces JsonSerializer to serialize to the object's runtime type. See the Solution section below. It's lengthy but it works well and does not require me to sacrifice object oriented principles in my API's design. (If you need something quicker and can use Newtonsoft then check out the top voted answer instead.)
Some background: Microsoft has a System.Text.Json serialization guide with a section titled Serialize properties of derived classes with good information relevant to my question. In particular it explains why properties of derived types are not serialized:
This behavior is intended to help prevent accidental exposure of data
in a derived runtime-created type.
If that is not a concern for you then the behavior can be overridden in the call to JsonSerializer.Serialize by either explicitly specifying the derived type or by specifying object, for example:
// by specifying the derived type
jsonString = JsonSerializer.Serialize(objToSerialize, objToSerialize.GetType(), serializeOptions);
// or specifying 'object' works too
jsonString = JsonSerializer.Serialize<object>(objToSerialize, serializeOptions);
To accomplish this with ASP.NET Core you need to hook into the serialization process. I did this with a custom JsonConverter that calls JsonSerializer.Serialize one of the ways shown above. I also implemented support for deserialization which, while not explicitly asked for in the original question, is almost always needed anyway. (Oddly, supporting only serialization and not deserialization proved to be tricky anyway.)
I created a base class, DerivedTypeJsonConverter, which contains all of the serialization & deserialization logic. For each of your base types, you would create a corresponding converter class for it that derives from DerivedTypeJsonConverter. This is explained in the numbered directions below.
This solution follows the "type name handling" convention from Json.NET which introduces support for polymorphism to JSON. It works by including an additional $type property in the derived type's JSON (ex: "$type":"StringResultProperty") that tells the converter what the object's true type is. (One difference: in Json.NET, $type's value is a fully qualified type + assembly name, whereas my $type is a custom string which helps future-proof against namespace/assembly/class name changes.) API callers are expected to include $type properties in their JSON requests for derived types. The serialization logic solves my original problem by ensuring that all of the object's public properties are serialized, and for consistency the $type property is also serialized.
1) Copy the DerivedTypeJsonConverter class below into your project.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Dynamic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.Json;
using System.Text.Json.Serialization;
public abstract class DerivedTypeJsonConverter<TBase> : JsonConverter<TBase>
protected abstract string TypeToName(Type type);
protected abstract Type NameToType(string typeName);
private const string TypePropertyName = "$type";
public override bool CanConvert(Type objectType)
return typeof(TBase) == objectType;
public override TBase Read(ref Utf8JsonReader reader, Type typeToConvert, JsonSerializerOptions options)
// get the $type value by parsing the JSON string into a JsonDocument
JsonDocument jsonDocument = JsonDocument.ParseValue(ref reader);
jsonDocument.RootElement.TryGetProperty(TypePropertyName, out JsonElement typeNameElement);
string typeName = (typeNameElement.ValueKind == JsonValueKind.String) ? typeNameElement.GetString() : null;
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(typeName)) throw new InvalidOperationException($"Missing or invalid value for {TypePropertyName} (base type {typeof(TBase).FullName}).");
// get the JSON text that was read by the JsonDocument
string json;
using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
using (var writer = new Utf8JsonWriter(stream, new JsonWriterOptions { Encoder = options.Encoder })) {
json = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(stream.ToArray());
// deserialize the JSON to the type specified by $type
try {
return (TBase)JsonSerializer.Deserialize(json, NameToType(typeName), options);
catch (Exception ex) {
throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid JSON in request.", ex);
public override void Write(Utf8JsonWriter writer, TBase value, JsonSerializerOptions options)
// create an ExpandoObject from the value to serialize so we can dynamically add a $type property to it
ExpandoObject expando = ToExpandoObject(value);
expando.TryAdd(TypePropertyName, TypeToName(value.GetType()));
// serialize the expando
JsonSerializer.Serialize(writer, expando, options);
private static ExpandoObject ToExpandoObject(object obj)
var expando = new ExpandoObject();
if (obj != null) {
// copy all public properties
foreach (PropertyInfo property in obj.GetType().GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance).Where(p => p.CanRead)) {
expando.TryAdd(property.Name, property.GetValue(obj));
return expando;
2) For each of your base types, create a class that derives from DerivedTypeJsonConverter. Implement the 2 abstract methods which are for mapping $type strings to actual types. Here is an example for my IResultProperty interface that you can follow.
public class ResultPropertyJsonConverter : DerivedTypeJsonConverter<IResultProperty>
protected override Type NameToType(string typeName)
return typeName switch
// map string values to types
nameof(StringResultProperty) => typeof(StringResultProperty)
// TODO: Create a case for each derived type
protected override string TypeToName(Type type)
// map types to string values
if (type == typeof(StringResultProperty)) return nameof(StringResultProperty);
// TODO: Create a condition for each derived type
3) Register the converters in Startup.cs.
.AddJsonOptions(options => {
options.JsonSerializerOptions.Converters.Add(new ResultPropertyJsonConverter());
// TODO: Add each converter
4) In requests to the API, objects of derived types will need to include a $type property. Example JSON: { "Value":"Hi!", "$type":"StringResultProperty" }
Full gist here
The documentation shows how to serialize as the derived class when calling the serializer directly. The same technique can also be used in a custom converter that we then can tag our classes with.
First, create a custom converter
public class AsRuntimeTypeConverter<T> : JsonConverter<T>
public override T Read(ref Utf8JsonReader reader, Type typeToConvert, JsonSerializerOptions options)
return JsonSerializer.Deserialize<T>(ref reader, options);
public override void Write(Utf8JsonWriter writer, T value, JsonSerializerOptions options)
JsonSerializer.Serialize(writer, value, value?.GetType() ?? typeof(object), options);
Then mark the relevant classes to be used with the new converter
public class MyBaseClass
Alternately, the converter can be registered in startup.cs instead
.AddControllers(options =>
.AddJsonOptions(options =>
options.JsonSerializerOptions.Converters.Add(new AsRuntimeTypeConverter<MyBaseClass>());
I had a similar issue, where I was returning an enumerable of type TAnimal (but the object instances were of derived types such as Dog, Cat, etc.):
public IEnumerable<TAnimal> GetAnimals()
IEnumerable<TAnimal> list = GetListOfAnimals();
return list;
This only included properties defined in TAnimal.
However, in ASP .NET Core 3.1 at least, I found that I could just cast the object instances to object, and the JSON serializer then included all the properties from the derived classes:
public IEnumerable<object> GetAnimals()
IEnumerable<TAnimal> list = GetListOfAnimals();
return list.Select(a => (object)a);
(Note that the signature of the GetAnimals method must also changed, but that doesn't usually matter much in a web API context). If you need to provide type information for Swagger or whatever, you can annotate the method:
[Produces(MediaTypeNames.Application.Json, Type = typeof(TAnimal[]))]
public IEnumerable<object> GetAnimals()
Casting to object is a simple solution if you only have a 1-layer-deep object hierarchy to worry about.
This is the expected result. You're upcasting when you do that, so what will be serialized is the upcasted object, not the actual derived type. If you need stuff from the derived type, then that has to be the type of the property. You may want to use generics for this reason. In other words:
public class Result<TResultProperty>
where TResultProperty : IResultProperty
public TResultProperty ResultProperty { get; set; } // property uses an interface type
return new Result<StringResultProperty> {
ResultProperty = new StringResultProperty { Value = "Hi there!" }
I solved it by writing this extension:
public static class JsonSerializationExtensions
public static string ToJson<T>(this IEnumerable<T> enumerable, bool includeDerivedTypesProperties = true)
where T : class
var jsonOptions = new JsonSerializerOptions()
PropertyNamingPolicy = JsonNamingPolicy.CamelCase
if (includeDerivedTypeProperties)
var collection = enumerable.Select(e => e as object).ToList();
return JsonSerializer.Serialize<object>(collection, jsonOptions);
return JsonSerializer.Serialize(enumerable, jsonOptions);
I was also struggling with this in a .NET Core 3.1 API, where I wanted the result to include $type attribute.
As suggested, install the correct package and then 'AddNewtonsoftJson'.
I wanted the $type field to be added to show the derived type handling, to get that
services.AddControllers().AddNewtonsoftJson(options =>
options.SerializerSettings.TypeNameHandling = Newtonsoft.Json.TypeNameHandling.All;
Not knocking Newtonsoft, but I found an easier way to resolve this with the built handlers.
[WebInvoke(Method = "GET", UriTemplate = "/emps", BodyStyle = WebMessageBodyStyle.Wrapped, RequestFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json, ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json)]
List<emp> GetEmps();
//[DataContract(Namespace = "foo")] <<< comment/removed this line
public class emp
public string userId { get; set; }
public string firstName { get; set; }
public class dept
public string deptId{ get; set; }
public string deptName{ get; set; }
In my case dept objects where working fine, but emp ones were not - they came across as empty.

Custom model binding through body in ASP.Net Core

I would like to bind an object in a controller through the body of a HTTP Post.
It works like this
public class MyModelBinder : IModelBinder
public Task BindModelAsync(ModelBindingContext bindingContext)
if (bindingContext == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("No context found");
string modelName = bindingContext.ModelName;
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(modelName)) {
bindingContext.Result = ModelBindingResult.Failed();
return Task.CompletedTask;
string value = bindingContext.ValueProvider.GetValue(modelName).FirstValue;
The modelName is viewModel (honestly, I don't know why, but it works...)
My controller looks like this
public IActionResult CalcAc([ModelBinder(BinderType = typeof(MyModelBinder))]IViewModel viewModel)
i.e. it works, when I make this HTTP-Post request
I would like however to pass it through the body of the request, i.e.
public IActionResult Calc([FromBody][ModelBinder(BinderType = typeof(MyModelBinder))]IViewModel viewModel)
In my Modelbinder then, the modelName is "" and the ValueProvider yields null... What am I doing wrong?
Example; Assume you have an interface IGeometry and many implementations of different 2D shapes, like Circle: IGeometry or Rectangle: IGeometry or Polygon: IGeometry. IGeometry itself has the method decimal getArea(). Now, my URL shall calculate the area for any shape that implements IGeometry, that would look like this
public IActionResult CalcArea([FromBody]IGeometry geometricObject)
return Ok(geometricObject.getArea());
// or for sake of completness
// return Ok(service.getArea(geometricObject));
the problem is, you cannot bind to an interface, that yields an error, you need a class! That's where the custom model binder is used. Assume your IGeometryalso has the following property string Type {get; set;}
the in the custom model binding you would simply search for that Type in the passed json and bind it to the correct implementation. Something like
if (bodyContent is Rectangle) // that doesn't work ofc, but you get the point
var boundObject = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Rectangle>(jsonString);
In ASP.Net EF the custom model binding looks like this
public bool BindModel(HttpActionContext actionContext, ModelBindingContext bindingContext)
here you get the body of the HTTPPost request like this
string json = actionContext.Request.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
in ASP.Net Core you don't have the actionContext, only the bindingContext where I can't find the body of the HTTP Post.
Ok, I found the body, see accepted answer. Now inside the controller method I really have an object from type IGeometry (an interface) that is instantiated inside the custom model binder! My controller method looks like this:
public IActionResult CalcArea([FromBody]IGeometry geometricObject)
return Ok(service.getArea(geometricObject));
And my injected service like this
public decimal getArea(IGeometry viewModel)
return viewModel.calcArea();
IGeometry on the other hand looks like this
public interface IGeometry
string Type { get; set; } // I use this to correctly bind to each implementation
decimal calcArea();
Each class then simply calculates the area accordingly, so
public class Rectangle : IGeometry
public string Type {get; set; }
public decimal b0 { get; set; }
public decimal h0 { get; set; }
public decimal calcArea()
return b0 * h0;
public class Circle : IGeometry
public string Type {get; set; }
public decimal radius { get; set; }
public decimal calcArea()
return radius*radius*Math.Pi;
I found a solution. The body of a HTTP Post request using ASP.NET Core can be obtained in a custom model binder using this lines of code
string json;
using (var reader = new StreamReader(bindingContext.ActionContext.HttpContext.Request.Body, Encoding.UTF8))
json = reader.ReadToEnd();
I found the solution after looking at older EF projects. There the body is inside the ActionContext which is passed separately as an argument in the BindModel method. I found that the same ActionContext is part of the ModelBindingContext in ASP.Net Core, where you get an IO.Stream instead of a string (easy to convert :-))

Using [FromQuery] to parse enum values

I'm using the [FromQuery] attribute to parse a Get requests arguments into a complex object. For example:
public IActionResult DoSomething([FromQuery] SomeArguments someArgs)
One of the properties of the SomeArguments object is an enum.
public enum SomeEnum { EnumValue01, EnumValue02 }
public class SomeArguments
[FromQuery(Name = "enum_arg")]
public SomeEnum EnumArgument { get; set; }
And I call the endpoint with something like:
And this all works great. However, I want to be able to use a different enum value in the URL than in my C# enum value. For example, I want to call using a URL such as
How can I do this?
I thought I could use the [FromQuery] attribute, like I can with properties, but that doesnt seem to be possible:
'FromQuery' is not valid on this declaration type. It is only valid on 'property, indexer, parameter'
You can use EnumMemberAttribute in conjunction with StringEnumConverter to achieve your goal. Define SomeEnum as following
public enum SomeEnum
[EnumMember(Value = "eval01")]
[EnumMember(Value = "eval02")]
At this point it will work as you need only when Newtonsoft json serializer is used. For example, when controller expects POST request and parameter is marked as [FromBody]. In your case it won't work yet because during binding of [FromQuery] parameter json serializer is not used. To solve this one create custom model binder
public class JsonModelBinder : IModelBinder
public Task BindModelAsync(ModelBindingContext bindingContext)
string rawData = bindingContext.ValueProvider.GetValue(bindingContext.ModelName).FirstValue;
rawData = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(rawData); //turns value to valid json
SomeEnum result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<SomeEnum>(rawData); //manually deserializing value
bindingContext.Result = ModelBindingResult.Success(result);
catch (JsonSerializationException ex)
//do nothing since "failed" result is set by default
return Task.CompletedTask;
Update SomeEnum definition to use JsonModelBinder
public enum SomeEnum

Asp .Net MVC on action executing - Get the value of action parameter values of user defined types on action executing

I want to log the each action method parameter name and its
corresponding values in the database as key value pair. As part of
this, I am using OnActionExecuting ActionFilterAttribute, since it
will be the right place (OnActionExecuting method will get invoke for
all controller action methods call) to get Action Executing context.
I am getting the value for .Net types (string, int, bool). But I am
unable to get the value of the User defined types (custom types).
(ex: Login model). My model might have some other nested user
defined types as well.
I was trying to get the values of the user defined types but I am
getting the only class name as string. I hope we can do in
Could you please anyone assist to resolve the issue. since I am new
to reflection. It will helpful to me. Thanks in Advance.
I need to get the name and value of these types in OnActionExecuting.
public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
ActionParameter = new SerializableDictionary<string,string>();
if(filterContext.ActionParameter != null)
foreach(var paramter in filterContext.ActionParameter)
//able to get returnUrl value
//unable to get model values
ActionParameter.Add(paramter.Key, paramter.Value);
public ActionResult Login(LoginModel model, string returnUrl)
return View(model);
User defined type
public class LoginModel
public string UserName {get;set;}
public string Password {get;set;}
//User defined type
public UserRequestBase Request {get;set;}
//User defined type
public class UserRequestBase
public string ApplicationName {get;set;}
I am able to get the value of the returnUrl (login method param) in OnActionExecuting but not for model (login method param). I am able to see the values, but don't know how to access it, I used typeof even though I am unable to get it, but I need generic because i have 20 methods in controller so I could not only for LoginModel.
This answer isn't exactly what you want - based on your question - but I think it will work better for what want to accomplish. Quick aside...
Playing around with reflection and nested classes in this instance, lead to some SO (a propos?) errors for me...
So, a better path, maybe? Rather than trying to get/cast the property names, values (types?) from 'context.ActionParameters,` I found it was much easier to let a Json serialization do the work for me. You can then persist the Json object, then deserialize... pretty easy.
Anyway, here's the code:
using Newtonsoft.Json; // <-- or some other serialization entity
public class LogActions : ActionFilterAttribute, IActionFilter
// Using the example -- LoginModel, UserRequestBase objects and Login controller...
void IActionFilter.OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext context)
var param = (Dictionary<String, Object>)context.ActionParameters;
foreach (var item in param.Values)
string itemName = item.GetType().Name.ToString();
string itemToJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(item);
// Save JsonObject along with whatever other values you need (route, etc)
Then when you retrieve the Json object from the database you just have to deserialize / cast it.
LoginModel model = (LoginModel)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(itemToJson, typeof(LoginModel));
From example:
public class LoginModel
public string UserName {get;set;}
public string Password {get;set;}
//User defined type
public UserRequestBase Request {get;set;}
//User defined type
public class UserRequestBase
public string ApplicationName {get;set;}
Controller used in example:
public ActionResult Login(LoginModel model, string returnUrl)
return View(model);
Hope this helps. If there are further issues with this please let me know and I will try to help.

Ninject Cascading Inection with IList

I am trying to use Ninject to implement cascading injection into a class that contains an IList field. It seems that, unless I specifically specify each binding to use in the kernel.Get method, the IList property is always injected with a list of a single default object.
The following VSTest code illustrates the problem. The first test fails because the IList field contains one MyType object with Name=null. The second test passes, but I had to specifically tell Ninject what constructor arguments to use. I am using the latest build from the ninject.web.mvc project for MVC 3.
Does Ninject specifically treat IList different, or is there a better way to handle this? Note that this seems to only be a problem when using an IList. Createing a custom collection object that wraps IList works as expected in the first test.
public class NinjectTest
public void ListTest_Fails_NameNullAndCountIncorrect()
var kernel = new Ninject.StandardKernel(new MyNinjectModule());
var target = kernel.Get<MyModel>();
var actual = target.GetList();
// Fails. Returned value is set to a list of a single object equal to default(MyType)
Assert.AreEqual(2, actual.Count());
// Fails because MyType object is initialized with a null "Name" property
Assert.AreEqual("Fred", actual.First().Name);
public void ListTest_Passes_SeemsLikeUnnecessaryConfiguration()
var kernel = new Ninject.StandardKernel(new MyNinjectModule());
var target = kernel.Get<MyModel>(new ConstructorArgument("myGenericObject", kernel.Get<IGenericObject<MyType>>(new ConstructorArgument("myList", kernel.Get<IList<MyType>>()))));
var actual = target.GetList();
Assert.AreEqual(2, actual.Count());
Assert.AreEqual("Fred", actual.First().Name);
public class MyNinjectModule : NinjectModule
public override void Load()
Bind<IList<MyType>>().ToConstant(new List<MyType> { new MyType { Name = "Fred" }, new MyType { Name = "Bob" } });
public class MyModel
private IGenericObject<MyType> myGenericObject;
public MyModel(IGenericObject<MyType> myGenericObject)
this.myGenericObject = myGenericObject;
public IEnumerable<MyType> GetList()
return myGenericObject.GetList();
public interface IGenericObject<T>
IList<T> GetList();
public class StubObject<T> : IGenericObject<T>
private IList<T> _myList;
public StubObject(IList<T> myList)
_myList = myList;
public IList<T> GetList()
return _myList;
public class MyType
public String Name { get; set; }
lists, collections and arrays are handled slightly different. For those types ninject will inject a list or array containing an instance of all bindings for the generic type. In your case the implementation type is a class which is aoutobound by default. So the list will contain one instance of that class. If you add an interface to that class and use this one the list will be empty.