How big can the Opensplice DDS persistent datas be? - data-distribution-service

I wonder if I can put big amount of data in my software or if I'm obliged to use an external solution.
How much data can I put using the persistence of OpenSplice DDS or RTI's DDS ?

This depends on your definition of 'putting persistent data'.
In OpenSplice-DDS there are multiple ways to 'save' non-volatile data by 'persisting' it on some non-volatile media. The first way is to publish data as PERSISTENT (durability-QoS) in combination with having one or more durability-services (which are 'standard' available in the OpenSplice core [LGPL-v3], i.e. not an optional/commercial feature). When starting up the system, the durability-services (typically of the first node that starts) will inject the persisted data into the 'global data-space' and with that its available to each application (which can block for this information to be injected via the wait_for_historical_data API). A typical limitation of the size of persistent data is the size of available memory to 'hold it' once published (or put in DDS_terminology: the resource-limits as specified for the 'durability-service', expressed in max_samples, max_samples_per_instance and max_instances for each persistent topic). Note that you could PERSISTENT data as a subset of TRANSIENT data and if you'd have multiple durability-services configured, these will 'align' each other on startup (and/or adding a new node that also has a durability-service configured) resulting in this PERSISTENT data to be instantly available when applications start and/or join an already running system.
The second way is to utilize an add-on that transparently 'replicates' (2-way) data between DDS and a DBMS (ODBC 3.0 compliant) system. OpenSplice DDS has a pluggable service for this called 'DBMSConnect' which can be configured to forward data in both directions, either event-based or state-based (down-sampled) as well as potentially filter on contents.
The third way (for OpenSplice) is to use a generic gateway product called 'OpenSplice Gateway' that makes use of Apache Camel and thus all of the 'connectors' available for that infrastructure. Here you can define 'routes' and endpoints that allow your DDS-data to be routed to/from over 80 non-DDS technologies including relational-database systems that would then allow to 'persist' your DDS-information.
Hope this helps somewhat,


What are some use cases for object storage?

What are some use cases for object storage, as opposed to file systems or block storage (database) systems?
From what I understand, object storage is mostly used for persistent storage for applications running on cloud systems. It seems to have a lot of overlap with file systems, except that the details of how the objects are stored is abstracted away so that apps can access them with simple web queries.
However, I'd love if someone could give examples of applications where this is actually used instead of or alongside the other two storage systems.
Some example use cases for object storage:
Off-site backups
Storing and serving user content (e.g. profile pictures)
Storing artifacts (e.g. JAR files, startup scripts) to be deployed to VMs
Distributing static content (e.g. video content for your users)
Caching intermediate data (e.g. individual frames from a render farm before assembly into output video)
Accepting input or providing output to a web service (as accepting data by POST can be difficult/inefficient for large input files).
archiving data for regulatory purposes
All these cases might be accompanied by a database to store metadata (ie to find the objects). Actually storing the data in the database would, however, exceed size limits or significantly harm database performance.
These use-cases can be achieved with a file-system, so long as your total usage can be handed by a single machine. If you have more traffic than that you will need replicated storage, load balancing etc, at which point you are effectively implementing a object storage system yourself.

MFP 8.0 adapter cache

I am using MFP 8.0, and there are requirements that we want implement cache on the adapter level.
Whenever MFP server starts we want to dump all the database in cache till the server restart again.
Now whenever user hit some transaction or adapter procedure which call database so instead of calling database it must read from cache.
Adapters support read-only and transactional access modes to back-end systems.
Adapters are Maven projects that contain server-side code implemented in either Java or JavaScript. Adapters are used perform
any necessary server-side logic, and to transfer and retrieve
information from back-end systems to client applications and cloud
JSONStore is an optional client-side API providing a lightweight, document-oriented storage system. JSONStore enables persistent storage
of JSON documents. Documents in an application are available in
JSONStore even when the device that is running the application is
offline. This persistent, always-available storage can be useful to
give users access to documents when, for example, there is no network
connection available in the device.
From your description, assuming you are talking about some custom DB where you have data stored, then you need to implement the logic of caching the data.
Adapter's have two classes <AdapterName> and <AdapterName> <> contains the lifecycle methods - init() and destroy().
You should put your custom code of loading data from your DB into cache in the init() method. And also take care of removing it in the destroy().
Now during transactional access (which hits <>, you refer to the cache you have already created.
Your requirement, however may not be ideal for heavily loaded systems. You need to consider that:
a) Your adapter initialization is delayed. Any wrongly written code can also break the adapter initialization. An adapter isn't available to service your request until it has been initialized. In case of a clustered environment, the adapter load in all cluster members will delayed depending on the amount of data your are loading. Any client request intended for this adapter will get a runtime exception until the initialization is complete.
b) Holding the cache in memory means, so much space in the heap is used up. If your DB keeps growing, this adversely affects adapter initialization and also heap usage.
c) You are in charge maintaining the data at the latest level and also cleaning it up after use.
To summarize, while it is possible, it is not recommended. While this may work in case of very small data set, this cannot scale well. The design of adapters is to provide you transactional access to data/backend systems. You should use the adapter the way it was designed to.

What are the options to bulk/batch load data into Apache Geode(Gemfire)?

We need to load millions of key/values into Apache Geode and we'd like to know what are some the options available. Our values happen to be in the 256kb range.
There are several options depending on your application requirements/SLAs or whether you need to perform conversion or other transformations, etc.
Out-of-the-box, Apache Geode provides the Cache & Region Snapshot Service. This is useful when you want to migrate data from 1 existing Apache Geode cluster to another, for instance. Not so useful if your data is coming from an external source, like a RDBMS.
Another option is to lazily load the data based on need. This can be accomplished by implementing the CacheLoader interface and registering the CacheLoader with a Region. Obviously, you could create a CacheLoader implementation that intelligently loads a block of data based on some rules/criteria in addition to loading and returning the single value of interests based on the current requests.
A lot of times, users create an external, custom Conversion process or tool to extract, transform and bulk load (ETL) a bunch of data into Apache Geode. This is typical in complex Use Cases or requirements. However, it is highly advisable to use perhaps a framework/tool like...
Spring XD (now Spring Cloud Data Flow on Pivotal's Cloud Foundry (PCF)) is great ETL tool and pipeline for creating stream-based applications. Spring XD / SCDF provides many different options for "sources" and "sinks" (e.g. GemFire Server). In addition to sources & sinks, you can even "tap" the stream to process the data with "Processors". So whether you are doing real-time stream or batch-oriented data operations (e.g. bulk loads), Spring XD is a great option.
I am sure Google might provide other answers on how to perform ETL with a KeyValue store like Apache Geode.
Hope this helps get you going.
We have very limited options to load Gemfire regions .
1) Spring batch:
Create Gemfire writer for load data and remove data
Create batch configuration and lod it
2) Apache Spark

Zookeeper vs In-memory-data-grid vs Redis

I've found different zookeeper definitions across multiple resources. Maybe some of them are taken out of context, but look at them pls:
A canonical example of Zookeeper usage is distributed-memory computation...
ZooKeeper is an open source Apacheā„¢ project that provides a centralized infrastructure and services that enable synchronization across a cluster.
Apache ZooKeeper is an open source file application program interface (API) that allows distributed processes in large systems to synchronize with each other so that all clients making requests receive consistent data.
I've worked with Redis and Hazelcast, that would be easier for me to understand Zookeeper by comparing it with them.
Could you please compare Zookeeper with in-memory-data-grids and Redis?
If distributed-memory computation, how does zookeeper differ from in-memory-data-grids?
If synchronization across cluster, than how does it differs from all other in-memory storages? The same in-memory-data-grids also provide cluster-wide locks. Redis also has some kind of transactions.
If it's only about in-memory consistent data, than there are other alternatives. Imdg allow you to achieve the same, don't they?
By default, Zookeeper replicates all your data to every node and lets clients watch the data for changes. Changes are sent very quickly (within a bounded amount of time) to clients. You can also create "ephemeral nodes", which are deleted within a specified time if a client disconnects. ZooKeeper is highly optimized for reads, while writes are very slow (since they generally are sent to every client as soon as the write takes place). Finally, the maximum size of a "file" (znode) in Zookeeper is 1MB, but typically they'll be single strings.
Taken together, this means that zookeeper is not meant to store for much data, and definitely not a cache. Instead, it's for managing heartbeats/knowing what servers are online, storing/updating configuration, and possibly message passing (though if you have large #s of messages or high throughput demands, something like RabbitMQ will be much better for this task).
Basically, ZooKeeper (and Curator, which is built on it) helps in handling the mechanics of clustering -- heartbeats, distributing updates/configuration, distributed locks, etc.
It's not really comparable to Redis, but for the specific questions...
It doesn't support any computation and for most data sets, won't be able to store the data with any performance.
It's replicated to all nodes in the cluster (there's nothing like Redis clustering where the data can be distributed). All messages are processed atomically in full and are sequenced, so there's no real transactions. It can be USED to implement cluster-wide locks for your services (it's very good at that in fact), and tehre are a lot of locking primitives on the znodes themselves to control which nodes access them.
Sure, but ZooKeeper fills a niche. It's a tool for making a distributed applications play nice with multiple instances, not for storing/sharing large amounts of data. Compared to using an IMDG for this purpose, Zookeeper will be faster, manages heartbeats and synchronization in a predictable way (with a lot of APIs for making this part easy), and has a "push" paradigm instead of "pull" so nodes are notified very quickly of changes.
The quotation from the linked question...
A canonical example of Zookeeper usage is distributed-memory computation
... is, IMO, a bit misleading. You would use it to orchestrate the computation, not provide the data. For example, let's say you had to process rows 1-100 of a table. You might put 10 ZK nodes up, with names like "1-10", "11-20", "21-30", etc. Client applications would be notified of this change automatically by ZK, and the first one would grab "1-10" and set an ephemeral node clients/
The next application would see this and go for the next group to process. The actual data to compute would be stored elsewhere (ie Redis, SQL database, etc). If the node failed partway through the computation, another node could see this (after 30-60 seconds) and pick up the job again.
I'd say the canonical example of ZooKeeper is leader election, though. Let's say you have 3 nodes -- one is master and the other 2 are slaves. If the master goes down, a slave node must become the new leader. This type of thing is perfect for ZK.
Consistency Guarantees
ZooKeeper is a high performance, scalable service. Both reads and write operations are designed to be fast, though reads are faster than writes. The reason for this is that in the case of reads, ZooKeeper can serve older data, which in turn is due to ZooKeeper's consistency guarantees:
Sequential Consistency
Updates from a client will be applied in the order that they were sent.
Updates either succeed or fail -- there are no partial results.
Single System Image
A client will see the same view of the service regardless of the server that it connects to.
Once an update has been applied, it will persist from that time forward until a client overwrites the update. This guarantee has two corollaries:
If a client gets a successful return code, the update will have been applied. On some failures (communication errors, timeouts, etc) the client will not know if the update has applied or not. We take steps to minimize the failures, but the only guarantee is only present with successful return codes. (This is called the monotonicity condition in Paxos.)
Any updates that are seen by the client, through a read request or successful update, will never be rolled back when recovering from server failures.
The clients view of the system is guaranteed to be up-to-date within a certain time bound. (On the order of tens of seconds.) Either system changes will be seen by a client within this bound, or the client will detect a service outage.

Is this a good use-case for Redis on a ServiceStack REST API?

I'm creating a mobile app and it requires a API service backend to get/put information for each user. I'll be developing the web service on ServiceStack, but was wondering about the storage. I love the idea of a fast in-memory caching system like Redis, but I have a few questions:
I created a sample schema of what my data store should look like. Does this seems like it's a good case for using Redis as opposed to a MySQL DB or something like that?
How difficult is the setup for persisting the Redis store to disk or is it kind of built-in when you do writes to the store? (I'm a newbie on this NoSQL stuff)
I currently have my setup on AWS using a Linux micro instance (because it's free for a year). I know many factors go into this answer, but in general will this be enough for my web service and Redis? Since Redis is in-memory will that be enough? I guess if my mobile app skyrockets (hey, we can dream right?) then I'll start hitting the ceiling of the instance.
What to think about when desigining a NoSQL Redis application
1) To develop correctly in Redis you should be thinking more about how you would structure the relationships in your C# program i.e. with the C# collection classes rather than a Relational Model meant for an RDBMS. The better mindset would be to think more about data storage like a Document database rather than RDBMS tables. Essentially everything gets blobbed in Redis via a key (index) so you just need to work out what your primary entities are (i.e. aggregate roots)
which would get kept in its own 'key namespace' or whether it's non-primary entity, i.e. simply metadata which should just get persisted with its parent entity.
Examples of Redis as a primary Data Store
Here is a good article that walks through creating a simple blogging application using Redis:
You can also look at the source code of RedisStackOverflow for another real world example using Redis.
Basically you would need to store and fetch the items of each type separately.
var redisUsers = redis.As<User>();
var user = redisUsers.GetById(1);
var userIsWatching = redisUsers.GetRelatedEntities<Watching>(user.Id);
The way you store relationship between entities is making use of Redis's Sets, e.g: you can store the Users/Watchers relationship conceptually with:
SET["ids:User>Watcher:{UserId}"] = [{watcherId1},{watcherId2},...]
Redis is schema-less and idempotent
Storing ids into redis sets is idempotent i.e. you can add watcherId1 to the same set multiple times and it will only ever have one occurrence of it. This is nice because it means you don't ever need to check the existence of the relationship and can freely keep adding related ids like they've never existed.
Related: writing or reading to a Redis collection (e.g. List) that does not exist is the same as writing to an empty collection, i.e. A list gets created on-the-fly when you add an item to a list whilst accessing a non-existent list will simply return 0 results. This is a friction-free and productivity win since you don't have to define your schemas up front in order to use them. Although should you need to Redis provides the EXISTS operation to determine whether a key exists or a TYPE operation so you can determine its type.
Create your relationships/indexes on your writes
One thing to remember is because there are no implicit indexes in Redis, you will generally need to setup your indexes/relationships needed for reading yourself during your writes. Basically you need to think about all your query requirements up front and ensure you set up the necessary relationships at write time. The above RedisStackOverflow source code is a good example that shows this.
Note: the ServiceStack.Redis C# provider assumes you have a unique field called Id that is its primary key. You can configure it to use a different field with the ModelConfig.Id() config mapping.
Redis Persistance
2) Redis supports 2 types persistence modes out-of-the-box RDB and Append Only File (AOF). RDB writes routine snapshots whilst the Append Only File acts like a transaction journal recording all the changes in-between snapshots - I recommend adding both until your comfortable with what each does and what your application needs. You can read all Redis persistence at
Note Redis also supports trivial replication you can read more about at:
Redis loves RAM
3) Since Redis operates predominantly in memory the most important resource is that you have enough RAM to hold your entire dataset in memory + a buffer for when it snapshots to disk. Redis is very efficient so even a small AWS instance will be able to handle a lot of load - what you want to look for is having enough RAM.
Visualizing your data with the Redis Admin UI
Finally if you're using the ServiceStack C# Redis Client I recommend installing the Redis Admin UI which provides a nice visual view of your entities. You can see a live demo of it at: